"Well I have to inform you that you have ten fractured ribs, a compound fracture in your right arm, severe burn marks along your left rib cage and you seemed to have taken a bullet to the leg. Also, you told one of our nurse's that you have been electrocuted is that right", Dr Colon said.
"Yes don't you believe me", Erica said.
"Damn Erica what didn't you break"
"So when will I be able to leave", Erica said.
"Once your ribs heal up and then two weeks on bed rest now rest you need it", Dr Colon said.
"What I want to go back to work", Erica said.
"Erica you're body is in no condition to work or even do anything I don't know how you didn't faint from the lack of food and water or blood loss", Dr Colon said.
"How long will it take for my ribs to heal", Erica said.
"At least a week because you're so young", Dr Colon said.
"So I'm stuck here for one whole week", Erica said.
"Yes now rest you need it. Everybody out", Dr Colon said and left the room.
"If you have any information to tell us about what happened during your disappearance call me", the officer said and gave Erica a card.
Erica balled it up and tossed it in the trashcan near the door.
"I don't want to go to court I can handle it myself", Erica said and the officers left the room.
I looked down at Erica and she was smiling talking to Ellie. Just then my phone rang and I checked the caller ID. It was boss he was actually calling me.
"Cameron here"
"I got a call saying that they found Mr Mauricio so I'm guessing you found Erica", boss said.
"Yeah I'm at the hospital with her now"
"How's she doing", boss said.
"Good the doctor said she has to stay here for a week"
"That's not going to happen get her here now", boss said.
"Why she has to stay on bed rest"
"Because in a week her kidnappers could find out where she is and take her again. Get here to AU and a nurse will be waiting out front for her when you get here", boss said and hung up.
I didn't know we had a medical center at AU. I put my phone up and looked down at Erica.
"Time to go", I said giving her the bag with her clothes in it.
"What I thought you said I have to stay here", Erica said.
"Boss said he wants you at AU and a nurse will be outside for you"
"Where is Airy going", Ellie said.
"I'm not going if Ellie can't come visit me", Erica said sitting up.
"Boss never said she couldn't come"
Erica's POV (2 weeks later)
"Erica are you okay", boss said standing on the side of my bed.
Boss moved some of my stuff into this empty room so I could feel more at home. Ellie comes by every day after school and Cameron is here every day. He left some hours ago because his parents wanted to talk to him.
"Yeah", I said trying to sit up.
"Lay down Erica", boss said pushing my shoulders' down.
"I'm fine I want to work"
"Erica you've been through hell these past weeks. You have been tortured burned, shocked, cut, beat and starved. You need to let your body heal", boss said.
"I feel fine"
"Just because your arm and leg healed doesn't mean your actual body is back in working order. Your ribs still need to heal", boss said.
"My body is fine"
"Erica I'm not going to keep doing this shit with you if you think you're fine then you are", boss said and was doing something with the IV in my arm.
"What you doing"
"If you aren't hurting or anything why do you still need this", boss said pulling the IV out my arm.
I was just looking at what he was doing in shock.
"If you feel no pain after a few hours then you're free to go. Also, you still have stitches on your side and if I see that it's bleeding when I come back just be prepared", boss said and left the room.
Since when did I have stitches. I pulled up my shirt and I did have stitches they went down to my hip. I pulled my shorts down some and I had a long cut going down my side.
"Oh my god Erica pull your shorts back up", I hear Cameron yell.
I pulled my short back up and looked up at Cameron he had his hands covering his eyes. I rolled my eyes and pulled my shirt down.
"It's not you haven't seen it before"
Cameron uncovered his eyes and sat on the side of my bed.
"I wish I could have unseen that too", Cameron said.
"You know you liked it", I said and winked at him.
Cameron started laughing at me and then stopped once he saw my arm.
"Where's your IV", Cameron said grabbing my arm.
"Boss took it out he said I could leave finally"
"Erica not trying burst your bubble or anything but that IV was your pain meds without it, you'll be in pain like getting Hulk smashed by Hulk over and over again", Cameron said.
