“I’m sure he would understand but if not you know I’m here to deal with him” “I know… But what if this messes up everything like I do every time.” Tears start to flow down her cheeks “Don’t say that Kai you know he loves you and he knows you love him” I said wiping her tears “But you can’t deny that I fuck everything up... “ “No Kai it’s my fault I should have told you no don’t blame yourself” “It's not your fault. And you know that… Who was it that got us suspended that one time and every other time? ME, not you… YOU’RE PRETTY DAMN CLOSE TO PERFECT. If I hadn’t come around everything would be so much better for you.” “KAI DON’T EVER SAY THAT…… I love you Kai and I don’t know what I could do without you really….even if you did get me in trouble, you always made me happy and you were always there for me. You were even there for me when I had my first period when my mom didn’t want to help!...” I said crying “And you were there when I was beaten so badly I could barely breathe.” she says, wiping her own tears and tries to smile. “Kai I love you so much and if Blake doesn’t understand that..then he’s not the one..it's hard to say that but I don’t want him hurting you once he comes back…” “Yeah you know what you're right. If he doesn’t understand then fuck him right?” “Right, but don’t get mad at him yet because you don’t know if he’s mad or not ok” “Yeah true, I should probably calm down.”
“She did what? Just tell me again so I can get this straight.” I say to Luke trying to keep my voice from breaking. “I mean I’m cool with what she did but I’m a little shocked”. “I’m not really shocked I feel like they were gonna do it someday” “I guess I just didn’t see their relationship that way.” “Blake they were friends ever since they were born you should have seen that coming” “Well color me stupid if I didn’t pay attention like that,” I say slightly raising my voice “She your fucking girlfriend pay more attention to her” “I do pay attention to her, but I’m not the type to analyze someone and how they act around people. Goddamn don’t blame me for giving her some privacy.” “One I do give Paris privacy and Two you better call Kai before she starts thinking you want to break up with her” I pick up my phone “Dammit you have a great point,” I say dialing her number. “Hey babe,” I say walking out of the room. “Hey, Blake…” “Have you been crying?” I ask concerned. “Yes… Do you hate me?” “Do I- no of course not. I could never hate you.” I start pacing then walk back into the room. “B-but I did something like that.” “I understand more than you think… Love, you’re gonna do stupid shit like that. I’ll back you all the way. And not because my brother said I should pay more attention to you.” “Which you should dumbass,” Luke said walking out the room “Shut the fuck up! Anyways I’m sorry for not answering, I passed the fuck out and my phone was dead.” I hear her laugh a little. “Yeah I threw my phone against the wall. But uh listen I’ll have to call you back I gotta cook dinner.” “Alright I love you, have a good night.” “You too Blake I love you more though” “No I-” I start to say then hear the dial tone. “LUKE! Where are you at? I’m heading out to get food” “I ain’t hungry so I’m fine,” he said coming back in the room “Alright then be back in a little,” I say then walk out. About 15 minutes later I’m back in the room and sitting on the bed. “What do we have planned for today?” I askI ask “Sleep” Luke said closing his eyes “That's all you do. What are you thinking? We're in a beautiful place and all your ass wants to do is sleep.” I say getting up “I haven’t been able to sleep for some reason” “Ya wanna talk about it? Something weighing on your conscience” “I haven’t been able to sleep without Paris” he mumbles “Oh…Not something I can help with then...” I say “Look we’ll be back before you know it and until then. I could hit you over the head with a bat.” “Fine, where you wanna go?” “I dunno, I didn’t think this through” I say walking around “How about we just explore. Let’s get lost” “The last time we got lost you went crazy” he said laughing a little “I only went crazy was because I was fucking scared…” I laugh “I’m not leading the way this time” “I’m bad with directions though…” “We both are, but then you said let's get lost” “Yeah okay got me there. But uh let’s get lost and not murdered!” I say walking out of the door turning left. Luke follows “We’ll be fine I’m not that weak like you” “I’m not fucking weak you jackass.” “I remember a whole little girl just came up to you and kicked your balls” he laughed more “Okay look here you bitch. That shit hurt.” I laugh “At least I know how to block” “Fuck you!” “Love you too little bro” I laugh “Okay should we go left or right. ANd A little side note ever call me that again I will stab you.” “You tried that but yet I still blocked” “Just shut up and tell me if