“I’m just following what her dad told me to do” Paris starts screaming as she cries “Man everyone here has something cool or is some fucking holier than god is. And I’m nothing!!!” “You’re worried about that while Paris is screaming in fucking pain!!!” I yelled a little trying to stay calm “Look here you bastard I can complain about whatever the fuck I want to if it keeps me from opening this god damn door.” She screams back at me “Well right now I’m trying to hold myself together by listening to her father and I’m TRYING SO FUCKING HARD TO STAY CALM AND NOT HAVE A FUCKING BREAK DOWN...it’s already hard enough hearing her scream, you don’t think I want to bust down this door too!!!.....” I start crying a little looking down “YOU THINK THIS IS HARD ON YOU… I’VE KNOWN HER ALL MY LIFE. HEARING HER GO THROUGH THIS IS THE HARDEST THING THAT I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED. I can’t-” She starts to walk off, she starts pushing and kicking on the door “LET ME OUT” she screams more, I start crying more trying to hide my feeling “God….” Kai runs back to the door And falls against it “Paris it's okay, you’ll be fine. Calm down, it doesn’t hurt anymore, just breath.” she speaks with her hand placed to the door. And the crying softens a little. “Just let me out please…..” she cried more “I can’t just hold on it’ll be over in a moment. You won’t even feel anything anymore…” “Pleas-” she starts screaming as she bangs her head on the wall. The fear in kai’s eyes has disappeared and she looks at me and says “You have to let me in there. I won’t get hurt I promise you just have to let me in there.” “Kai..but her dad..” “She won’t get out you just HAVE TO LET ME…She won’t hurt me.” “Fine..” I start opening the door letting her in, when she's in I hear her talking “Calm down Paris, I understand that it hurts. But we can get through this…” “D-Don’t come near me K-Kai….” she stutters “I have to at least grab my hand please” “I-I don’t trust myself..” “Then Trust me, You won’t hurt me…” She says taking a couple of steps towards Paris. Paris starts backing up into the wall “But what if I do hurt you…” “I’m a big girl Paris, I can handle it.” Paris walk-ups to Kai a little. Kai places Paris’ hands to her face “Look into my eyes… It doesn’t hurt anymore…” Her hands start twitching a little “N-No..” “Continue looking into my eyes and don’t look away…” Suddenly there's a flash of light that fills the room as Kai knocks on the door. “Let me out luke.” I started opening the door slowly. She stepped out slowly. I saw Paris and started to close the door “NO I have this just chill.” When I saw Paris calm down by Kai I started feeling like a bad boyfriend for not at least trying to help her, “I’m going to look away Paris, but you have to promise me that you’ll breathe and stay calm okay.” she nodded, as she did I started to walk away going outside “DON’T OPEN THAT FUCKING DOOR.” “I’M NOT” I yelled as I went to the couch, she turned around but still had Paris’s hand in hers “Go see him.” She softens her voice “Ok..” Paris let go of her hand walking towards me “What’s wrong Luke” “Nothing, nothing I’m fine” I started looking down as she sat in front of me “Luke did my dad tell you..” “Yeah, he did...I should have been the one to calm you down at least…” I look up at her as she wipes my tears “It's fine you were just doing what my dad said, I understand you didn’t know what to do, I can’t even control me.” she said smiling a little “You’re fortunate to have Kai she cares for you a lot” “I know, but you also care for me” “I really do...it getting late you should go to sleep” I said getting up “Your not sleeping with me” “I will I just need air, so I’ll be back ok” “Ok” I kissed her on the cheek leaving the house.
I follow Luke out of the house. “Don’t feel bad sometimes there's nothing you can do.” “I know, look I’m sorry for yelling at you” “You don’t have to be I was being a bitch. I deserved it…” I laugh slightly. “Yeah sure, but we were both worried about Paris, I should have at least tried helping out also..” “You were doing what you were told. I only did that because fuck the rules my best friend is in trouble I will die trying to help her.” “I should start learning more from you seen and You are a great friend” he laughed a little “Yeah thanks, but I almost always piss her off because I push and push and tell her that she needs to calm down. And you sit there and listen to her.” I smile and pat him on the back “I couldn’t have asked for her to get a better boyfriend.” “Thanks, Kai” “You’re very welcome.Now get your ass back in there and go help her get to sleep…” I smile and push him into the house. “I was about to go to the store to get stuff” “Alright what do we need I’ll go get it now then get in there and go lay with her!!” I say with urgency to my voice. “Ok, ok” he goes