Things with Kaylee were.. different, to say the least. It was like hanging out with my best guy friend and being attracted to them at the same time. I would catch myself looking at her for no reason, or smiling because I thought of something she said. Every time I told myself I was getting in too deep, I swam out a little further. This was no longer testing the waters. I wasn't exactly in danger of drowning, but I just might be far out enough to lose sight of land.
"Give me the mother fucking remote!" Kaylee all but screamed in my ear.
I flinched but held tight, shoving the device under my chest, which was already pressed against the cushion of the couch. "You'll have to kill me first."
"That can be arranged." She said in a deadly serious tone. She poked and prodded, then tried to forced her hand under my side.
"God dammit, Kaylee!" I yelled out when her knee jammed right into my ribs. Fuck that hurt.
"The remote!"
I twisted my torso when she hit a ticklish spot. Without giving her the time to notice she'd found a weakness, I twisted around so she was now hovering over my chest and I was stretching my arms out as far as they would go. She reached over me, trying to grab it, her ladies inches from my face. Her hands wrapped around my neck when she decided reaching for the remote was too difficult.
"You know," I said, lowering my voice to a husky whisper. "This position wouldn't be so bad if your knee wasn't currently about to take out my member."
She looked down at me apprehensively. "What the fuck are you talking a--"
"I brought back pumpkins!" Toni's voice came suddenly from the opening front door.
Kaylee lifted herself just high enough off of my body to make it look like we weren't in a sexual position, but rather like she was seconds away from strangling me.
Toni gasped, dropping the plastic bag in her hand and the small pumpkin in the other. Both hit the floor, one with a clink--clink and the other with a thump. She rushed over, slapping Kaylee's shoulder. "You let him go this instant!"
Kaylee looked at her with big, pleading and innocent eyes. "But he won't give me the remote."
"Kaylee McKinney, you let him go right now!"
She sighed, reluctantly stepping over the side of the couch until she was no longer on top of me.
Toni gave me an apologetic look before grabbing Kaylee by the crook of her elbow. "Now apologize."
She didn't have to apologize, I wasn't about to complain. Still, seeing the look on her face when Toni demanded that she apologize, was priceless. Her whole face twisted, like she'd tasted something sour.
"Did you say pumpkins?" Kaylee asked, turning around to look back towards the door.
"Oh yeah!" Toni's face lit up. She rushed to the pumpkin she'd dropped, completely forgetting about me and the apology. She picked it up, dusted it off and set it on the counter with a proud smile. "This one right here is mine."
"It's so small."
"Don't worry, yours is much bigger." Toni said. She grabbed Kaylee's hand and lead her outside.
I sighed dramatically, pulling myself up from the couch to retrieve the bag she'd dropped and forgotten on the floor. It looked like a handful of carving tools. I'd always used a kitchen knife when carving pumpkins, nothing special. My family never really made a big deal out of the holidays though, unless it was Thanksgiving. They made a minor deal out of Christmas. Not birthdays or silly celebrations, like Halloween.
The two girls came back, each holding a pumpkin. Kaylee wasn't smiling anymore, it's like a switch flipped and she was back to her heart broken self. At least she looked a little happy to be holding the huge thing that probably weighed more than an overweight baby.
Toni held out the pumpkin in her arms to me like an offering. "This one is for you."
"Thanks," I paused, forcing myself to acknowledge what this was between us. We weren't friends hanging out. This wasn't normal. We were suppose to be dating here. So I tacked on a quick, "Babe."
Yeah, that's so original.
She smiled a little, then rubbed her hands together excitedly. "I thought we could crank up some tunes and start carving!"
Kaylee chuckled, a small smile playing at her lips. "As long as it's not Justin Bieber. Better be weary of him, Toni, you might have some competition for Sawyer's heart."
I wanted to throttle her, or throw her over my shoulder and drag her to the pool. But I didn't. Because she actually smiled.
Toni looked between us strangely. She shrugged, then began spreading out newspaper on the floor. "No messes Kaylee, I mean it this time."
Her words might have held more weight if they'd been directed at me. Or if she'd make Kaylee swear not to take revenge if something were to happen. Because as soon as I was settled on the floor, pumpkin between my legs on the newspaper and the top cut open, I had a fucking amazing idea. And yeah, Toni was probably going to kill me. She might just lose the whole kill-them-with-kindness-and-scoldings afterwards, but it would be worth it. Discarding the top, I took a spoon from the pile of tools Toni had prepared.
I'd barely positioned a heaping pile onto the spoon and in Kaylee's direction when her gaze shot up to meet mine. It was like she had a sixth sense for trouble.
"Try it bitch." She said, holding a finger up in warning. It was covered in slimey orange goo and a single pumpkin seed.
My name barely left Toni's lips when the glob was catapulted directly at Kaylee. She tried to duck, to dodge, anything, but it was too late. I rolled with laughter, watching the pumpkins insides run down her neck and into her shirt.
"You're going to fucking die." She said right before scooping up a huge handful and lunging at me.