I forgot to say that Ben worked at AU for some years before quitting. He went to college so he quit his job at AU.
"Yeah I've never seen her act like that it was like she froze up. But I tracked her down to some strip club and the bartender and I talked. He said Erica has been there plenty of times but he wouldn't tell me what you were doing up in that room", Cameron said glaring at me.
"Erica tell me your side of the story", Ben said.
"It all started when Phillip came into the pool area and told us boss didn't want to see any sexual activity between me and Cameron on the cameras. Cameron and I kissed and he shot the cameras. Boss sent us to his office to talk to us about kissing on his cameras. Boss started yelling at me and I just froze up. I grabbed boss's tie and slammed his head on the desk."
"You're playing right", Ben said.
"Save all questions till the end. Cameron kissed me and I ran"
"You actually slammed boss's head onto his own desk", Ben said.
"Yeah I sort of have a problem with people yelling at me"
"Erica where did you run to", Ben said.
"A strip club"
"Why", Ben said.
"I go there when I freeze up or if I need a drink"
"What do strippers have to do with freezing up", Cameron said.
"It's not just any stripper it was Deco"
"That sounds like a made up name", Cameron said.
"Well it's not I was meeting up with him like I do everytime I freeze up"
"And what do you two to do exactly", Ben said.
What we did up in that room replayed in my head. It started off with us talking then kissing. We ended up in the bed but rest assure we did not have sex.
"I don't want to talk about it and we didn't fuck"
"So what did you two do", Ben said.
"We were talking but then it escalated"
"Escalated into what", Ben said.
"How did it escalate", Cameron said.
"Cameron step outside I will talk to you once I get an answer from Erica", Ben said and Cameron left slamming the door.
"So what really happened", Ben said.
"Deco is like my walking diary I tell him everything. I went to talk him because I froze up again but this time it was different. We went from talking to kissing to almost fucking"
"I feel like there's more to it", Ben said.
"There is but I just don't feel comfortable talking about it"
"We're all mature here I'm an adult you're a teenager we both aren't virgins so just tell me what you and Deco really did", Ben said.
"Let's just say he touched certain parts"
"He...", Ben said making hand motions.
"You", Ben said shocked.
"Yeah and I don't want to tell Cameron because I know what he'll do"
"But if you don't tell him he'll be even more mad", Ben said.
After hours of Ben aruging me down I finally told Cameron what happened at the strip club. He wasn't too happy with the news though. He stormed out the house when I told him some hours ago. It was around night time and Cameron still hasn't called or anything.
Maybe I actually made him mad this time. I need to go see him. Since I have his password for find my iPhone him tracked him down. I pulled up at Amber's house weird maybe this time us broken. I walked up to the doorstep and knocked on the door.
"Hello", Amber's mom said opening the door.
"Is Cameron here"
"He's upstairs", Amber's mom said looking sad at me.
I walked past her upstairs and looked in every room until there was only room left. I opened the door and I wish I could unsee what I just saw.
"Shit somebody opened the door", Amber said.
Cameron was having sex with Amber right in front of me. He was on top of her with the covers covering his naked body. Cameron turned around and looked at me and smiled.
"Close the door", Cameron said and went back to kissing Amber.
For the first time in eleven years I actually shed a tear. I closed the door behind me and ran out the house. I got into my car and drove off. I drove straight to my apartment and laid down in my hammock.
Luckily Donte has to work late tonight and that means I have the apartment to myself tonight. I'm guessing his girlfriend or whatever went home or something. I wiped my face with the back of my hand. I grabbed my earbuds and blasted Do Not Disturb by Drake.
The last couple of months have been the same. Boss sends me jobs and I send them back. I really don't want to work right now or ever again. I basically just walk around the house listening to music eating but mostly sleeping.
"What is she doing here", Eric said as I sat down at the table doing my homework on the laptop.
"I don't know I got in from work a month ago and she was listening to music crying", Donte said.
"Does she go to work or even leave the apartment", Erica said.
"No but she still pays me every month", Donte said.
I finished up my Math and Language Arts homework and emailed it in.
"Has she even talked", Tae said.
"Yeah sometimes but when she talks her voice cracks a little. Her friends come by every now and then and checks up on her but she doesn't let them in", Donte said.
My phone ringed again and it was from boss. I answered it and just listened to him.
"Erica Ben told me what happened between you and you know who. I understand that you're upset about what happened but you can't stay all cooped up in that apartment. You need to talk to somebody who you trust", boss said.
I sighed and waited for him to continue. I wiped the stray tears rolling down my face.
"You need to understand that you two were never dating if he wanted to-", and with that I hung up on boss.
The tears started coming down even faster.
"Erica you okay", Donte said walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah peachy", I snapped and stood up.
I went to my room and rocked in my hammock.
Cameron's POV
"You officially fucked up bro", Ben said.
We are sitting at the dining table and boss took Ellie last month saying he didn't want her in the middle of this mess.
"Language Benny", mom said.
"No he did he hurt the poor girl's feelings and it wasn't just any girl it was Erica Taylor the girl who grew up with no parents no father figure whatsoever. She has no idea how a man should treat a lady", dad said.
"And the first time she actually fell in love she got her heart broken", mom said.
"I understand I messed up but how should I fix it"
I looked up from my lap and at my parents.
"I would say buy her a gift or something but Erica doesn't seem like the gift type", dad said.
You're on your own son and you better fix it before it gets worst", dad said.
Him and mom left the room leaving Ben and I alone.
"She isn't returning any of my calls or messages. She isn't coming to school or work"
"I wouldn't either if I were in her shoes. I was fine with you getting mad and storming off to blow off some steam but then you go sleep with some Amber girl. Then on top of that you turn around and smile at her while your in the middle of getting fucked", Ben said reminding me of the dumb shit I did.
"I know, I know"
"Then you said she cried and Erica isn't the one for tears and you know that. You really broke her", Ben said.
"We weren't dating so why should it matter"
"Because you know that she liked you and I know that you like her. She came out and told you why she was in that strip club. She actually was going to lie or brush it off but no she felt the need that you should know even if it would hurt you", Ben said.
"I know that but-", Ben cut me off.
"It was wrong for you to go do some low down dirty shit like that. You let the girl who actually liked your wanna be bad boy ass just walk away", Ben said.