in picking her up and taking her to her room. I start the car and run inside dragging Blake out and heading to the store. Staying gone appropriately for two hours and walking into the house. “We’re home with groceries. Put your clothes back on” I laugh to myself, Luke goes downstairs “One we didn’t fucking had sex and two Paris finally fell asleep” “Alright well I didn’t even say it that loud and Um help we gotta cook something for Paris's big awakening type thing. Is that what it's called?” I ask “I don’t know, Blake you been quiet” “Uh yeah just a little shocked. Can’t we normally sense shit like that…?” “There could be more stuff she is hiding or her dad hasn’t told her yet” “Yeah. True but what do we do about this?” Blake said sitting in a chair and crossing his legs “I don’t remember half the shit dad taught me about how to control myself. Do you?” “Why would you ask me? I never even listened to a word he said really” “I don’t know maybe, cause you have a better memory than me.Plus I didn’t listen to him either.” Blake laughs “Maybe we should consult with you know who.” “I just need Paris to start telling all of us the truth instead of hiding her past..” I start to speak up. “You know she trusts us but she’s not gonna out and openly say it.” “Yeah, I can’t force her to tell me everything I just got to wait until it happens” “Yeah,” “What should we do until the food is finished...well yall wanna play truth or dare?” “Sure why not. Since it's your idea you go first.” “Ight, but it normal, or dirty” “Fuck it let's do dirty.” “ Truth or dare then Kai” “Truth… I’m gonna regret this aren’t I?” “What's one dirty thought you ever had about Paris” “Shit umm well I’ve thought about it a lot and um I’m not a very dominant person but uh slamming her against the wall and just uh well… Can’t finish the thought.” “Well, umm your turn to ask” “Truth or dare Luke?” “Truth not in a daring mood” “Alright um what's a kink or fetish that you have that isn’t normal?” “Well with Paris when she had her glasses on and she pushed them up I just thought that was cute and for some reason hot” “okay.” “Blake truth or dare” “Dare…” “I dare you to go tickle Paris” “She is gonna kill me.” He says walking off and upstairs to Paris's room. “Why would you do that you diabolical fiend.” I laugh. “I want him to see what happens” I hear running down the stairs as Blake sits down next to us. “I FUCKING HATE YOU!” “BLAKE I WOULD FUCKING KILL YOUR UGLY ASS” she says coming down the stairs with a bat. “Shit, blame him…” He says pointing to Luke. “Don’t kill me..” “I thought you were gonna kick his balls really” ”WELL NOW I’M CLOSE TO KICKING YOURS” “Paris wanna join in we’re playing truth or dare.” “Fine” she sits next to me “You're not sitting next to me” “NO because I WAS HAVING GOOD SLEEP FOR ONCE” I pat her head “Calm down boo. It was Blakes's turn to ask someone.” I smile “Paris truth or dare?” “Dare I guess” “I dare you to tell us what the dirtiest thing that Lukes has ever done to you.” “Oh easy, fuck me in the kitchen” “Alright, well um your turn.” He says, shaking his head a little. “Can I get skipped” “Uh sure who do you want to take your turn?” I ask “You can Kai” “Alright Luke truth or dare?” “Truth again” “Boring person. Who was your first time with?” “A girl named Megan” “Oop okay.” “Ight Paris truth or dare” “Dare” “Ok, I dare you to kiss Kai right here” “HELL YES!” I scream and lean in taking her by the hair and pulling her mouth to mine. “Damn,” Luke said, surprised and laughing a little. I pull away “Good enough?” “Ask Paris,” he said looking at her while she turned red “T-T-That just..what..oh fuck..” I smile “What?” “T-That came out of nowhere!” “I mean whatever. Did you like it?” “Well..yeah” “Okay your turn again.” “Well, Blake truth or dare” “Uh truth” “Have you ever thought about kissing me also” “No not really, I just I don’t like you like that.” “Ok, ight your turn then” “Kai… Truth or dare.” “MMMM Truth.” “Alright have you ever had impure thoughts about my brother..” I think for a moment “Not intentionally.” I say then look at luke “DARE OR DARE…. Bitch you don’t get a fucking option anymore.” “Damn, I’m not about to cuss at you since Paris or here, but dare then” “Alright I dare you to strip down to one article of clothing I don’t care which.” I say nudging Paris with my elbow “This is for you.” “This is why I don’t do dares” “DO IT!” I scream. “You know what I’mma cheek on the food” He gets up rushing out the room “Fucking pussy!” I laugh. “I would do the same thing really, yall not about to see me naked.Fuck that, so since he ran out.” “Nah, Kai truth or dare” he walks back in “Dare motherfucker.” “I dare you to go fuck Paris” “WHAT!!!” “I’ll do it right here and now and let you watch.” “NO, YOU AIN’T!!!” “Oh okay then… I figured you would want to since she is yours.” “No, ok