I woke up smiling the next day when I noticed the paint stains on my clothes and the glitter on my hands. Last night was.. My smile widened a little bit, reminiscing over what had transpired. I'd opened up to someone for the first time since middle school. There was something about Kaylee, she was just so easy to talk to. I feel like I can trust her.
Like maybe she would understand me if I gave her the chance.
The bed room lights flickered on and Toni appeared in my line of vision within seconds. She was about to say something, then stopped abruptly when she'd done a once over. Right. How do I explain this?
She leaned closer slightly, eyes narrowed inquisitively. "Is that glitter in your hair?"
"Fuck." I leapt out of bed, rushing to her ensuite bathroom. It made sense now why Kaylee had brushed her fingers through my hair with a smirk on her face. She'd warned me that glitter was nearly impossible to get off. I looked back at my reflection in the mirror, groaning at the sight that greeted me.
"Never mind that," there was an edge to Toni's voice when she stopped in the doorway. "You were obviously with Kaylee, when's the last time you saw her?"
I sighed, taking my fingers through the dark, sparkly pink locks only to realize with horror that I was making it worse. Goddamn glitter was all over my hands. "I think we got back around five."
Her eyes widened incredulously. "In the morning?!"
I flinched at her elevated voice, turning on the faucet to scrub my hands clean. "Give or take."
An unnatural sound came from her throat, it was something like a mix between squeal and wookie. She left the doorway to begin pacing back and forth across the bed room.
Giving up the futile attempt to rid my hands of glitter, I joined her, hoping to solve whatever had her so worked up. "What's wrong? Are you mad--"
She shook her head anxiously, digging out her phone from her pocket only to fiddle with it. "I went to check in on her as soon as I got back from class. She wasn't in the bedroom, I searched the whole house. Finally, I tried to call her. She didn't answer."
"When was--"
She raised her hand, signaling for me to be quiet. "So I messaged her. This time, she replied back."
I took her phone when she held it out. Part of me knew something was wrong, but I wanted to think that Toni was being overdramatic, or Kaylee was just pulling a prank.
I was wrong.
I need some time to myself. I'm sorry Toni, but this isn't something you can fix with bright smiles and optimistic talks about the future. Right now, I just need space. I need something to fill the void that Liam, my mom, my dad, every fucking person I loved that's left.
End of text.
I stared ar the text like it'd been written in another language, when in fact I understood on a deeper level. I read it over and over again, as if the words would change if I read them enough. My own void pulled and stretched, already far too aware of her absence.
"I don't understand."
"You were the last person to see her Sawyer," she said with a hint of hope as she took her phone back from me. "Did she say where--"
"I don't understand," I said shaking my head. I replayed last nights events over again. "She seemed fine."
Toni released the most heart breaking sigh I'd ever heard from her. "Kaylee's the best at pretending everything is fine when in reality, her whole world is falling apart."
My heart wrenched in pain. I clutched my chest, attempting to alleviate the pain.
How long would she be gone?
What would she do to fill the void?
Why didn't she tell me-- why didn't I notice?
"Sawyer?" She snapped her fingers inches from my face impatiently. "Sawyer!"
Her shoulders relaxed a fraction. "I'm going to look for her."
"I'll go with you." Because honestly, I wanted to find Kaylee as much as she did. I had no idea what I would say or do to convince her to come back, or how to help her handle the pain. I just knew that I wanted her back and I'd do whatever she needed.
Toni waited in the living room for me to get dressed. There was still glitter on my hands and in my hair. Paint was still smudged across my face and my arms, but those things could wait. Our number one priority right now was finding Kaylee.
When I stepped into the living room I noticed Toni dusting the coffee table. My brows furrowed in confusion. "Is now really the best time to be cleaning?"
She jumped back in fright, then quickly threw the rag down on the table upon seeing me. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."
We spent the test of the day looking for her, and most of the night. Toni suggested we go back to the house, hoping maybe Kaylee had returned. It was midnight and no, Kaylee hadn't returned. Toni was a bundle of nerves and I was slowly becoming undone. It never occurred to me just how much I cared for her until she was gone. No more arguing over the remote. No more hearing her refer to me as 'eye candy.'
The house felt empty without her.
I felt empty without her.