After driving around for hours I decided to stop by this diner for something to eat.
"What would you like", a lady said pulling me out of my thoughts.
I looked up at her and then down at the menu.
"Um...", I said scanning the menu.
"It's ok take your time", the lady said.
"Alright I'll get a chocolate milkshake"
"Ok darling coming right up", the lady said turning to the next customer.
Just then my phone rang I looked at the caller ID and it was Cameron. I answered it and held it up to my ear.
"Where the hell are you? I got a call from Ellie's school saying that school was over an hour ago", Cameron yelled into the phone.
"Where is Ellie"
"With me we're at your place. I thought you were home so I was going to drop her but then this girl opened the door. Then Donte your roommate wasn't there to watch Ellie so I has to stay and watch her", Cameron said.
"Is she alright"
"Yeah she's playing doctor with the bear I brought her. But where the fuck are you first you don't show up for school and then you don't pick up Ellie", Cameron said.
"At some diner honestly I don't know where I am I was driving around and ended up getting lost"
"You're in Amber, LA", a boy next to me said.
"Well I'll talk to you when you get here and hurry back", Cameron said and I hung up.
"Here you go sweetie", the waitress said giving me the milkshake.
"Thanks", I said as she was walking away from me.
"I'm guessing that's your car out there", the boy said as I took a sip of the shake.
"Why you ask"
"Nobody around here owns a car like that I guessing your from outta town", the boy said.
"Yeah I'm from Falcon"
"Woah that's far from Amber what you doing out here and not to be getting in your business but why are bleeding", the boy said.
"I was riding around and I got into a little fight before my way here"
"Doesn't your face or your stomach hurt", the boy said.
"Yeah it hurts like a motherfucker"
"Why don't you go get patched up or something", the boy said.
"Don't have the time"
"Well how about you come with me to my mom's house she can patch you up", the boy said.
"See I would go but I don't know you"
"It'll be quick", the boy said.
I guess I should go I mean I don't want Cameron asking questions or Ellie to see me like this.
"Fine I guess"
I hurried up and drank the rest of the chocolate milkshake. I left some money on the counter and followed the boy back to his mom's place.
Once I saw the house I realised something this isn't like a townhouse or apartment it's a Griffin hotel. He took me upstairs to one of the suites and I saw him.
"It's you from last night", Daniel said.
"Shut up Danny", the boy said.
"Stan I'm promise you it's her", Daniel said.
"Don't mind him his friend Orlando died last night and he swears that he saw the person that killed him", Stan said walking off into the kitchen.
I sat down on the couch and Daniel glared at me from the other side of the living room.
"You got a fucking eye problem"
"You killed my fucking best friend", Daniel said.
"Hold on trying to give a fuck...", I said and paused for a few seconds.
"...nope not happening"
"You bitch", Daniel said and came running at me.
He knocked me off the arm of the couch and started laughing. I grabbed his arms and kicked my legs up throwing him into the wall behind me.
"Shit that hurt", Daniel said laying on the floor upside down.
"What are you kids doing in here", a older lady said walking into the room.
She had a first aid kit and Stan right behind her.
"Danny what did I teach you don't hit a girl. Stan go help her up please", the lady said.
That must be Daniel's mom or grandma or something. Wait his mom is a fashion designer so this must their grandma.
"It's alright I can handle myself", I said standing up.
Damn my back hurts I stretched my back and sat on the couch. The lady came and sat her kit on the coffee table.
"Oh my god are you okay sweetie", the lady said grabbing my face.
"Yeah I'm not sick or anything"
"You have dried up blood on your eyebrow and a busted lip", she said.
That's must be why my shake tasted like blood.
"I didn't notice"
"Daniel get off the floor and go make yourself useful somewhere else", the lady opening her first aid kit.
She cleaned up the dried blood and it started bleeding it. She covered it and then cleaned up my busted lip.
"Now to be all in your personal life but what happened to your face and stand up", she said.
I did as she said and she poked my rib.
"Fuck", I said backing away from her.
"Language honey", she said grabbed my hand pulling me towards her.
"Why are you helping the killer", Daniel said.
"Now stay still", she said.
"So what your name", Stan said sitting down across from me.
"Erica what about yours"
"Stanley but you call me Stan", Stan said.
"You shouldn't be asking her questions you should be calling the cops", Daniel said.
"Now Danny stop", the lady said.
"Stop calling me that grandma", Daniel said leaving the room.
Their grandma wrapped up my ribs and it made me feel stiff.
"Where are the rest of your clothes", she said.
"Here", I said grabbing my jacket.
"That's not going to do you need to cover up all that", she said.
"This is all I brought"
"Does your mom know you're walking around like this", she said.
"Actually she wouldn't give two fucks about what I'm wearing", I said putting on my jacket.
"I should make you wash your mouth out with soap with all that cussing", she said leaving the room.
Then my phone rang and it was Cameron again.
"Yes Cameron"
"Hey bring your little ass home now do you know how late it is", Cameron said.
"First this little ass is better looking than your slut no offense and second I got into a little fight at work"
"With who and you better have beat they ass", Cameron said.
"It was Troy and his groupie of cock suckers"
"I knew it but I heard from Jaylon that boss was angry as hell", Cameron said.
"Jaylon was in the training room"
"I don't know but get your ass here now", Cameron said and hung up.
"Bitch", I said putting my phone in my pocket.
I thanked Daniel's grandma for helping me and went home. When I got there Cameron was asleep on the couch with Ellie. I went up to my room and laid down in the hammock.