I do, just not here Kai at least in a room” “Then follow me young one.” I laugh leading Paris to the bedroom. “I’mma die ain’t I” “No not at all. Lay down!” I demand as we reach her bed. She lays down “Yell at me again I’ll kill you later” “Fucking do it, little girl.” I say in a low growl. “You know what's funny about you” “What?” I brush her hair behind her ear. “When you try to scare me you know you don’t mean it” “And how do you know I don’t mean it.” “In middle school, I took some of your food and you said you were gonna fuck me up, but you never did” “Well I mean it was a couple of years later but I did fulfill one part of what I said I did fuck you.” “Mhm” “Now enough talk..” I say kissing her and running a cold hand up her shirt. She starts shaking a little as I do “Aww what’s wrong I haven’t even started with anything.” “S-Shut up” “No” I smirk wrapping my hand around her throat. She turned her head looking away. I force her to look at me “Look at me!” she looks at me, I kiss her and slowly unbutton her pants. She kisses me back, closing her eyes, I pull away and rub my thumb against her lip. I move down her body and lick her waistline. She bites her lip leaning her head back a little “You like this, don’t you. I might have to give Luke some pointers if you do.” “I-I do..” “Oh okay.” I start to rub her through her panties that are already wet. “We haven’t even been doing this for long and you’re already soaking wet. It won’t take long to make you cum then.” “Shut up, I can play hard to get, even though I can get weak easily.” “Oh play hard to get I dare you. I’ll just make it that much harder for you to keep calm and quiet” “Try me” I move her panties out of the way and start to lick her clit slowly and teasingly. She bites her lip more trying not to moan, “Oh come on let them hear you I want them too.” “F-Fine” “Good girl.” I say starting to lick faster. She moans a little loud “Louder.” I say sticking my finger into her. She moans louder. I use my other hand to pat her on her head. “Good… Now just a little louder.” She starts moaning even louder screaming a little “What's my name, baby girl?” I whisper letting my warm breath tickle her ear. “M-Mommy” “Are you going to cum from mommy?” I say licking faster and moving my fingers in and out of her faster. “Y-Yes,” she says as she moans much louder. I laugh a little sending a slight vibration through her body. She starts cumming, leaning her head back more while the drool goes down her neck. I raise my body up to where I'm hanging over her and smile “You dirty girl go clean yourself up.” I laugh and stand up fixing my top and combing through my hair with my fingers. She cleans up “Where are my shorts at Kai” “Somewhere on the floor.” She looks around seeing them as she bends over getting them “you wanna head back downstairs food should be done.” “Sure,” she says as she puts them on. I wipe my mouth and head downstairs and look around the living room. “ We’re done.” “My legs kinda hurt..” Paris mumbles “Good.” I whisper to her. “You guys had fun” Luke laughs a little “We could you moaning Paris” I sigh “Ahhh Perfect. I’m gonna brush my teeth before we start eating though. So go ahead and tell him Paris.” I say walking upstairs. She sits on the couch by Luke puts her head on his shoulder “My legs hurt..” “I’m sure they are” he laughs more kissing her forehead,
“Is the food ready?” I asked one of the boys “Uh yeah actually. I’m just about to start plating.” Blake says “Finally I don’t know why I haven’t been trying to eat in days” “Might’ve been the demon in you. Because we only have to eat about once a week.” “Anything else I need to know about this demon shit” Kai comes back downstairs “You’ll grow horns…” “What..” “Don’t listen to her, that's not true.” “This is why I don’t learn new shit” “Shorty you will be fine, you have two demons to help you through this ok” “Ok…” “SO uh food can we please eat?” “Yeah it ready” Luke said helping me up and to the table, he sat me down sitting next to me,”I’m sorry I well I mean I did mean to make her have to have help walking but uh I'm gonna stop talking. But my apologies Luke.” “It's all good, but you better had treated her right” “Well lets just say if she has a handprint around her neck it's not mine…” he lifts up my neck “Were you fucking choking her or something!!!” he yelled “NO she didn’t Luke” “Then why the hell is this shit purple!!!” “I didn’t hurt her. She could still breath.” Kai rolls her eyes. “You sure you’re ok princess” “Yes I’m fine I promise, I just wanna eat so can y'all come to the table already” I said lifting my head down. Kai sits down and smiles at me. I look down and start to eat “You ok Paris” Luke asked “Yeah just hungry” “so uh trip to Japan you never told us how that went.” “It was good” “You thought any girls were cute” I mumbles “No because