'Maybe we should kiss some more?'
How about no?
What happened to taking things slow, preferably at a snail's pace? Maybe I was overreacting. We were suppose to be in a relationship. Overreacting was suppose to be in her department, not mine. It's just kissing and I've kissed plenty of women.
She looped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips gently to mine. It was awkward, even after all this time. I forced myself to wrap an arm around her waist to draw her closer. She stiffened when our bodies collided. Soft. Slow. Could I use the word passionate? It reminded me of that moment Luke Sky Walker kissed Princess Leia, later discovering that they're siblings. I knew there was no chance of Toni and I being related, but that didn't stop the uncomfortable shiver that shook my shoulders.
I pulled back first, wishing my nose wasn't wrinkled in disgust but knowing I wasn't in control of my facial expressions right now. Fuck, I was about to make this a whole lot more awkward.
"I--uh, this doesn't feel right." I said, realizing how that sounded after the words had already tumbled out. "I mean.. not right now. It doesn't feel right, at this moment in time.. For fuck sake, I don't know what to say to make it sound better."
She smiled softly at me, nodding her head. "I think I understand. You can't force passion on someone, it has to be spontaneous, not something planned out."
I'm not sure I liked the sound of spontaneous. Maybe I could add that to the list of rules, or was it already too late? She moved towards the bed, drawing back the covers. For now, I would let that thought sit. We could talk about it more tomorrow, or soon. No point in trying to explain something I didn't have the answer to. So I joined her in bed, sticking close to the edge on my half.
"Couples usually cuddle." Toni said right before she slid across the bed and draped her arm around my waist.
I stiffened, watching off the corner of my eye as she laid her head on my shoulder. Okay.. this is something that should definitely be added to the rules. No cuddling. But how could I reject this when it was clearly something most couples did? Was I being dramatic? Just because I never cuddled when I was with any of the girls in my past? They were hookups, cuddling wasn't expected, nothing but pleasure was expected. Clearly, I knew nothing about relationships. I would need some pointers, warnings and a whole lot of courage to go through with all of it.
We laid in the same position for a long time. Eventually, I could hear her quiet, soft snores. I laid there, contemplating how difficult it would be to slip out of bed and crawl onto the other side without waking her up. Would she be angry if she woke up and I magically appeared to be on the other side?
"Pssst, you awake eye candy?"
I didn't answer the whisper. Instead I held my breath and glanced towards the bedroom door. Kaylee was standing there, the door slightly ajar, dressed in all black. The fuck?
She slipped into the room and sidled up to the edge of the bed I was struggling not to fall off of. "Don't pretend like you're asleep. I can think of some very inventive ways to--"
"I'm awake." I answered quickly.
Her face hovered over mine, lips spread into a mischievous grin. "I'm in need of a partner in crime."
My eyes sought out the neon pink, glow in the dark clock. "It's three in the morning!"
"Your point being?"
"We should be sleeping."
She shrugged. "We can sleep when we're dead."
"Be quiet, you might wake up--" I started to say.
She waved her hand. "Toni could sleep through a zombie apocalypse."
Good to know.
I slipped out of bed, careful to set her head on the pillow. Going off in the middle of the night with Kaylee. Bad idea. Worse, it was one of her plans and those never amounted to anything good. "So what's this crime you need a partner for?"
She hooked arms with me, leading me over to the bedroom door. "Do you remember--"
She paused midsentence, halting in the hallway to give my pajama pants a disapproving frown.
"The fuck are those?" She asked, pointing at them.
I gave a self conscious tug at the waist. "They're some of the only ones I have."
In the dim light of the hallway, I noticed the corner of her lips twitch. "As much as I looked forward to seeing you in boxers again, I'm mildly pleased. Mario cart happens to be my favorite video game."
"Enough chit chat, we have work to do," She said nudging me towards the guest room. "Get dressed in appropriate undercover clothes."
"Which is?"
She gave me a Iknowyou're not dumb, don't act like it look.
All black it is.
When I returned, Kaylee had three black duffel bags on the floor of the kitchen. It occured to me that I really didn't know Kaylee all that well, sure I knew she cursed like a sailor, was fiercely loyal, would die for pizza, favored black and red, played Mario cart.. okay, so I did know her better than I knew most people, but there's always something new to learn about someone. Like just how far is she willing to go down the dark side?
"We're not going to rob a bank, are we?" I asked skeptically.
She chuckled, leaning back against the counter island. "No, something far more interesting."
"Are you going to share?"
"First, where's your phone?"
"Coffee table."
She skipped into the living room, snatching my phone from the table. Next, I assumed she would ask for my password, which I wasn't sure I would voluntarily give her. She didn't ask. Much to my discomfort, she started clicking away against the screen.
"You know my password?"
She didn't answer. "Grab the bags, we're about to cross three people off of my, karma's--a--bitch--list."