you wanna go left or right?” “Well I’m stupid and I would be the hoe to say right is right” I start walking and turn to the right “ Dear God did you have to say you were a hoe. If anything you would be a loyal person” “When I say hoe I think of dad because he told me that once and I almost fell off a cliff” “What the fuck… That must’ve been one fishing trip I didn’t go on” “I never understood why dad liked you more than me..not saying he shouldn’t but he should liked us equally” “What do you mean he didn’t like me more…You were always his favorite” “That’s what he made you believe..before you were even born all he did was abused me I almost went blind from him..but that's the past” I hug him “Why haven’t you ever told me this before…?” “I never felt like it..” he hugs back a little “I can’t believe that he could do that to his own son. He was more distrubed than I thought. I love you so much and I don’t know what I would do without you.” “You could do a lot of things without me, you can’t always rely on people...I learn that the hard way” he said letting go and walking away a little “I don’t always rely on you do I. And You have me to rely on, don't ever think you’re a bother to me” “Where you wanna go first” he said trying to change the subject “I don’t know the skytree over near the cafe we went to last night. I have directions on my phone.” “Sure we can go there” I nod and start following the directions given. “We should be there soon…” “My legs hurt man, why didn’t we get a fucking uber” “Dunno I mean we could get one now.” “Can we? I’m not about to walk 400 more miles there” “Um It would be unnecessary though a waste of money truly cause uh look. we’re here.” “OH MY FUCKING GOD FINALLY” “Bro chill We still have stairs to climb. Do you regret not going on the hikes with me when I asked you to?” “Nah, the only thing I regret is not going to the gym yesterday” “Hah Now whose weak…” I say starting to walk up the stairs. “Yeah I ain’t about to do that, I'mma find stuff for Paris,” Luke said walking away “Fuck, I forgot about getting stuff for them. Um god my mind just went blank. What type of stuff does kai like?” I start to panic slightly. “She ain’t my girl man that's your fault” Luke goes to a candy store “Damn You…… Okay oh yeah easy she likes stuffed animals.” I go in the wrong direction, Luke grabs two huge bags of candy for Paris heading to the toy store to get plushy, I call luke. “Hey buddy…” I say when he answers “You got lost didn’t you?” “NO, Well maybe, yes.” “I’ll stand outside so you can see me,” he said going out of the store “Okay wait I see you okay. Be right there.” I say then meet him in front of the store. “Well the getting lost part was accomplished.” “Come on,” He said, going back to the plushy he found for Paris “Aww that's cute.” I say walking off to find something for Kai. I pick out a black bunny backpack and run back to show it to Luke. “What do you think it reminds me of her so much…” “That's cute, but I think I went overboard with the plushies for Paris,” he said showing me 15 of them he got for her “No not at all.” I say sarcastically “I’mma get her more,” he said walking away looking for more “Okay” I walk away getting more stuff for Kai. I’m slightly terrified because I’ve never been good at giving gifts. It's always been luke that was the best at that stuff. “Ight should we leave before I start buying the whole shop for Paris,” he says coming back with 20 plushies “Uh yeah,” I say holding three things in my arms. “Should we stop or go buy more” “Uh whatever you would like to do.” Luke puts the plushies in a bag “Clothes shopping then” “Okay I’m good at this…” Luke starts walking to one of the clothing stores I follow behind him. “Oh my god,” Luke said looking at one of the outfits “That is small and cute, JUST LIKE PARIS”
“Yeah that's cute but um we’re in public so could you not yell.” “Yeah Yeah sure” Luke goes to the outfit “I’m gonna be over here if you need me.” I say walking over to the jean section. He starts buying more outfits for her and walks back to me with a bunch of bags “I think I miss Paris too much…” “You wanna cut our trip early. But uh first help ME!!!” “One yes and two what do you need help with” “Um everything. I mean I know kais style but I’m having a very hard time trying to figure out what would look good on her.” I say showing him two dresses one black with profanities on it and a white one with nothing. Luke starts texting Paris for pictures of Kais style “There” he shows me handing me his phone “Thanks.Okay this one.” I pick out a ton more things and head to the cashier. I receive a weird look, but proceed to pay “Alright let's head to the hotel and start packing.” I say walking out of the store. “Thank god” he follows. About an hour later we’re at the airport catching a plane. “I’m sleeping, wake me up when we land.” I say