I already have you” Luke answers smiling at me “How about you Blake was it fun for you?” I asked him “Oh uh yeah It was very fun. I got lost twice…” I laugh a little and ask “You been really qui Blake you ok?” “Yeah I’m fine just a lot going on in my head right now…” he blinks and looks around for a second. “You wanna talk about it to get some of it off your mind?” “Just a moment the voices their all talking at once” “What type of voices like deep ones” “I don’t...I can’t focus.” Tears start to run down his cheeks “B-Blake I’ll stop talking…” I said as I started eating again “N-no… You Don’t have to, it was helping. They quiet down a bit when someones talking continue. Please.” He says as he brings his hands to his head. “Well is there anything else I need to know about being a demon?” “Um yeah, Sometimes it's hard to control yourself in situations” “Like today in my room” “Yeah, exactly like that.” “Why did that happen though” “It was the demon inside of you awakening and becoming a part of you.” “I don’t know why I ask this but if I’m weak will it take over me?...” “Yes It can that's why you must stay in control at all times. Luke can elaborate on my stupid moment when I nearly lost control and nearly killed myself.” “For some reason I was banging my head on the wall” “Yeah we heard it was your body trying to stop the pain.” “Will anything change about me” “No not much except you’ll live longer.” “How come my dad died then he’s fully demon” “You see demons are almost completely immortal unless stabbed with something called an angel blade of which only angels can possess.” “But my dad got shot so any other weapons that could have killed him?” “Um if they would’ve enchanted a steel bullet then yeah that will” “Since there demons here that also means there angles right” “Oh absolutely” “Are angles bitches” “On occasion yes, Horrible vile creatures..” “I remember killing one when you went to meet him” Luke said, including himself in “Yeah you did… if you didn’t come I would have ended up raped…” I stopped looking down at my finished plant “Hey it fine that's the past and this is now ok” Luke said lifting my head up slowly. “Anything else I need to know” “Don’t ever talk to one of those disgusting bastards again I find out you did. I’ll kill ya.” “Ok ok.How late is it, it feels like an hour or two” “15 minutes since we started this conversation. You dumbass whore.” “Why the fuck you calling me a dumbass and a whore for Blake!!!” I yelled, Kai reaches over the table and slaps Blake “God damn. If anything I should be the one being called a whore she's been nothing but loyal.” She snaps “W-what? What did I do?” He asks “I’mma go to bed” I get up and walk upstairs “Yeah I’mma go with her,” Luke says as he follows her to her room closing the door “Sleep on the goddamn couch. Asshole.” Kai murmurs and heads to the guest room.
I set down on the couch. ‘You’ll never amount to anything.’ Another voice in my head says. “What did I do to deserve this…” I start hearing footsteps and see Paris coming down the stairs sitting in front of me “Hey I know you didn’t mean that stuff you said to me…” “I don’t even know what the hell I said it was like I blacked out.” “Is it the voices again, you can tell me” “yeah, It is and I can’t fucking get rid of them.” “Do you need help or anything” “I don’t know what would help. Unless you have some heavy drugs for me to take.” “I might have some, come” she gets up and walks in the kitchen. I follow her into it and sit on the counter. She pulls a key out her hair “Don’t ask why I had that in my hair” she says as she unlocks it and hands me a bottle “There” she closes it and locks it again “Is that good enough” “Should be..” I say shaking a couple of pills into my hand and toss them in my mouth “I hope so at least.” “You need anything else” “Vodka?” She goes in the pantry and grabs a bottle “Here” “Yeah thanks I’m going to get drunk then Pass the fuck out….” “Want me to join you I can’t sleep” “ I mean if you want too.” I say handing her the bottle after I take a large swig. She takes a long sip starting to get drunk a little “Wow I never thought I would get drunk with you?” “I never really gave a shit” she puts her head on the counter drinking more. I pull my phone out and turn on some music. “ I mean I don’t either, it's just I don’t drink in front of many people.” “I think I got drunk at school once” “Holy shit, were you the one who fucking stood on the table and screamed some random shit. I don’t remember what though.” I laugh “I think it was” she stops and thinks “What’s up hoes and sluts I just got wasted!!!” “Holy fuckkkkk I remember that. I laughed my ass off.” I jump off the counter “have you seen my hoodie?” “No, Kai could have it, I’m not sure” “Damn there was something in it I wanted but it’ll have to wait. You want some ice cream?” I