I cleaned until I fell over from exhaustion and fell asleep. The house was practically spotless when I woke up to Sawyer shaking my shoulder. He held my ringing phone in hand and an unreadable expression on his face. It could have been apprehension, or concern, or maybe he thought I'd lost my marbles. I wasn't sure.
"I'm fine."
Doubt flashed through his eyes as he extended the ringing phone toward me. I took it eagerly, desperately hoping that it was my best friend. Without even looking at the collar ID, I flipped my old phone open and answered immediately. "Hello?"
Disappointment settled over me like a dark rain cloud when daddy greeted me. As happy as I was to hear from him, I had more important things to do. Kaylee was still out there and I had to find her.
"Are you still there?"
"Yes, sorry daddy--"
He let out an annoyed huffy. "Mr Sterling and I think it would be beneficial for you and his son to attend tonight's charity event."
"We would, but--"
"It's been too long since the two of you were last seen in public." He went on like he hadn't even heard me. "You do understand that the deal is void if you two don't keep up appearances."
Frustration curled it's way around me, it tightened its vice grip until I was near the brink of exploding. "Daddy, look."
"You haven't been seen together since the opening of my new building." He said matter-of-factly. "Princess, I don't mean to push, but Mr Sterling is beginning to doubt your ability to perform."
I tried to rub the tension away between my eyes, but it was going to take a whole lot more than a minor massage. "Okay daddy, text me the details."
That was that.
The last thing I wanted to do was pretend to be the perfect couple when my best friend was missing. Still, it needed to be done. I'd agreed to the terms and conditions, I'd signed the contract.
After explaining the whole thing to Sawyer, we begrudgingly prepared for the charity event--in separate bed rooms. I wondered if we'd ever truly be a couple. Would we ever get dressed in the same room, kiss like the other was air and we couldn't breath? Or was I just a hopeless romantic?
"This is a waste of time." Sawyer said flatly from the other side of my closed bed room door. "We should be out looking for Kaylee."
At some point I knew I would have to come to terms with the fact that Kaylee did not want to be found. Today was not that day. "Agreed."
"So let's make up some excuse and skip it." He suggested.
I opened the door, secretly hoping he would take notice of the way I looked. I still wanted to see his eyes light up when he looked at me. I wanted a once-over, or a double-take. Something.
But he did none of those things. Didn't even spare my dress a glance. It was disappointing to say the least. "How do I look?"
His glance was brief and indifferent. "Fine."
"What's wrong with fine?" He asked.
"Nothing," I walked past him. "It's just the lamest compliment in the world, bordering on insultive."
"Fine isn't an insult," he said defensively, following me into the living room. "An insult would be me telling you flat out that you look horrible."
I shot him a dark look over my shoulder.
He groaned, raking both hands through his hair, displaying more frustration with me than he ever had. "Fine. Fine. You look just great."
My lips curled at the insincerity and even further insult. "Just fine? Just great."
"Why don't you tell me to grow a mustache while you're at it?" I asked sharply, ripping the front door open with all the anger I'd kept pent up. "It's not like you'd notice anyway."
"What the fuck is your problem?" He asked.
Pain stabbed my heart.
Anger pulsed through my veins.
I was just so sick of him never noticing me. Never acting like a proper gentleman and a supportive boyfriend. Fake or not, he agreed to the terms and conditions too. Though I wouldn't put it past him if he hadn't read the fine print.
We didn't talk for the entire drive. Tonight was going to be a disaster, but I couldn't bring myself to apologize.
After Sawyer surrendered the keys of his car to the valet, I snatched his hand and plastered on the brightest smile I could manage.
"You look like you've just undergone facial surgery and your muscles aren't working properly." He said in an all--too--casual tone.
I grumbled under my breath, jerking him in the direction of my friends. "Fake a smile Sawyer, I'm sure you're good at that."
He frowned deeply in response.
"We're a happy couple, remember?" I asked tightly.
He rolled his eyes, dragging his feet across the floor reluctantly. "Couldn't be more in love."