closing my eyes. “Ight.” When we land Luke wakes me up, we claim our luggage and then head to Paris’s house. “Okay do we knock or just walk into surprise them?” “Surprise them but hold on” he said grabbing the bags he got for her, “Ight I’m ready” “Honey we’re home!!!!” I scream opening the door, “BABY” Paris screamed at Luke running and jumping on him as she hugs him,I calmly walk over to Kai and pick her up spinning around with her in my arms. “Hi princess you missed me” “BITCH OF COURSE I MISSED YOU” she looks at all the bags Luke had “What are those” “Those are for you” Luke said sitting up “Um That's a lot paris.” Kai says “He really went all out didn’t you luke.” she asks “Look, I missed her ok...I couldn’t even fucking fall asleep for 5 mins” “Thats cute…” She whispers “Did you get anything for me Blake?” I smile “Of course why wouldn’t I?” “I’mma bring this stuff in her room” Luke said grabbing the stuff and bringing it up as Paris followed carrying two bags. I give Kai her stuff, her face lights up when she starts to unbag it. She kisses me, “I love you…” she whispers to me. “I love you too.” I start to walk up stairs with her hand in mine. “GUYS COME LOOK AT THIS” luke yelled as he showed them the plushies he buried Paris in “I am mount plushies!!!!” she said in a cute way “OH MY GOD THERE'S SO MANYYYY!!!!!!” Kai screams “I KNOW” Paris screams back “I..yeah I missed her a lot I couldn’t help myself…” he said laughing “Yeah I never heard the end of it.” I laugh “Paris what clothes did you get” The girls walk off and start talking. “He bought me like 20 different clothes and they were all my size” “Awesome!I love the clothes Blake got me” “I have to say, our boyfriends are the best,they treat us like the queens we are!!!” “They are though I love themmmmm…” “I LOVE THEM TOO” she said laughing a little “Ahhhhh!” “We should do something for them” “Like what???” “We should cook” “But what should we cook…? What's their favorite food?” “LUKE!!!” “WHAT YOUR FAVORITE FOOD” “Anything really” “OK” “I yell a lot don’t I?” “Yeah a bit” “I need help” “we both do. Also Luke, what about Blake, what's his favorite food?” “He’ll eat anything” “Oh okay well that helps a whole fucking lot.” Kai yells “You’re Welcome” he laughs “Okay paris what is the idea now? What food?” “I have frozen wings in the freezer we could act like we made that” “Yeah I mean sure, should we do sides what do you have for that?” “Salads” “Alright That’ll do it” “I’ll make the salad” “I’ll do the wings…” She says running downstairs and opens the fridge. She starts going down the stairs and falls. Kai runs to her “OH my god baby are you okay?” “I-I’m fine” Paris stutters as her head starts to hurt. “You fell pretty hard are you sure you're okay.LUKE!!!!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE.” “No no no I’m fine I umm...I just need to lay down” she said going back up the steps “If it gets any worse I’m going to drag you to the fucking doctor.” “I’m fine” she goes in her room “I don’t think she's as okay as she’s saying.'' Luke starts running down stairs “What happened” “Paris tripped down the stairs and she hit pretty hard but she keeps saying she’s fine but I don’t believe it.“ Luke's eyes glow red as he sees Paris' dad go up the stairs.
I start following him towards Paris room “Hey Paris’s dad” when he looked at me he looks worried and a little scared “Is something wrong” “Yes, but I should tell you” he said closing the door “Paris is half demon form me, she get her human form from her mom, I never told Kai this for reason” “Is something happening to Paris then?” “I never got to help Paris control her demon side so right now she's gonna start hurting and for at least 5 hours she needs to stay here” “Why?” “If she leaves the house you don’t know how many people she could kill in a minute, so the more she screams and ask to be let out do not let her out, I know it will be hard but it just for the best right now” “Anything else I should know” “No that's all I should go now, please protect her” he said as he fades away “I will” I start leaving the room locking the door “Yo Kai and Blake!!!” I yelled Kai runs upstairs and Blake just walks out “Yeah, what's up?” He says looking at me “There's another thing Paris hidden from us” Kai looks concerned “What?” “Paris half demon” “Really?” “I just talked to her dad” “Does she know? And What am I supposed to do?” “She does and to help me hold this door closed” Blake doesn’t question and just pushes against the door. “What The hell, how am I supposed to do? I'm weak as hell?” “Just help” Kai pressed up against the door “How long do we have to stand like this” “5 hours” I sighed “Really?!!” Blake yells “And the louder she screams try to refuse from opening the door….” “What if I can’t?” “Do you want Paris to kill random people?....” “No…” Kai says “ I won’t let her out”