I looked at the women, “You know what they say about snitches?” she looked at me with wide eyes. “You mean that they get stitches” I nodded “Yeah that one. Betray me and there won’t be anything to stitch back together. Okay? “ I smiled at her. “O-okay” “Good girl” I patted her head and walked off “God I hate to mingle with low-life people,” I mumbled. I was placed on Earth to get ready to be a reaper. The woman I was talking to was Echo she well she is an angel and me well I’m as I mentioned a reaper.
This means I’m the one who ended your grandmother’s life last week. As I walk down the street, I’m singing a little lullaby my mom used to sing. “I don’t know if hell is certain, But I pray that you’ll be burning, You treated me like a vermin.” She always made me think of my father and how he treated us before he died. That’s why my brother is constantly hanging out with whores. Okay, I’ve done it occasionally but only because I was desperate for love even if it was fake. I twitched thinking of the first time I had been in the human realm I was 15 my father had left me alone. A woman approached me and started to drag her hand on the buttons of my shirt. She led me to an alley that was slightly secluded and started unbuttoning my shirt. The sex was sloppy and bothersome, not enjoyable. I shake my head, disgusting.
Oh speaking of my brother there he is. We got into an argument earlier. He said something about me not doing anything for him. I replied with ‘ How dare you to demand more of me when you know, without question, that I would give you the shirt off my back if you asked for it. My blood, bones, and skin want to keep you happy, BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT DAD WANTED. You selfish bastard.” I walked past him and kept walking, I saw two young people. One was female. She appeared to be speaking to the female who caught my eye. My heart fluttered ‘what the hell my heart doesn’t beat, how did it just?’ I thought to myself. ‘Well there is no, my mom was a demon and so was my father. So I’m not a half-blood so even when I do find my blood mate I’ll just feel a connection my heart won’t beat.’ I decided to walk closer and tap the woman on the shoulder. “Hello?” I asked her and she looked at me, piercing blue eyes stared back at me and my heart fluttered again.
“Hey!” She smiled “S-sorry thought you were someone else, I’m Blake.” I held out my hand for her to shake. “I’m kaiyler but you can call me kai” She hugged me and my body tensed up. “Kai let go. Sorry, she’s a little grabby. I’m Paris” “Nice to meet you guys, but I have to run,” I said walking off ‘FUCK MY LIFE...My mother had an affair that is the only way or my brother would be a half-blood as well.’ I walked into a coffee shop called topped off. “Coffee black”
I was shaking as I sat down. I pulled my laptop out, I had work to do. Let’s just hope nobody tries to summon me because I’m not in the right mind now I will hurt someone. I’m supposed to cut the line of 80-year-old women. Her line is the grey one blake the gold ones are younger people who still have longer to live don’t screw this up you’re too good for this. I grabbed the scissors out of my laptop case. I get close to the grey line and someone walks up to me and my hand jerks and I clip the gold line of a 15-year-old boy. I start to hyperventilate and slam my face down on the keys. “Dammit.”
I take a couple of deep breaths and close my eyes. I take a sip of coffee that the barista brought me. My brother sits in front of me when I slam my laptop shut. “Jackson What are you here to do stress me out more?” “No to ask you if you want to go out drinking?” “We can’t here America its different than England we have to be twenty-one to drink not sixteen. Trust me I’m just as bummed as you are, I could use a fifth of Jack.”