“I don’t have any clothes for you, love.” He said, “it's alright I’ll wear the ones from yesterday.” I said wrapping my body in a sheet and standing up “Nonsense love those are dirty.” He said as he tossed me one of his shirts. “Where this I’ll have Tiffany wash those for you.” He walked out of the room and called whoever was tiffany. He handed her my clothes and told her to go wash them. When he walked back in he grabbed my hand and led me back downstairs. “Where are you taking me?” I asked him “The ballroom.” He said nonchalantly. “We're going dancing?” “No, love.” He whispered “You wanted to show me something or to prove something to me. I want to show you something.” He led me to two large doors and opened them. He sat down at the piano and started to play what seemed to be Brahms lullaby. It was beautiful, his fingers moving fluidly over the keys. When he finished he stood up and bowed as he stood upright. I smashed my lips onto his, knocking him a step backward but he righted himself.
I pulled away and looked him in the eyes “Where did you learn that?” I asked “My mother....” He trailed off. “You know anything else,” I asked him, “Some Bach but it's not that good.” I smiled “it's fine, not everything is perfect.” He looked at me again. I saw the same scared little child that I saw earlier when he said he would protect me. “I was supposed to be…” He mumbled to where I could barely hear him. “And you are to me.” I grabbed his hand “You know how to do the Foxtrot” He sighed “Yes I do love” We danced for what seemed like an eternity but only lasted a few minutes. “Would you like to hit the bar?” He asked, “The only way I can break down and tell you anything is if I’m completely and totally wasted.” I laughed at him and said “Yeah I wanna know more about you”
When we got to the bar he asked Jonathan to get his usual and I ordered a clover club. We talked about me and then about him. We shared drinks and little kisses and the more off the deep end he got the more he told me. He told me about their father, their mother, and a bunch of other things that were kind of cool. Like how he was supposed to marry a girl named Samantha but she flaked the day of the wedding. Thank God or I never would have met such a well-hung hottie. I blinked a couple of times, My head was starting to hurt but I was used to it.
A smile emerged on his face, “Love would you join me in the bedroom?” I smiled, I knew this could go one way. I had seen the maid outfit earlier and he had told me about it. “Of course dear,” I said. That one way was me being in the outfit and him treating me terribly and me falling in love and then things unfold. Dear lord foreplay is amazing it just sets the mood for everything. “So what are we going to do?” I asked sitting on the bed. “You know, watch a movie.” I smiled “365 days type of movie or more of Love” He looked a little stunned at the question. “Neither, I was thinking more of the notebook or something sweet like that.” I nod “okay let’s go get Paris and Luke they can watch it with us.” I said walking out of the room, I knocked on the door to Luke's bedroom.
“Hello anybody in here,” I said trying the doorknob it was locked. “ HOLD ON,” Luke said putting on pants as he unlocked the door, “Yes” “Oh I was just wondering if you would like to come to watch a movie with me and Blake?” I asked “Sure just hold o-” “ Owww my ass” Paris moaned in pain, “ You told me to go faster,” he said smirking “ I DIDN’T THINK YOU WOULD FUCKING POUND ME LIKE HELL,” she said yelling and he starts laughing “I could’ve gone ten more years without hearing that you two,” I said stepping back from the door. ”Sorry Kai” I laugh “It’s fine, I’ve heard worse…” “I’ll get dressed and will be with y’all in a moment,” she said sitting up a little “‘kay,” I said walking off, she put on one of Luke’s hoodies which were oversized because she was short and Luke puts on a jacket without a shirt.
As she got up she fell because her legs were numb “ GOD DAMN IT”she yelled, Luke started to laugh as he put her on his back “You’re just mean” she said in a childish voice “Maybe but you did enjoy it didn’t you?” he said smirking and started walking towards his movie room. “Welcome you two, what took you so long.” Blake said sheepishly. I looked at him with wide eyes and mouthed “Don’t”. After the movie Luke and Paris went somewhere and me and Blake went back to his bedroom.
Tiffany came in with my clothes “Master Andersen, your companion's clothing has been cleaned.” He nodded at her and told her to set them on the bedside table. I got dressed and asked him to take me home. When we got there I opened the door nobody was home thank God. We walked upstairs and I threw a bunch of clothes in a bag and then the door opened. Luckily it was only my older “brother” at least he kind of liked me. “Who the fuck is this?” He asked “A friend.” I said letting go of the bag. “And you’re moving your clothes out of your house?” I swallowed and started to speak but Blake stepped in front of me. “Because she can you controlling prick.”
My brother took a swing at him. He decked Blake in the jaw, he seemed unphased. He just folded his hands, “That's the best you can do.” He asked as he took hold of my brother's arm and Snapped it in two with ease. He picked up the bag and continued putting clothes in it. When he had a majority of my clothes, he grabbed my hand and walked around my brother that was still screaming in pain. When we got to the truck, he flipped down the visor and looked in the mirror. “He had a hell of a right hook. It almost hurt.” He says to himself.
“Do they hurt you love?” He said looking directly at the road ahead. “I don’t stick around long enough for them too.” I whisper “They won’t anymore.” He smiled then his face became unreadable. I was confused. “What do you mean?” “I said I would protect you, I meant it, You're not going back there.” he drives to a familiar bridge with a river running under it.