"Hoe", Deco said.
"Look who's talking"
He flipped me off and I smiled and tapped my wrist.
"You're unbelievable", Deco said.
"Hello still here", Donte said waving his hands.
"Hello to you too"
Cameron's POV
"I heard this place has the cutest waitresses", Brett said as we sat at a table.
Just then a man in blue and green hair came by drenched in paint and his shoes made a squishy sound as he walked passed us.
"I'm going to fucking kill Erica and that boy Dego, Dedo whatever the fuck his dumbass name is", he mumbled sitting at the table across from us.
"Damn Erica did that", Ben whispered.
"I guess so", I whispered back.
"I would hate to make her mad", Ben whispered.
"Yeah I remember one time she duck taped me to the ceiling because I ate her food"
I remember that day perfectly. The night before I ate her pizza that she made so in return I woke up duck taped to the ceiling. I don't know how she put me up there or where she got the tape from. All I know is that I had to get dad to get me down while Erica sat on the my bed laughing.
"Hello is anybody in there the lady asked what you would like to eat", Ben screamed into my ear.
"Shit", I said pushing him away from me.
"I'll get a banana smoothie"
"Coming right up sweet cheeks", the waitress said winking at me.
She walked away from the table and Ben started punching me in my arm.
"I saw that she winked at you", Ben said.
"I know I saw"
"Come on man cheer up forget about Erica. If she can move on so can you", Ben said.
"I'll be right back"
I went past Ben to the restrooms and then out the window. I pulled Ben's car keys out my pocket and left the restaurant.
If I can't date Erica we can at least be friends. I drive over to her building and parked outside. As I pulled up another car left out. I went up to their apartment and knocked on the door.
No answer. I knocked even harder still no answer. I pressed my ear up against the door and heard faint panting from the other side of the door. I hope she's not with Deco. I rang the doorbell couple of times and nobody answered the door.
I guess I'll just come back later she must be busy. I went back to the place and my brother was fuming he was angry as hell. I sat back down and he glared at me.
"I'm back"
"Where the fuck did you go", Ben said.
"To go see Erica"
"The whole point of this is to make you forget about Erica not make you go see her", Ben said shaking his head.
I took a sip of the smoothie and noticed there was writing on it. It was a phone number from Amy. She must have been our waitress.
"What did you say", Ben said.
"She didn't answer the door"
"Come on let's go see her", Ben said and we left.
We went straight to her place and then to her apartment. Ben knocked on the door and Donte answered the door.
"What", Donte said.
"Is Erica here", Ben said.
"She left awhile ago", Donte said.
"Where to"
"Outta town to visit Deco's family for the weekend", Donte said.
"What about work and school"
"She said something about transferring jobs and school I don't know", Donte said.
"You know where they're going", Ben said.
"Aspen", Donte said.
"Yeah she left some minutes ago. She packed her laptop, clothes and stuff", Donte said.
"Are they going by plane or car"
"Plane I think", Donte said.
"Oh well thanks for the info", Ben said.
"Yeah", Donte said and closed the door.
"Well just call her or something tomorrow. For now let's just hang out get some drinks, food and I think my friend is throwing a party tonight", Ben said.
Erica's POV (After the flight)
The whole flight I was calling AU district in Colorado for a job opening. They were happy to have me considering my file. I called my school and asked the teachers if I could get my stuff emailed. Some said yes others said no but that's okay because that means less work for me to do.
"Baby come on my family has been dying to meet you", Deco said.
We got into my car. I forgot to mention that I got it delivered since I'm going to be working. I drove us to his family's cabin in Aspen and his family was waiting outside for us. This place was beautiful. I parked my car and followed behind Deco to his family. Deco grabbed his suitcases and I only had two bags.
"She's so pretty", a little girl said.
"Is this the girl you've been talking about", a man said.
He looked like he was in his in his early forties and he looked good for his age. Then the lady standing next to him was gorgeous like she looked like she hasn't ages since she was twenty. Then there was a little girl with brown hair flowing down to her waist.
"Yes this is Erica my girlfriend", Deco said smiling.
"Well it's nice to finally meet you Erica", the man said.
"Nice to meet you too..."
"Fred", he said shaking my hand.
I winced a little bit but covered it up so he it wouldn't be a problem. My face healed up and the bruises over my body went away but my hands still hurt a little.
"Krystal", the lady said pulling me into a hug.
I'm guessing she's a hugger.
"This is our daughter Winter and our other son Wayne is inside with Spring and Luke", Krystal said.
"Ok hey Winter"
She waved back still staring at me.
"It's not nice to stare", Krystal said scolding Winter.
"Sorry Erica", Winter said.
She had the sweetest voice it was so small.
"It's alright"
I followed Deco's family inside of the cabin and it was amazing. Everything was shiny and polished. We walked into the living room and was stopped by a little boy.
"Quelle est cette belle chose que je vois ici?", a boy said. (English- Who is this beautiful thing I see right here)
He looked like he was thirteen years old and might I add he's a little too tall for being thirteen. He's a sweet talker too. I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand and kissed it.
"Arrêtez de frapper ma petite amie", Deco said. (English- Stop hitting on my girlfriend)
"Pourquoi obtenir avec un petit enfant comme lui quand on peut l'emmener avec un homme", the boy said. (English- Why get with a little kid like him when you can get with a man)
"D'abord, vous êtes trop jeune" (English- First you're way too young)
"Luke stop bothering Erica", Krystal said.
"Hi I'm Spring", a teenage girl said running up to me.
"Hey I'm Erica"
She ran off giggling with Winter.
"Tristan show Erica to her room and no funny business", Krystal said and I followed Deco upstairs.
We walked into the bedroom and it was huge. Deco closed the door behind us.
"This used to be my room until I moved out", Deco said.
I dropped my bags and kicked off my shoes. I ran and jumped on the bed. I got comfy and laid back on the bed.
"So what you do about work", Deco said sitting on foot of the bed.
"I called in and transferred locations"
"School", Deco said.
He crawled up the bed kicking off his shoes. He laid next to me laying next to me. He lifted up my shirt and started drawing circles on my stomach.
"Getting it emailed"
"How you liking it so far", Deco said.
"It's alright your family is great and this place is beautiful"
"Not as beautiful as you", Deco said and pecked my lips.
"Awwwwwww", we heard someone say.
Then looked up to see Krystal and Fred. Deco and I separated from each other sitting up on the bed.
"They grow up so fast", Krystal said wiping a tear from her eye.
"Mom", Deco whined.
"Remember to keep it PG", Fred said laughing.