“I’m still gonna need you and Blakes's help I’m not ready for a child either” “NONE OF US ARE YOU FUCKTARD.” SHE SCREAMS “I’m 16 years old I can barely take care of myself. A kid running around will make everything so much harder.” “So you won’t fucking help your best friend...that's fine it not then fucking leave if you don’t wanna help!!!...” Kai collapses “It’s not that I don’t want to help I don’t know what the fuck to do I’m so scared.” “How do you think Paris feels Kai, were all scared and Paris is the one that has to deal with it for 9 MONTHS” “DON’T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT. I’VE READ SO MANY STORIES ABOUT MOTHERS DYING WHILE GIVING BIRTH, SHE IS SO FUCKING SMALL. IT’S NOT SAFE, I DON’T THINK THAT SHE SHOULD GO THROUGH THIS!” I start hearing them yelling and what they say as I get out of the car slowly “I can die……” “NO THE FUCK YOU CAN’T PARIS.” “JUST STOP FUCKING YELLING OK GOD I’M SCARED ENOUGH I DON'T WANNA STRESS OUT MORE GOD FUCK….” I cry more as I run across the street, Blake runs after me. “Dumbasses, Are you okay Paris?” he says. I run more trying my best not to fall “Paris calm down…” He says I slow down and stop turning around to look at Blake with tears running down my face “I’m not ok Blake!!!....” “Look I know this is hard and you're freaking out but you need to calm down. Stress isn’t good for the baby.” “I’m scared….what if I can die……” “Look That's not going to happen, you're healthy and as long as you treat your body right during pregnancy then you’ll be fine. The odds of you dying while giving birth are slim.” “But how can I even calm down...Kai and Luke are yelling...Kai yelling at me...I start yelling...Luke scared also...like everything is all over the fucking place…” I start shaking as I walk around thinking more “Look they're worried I’m worried. Kai didn’t mean to yell at you like that. The only reason they are reacting this way is that their brains haven’t processed what this means just yet.” “Tell them I’m walking home…” I said as I walked off again “You're not walking home alone. Are you crazy?” “Yes, I am” I smiled at him looking away as I kept walking “God damn you woman you’re not walking home alone you could get hurt.” He says walking after me “I’ll be fine” “After what I just saw then no you won’t be fine.” “Blake I’ll be fi-” I stopped as I threw up again “See, I’m walking home with you.” “F-Fine” I walk beside him as I get dizzy again. He wraps his arms around me to keep me steady. “How close we to the house?...” “about 15 blocks which is roughly a mile.” “God I’m a dumbass...I’m sorry I dragged you with me” “It’s fine I could use the exercise.” My feet start hurting as I try to act like I’m fine “How big would my stomach get?” “Um well with that I can’t give a definite answer it all depends on how fast the baby grows and how much growth hormone is being produced in the womb.” “Do you think it would be small like me” “Maybe but it's hard to say?” I start seeing my house as I run towards it “FINALLY” “Hey slow down you could fall.” He says in a worried tone. I unlock the door going into the house laying on the couch “I’ll get you a cool rag to put on your head.” He says walking to the bathroom. “Ok” I turn to my side facing the pillows, closing my eyes to calm down, he returns with the rag and lightly places his hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at him trying to put on a smile “Oh rest don’t worry about faking a smile for me. You need to rest.” I laugh a little “I’m not tired” I lie a little “Don’t fucking lie to me Paris, I know that you’re tired you just walked a fucking mile.” “Fine” I start to my side again falling asleep a little. He sits on the floor in front of me. “Night, Paris.” “Blake” I mumble “Yes, sweetheart?” “Can you sleep with me?” “ Yes of course.” He says climbing onto the couch and wrapping an arm around me. I fall asleep, he soon falls asleep rubbing my head.
While I was driving it was mostly quiet in the car since I was with Kai after our fight. “Where did you think Blake and Paris went?” I asked her “Home more than likely I mean I did yell at her. So she probably went to the place she hardly ever goes so we wouldn’t be able to find her.” “Should we try her house first at least” “That's where she's at.” I drove towards her parking the car as I got out, running to the front door standing in front of it “Do you think she mad at us…” “Probably…” I start backing away from the door a little “How am I supposed to be a dad when I can’t even make Paris happy…..” “You make Paris happy all the time whenever you’re around her she smiles like never before. You make her happy without even doing anything.” “Ight…” I open the door seeing Paris asleep with Blake, “Looks like he beat me...I’ll be upstairs” I start walking up to the guest room laying on the bed thinking about the future “Hey uh mind if I join you?” “Sure” “Okie Dokie.” She follows me upstairs. “What am I supposed to do….what should I do to help Paris…” “I don’t know support her in everything and make sure she’s comfortable.” “Would you help her too” “Of course I would, she's my best friend.” “What should I do to make it up to her” “If I were you I’d get her a trip to the spa.” “Yeah, that might help her get something off her mind at least” “Yeah it would, and book a back massage.” “Ight” “So um what are we supposed to do now?” “I was gonna go to sleep” “Oh uh I can leave,” she says, starting to walk out. “Kai if you want you can sleep with me” “Are you sure?” “Yeah, also I’m not used to being alone while I sleep. I know it's sad to say” I laugh a little “It's fine, I understand.” she says sitting on the edge of the bed then laying down. “Kai you wanna cuddle at least?” “Absolutely!” I held my arms out as I stayed laying down. She brings her body close into my arms, I hug her as I fell asleep. She buries her head into my chest and falls asleep. Three hours later Paris and Blake come upstairs looking at us as Paris starts taking pictures. “Why is this cute” Paris mumbles to Blake “I don’t know but it's adorable. You have to send me those pictures.” “I already did” she laughs a little “Hell yes.” Kai rolls over and off the bed.“Oop” Paris falls on the floor laughing “Ow, I’m in pain.” Kai whines. Paris starts laughing more “Shut up, I think I broke a rib.” Kai says, laughing, “So, what did you and Luke do?” Paris smirk trying to hold in her laugh “Nothing” “Another question” “Yes.” she said, rolling her eyes. “Are there pickles” “What? I think so. What?” “Where are they” “In the fridge, why do you need pickles?” She goes downstairs to the fridge sitting on the counter eating them “Okay, whatever.” I start waking up seeing Kai on the floor and Blake near the door “Morning!” Kai says “One...two...where's Paris…” I mumble “Eating.” “Eating what no one made breakfast?” “Bitch no, I was asleep.” “Then what is she eating!” “Pickles…” “Wh-...oh” “What it's better than candy or anything like that.” Blake speaks up. “She pregnant dumbass so she gonna eat weird shit like that” “I fucking know that I was wondering why you reacted like that.” I get up walking past him to go to Paris.I walk to her “Hello wifey” “Hey baby” I kiss her sitting next to her “You taste like pickles” I laugh “I know” she eats more as she leans her head on my shoulder “So how was your sleep last night with Kai” she asked “It was good but she wasn’t you, you would drool in your sleep” I laugh more “I do not drool!!!” “Yes, you do Paris.” Kai says walking downstairs with Blake. “No the fuck I don’t” “I woke up with a wet spot on my sleeve. Yeah, you kind of do. It's cute.” Blake mumbles. Paris looks at Blake and smiles “Thanks Blake” “You’re welcome.” “Princess everything you do is cute” “That’s like saying me killing people is cute” “That’s because it is” I smile at her “Whatever” “Mhm” I kiss her forehead “I love you all” Paris says “I love you too,” I tell her back “We love you too Paris.” Kai says with a smile. “I’ll be on the couch sleeping again,” she says while leaving the kitchen and going back on the couch sleeping. “Alright.”