“Why would you kill her” I said pissed off “I didn’t kill her I just um put her in her place” “And thats where in heaven” “No…… in hell” “ You could have got caught” “ But did I?” she said smiling, “ Listen this isn’t some killing game you can play and get away with it” “ I know that but my life isn’t a game and yet people still play with me” she said walking out her room, as she does I grab her arm “ You’re not leaving” “It my house I can go anywhere” “ Little girl I’m not about to yell at you” I said locking her door “Yell at me I dare you” I grab her shirt and pulls her to me “ You’re gonna fucking listen to me whether you like it or not” “ NO YOU LISTEN” she yelled “ I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HOES TELLING ME WHAT TO DO……. BUT YOU WON’T UNDERSTAND THAT BECAUSE YOU’RE RICH YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT ISN’T THAT RIGHT!!!” she screams at me as she cries and falls on her knees “ You don’t “ I’m here if you ever need to talk ok sweetie” I said smiling as I stroked her beautiful hair more, “Ok” she said as she crys still. I wiped her tears. “ Awwe princess doesn’t cry” “ I’m not crying!!!” “Then what is this on my hand” I show her, her tears on my hand “ That's water” “Sure they are” I laugh “ Shut up asshole” she mumbles “Whatever you say, princess”
understand the shit I went through just to get here……you would never understand BECAUSE YOU’RE NOT A FREAK LIKE ME……” she sobs as she covers her eyes, I sit in front of her and touches her hair. ”You’re right I won’t understand but you’re not a freak, you’re smart and amazing and I’m lucky to have someone like you okay you just have to learn when it a good time to kill and when its not time to kill ight, and yeah I support you killing people because I do it too” I laugh a little and pulls her close and hugs her “Just be careful ok I can’t lose you, and there still things that I have to learn about you but were taking it slow by learning about each other each day,” I said as I kissed her forehead and wiped her tears as she cried more, “ I know..” she mumbles “Awwe don’t cry princess” “I’M NOT CRYING” “ Are you sure about that,” I said showing her tears on my hand “That's water” she tired lying “Whatever you say, sweetie,” I said laughing a little “ Shut up asshole” I laugh more “ OK shorty” “ I AM NOT THAT SHORT” she yelled pushing me, as I burst out laughing. I sit up “Paris” “ what do you want Luke” “Can I have a kiss,” I asked “ Awwe you want a kiss… you can kiss my ass” she sticks her tongue out at me. I smile at her as she took my hand and we walked to the living room