After the run in with "Lorraine" Toni explained how she knew this mysterious person I've never heard anything about. Apparently, she's Kaylee's cousin. Toxic as fuck and has been in and out of rehab more times than Toni has chastised Kaylee for swearing. I had a hard time believing that last part, but that's what she said. She calls Kaylee every time she gets out, they go out and party and Kaylee falls off the deep end.
"We can't let this happen." Toni said anxiously. She paced back and forth across the side walk in front of the hotel Kaylee's cousin had come from. She chewed on her thumb nail, shooting nervous glances in the direction of the night club Lorraine had mentioned.
"So we get her back."
She looked at me the same way a mother would her child when he doesn't understand why his father won't be coming home to them. "I wish it was that easy, I really do. But this has happened before."
I didn't understand why we couldn't just go get Kaylee already. If we knew where she was going to be, we should be there. We should bring her home. "And?"
She shook her head, stopping her pacing to stand in front of me. "I can't convince Kaylee to come home when she's like this. She won't listen to me. Right now, the alcohol is numbing the pain, it's numbing everything for her. She'll sleep with a different guy every night, she'll dance and party and do drugs. I can't offer her anything that's better than the nothing that she wants to feel right now."
It was like listening to my life story. Kaylee and I had so much in common. The way we droaned our pain in alcohol, sex and drugs. But Toni was wrong about one thing, we do feel things. We feel that light, bubbly feeling after a few shots. We feel the ecstasy of the drugs, we'll believe we're invincible, that we can do anything. And the sex, it fills the void for a short while, so we do it again and again, because we want that void to be filled for as long as possible.
"What if I could get her back?" I asked quietly. I knew that I could, I knew what I had to do.
She gave me an apprehensive look, tilting her head ever so slightly. "You think you can?"
I nodded, inhaling a sharp breath. "I know I can. But you're not going to like the things that I'll have to do."
She was silent for so long that I began to regret saying anything. I should have kept my mouth shut and found another way. But what if there was no other way? I wanted Kaylee to come home, to be okay again. Toni didn't say anything, she didn't voice her opinion or shoot my idea down. She just stood there, staring at the sidewalk, deep in thought.
She reached out and took my hand, her pale blue eyes soft and full of hope. "I said okay. Do whatever you have to do to bring her back. Just promise me you won't fall off the deep end. You'll remember why you're doing this and you'll come back to me in one piece."
"I promise."
She took a deep breath, squeezing my hand tightly. "How long will it take?"
"I don't know.."
She nodded, concern lining her features. "But you'll keep me updated?"
"As often as I can."
I couldn't believe she was doing this, that she would trust me this much. I'd underestimated just how much Toni cared about Kaylee and how far she was willing to go to keep her safe.
"I'll bring her back."
"I know you will." She said so quietly I almost didn't hear her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stared up at me. "You understand her in ways I never could."
My body stiffened when she covered the space between us to press a kiss to my lips.
"Remember your promise." She whispered against my lips.
She turned down the side walk and left, just like that. I stared after her for a long time, thinking about all of the time I've spent with her. Despite our differences and the arguments, she really was a wonderful woman. The kind of person I'd be so lucky to have. The kind of person every guy would want to come home to.
Just not me.
I wanted to want her.
I just couldn't bring myself to.
Instead of going straight to the club, I went back to the house and packed a bag. There was no way of knowing how long it would take, it depended on just how far gone she was. I threw the bag in the back seat of my car, wiped my palms nervously over my jeans and drove to the club Lorraine had mentioned.
I sent a quick text to Toni before shoving my phone into the duffel bag. It was safer here, where I couldn't lose it. This was it. I was finally going to see Kaylee again.
Inhaling a deep breath, I made my way into the club. It was jam packed with people. Music blared so loud the floor and walls seemed to vibrate. I worked my way through the sweaty bodies to the bar. Once there, I ordered a drink and sat back to observe the crowd. It took me less than a minute to find her. Dark hair framing her face, head raised to the ceiling, eyes closed. The black dress she wore clung to all her curves, long legs exposed to just below her ass.
I held the glass of my drink tightly, just watching her.
Lorraine was here, dancing just a few feet away with two guys. There was a sultry smile on her face and a hand on both men. She was my ticket in.
After downing my drink, I went straight for Lorraine. She lifted her head and met my intense gaze as I approached. Excited curiosity stared back at me. She watched me closely, the way I moved, where my eyes went, every curve of my face. I had to play this carefully, or it would all fall apart.
She pushed the two men away gently, curling her arms over my shoulders when I was close enough. Every crevice of her body moulded against mine. Even in high heels, she had to stand on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear. "Hey sugar, I wasn't expecting you to actually come."
Resting my hands over her hips, I began swaying to the beat of the music. "Well I'm here, and I seem to recall you promising me a good time."