“You used to stay here didn’t you?” I asked. I knew I had seen her somewhere when I had first met her. I just played it off when I saw her with Paris and in such nice clothes.She nodded “Sadly yes. Please don’t tell Paris she thinks I go home at the end of the night not here.” I nod it's not my business to tell. I called luke “Aye Luke Dinner what are we doing? Got any plans?” I asked him “Well I was thinking about cooking for Paris but what do you have in mind” he said “I was thinking about going out but if you want to cook that's okay too” I said “So which one is it me cooking or going out to eat” “Ask your girl which one she wants and I’ll ask kai.” I said then asked kai, as Luke went to go ask Paris “Alright kai says she’d be fine with staying home and having you cook. What about paris?” “ She said she wants me to cook” “Alright well I’ll be home in a little bit to help you.” “ Ok...Paris what are you..NO you’re not drinking again” “ NOOOO” I hear both yelling and Luke hangs up.
Paris' pov
Luke took the wine from me. “Come on Luke just one drink” I said with puppy eyes “No, because you’re not getting drunk again” he said putting it away “Luke please!!!” I said shaking his arm “No or I’m dressing you for the night” “ Ok how about if I can get one more drink I’ll let you dress me for tonight's dinner” I said trying to make deal with him, he smirked “Alright” he said while pouring me one more drink, I took it from him and drank it as he grabbed my hand and took me to his room “ Ok so what you have that I could wear” I said while sitting on his bed, he pulls out a maid outfit, “ This” he said smirking more, “AWWW do I have to” he nodded his head yes as I took outfit went into the bathroom and the doorbell rang. Luke went to answer the door seeing Kai and Blake “Don’t you have the key Blake” Luke asked him,”I do but I left them on my other key ring” I come down stairs wearing the maid outfit with my hair in two buns “Umm Luke please don’t tell me there's some type of black mail or anything going on right now.” Blake asks concerned and about to head back out the door “ No it was a deal I made so I could get another drink” I sighed, as I stood next to Luke,Luke got to my leave and whispered in my ear, patting my head and walking towards the kitchen, my heart started pounding again as I turned red. “Well that was a bit awkward. I'm gonna join her though.” As she walks into the kitchen she pulls bottle of wine out from behind her back “Aye lookie what I got while they weren’t looking” I grabbed Kais hand and took her to Luke's room so we could drink “Fun damn we forgot glasses” “ hold on” I crawls under the bed and grabs two glasses “I was prepared” I said handing her one “Thank you paris also have you had the sheets on the bed cleaned before I sit down?” She asks standing by the door “Yes and I’m very sorry you heard me say that” “It's okay… Is he good at least?” “ What do you mean by that” “I mean in bed is he good at pleasing you know?” She winks “Yes very very very good he goes um...how can I say this...well it feels like he has been going to the gym 24/7 his whole life, that’s how good he is” “His brother is….” she looks around the room “Well he’s not as sweet as he acts.”“One to ten how mean is he when he did it to you” I said “Well I would save a five I mean it was our first time and he said he didn’t want to hurt me so I mean it could get worse” She said “Oh I have bruises…” She pulls the collar of her shirt down a little “see.” “ Damn, Luke gave me a lot of hickey on my neck” as I wiped off the makeup from my neck “Aww okay. You would think he was the rough sex one.” “ Oh he is, he's very quiet when he does it but very hard and goes really deep..he made my ass numb twice..and..” I stopped “Continue... I tell you everything just give me this I wanna know “ “I um..I called him daddy..” “ Okay and what's bad about that” “ I don’t know I just said it like it just came out of my mouth..can you pour me some of that please I need to get drunk” She poured more into my glass and hers “Alright… we're gonna get in trouble” “ All there probably gonna do it fuck us” I said as I drunk some, “I’ll probably be scolded or get a spanking or some shit like that.” She laughs “ Luke has handcuff under his bed so I feel like he gonna used those for me” I said drinking more, “I also feel like that he gonna go way harder tonight, and that's what he whisper in my ear he told me I haven’t felt worst yet so yeah” She takes a long drink then says “Handcuffs, Ropes better. Plus the only thing Blake said to me was literally I told you to be quiet and he covered my mouth.” “ Oh he's a bossy one” I finished my glass “Is there more?” I asked her “Okay maybe a little bit more. He um told me I was his and left like a ton of hickeys from my collar bone and down.” “ If you had a child with him what would you name him or her” I said a little drunk,”I don’t know if it was a girl Maggie and if it was a boy Blair what about you?” she fills our glasses one last time before we run out. “ Um maybe is it a girl I’ll name Rosey or Sunny and the boy um.. Mitchel or Elijah” I said drinking half my glass “Oh those are cute names. I like them.” She says her voice slightly slurring “Thank you and the girl's name is very cute” I said getting more drunk,”So since we're already going to get in trouble how should we double it…?” “ What do you mean?” I finished my glass starting to sound more drunk. “I mean what could we do to get into more trouble?” “Let go sneak another bottle up here and see if they can catch us” I said laughing a little “yes but let's not be suspicious” She says heading towards the door and I followed her as we went down the stairs quietly and I see them still cooking “Ight where safe to go” I whispered, “‘kay “ She tiptoes to the bar and grabs a bottle of wine. I kept watch to see if they were gonna come. As she's walking back she trips over her shoe laces and lands with an audible thud. “Dammit” she mutters, I run down the stairs helping her up and grabbing the wine you got “ lets go!” they start running up the stairs just as they're coming out of the kitchen. “Run faster dammit” Kai mutters to herself. I grab Kai's hand and go back to Luke’s room and shut the door behind me, “ WE DID IT” “Yes we did but the matter still remains are we going to get caught drinking it.” she says looking at the door “ I don’t really care cuz they’ll have to fuck us after dinner” I said face planting on the bed, “True so lets get fucking wasted.” She says filling the glasses to the brim, I lock the door to the room and start to drink more.
About 15 minutes later there was a knock at the door. Kai throws the bottles under the bed, “Aww shit what are we gonna do” I said drunk as hell, “Um act as sober as possible and don’t laugh at stupid things or dance on tables” “ AWW come on you know thats hard for me!!!” “Honestly it's hard for me too but lets try our hardest. Now answer the door before they suspect something.” I run towards the door opening it, “HEY GUYS” “Hello dinners done.” Blake says awkwardly. Luke looks at me “Are you ok Paris” “Yep she's perfectly fine let's go eat.” Kai says grabbing my hand and dragging me downstairs. “ Ight Blake somethings wrong and I feel like they did something” “what could they have done…?” Luke goes into the room checking under the bed and finds a bunch of glass bottles while smirking, “Who do you think grabbed the first bottle?” Blake says smiling “I’m not sure but they both like drinking but I think Paris would since I didn’t let her drink early today” he said getting up “Should we make them think we don’t know and make them think they got away with it?” “ Yeah I want to see how this dinner plays off” as he walks out the door. “I do too.”