My eyes slowly start to open and my head is fucking throbbing. Then everything from last night starts flooding in and I try to get up. But I'm pulled back down, I'm cuffed to a wall by my hands and feet. I'm at least two feet off the ground.
"Finally you're awake", a man said.
I look at the metal cuffs around my wrist and start to pull at them.
"It's no use", the man said again.
I look around the dark room and see some cuffs hanging from the ceiling in front of me. There was dried up blood on the floor. Then I see a table on the right of me against the wall it has my bag and some other stuff I can't make out.
"Can you pay attention", the man said.
I stop pulling at the cuffs and look for a door or window. I see on my left but it's far away and there's a window a big one. It looks like a one-way window and it's on the wall across from me.
"Girl", the man said again.
This time he slapped me and my face turns abruptly to the left because of the force. I got angry and started pulling on the cuffs again.
"Fuck you want", I yelled.
"Pay attention", he yelled back.
"Fuck you"
Just then the door opened and I looked past the man talking to see the other one walk in. I couldn't really tell what he looked like from the light being dimmed.
"Erica listen", the man said.
"Once I get loose I'm going to bash your fucking head in"
"Now hold on Erica we just want the pictures", the man said.
"Fuck you"
"Erica we can do this the easy way or the hard way where is the film from the camera", the man said.
"Suck my dick"
"The hard way it is", the man said and left the room.
"Fuck you looking at", I told the other man still in the room.
"Have fun with them", he said and left the room.
Now that they're gone I find a way to get out of here. I started pulling harder at the cuffs again and they still wouldn't budge. After some hours well it felt like hours a boy and the man from before came in and finally turned on the lights.
I squinted my eyes from the bright light and the boy was wearing Adidas sweatpants, a white shirt and had a mask on. The man stood behind the boy as he came closer to me.
"Erica Taylor the assassin finally we meet", the boy said.
"What do you want"
"You killed my fucking mom", he said and grabbed a bat off the table.
He swung the bat at my sides and I held bit my lip to keep from screaming. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as he hit me over and over again.
"This... is... why... you... don't... mess... with... my... family", he said taking breaks in between swings.
He backed away from me and everything is hurting right now.
"Is that all you got pussy", I yelled out.
His face turned red and the man behind him started chuckling.
"Bitch", he yelled.
He ran back towards me and started swinging at me again with more force. I heard something make a cracking noise.
"Ok that's enough we need her up", the man said taking the bat from the boy.
"You're lucky he was here", the boy whispered in my ear.
He punched me in the stomach or what's left of it. I looked down at my stomach and it was sort of sunken in. I guess he broke some of my ribs.
"Good day Adam", the man said as he left the room.
"Yeah", Adam said.
"Where's the film", the man said.
They're dumbasses they still haven't checked my pockets.
"Suck my ass"
"We will break you Ms Taylor", the man.
I fake smiled at him and he smiled back. Weird.
"Bring the next one in", the man said backing away from me.
Then I heard the door knob turn and a muscular man came in. He had on grey sweatpants and a wife beater.
"How's your night been going", he said walking towards the table.
"Absolutely great I mean I had a play date with Adam now you. Two play date in one day this is the best day of my life"
The man in the suit standing near the door started laughing again. I never knew I was a comedian.
"Nice to know", the man in the wife-beater said.
He grabbed a stun gun and he came up to me smiling. I closed my eyes as he began to shock me in my left rib cage on my bare bruised skin. I screaming in agony and was just waiting for it to end.
"That's enough", the suit man said after what felt like hours.
I felt numb as the other man threw the stun gun on the table. I hung my head low trying to hold on my tears.
I heard the door open and close and footsteps coming closer to me. Just then someone grabbed my hair and pulled my head up.
"Where's the film", the suit man said.
"Do your worst"
"Angelo put her to sleep", he said dropping my head.
I heard the door opened and close again and I held my head up a little to see him.
"Hello Ms Taylor", a man said coming in the room.
"What I don't get any smart remark I feel hurt", he said.
"What do you want", I said in a low voice.
"It's not what I want it's what he wants", he said.
He started walking towards me and I noticed he had a black cloth in his hand. I was full on awake now.
"Fuck away from me", I said as he was coming closer to me.
"Just hold still", he said trying to drug me.
I kept moving my head so he couldn't put that cloth on me. Even though it hurts to even breath I was not letting him drug me. He grabbed my neck and I head butted him.
"Bitch", he said backing away from me.
I started laughing and he punched me in the stomach. I let out a whimper and bent over a little. I started holding my breath as he placed the cloth against my mouth.
"Breath", he said and punched me in the stomach again.
I could feel my face heating up and I had breath in something. I felt myself starting to cough and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started coughing and breathed in the chloroform on his piece of cloth.
"Nighty Nighty", was all I heard him say until everything went black.
Cameron's POV
Where the fuck is she? She should have been here hours ago.
"Where's Airy", Ellie said.
She in the room running and jumped on me. I sat her in my lap and set the game controller down.
"She should be here soon and shouldn't you be sleeping it's almost twelve in the morning"
"Maybe", Ellie said.
"Come on time for bed", I said standing up.
I picked her up and went upstairs to my room. I sat her down on the bed and tucked her in.
"Night Ellie"
"When is Airy coming back", Ellie said sleepily.
"In the morning now it's time for bed"
"Night Cammy", Ellie said.
She turned over and went to sleep. I went out the room and back downstairs.
"Where's your girlfriend Erica", mom said.
"Mom we're just best friends", I said sitting down on the couch.
"Sure you two are but anyway where is she", mom said.
"She had to work the night shift"
"You checked up on her", mom
"I tried she won't pick up"
"Awww is my Cammypoo worried", mom said hugging me.
"No I'm not", I said pushing her away from me.
"It's okay you don't have to tell me", mom said.
I started back playing CoD and mom kept talking.
"If you're so worried why don't you go up there and see her", mom said.
"Mom it doesn't work like that I don't know where she is at work"
"Did you try calling a co-worker that's working with her maybe they know where she's at", mom said.
"Yeah every one of them said they don't know where she is or didn't even answer the phone"
"Maybe she'll come by in the morning sweetie now go to bed", mom said turned off my game.
"Fine", I said stood up and hugged my mom.
I went upstairs to my room and Ellie was asleep. I slid her over some and laid down. I closed my eyes and heard some shuffling. I peeped open my right eye and Ellie crawled over towards me. She laid on my chest and went back to sleep. I wrapped my arm around her and tried to sleep.