“Hey, Kai I’ma go home if that’s ok?” “Yeah, It’s fine I’ll probably just stop into topped off and flirt with that barista then catch a movie.” “You flirt with too many people,” “I do not… What are you talking about?”
“Remember that time when we went to the mall and you flirted with like ten guys,” I said, recalling a time when she was boy crazy. It was just last year. “Okay look tha- Dear lord am I that easy? Well get gone we can’t stand around all night.” She walked into the coffee shop and I started off on the long trek home. When I got home I started to sharpen my knife for tonight and got into a dress with fishnet stockings and high heels as I heard the doorbell ring. I walk up to the door and open it as I look up and see a tall boy dressed in all black.
You might be thinking why am I bring a knife because what’s wrong with being a psycho that’s how I’m born and that’s what I’ll be, my whole life I never really had a family the only thing close to a sister was Kai she always been with me for some reason even though there are a lot of things she doesn’t know about me, but love isn’t really my thing I guess, and I can also be a psychopath or a freak most things people call me but life is life and I love the smell of people’s fresh blood and my life story..well….my dad died from someone killing him when they were after me so I blame myself for his death… my mom...I killed her for cheating and using my dad’s money for drugs and that’s probably how I became a psycho and the freak part… because of my eyes, people think if I stare at them with my purple eye I’m gonna kill them but that’s not all true, I think.“Hey,you must be Luke nice too meet yo-” I stare at him more and start to gain feelings, I back away for a moment, and he starts to say “Hey and you must be Paris nice to meet you” “Yeah um well shall we go,” I say as my heart pounds,” We shall'' as he says holding my hand and walking towards his car. The more I was near him the more my heart pound I had never had feelings for anyone but now suddenly my body wants to react like this now, I tried not to make eye contact with him but it was hard not to, I stare at him and he looked back at me with a sweet smile, I started blushing like crazy as I turned away. When we went to his car I notice it was a Lamborghini, I didn’t think he would be rich but I wasn’t here for his money I was here to do my job, he opened the door for me as I sat in the passenger seat and as he closed the door I dropped my knife right out my pocket, I started to freak out and once he got in he saw the knife on the car floor and that’s when I knew I was dead as I looked at him he had a smile and looked at me, I tried hard not to look at him but I still did, he said laughing “ So you’re trying to murder me right?” he said getting into the car, I nodded my head as knowing that I failed and he picked up the knife handing it to me to see if I would kill him, and as I grab the knife my hands started shaking, and he said “Go ahead kill me” and as I tried stabbing him my arms refused and my heart started pounding faster, I put the knife away and stared at the window, he started to turn my head towards him and smiled more and said “ I have never met a girl who tried killing me” I started to look confused because most guys would call the police if I tried killing them,as he said more “Most girls I dated just wanted sex and my money but you’re different”he started touching my hair and saw my two different colored eyes, I tried looking away but he held my head up “ You have beautiful eyes” he said letting go of my face lightly,soon he started the car and and asked me “Where would you like to go” I said “ I don’t really know most dudes I went on dates with just picked for me and….. Yeah ``''And what?” he said confused “ I mostly get raped when I go on dates” I start to change the subject “ Can we just go eat please?” he said “ Of course” as he starts driving to a restaurant. When we got there he opened the door for me and I got out of the car, I look at the restaurant and see other rich people and famous singers, I stutter “ I don’t belong here..” he says ”Sure you do every girl deserves a nice dinner” he says holding my hand “I know everyone here so don’t worry” he says putting one of his hand around my hip and we start walking towards the front door. My heart starts beating more and faster as I was close to him and kinda felt like I was about to have a heart attack he kisses my forehead and we walk into the fantasy restaurant, I look around to see a bunch of people and he says “ So what you thin…” he stops as I yell “CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!!” I start running towards it, he laughs as he follows me towards the fountain, I say a little loud “CAN I STICK MY HAND IN IT” he laughs more and says “Yeah sure” as I put my hand in it he grabs strawberries and marshmallows and putting them on a stick, I start licking my hand as I watch him do it, as he covers them in chocolate he tells me to open my mouth so I did and he feeds me the strawberries and marshmallows covered in chocolate soon I started to see other sweets and dragged him around with me as I ate almost everything we both had fun and talked and laughed the whole time no drama or killing happened I just had fun, he liked that I was childish and fun but not a slut and a golddigger, soon we left the restaurant and got back in his car I fell asleep during the car ride back to my house, luke mostly stared at me the whole car ride and as we arrived at my house he opened the door to my side and picked me up he closes the door and locked his car and grabbed my keys to the house and unlocked it as he went in and locked the door behind him, he setted me on the couch as I was still sleeping and laid beside me as we both fell asleep cuddling.