When I kicked that Bitch throat it felt good because it had been forever since I did that “Wow… I haven’t seen that in forever.” Kai says covering her mouth, Paris looks at her friend “ You tell anybody about this I’ll hunt you down until I’ll get your blood on my hands understand.”she nods “How about I take care of her while you beat her” Kai asks “ No let this one go she doesn’t seem like she's a snitch” I said as I letted her go “Aww okay well could we hurry this along they might get suspicious.” She said placing her head against the door listening for any sound coming from the guys.
I grab the knife from my pocket and cut open her throat dragging her in a stall and locking it, “Ight finished, I wish I could keep her head tho” I look at my self “AWW FUCK...THERES BLOOD ON ME” Kai pulls a shirt out of her bag. “Here I was prepared…” I took off my shirt that was covered in blood putting on the one Kai gave me “Why you gotta be taller than me” “Dunno” She says “Come on I think I hear them” I said walking out the bathroom bumping into someone “GET OUT MY WAY BITC-” I stopped looking up seeing Luke “oh shit” I mumble “What were you gonna say” he smirked “N-nothing” I stutter, “You done fucked up” Kai says walking away. “You can’t just leave me like that!!!” I yelled a litte “Where the girl at” he said asking “I don’t know” I walked past him walking next to Kai “Why the hell would you leave me like that,I could have died” I mumble to her “I left you because Luke fucking scares me.” She mumbles back then adds “He wouldn’t kill you. You know that.” “Yeah but he hurts me in different ways” I said looking back a little seeing Blake walk towards him “If they go in that bathroom were both dead” “You know or we could move to mexico and grow our hair out get piercing and breast implants. “ Kai laughs I see them go in “OH FUCK RUN” I start running holding Kai’s hand “So mexico it is” She says as we run out the door. “NO, no mexico!!!” “We’ll just hide at my house for a few days” “But won’t they find us…” “Nah, I’m never at my house” I said walking towards the nearest bus stop “Hoods up. So if they walk by they won’t be able to tell us from behind.” I see them walking out the school and I grabbed Kai hand going on the bus, putting my hood on and I sit in the back of the bus with Kai, “How long will it take for this bus to start driving” I see them walking towards the bus “PUT your head down” I said putting my head down acting like I was on my phone. Kai put her head down and brought her knees up to her chest. They get on the bus looking around “What are we gonna do” I mumble to Kai “Dammit jump out of the fucking window I dunno” “ Girl I’m gonna be the first one they catch you know I can’t run as fast with my short legs” “I may be weak as fuck but get on my back I'm gonna get us out of this.” “We jump out the window then” she nods and opens the window. “You go first” I said watching Luke and Blake a little, She jumps out the window, when she did, I start to climb out the window and I felt something tapping me, when I looked behind me I saw Luke “Dammit jump lets play a game of cat and mouse?” “ I’m gonna die” I mouthed as I jumped out the window, Kai caught me and started running, “ BYE!!!” I said sticking up my middle finger and laughing, “Yeah I’m dying first” She laughs “Just tell him not to leave blood everywhere…” I start seeing a car pull up from behind us,”OH FUCK” I see my house “WERE SO CLOSE” “Those bushes looking real cozy right now ain’t they” Kai asks “ What!!..We're gonna die and you're thinking about bushes!!!” “God hide in the damned bushes.” She says “ Oh, Yeah good idea” We dive into the bushes and hide till nightfall346Please respect copyright.PENANAtvDa0oBa57