ask, grabbing my keys. “Aren’t you drunk?” she asked walking towards me “No I have a very high tolerance for alcohol.” “Lucky I’m kinda drunk right now” “Well you coming.” I say walking towards the door. “Ok” she opens the door. I drive to the closest store and park the car. “Okay, one rule though, you can buy whatever you want with the exception of anything awkward.” I say getting out. “Ight!!!” She walks in the store going in different directions “We meet back here though.” “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” she starts riding in a shopping cart around the store. “Oh lord, So uh what do you wanna get first?” She starts the cart “More drugs and candy” “Fuck Yeah” I say walking with my hands in my pockets behind her. She skips to the candy “You get the drug, I get the candy” “Alright.” I walk back to the pharmacy to fill my prescriptions. And I grab a bunch of allergy medications. Then walk to the candy aisle. “Okay I got some.” “You paying” “Yes, I am.” “Do I owe you anything then?” “Hell no, You don’t” “KK” She skips to the check out putting the candy there “24.99” The cashier says “Alright sure” I hand him a 50 “Back home we go” she grabs the bags skipping out of the store. I started the car and drove home. “We have to be quiet going in” “What time is it?” “Midnight..” “Yeah they dead a sleep” she said opening the door slowly “Yeah but we don’t want to wake them up.” I say walking into the kitchen. Paris follows with the bags “What you get” she asked handing me the bags “Just some allergy meds and chips” I say unpacking the bags and pulling the things out “What's the allergy meds for thought?” “The things they put in them makes you groggy and has a numbing effect on the mind. It also gets you high pretty much.” “Oh ok” “Yeah, I learned that at a very young age.” “I got drunk when I was four because of my mom…” “Well, thats fucked up… Um where do you keep the glasses?” She climbs on the counter and opens a cabinet “Here” she hands me one “Thanks love.” I say and fill it up with vodka “Hey what candy did you get?” “Oh I just got everything” “Oh okay so sour patch kids were gotten. Also I should have a monster energy in that bag.” I say pointing. “Can you help me down” “Oh shit yeah. Sorry” I say grabbing her hips and placing her on the floor “Thank you” “No problem.” My hands are still on her hips and I start to lean in. She looks at me “Woah woah woah, umm what are you doing?” “Nothing I am sooo sorry.” I back away and go back to making my drink. “It’s fine, but I already have two people fucking me I’m not sure I would need my boy friends brother and my best friends boyfriend fucking me too” “You wouldn’t… Uh could you hand me that.” my ego just kind of deflated. She hands me the candy and the monster “Thanks uh would you like some.” “Sure” she sits on the counter. I make her one and hand it to her. “Thank you” “Your welcome. I’m kind of obsessed with stuff like this.” “I like how it looks, and I thought that you could ask me questions since I asked a tone of them at dinner” “No I’m fine, it didn’t really bother me when you were asking them.” She drinks some of it “Oh fuck that’s sour” “Yeah it’ll get better just keep drinking.” I say tipping her glass upwards and drinking my own. She finishes “Oh fuck…….why do I see rainbows…?” “I don’t fucking know its never had that effect on me.” I laugh “I need more” “Alright” I say fixing us both another one. “Lukes gonna fucking kill me” I say “No he won’t it’s my choice I made” “Yeah well i’m suppling you with it” I hand her the drink. “Because I asked for it” “I’m not supposed to give into you asking for alcohol.” “If he could let Kai fuck me he would let me drink this shit” “Actually this is terrible for your liver.” I laughed and chugged what was left of my drink. She started getting a headache after finishes her drink “Oh fuck…” “Take this… Another reason I got the allergy medication.” I say handing her a couple of pills. She takes them drinking water “That feels better a little...thanks again” ”Your welcome…” “I still see rainbows, am I drunk” “Yeah I’d say so we should probably get you to bed.” I say putting her arm over my shoulder. “I’m fine Blake,don’t worry” “I don’t want you getting hurt or anything.” I say letting her go “I’ll be fine I've been hurt many times, see” she lifts up her shirt a little showing scars “Those are glass cuts” “From WHAT!!!” I scream, she covers my mouth “I got these when I was younger my mom threw a glass cup at me because I was gonna tell my dad on her for cheating and then she just abused me the rest of the night……..” “What the hell? My dad never found out about my mother cheating but always suspected it.” she puts her shirt down moving her hand “Thats fucked up Paris you shouldn’t have been through that.” she lifts up her hair from her forehead “This was when she tried