I never saw anyone in more awe than these two. While they poured their own drinks. I grabbed Blake from his bedroom and dragged him down. “Hey everybody this is my brother.” I said “Hello I’m Paris but..Haven’t we met before” she says as she looks at Blake “Uh yeah We did I mistaked your friend for someone.” “Oh you’re Blake it nice to meet you again” “Yeah…” “ Well what do you want to drink Paris” I said as I pulled out a chair from the bar for her “ I don’t drink often because of last time and I think Kai also still remembers” she said as she sat down “Oh fuck... yeah that. Do you have a wine cooler for her?” “Yeah we do” he says as he asks the bartender for some
“So why can’t you drink Paris?” I asked, “Well umm.. I got a little crazy when I drink some and I ended up drinking like twenty bottles of it and got drunk and I think I got raped” she said as she got quiet. I sat next to her as I handed her drink “thank you” she mumbled, “You’re welcome” I said looking at her with a smile and lifting her head up “ So what do you want to drink Kai” I asked him, “uh an old fashioned please” I tell the bartender “ One Cocktail please” the bartender handed Kai his drink,”Thank you” the bartender nodded “Blake you’re gonna get something to drink” I ask him “Yeah a whiskey sour please Jonathan.” he asks the bartender.
She starts drinking “It's not bad” “We have a collections of different types of drinks so go ahead and ask for anything” I said to Paris and Kai “so straight vodka is an option” kai asks “Yep” I said “I would like 4 glasses of Sauvignon blanc please” she says already to get drinking, “ um dear lord child… alcohol is not your forte” Kai said to her, she drinks the four glasses of wine “What?” “You can’t hold liquor and last time you danced on the top of a table in front of my mother.” “ I did” she asked “ You did what” I asked her laughing a little “yeah remember the night you slept over and I broke into the liquor cabinet and got whiskey or something we were eating dinner and when we finished she stood up on the table and started dancing.” She laughs “ IT IS NOT MY FAULT I GET DRUNK EASILY….I get it from my mom” she says loudly then started to get quite “I understand, my mother was quite the drinker too.” Blake mutters under his breath and pulls at his sleeves.
Paris starts to drink nineteen more glasses of different wines and I start to stop her “Woah girl slow down” I say as I take the glass of wine from her “You should take a break from drinking for a moment” I tell her as I see she’s drunk “Are you drunk?” I asked her to make sure “NooOooOooooO I’mMm FinnE” she said and sounded like she was definitely drunk.
I picked her up and said “Guys I’m gonna take her to my room so she could sleep” “Alright, Kai if you want I can sleep on the couch and you can take my bed.” Blake said to kai as I started to walk up stairs with Paris and lay her down in bed. She started to sit up ” NooooOooO I’MMm NoT TRieD” she said as she got out the bed trying to walk out the door and ended up falling, I picked her up again and set her back on the bed “You need to sleep okay” I told her as I took off her shoes and tied her hair in a bun, I took off my shoes and my jacket as I got in the bed with her and covered us both with the blanket and we both fell asleep as I hugged her from behind.