"I feel fine I don't fucking need it"
"You feel fine now because the medication is still in your goddamn system", Cameron said.
I got up and steady myself on the floor. Shit, I haven't actually walked in awhile because Cameron and boss kept babying me. I grabbed onto Cameron's shoulder and he grabbed my waist.
"If you're not going to listen to us then at least let me help you", Cameron said.
Cameron wrapped his arms around my small waist and helped me walk out the room.
"You sure you don't want the wheelchair", Cameron said.
"Yeah I'm sure"
Cameron opened the door still behind me with his arms still around my waist. As we were going down the halls into the locker room the other workers were giving us this look. Like I don't know how to describe it but it felt weird.
"What are you going to to exactly", Cameron said and opened the locker room door.
"Take a shower and change my clothes"
"Oh", Cameron said and opened the shower door inside the locker room.
"Can you get my clothes out my locker you already know the passcode"
Cameron left the room and I walked well limped into one of the shower cubicles. I started the water and took off my clothes. I showered with the soap in here and leaned my head against the wall. I let the warm water run down my body and sighed.
"Oh shit", I heard Cameron say.
I turned around and Cameron had his eyes covered. I turned off the water and walked over to Cameron.
"No peeking"
I grabbed his shoulder and started getting dressed.
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"Just look at them", I heard somebody say.
I looked around and there was nobody here with us. I tapped Cameron's shoulder and he slowly opened his eyes.
"You heard that"
"Erica there's nobody in here but us", Cameron said.
"I heard something"
"Do they you know", I heard the mysterious voice again.
"Okay time to get out of here", Cameron said and grabbed my waist.
He pulled me into him and we walked out of the locker room. We went to the indoor pool area and I just set my feet in the water since I still had stitches. Cameron took off his shirt and jumped into the pool.
Wait a second Cameron can't swim.
"I know what you're thinking I'm taking swimming lessons", Cameron said laying back into the pool.
"But you still don't know how to swim"
"I know enough", Cameron said floating across the large pool.
"Hey lovebirds", someone yelled.
I turned around and Phillip was standing in the doorway.
"What do you want"
"Nothing boss didn't see you in your room and Cameron's car was outside so he sent me to tell you two something", Phillip said.
"What", Cameron said.
"That there are cameras there and there", Phillip said pointing at the ceiling and wall near the door.
There are only two cameras in the pool area and there are so many blind spots.
"Ok and why are you telling us this"
"Because boss said he doesn't want to see any sexual activity between you two on them", Phillip said.
"You won't"
"Cameron", Phillip said waiting for his answer.
"Ok", Cameron said.
"Now that that's done carry on with what you were doing", Phillip said leaving the room.
I felt the water moving and looked back at the pool. Cameron was gone he was nowhere in the pool.
"Cameron", I yelled.
I couldn't actually get in the pool to look for him because of the stitches. I turned around and nobody was there. The room was empty and I turned back around yelling, "Cameron."
I felt someone lightly grab the side of my face and press their lips on mine. I looked and notice it was Cameron. His eyes were closed and he was holding onto the side of the pool to stay floating.
I kissed him back and opened my legs so Cameron could get closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I closed my eyes. I leant my head to the side to deepen the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.
I felt his arm move and heard two gun shots from behind me. I was going to turn around but Cameron grabbed the side of my face and turned me back towards him. After some minutes I heard the door burst open and someone sighing.
"Break it up lovebirds", I heard someone say and pull me back.
I opened my eyes and looked up to see boss.
"Shit", I said under my breath.
"Didn't I tell you two specifically that boss didn't want to see any sexual activity between you two", I heard Phillip say.
"He said he didn't want to see us", Cameron said.
"That doesn't mean shoot my fucking cameras", boss yelled.
Boss dragged me all the way to the door and helped me stand up. I balanced myself and leaned against the wall. Cameron got out the pool and may I add he was easy on the eyes.
"Both of you in my office now", boss said and left the room with Phillip behind him.