cutting open my head...she was always trying to kill me for some reason when she birthed me…..” she says putting her hair back down “She tried to kill you? That fucking bitch..” I murmur “They got a divor when I was 10...all she did was blame me...my dad took care of me my whole life...even my first period….I don’t know how he did it….even if I did get everything I wanted I never got love from my mom…” “I’m sorry..” I say hugging her close “I-It’s fine…I’m fine…” “You never got the love you deserved that is not fine.” “Well I just lived with thinking it was….” “It wasn’t nothing like that is fine. Especially the abuse..” “The abuse wasn’t the only thing….when my dad went to work she would get different guys to pay her to rape me………” she start crying a little “I was only six!!!” she yells a little crying more. I pull her closer “It's okay you don’t have to worry anymore. I promise we’ll protect you.” she starts crying in my shirt “It’s okay… it’s fine, calm down.” I say rubbing the back of her head. “Soon she came back and broke into the house trying to kill me when I was asleep...s-so I grabbed one of my dad's guns and shot her like seven times…….I KILLED MY OWN MOM!!!....” she sobs more in my shirt “You did what you had to do sweetie. She was trying to harm you.” I say slightly freaking out that her being this loud would wake someone up and that I wouldn’t be able to calm her down. “I’m sorry I’m being loud and crying right now……” she mumbles “It's fine, you're upset I understand.” I say wiping her tears away. “I’m sorry about your shirt…” “It's fine I don’t care.” I say unbuttoning it and taking it off, she started blushing a little as she watched and looked away a little “Sorry um I can put it back on if you're uncomfortable” “N-No it fine” she said walking back in the kitchen for water. “Hey uh if you're up for it we could play a game or something to lighten the mood.” “Sure” she said, finishing the water, walking to the couch, “What game is the question.” I stand and walk to the box of games she has. She sits on the couch “What games are there I haven’t played most of them in a while” “monopoly, twister, sorry, and clue.” “We can play twister” “Alright don't try feeling on me or anything.” I laugh while getting it out. “Good sir I will beat you in this fucking game” “come on shorty… You could barely make it past right hand red.” “Try me bitch” “ Alright…” I start to set it up “You wanna go first.” She ties up her hair “Ight” “Spin the spinner already.” She spins it getting left foot green as she did she puts her left foot on green. I spin and get right foot blue, I put my foot on the blue. She bends over spinning it again getting right hand on red, putting her right hand on red “And as you see my right hand is on red” she laughed “Bitch no really?” I asked spinning the spinner and getting left hand yellow.I placed my hand on the spot which leaves my face close to hers. I try to back away a little without moving my hand. She spins getting right foot on red “Shit..” she slides down doing the splits “I knew being on the cheer team would help in life” “OHHH you were on the cheer teammmm.” I ask spinning the spinner. I got right hand green and then placed my body in a half ass back bend. “Yep, but the girls were sluts there” “Oh you weren’t” “I didn’t twerking in front of the football team” she said while spinning it getting left hand green as reached for the color with her left hand “They did that fuck I must’ve missed it then.” I say hinting that I was on the football team. “So you would have enjoyed them doing that” she said looking at me “What male wouldn’t.” I say almost falling down. She rolls her eyes looking away “I wasn’t the type to watch the cheerleaders.” “Mhm, can you just take your turn already” I spin the thing again and instead of paying attention to it I say “hmm My lips right here.” I kiss her very gently, as I did she didn’t really kiss back but didn’t move away. I slowly laid her down on the floor and broke the kiss with a smirk on my face. “W-What are you doing?” she stuttered a little “Playing a different game..” “And what game is this.” “Um It doesn’t have a name or any rules.” “Ok then but how do we play” “Anything goes it doesn’t matter how you play.” I say kissing her neck. “A-Are you sure we should” “Only if you want too.” “F-Fine” I look into her eyes. “Why are you stuttering?” Kissing her neck again I slowly rubbed her back. “I’m not” “Yes you were don’t lie to me.” She turns her head away “do you not like me doing this?” I move down her collar bone. She mumbles in a shy way “I do..” “Don’t be shy with me.” “I’m not shy” “Then why did you mumble the way you did.” I lick her neck and down her chest. “Because I can” “What did you just say?” “Because I can” she repeats herself “No you can’t” I whisper into her ear and pull a little of her hair.