While the girls were out grocery shopping, I decided to unpack some of my things. Toni said I could use the guest bedroom for my clothes and we'd figure out the rest at a later time. I was still riding the self-satisfied-train when I opened the closet. All thoughts of knowing Toni had been thinking about me naked completely vanished.
Apparently I'd been looking in the wrong place when I'd searched Toni's room. This closet was full of black and red, tight and lacey clothes. Black leather, thigh high boots. An array of matching, lacey bras and panties.
At the back of the closet, next to the boots, I noticed a chest. It was an invasion of her privacy and she'd probably go all Bellatrix Lestrange on me if she knew.
Or maybe she wanted me to find out? After all, she was the one who told me I could use the guest bedroom. If she'd wanted to hide these things, wouldn't she have gone to greater lanks than this?
Fuck it.
I flipped the latch on the chest, took a deep breath and lifted the lid.
Mother of deception.
Handcuffs, a couple of vibrators, spray paint, lighter fluid.
I got down on my knees to get a better look, to take it all in. It was like my wildest, dirtiest dreams came to life. Even the odd stuff in the chest intrigued me. Like the lighter fluid, what use would Toni have for that? A thick white notebook with intricate drawings on the front caught my eye. I reached in and grabbed it, running my fingers over the ink. The drawings ranged from a tiger, wolves, tribal tattoos, skeleton butterflies and so much more. I started flipping through the pages, wondering just how much of her personality she was hiding from me.
The hinges on the front door always creaked when it was opened. I could hear it now. I slammed the chest shut, closed the latch and shoved it back into the closet. The notebook was still in my hand, I wasn't ready to put that back yet.
I could hear the clank of keys as they were thrown onto the counter. Time was running out. Quietly, I closed the closet, shoved the notebook under the bed and dashed across the room.
I looked up from my stack of card board boxes, my heart racing. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?"
I should have just come right out and said it. I should have told her the truth. But I didn't. Maybe I thought she would be upset with me, that this was too personal, too fast. Or was it me that wasn't ready? If she really was hiding a part of herself, the kind that I was always drawn to, did that mean I couldn't procrastinate over our relationship any more? "Just unpacking."
She nodded slowly, her gaze glued to the boxes beside me. They looked glazed over, lost in thought.
"What's wrong?"
"Would you mind driving me to the police station?"
The request seemed odd, but now that I was looking at her, I couldn't help but imagine her slim body in a red corset and thigh high boots. I wondered how she would look, if her pale complexion would clash with the color or not. Would she be confident, or did she like being told what to do?
Whatever she'd said a moment ago was long forgotten. I was sure it was a question, but it wasn't registering in my mind. The words combined with thoughts of lace and leather rendered my though process useless. "Yeah. Sure."
"Thank you," she said chewing her lower lip anxiously. "I didn't want to bother you, but I hate going there by myself."
Wait. Where?
"Yeah. Sure." The words left my mouth before I could stop them. Before I could worm my way out of this or make sense of what was happening. For fuck sake, I didn't even know where we were going, just that she was walking away from me and I'd agreed to take her some place.
"Merde. Merde. Merde."
Translation: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Get your mind out of the gutter! I ordered myself before rushing after her.
She was waiting in the kitchen, twisting and looping her fingers together. "Are you ready?"
I wish I knew.
Instead I grabbed my car keys and gestured towards the door. "Yes, you'll just have to give me directions."
If we were going some place like her college or her dads building, I was going to look like an idiot. Or the mall. Fuck, I hadn't even considered that as a possibility.
"Of course."
The chances of us going to the mall just doubled.
She rambled off directions once we were seated in the car. Five minutes later, I pulled into the police station. I had an instant reaction of uneasiness, recalling how much time I'd spent here when I was in my teens. I'd stirred up quite a bit of trouble in and outside of school. Enough trouble to be familiar with ninety percent of the officers filing in and out of the station.
Toni slipped out of the car and started for the doors.
I followed after her reluctantly, ducking my head and looking the other way every time I got close to someone going in or out.
She walked to the front desk and greeted the man standing there like they were old friends. "Hi Gary."
Gary, wasn't part of the ninety percent I was familiar with.
The officer nodded in return. "She just can't stay out of trouble, can she?"
"Afraid not."
I tuned out of their conversation when I saw Kaylee. She was seated in a chair beside an officer's desk, her cuffed hands dangling between her legs. My heart skipped a beat like the rush you get as you jump from a high place. She looked good in handcuffs, as fucked up as that sounded.
"She's not pressing charges." I heard Gary say right as the officer standing beside Kaylee began removing the cuffs.
She rubbed her wrists, glaring down at the red marks. "Asshole."
I took a step in their direction without realizing it. They both noticed me at the same time.
The expression on the officers face started out blank, quickly transforming into a deep frown. "Sawyer Sterling, I was hoping I'd seen the last of you."
I flinched at the use of my last name.
I could feel their eyes on me.
Toni's was questioning, soon to be judgmental as soon as she realized why this officer knew me.
Kaylee's dark brown eyes were curious, dissecting my every expression and movement.
I'd been hoping I could conceal my past for a little while longer, if not entirely. That plan might as well have been blown to pieces the moment he said my name.
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Xoxo later bitches!