Orion wouldn't get off my back about coming over to visit again. They wanted me to bring Toni--that right there was reason enough for me to decline. Hell to the no. He persisted until told him I would 'discuss it with her.' As long as he thought I was meeting him half way, he let the subject drop. I had no intention of discussing anything of the sort with Toni, until I started towards the kitchen and heard her and Kaylee talking.
"If you want to meet his friends, just ask him." I heard Kaylee say. From the hallway, I couldn't see either of them, but I could hear them clear as day. They thought I was still conversing with Orion.
"I will, when the time is right." Toni said timidly.
She wasn't going to ask me. I could hear the fear in her voice. It bothered me a little, if I was being honest with myself. How were we suppose to build a relationship if we couldn't talk about these things? Was she just going to force everything that was bothering her to the back of her mind until she exploded? I didn't want that.
I walked around the corner into the kitchen, acting like I hadn't just been eavesdropping on them. At least, not their entire conversation. "Time's right for what?"
She flipped around on the stool to face me, moving too fast. She went toppling to the floor, looking up at me like a deer caught in the headlights. Her big blue eyes widened considerably. "To start decorating for Halloween!"
Kaylee gave her an odd look. She bent towards the floor, speaking quietly, but not so quiet that I couldn't hear. "Your window of opportunity is closing--closing--aaaand, it's gone."
Toni sent her a sharp look. "I'll do it, okay. I just.. it's not a good time. The timing has to be just right."
She looked at me then, as if just remembering that I was still in the room. Her pale skin turned a dark shade of red. "To decorate, of course.."
Rolling her eyes, Kaylee hopped off of the stool she was sitting on and started to approach me. "So, when are you going to introduce Toni to your friends? She's just dying to meet them."
I chuckled, offering a hand to Toni. She accepted it, pinching Kaylee when she was within reaching distance. Kaylee flinched, but didn't back down.
I struggled to force the words out. This was something couples did. They met each others friends. They hung out together and all that shit. Toni wouldn't like my friends, they weren't her usual cup of tea. I couldn't help but wonder how she would react to them. Would she turn around and run for the hills? Maybe there was a way I could come off as care-free about her meeting my friends and turn her away from the idea at the same time. Make it seem like she's making the decision to stay away from them.
"Actually, they invited us to come over tonight." I said as casually as I could. I'd been told by a number of people that I was a good liar, but it never felt like I was. My face always felt hot and my voice never sounded right.
Toni glanced at the clock on the stove. "But it's already nine thirty."
This time Kaylee pinched her.
"Ow!" Toni spun around to glare at her best friend. "I mean.. we can go, if you want."
I shrugged, my heart racing nervously. "Nah, let's just stay in and watch a movie. Those guys stay up way too late drinking and playing video games. Tonight won't be any exception."
She blanched, but quickly covered it up. She seemed to take a moment to think about it. Then, her expression changed. She looked up at me and smiled with determination.
Oh fuck.
What have I done?
"We don't have to stay long," she said confidently tying her hair up. "Let's stop over, make the introductions, hangout for a little while and come home."
She turned to look at Kaylee, who was rifling through the freezer. She came out with a small tub of ice cream and a grin wider than the Joker. "Are you coming?"
Kaylee turned slowly, her lips turning down at the corners. "What?"
Toni's smile stretched further until her teeth were almost bared. "Put that away, you're coming with us."
"She is?"
"I am?"
"Of course you are," Toni waved her hand, making a quick break for the hallway. "Don't be ridiculous."
Kaylee opened her mouth as if to object, but Toni was already gone. We stared after her with matching frowns.
"I'm blaming you for this." She said darkly as she returned the ice cream to the freezer.
"For what?" I asked incredulously.
"For robbing me of a perfectly good fucking night of ice cream and The Walking Dead." She grumbled. "I've spent too much time apart from Darol."
Rolling my eyes, I turned and started for Toni's bedroom. The door was closed, so I did the polite thing and knocked.
"I really don't think--"
"I'll be out in just a minute, I'm changing into some different clothes!" She yelled from inside.
I sighed, reluctantly walking to the guest bedroom to get my phone and a hoodie. This was a horrible idea. I never should have mentioned anything to Toni. Maybe there was still time to change her mind. My train of thought came to a halt when I thought of the notebook I'd found. I knelt down beside the bed, retrieving it from underneath.
There was still a chance I was totally wrong about Toni and there was another side to her that she hadn't shown me yet. The things in the closet had proved that.
I flipped open the notebook, curiosity getting the better of me. Toni usually took at least twenty minutes to change when she knew she was going out somewhere. I had a little time to snoop.
Some of the pages had drawings similar to the ones on the front of the notebook. It ranged anywhere from fish scales to skeleton hearts with wings. Then there were pages with little doodles along the edges. Those pages had words written on them.
They were poems, of some sort. I paused on the second one, eyebrows furrowed as I read the words over and over again in my mind.
"Why do you have my notebook?"
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Sawyer's been caught!
If youwatch the Walking Dead, you can tell I'm a big Darol fan. Honestly, when there'd been rumors about him leaving the show, I told everyone I'd stop watching it if he did. I was and still am dead serious. Thankfully! It doesn't sound like that'll be happening any time soon. If you watch The Walking Dead and you're actually reading this unnecessary message, who is your favorite character from the show?
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