Once I walked into the building it was chaos everywhere. People running around some with folders and others with guns. I made my way upstairs with my things and Frostbite.
"Ms Taylor you're finally here Ms Blackwood would like to see you", a boy said.
I went up to her office and dropped my bags on the floor.
"Ms Taylor we understand that you are good with clues so right this way to the file room", Ms Blackwood said walking off.
"Make yourself at home", I told Frostbite.
I went after Ms Blackwood into this giant room full of file cabinets.
"This is where the files were stolen from and I've had almost the whole district look for any clues but they came up with nothing", Ms Blackwood said.
I walked further into the room where two file cabinets sat in the middle of the floor. I looked up at the ceiling and there was a vent.
"They came in through the vent"
"We already know that. What need is who did it?", Ms Blackwood said.
I climbed on top of the cabinet and jumped up into the vent. I turned on the flashlight and saw a piece of black fabric wedged between the vent. I looked at it and in yellow writing it said FBI. I grabbed it and climbed out.
"Might want to relocate"
I gave her the fabric and went back into her office. Frostbite was laying on the side her desk.
"Why didn't they just bust us", Ms Blackwood said walking back into the room.
"I don't know is that I need that file back"
"You can't just walk up in there you need a plan", Ms Blackwood said.
"Yeah and I have one it's getting my file back"
"I'd advise you to stay here and come up with an actual plan", Ms Blackwood said.
"I need a knife, chloroform, a P18 with a suppressor, and a 2016 Hyundai Sonata with common colors"
"What are you doing with the car", Ms Blackwood asked.
"I'll also need one of your best workers get him or her in here now"
"You can't just order me around like this", Ms Blackwood said.
"I'm not getting any younger call them in here now and I want my supplies outside in thirty minutes"
"I don't have to take orders from you", Ms Blackwood said.
"Your life isn't on the line right now mine is and if I get caught so help me I'll come kill your ass"
"Fine...", Ms Blackwood said going over to her walkie talkie.
"I need Cecilia Yates and Oscar Snyder in my office now", Ms Blackwood said into her walkie.
Ten minutes later a Chinese girl and I'm going to say mixed boy come running into office.
"I asked for one"
"They come in a pair", Ms Blackwood said.
"Which one of you would you say is this good driver", I asked them.
The Chinese girl looked at me confused.
"Who are you", Cecilia said.
"Erica now answer the question I don't have time to waste"
"I am", Oscar said.
"Okay well Ms Blackwood I want him behind the wheel and her shooting"
"Alright but again you still don't have a plan", Ms Blackwood said.
"I do and do what I asked. I'll be back later"
"Who is this girl and where did she come from", Oscar said.
"I'm Erica as I said before and I'm from the California district"
"Wait you're the girl that got her file stolen", Oscar said.
"Yeah and I want both of you outside in that Hyundai in...", I said looking at my phone.
"...twenty-four minutes"
"You don't tell us what to do", Cecilia said.
"I do as if today and if your not in that car I'm coming for you Ms Blackwood", I said looking back at her.
"You can't threaten our boss like that we can have you killed", Oscar said.
"Yeah and I can also kill you. Frostbite let's go"
I grabbed my bag with my clothes in it and left the room with Frostbite right behind me. I went outside to my car and laid across the backseat. Frostbite sat in the front and went to sleep. Just then my phone rang and it wans my boss.
"What the fuck are you doing ordering around the Colorado district's boss", Boss said.
"My file was took from the FBI and I need it back"
"Ok that doesn't mean you can just boss her around her life is on too you know", Boss said.
"You don't understand what's in my file"
"I do it's all papers from jobs you have done", Boss said.
"No you don't get it that's not all in my file you've never read it. You was given my file from all kinds of districts from Alaska to Germany. I was being passed around from place to place doing things"
"Do you even have a plan", Boss said.
"Of course to go in get the files and leave"
"And when exactly are you going", Boss said.
"Around nighttime"
"So why are you getting everything now", Boss said.
"Because I'm going to get plans and blueprints of the building"
"From who", Boss said.
"A guy I know"
"Erica I don't like this", Boss said.
"You never like any of the plans I give", I said hanging up the phone.
"This is going to be a long day Shadow"
I sat up and opened my laptop. Once I opened it I had an email. Who the fuck emails? I opened it and I was from the FBI. It said something about who do I work for and all the rest of that shit. I just deleted it and my email. Luckily in my file it says nothing about AU the California district, my roommate or Deco and his family.
But I'm still not going to wait around for the FBI to find out about them so I need to get that file. I climbed into the front seat and drove off to the nearest store with the help of my GPS of course.
I brought a gym bag and some other supplies just in case everything doesn't go as plan. I drove back up to AU and there was the car I asked for it was silver and slightly dirty but not too dirty.
I parked my car and packed another outfit in the nike bag also with the extra supplies. I got out and sent Frostbite inside. I got into the back of the Hyundai and Cecilia and Oscar were in the front.
"Take me to the pet store on Crimson Avenue"
"Hey we have some rules of our own", Oscar said.
"Yeah say them while you drive"
I opened the black duffle bag and she gave me everything as promised. I started packing them in my Nike bag.
"First you aren't our boss, second you're not going to order us around and third if you kill or even touch one of us the other will kill you", Cecilia said.
"Understand", Oscar said.
I continued unpacking the stuff I brought.
"UNDERSTAND", Oscar yelled.
I quickly pulled out my knife and held it to Oscar's throat. I felt a gun press up against the side of my head. I looked out the corner off my eye and Cecilia was pushing the gun against my head.
"I have some rules of my own too. You will not yell at me, as if now I am your boss and Cecilia unless you want AU to hunt you down I would have to tell put your gun down"
I looked out the corner of my eye again and she placed her gun in her lap.
"Good girl now when I ask for something or tell you to do something I expect for it to be done with no questions asked. Because I can easily just put a bullet in the back of your heads and just say the FBI killed you. Understand Oscar and Cecilia"
"Understood", they said in sync.
"Now take me to that pet shop"
I removed my knife from his throat and went back to packing my stuff. The ride was slient as we got to the pet shop. I tossed in my bag and got out the car with Oscar and Cecilia right behind me. I walked to the back of the store and knocked on the door.
"Yo no hablo ingles", Brice said.
"Open the fucking door Brice"
I heard some locks being unlocked and then the door opened. Brice was a short middle aged man I met in the Ohio district. I took a bullet for him saving his life.
"It's been a long time Erica", Brice said with his crooked smile.