I sent a text to my best friend as I pulled my hoodie over my head. ‘Hey wanna hang at the mall today?’ I headed out with a granola bar. Nowadays that's all I ate really. I got a text back. ‘Yeah, sure’ I walked to the mall which wasn’t far from the place I was staying at. *cough* under a bridge *cough* Paris didn’t know that she thought I always went home when my parents were sleeping. I met her at the door, “Hey, hey paris.” I smiled “Hello Kai” She said smiling back “What happened last night? How’d the date go?” I knew about her dates but she never went into much detail. “Well..let's just say he lived and...yeah” She said as she stuttered, “Get any?” I laughed gently elbowing here “And what's the yeah about?” She says a little loud” NO we did not do THAT but he was kind and sweet and FRIENDLY Kai but yeah he’s different from other guys” she says getting quiet “Alright I was just asking. So you gonna see him again?” I say walking into Hot Topic “ I got his phone number so I might call or text him” she says as she follows me “Call him now ask if he wants to hang with us!!!!” I said excitedly “Yeah but I umm….get nervous around him and my heart starts to pound like crazy….is something wrong with me..” she says as she freaks out a little “No nothings wrong YOU ARE IN LOVE!!! Just do it I’m sure he’ll be happy to have another date or whatever.” I say patting her head like a puppy. “Fine” She says, grabbing her phone and texting him “Yay!!” I say waiting for him to respond when her phone alerts her that he's messaged back I ask “what’d he say what’d he say?” “He said yeah but he also wants me to come over for drinking” she says looking up at me “Alright let's go then. Wait wait wait, we need the address.” I say stopping where i’m at “I’ll ask if he’s picking us up and I’ll mention you're coming too” She says as she texts him again
“‘kay hope he is, I don’t wanna walk far.” I say as I start walking towards the exit “Ok he said he’ll be here in like 25 minutes, but should I change what i'm wearing” “No you look fine. Should I change?” I say striking a terrible runway pose. “ No you look great but never do that pose” she says laughing “Why not don’t I look like one of those models.” I say laughing as I start strutting around like I'm in heels. She laughs more falling on her knees “Oh lord are you okay?” I ask helping her up. “ You know I’m never ok, I’m always weird somehow “ she says looking at a car, “ IT HIM” “Okay I feel a little broke to be riding in such an expensive car.” I say a little awkwardly. “I think i’ll walk.”
“ NO please don’t leave me” she says shaking me “Okay, I won’t. But can I tell him anything under ten miles and I can just barrel roll down the street if it gets too awkward?” I say before getting in the car. “Fine..” she stops as she sees him get out of the car,”Oh shit it happening again...HIDE ME” I step out of the way “nope gotta tie my shoe. So I don’t trip..” I say bending down grabbing my laces letting her be in plain view. She acts like shes on the phone with someone as he walk towards us,”HEY, Luke” she says a little loud,” How you doing buddy” she says with a awkward smile and punching his arm and she whispers to me “Fuck I messed that up didn’t I” I smile at her “No but tone it down little alright” I say pushing her closer to him. “Introduce me.” I whisper. “Luke this is my best friend Kai, Kai this is Luke” I hold out my hand
“Nice to meet you luke.” I smile, Luke shakes my hand and says “Nice to meet you too, she talked a lot about you when we were on our date yesterday, so it's great to finally meet you” a look of slight terror flashes across my face. “All good things right?” I say my face becoming a bit red. “ Of course I said good things about you Kai why wouldn’t I” “Those stories from freshman year… And that's all i’m going to say?” “Just things about you” she starts to stare at luke as she blushes a little,”Okay well let's get this show on the road.” Luke shows us the way to the car and opens the door for both of us “ thanks Luke” she says trying not to look at him “Thank you luke.” I say getting into the car
“You got the best boy, paris.” “ Thank but not really into the money Kai” Luke smiles as he gets into the car and says” Then what are you into” he says smiling at me, “ I um..I well.. Um.fuck” she says as she slams her face on her hands,luke laughs a little and picked her head up and smiled more at her “Also paris, I was talking about how he actually opened the door for us. Like none of my dates have done that.” I say to her trying to help with the awkwardness that she was feeling. “ Haven’t I killed some of your dates, I just didn't like none of them” she says looking at me, ”Yeah maybe name a couple names and I'll tell you.” I say smiling slightly Luke starts the car and drives to his place “ Well how about umm..Mike and Chad I think” “Okay chad is one and mike I think he was the dumbass who told me to go kill myself and called me a slut.” “Oh I think I have his head..” she stops as she notices Luke was listening
“Umm So what's your favorite song luke?” I say changing the conversation “ Well I listen to almost everything but I mostly listen to is Never forget you” she looks at him and says “I also like that song” He looks at her a little and smiles more “ That song has meaning if you just close your eyes and listen to it” “Could you slow down to about ten miles an hour please?” I ask getting my bag from the floor. “Yeah, sure,” he says slowing down, I start to open the door “I’ll walk the rest of the way and let y’all have your moment” I open the door fully. Luke says “ You sure” as she says also “ Yeah are u sure” “I broke my fucking arm impressing someone I can handle a little road burn and let you get yourself a boyfriend.” I say placing my leg out the door “Have fun also Paris close the door behind me.” I say stepping out and rolling then stand up and start walking. She whispers to herself ”he left me” and she closes the door.
I text Paris real quick ‘I left you for good reason you were doing good on your own :)’ I wave to her. She waved back and looked down at her hands, Luke started the car again and drove to his place. About fifteen minutes later we all arrived. “So how’d it go paris?” I whisper to her “ I almost fell asleep but it was good we talked and laughed” she says whispering back. “See you didn’t need me. Lets go inside now please.” I say smiling at her “I knew you could do it” luke holds her hand and opens the door to his mansion and we look inside “Oh..my..god..” she says surprised “Um you live here by yourself?” I ask not seeing anybody inside, “Doesn’t it get lonely?” I looked at him concerned “Well he did tell me he had a little brother” I said looking at Luke, “Nah I live with my brother so no I don't live alone” he said as he walked inside, “I was promised booze by Paris so where is it?” I asked jokingly “Follow me” Luke said smiling as he walked us to his bar, Paris yelled “DAMN” I looked wide eyed. “I have no words,” she says.