Cameron's POV
I woke up to being shaken and opened my eyes to see Ellie. She was dressed in a school uniform and sitting on my chest.
"Yeah Ellie"
"I'm going to be late to school get up sleepy head", Ellie said running out the room.
I got up and went downstairs. I saw Mr Norman in the kitchen reading the newspaper.
"Excuse me Mr Norman can you drive Ellie to school please"
"Yes sir", he said standing up.
"Again call me Cameron"
"Yes Cameron", Mr Norman said walking out the kitchen.
I went into my mom's office and she was doing something.
"Mom did Erica come by or call"
"No sweetie she didn't maybe she's still sleep call her roommate", mom said.
"Great idea"
I ran out her office to my room almost tripping on the last step. I grabbed my phone and called Donte.
"Yeah", Donte said.
"Is Erica there"
"No, she didn't come back her or her little sister. She left last night wearing a black Adidas bra, Adidas shorts and black Nike shoes", Donte said.
"Well if you see or hear anything from Erica can you call me"
"Is she like missing or something", Donte said.
"Yeah she didn't come to pick Ellie up last night or today"
"If you need a babysitter for her sister today while you look for her I'm happy to watch her", Donte said.
"Ok thanks", I said and hung up.
I ran into dad's office and he had someone in there with him.
"Yes Cameron as you can see I'm busy", dad said pointing at the man across from him.
"I know but have you heard anything from Erica"
"You're talking about tall, curly blondish brown hair Erica", dad said.
"Yeah have you called her"
"No but I will after this", dad said.
"Not to interrupt but who is Erica", the man said.
"My son's little girlfriend", dad said.
"My best friend"
"I could call some friends of mine to help you find her", the man said.
"Thank you", I said.
I took off my phone case and took out this picture of Erica I had. It was of me and Erica at a pool party. I gave him the picture and he looked at it before putting it in his suit pocket.
"That's one beautiful young lady I see why you're so worried about her", the man said.
Erica's POV
I woke up strapped to a leather chair and I noticed I'm in a different room. I looked around the room and this is the same room I saw Mauricio in. I looked back and him sitting on the cement floor unlocked.
"Mr Reed", I whispered.
"No don't hurt me", Mr Reed said sitting up.
"I'm not going to hurt you"
He opened his eyes and stared at me.
"It's you from yesterday what are you doing here", Mr Reed said.
"Can you untie me"
"I see you two have been acquainted", a man said.
I turned back around and it was suit man and another man he was wearing a black ski mask. He tightens the straps on my wrist and ankles.
"I hate to do this to a pretty girl like you but it's his orders", the man said.
"Erica you have one more chance where's the film", suit man said.
"Fuck you", I said balling up my fist.
"Do it", suit man said told the other man.
The was switch turned on by the ski mask man causing a electrical bolt to hit my chest and sides making me scream in agony. I tighten my grip on the chair feeling the burning sensation enter my whole body. The switch was turned off and suit man started to chuckle at my pain. I could still feel my body shaking from the heavy shocks.
"Where's the film Erica", suit man said.
"Do your worst bitch"
"Crank it up again", suit man said.
Ski mask man did exactly what he said. He switched it on again and my body jolted up as I felt the burning sensation enter my body again. I screamed while suit man was laughing at me. The switch was turned off. My body slouched down into the chair like I was melting.
"Where's the fucking film", suit man said.
He pulled my hair up making me sit up a little.
"Bitch", I said and spit the blood my mouth in his face.
He took out his handkerchief and wiped his face. His face was red with anger and he punched me in the face.
"Crank it up again", suit man said.
"I can't if I do it any longer she'll die", ski mask man said.
Suit man grabbed my throat and I looked into his brown eyes as he was looking back at mine.
"If I don't get that film by the end of the month I'm taking that beautiful eye of yours", suit man said and slapped me.
He walked towards the door and looked back at ski mask man.
"Put her next to Mr Mauricio", he said and slammed the door.
Ski mask man untied me and set me next to Mr Reed. He turned around and left the room.
I looked at my hands and they are shaking from the electric shocks in my body.
"Fuck", I whispered looking at my beat up body.
"Are you ok", Mr Reed said slid next to me.
"Yeah peachy"
I sat up and touched my ribs. I winced when I did and sighed.
"You need to rest", Mr Reed said.
"I can't I need to get out of here", I said trying to stand up.
I kept falling back down and eventually gave up.
"You're hurt badly you need to rest", Mr Reed said.
"No, I need to get my bag it has my phone"
This I realised something my walkie talkie it's in my bag Ellie I know she'll pick up. Wait for Ellie I wonder how she's doing I hope Cammy is taking care of her.
"First you need to rest", Mr Reed said.
I used all the strength I had left and stood up.
"Where are you going", Mr Reed said.
I walked to the table on the side of the room and grabbed a knife off the table. I put it in my pocket and sat back down next to Mr Reed.
"What's the date"
"If I counted correctly it's the 18th", Mr Reed said.
I have to get out of here before the 31st. I have 12 days to come up with a plan and get the hell out of here.
"Tell them anything and I'll kill you"
"Got it", Mr Reed said backing away from me.
I laid up against the wall and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep.
Cameron's POV (1 week later)
Still no call from Erica. No letter or anything. I don't know how much longer I can lie to Ellie about Erica's whereabouts. I finally decided to confront boss about this so he could help. I opened his office door and he was going through files on his desk.
"Yes Cameron", boss said looking up at me.
"It's about Erica"
I sat in the chair across from him and there was pictures, papers and files
"I know she's missing", he said looking back down at his files.
"Did you investigate Carter yet"
"Yes he said he heard a deep voice through the mic and then everything went silent", he said.
"He didn't record any of it like he was supposed to", he said.
"So what are you doing about it now"
"Going through her files we've already ambushed the Valley home she's not there. All we know is that she was there we found her blood all over one of the rooms", he said.
"Is she still alive"
"Yes on the basement floor she had wrote a note in blood", he said.
"What did it say"
He handed me a picture and it says, "If you're reading this I've been relocated. I'm okay minus the broken bones, burn marks and bruises. I'm still coming up with a plan to get out of here. But if I don't get me before the end of the month. Also, I found Mr Mauricio he's alive. Cameron, please make sure Ellie gets to see this and tell her I'm alright and that I love her."
It felt like a weight has been lifted off of my chest. She's still alive, she's still alive. I looked up at boss and he was looking at me.
"She's alive"
"I will allow you to show this to Ellie person", he said.
"Ellie will be so happy to see this"
I ran out his office and drove straight home. I ran into the living room where my parents and Ellie were playing. Mom looked up at me confused and so did dad.
"Why are you so happy all of a sudden", mom said.
"Ellie here", I said giving her the picture.
Dad picked Ellie up and placed her in his lap. Mom slid over next to them and looked over dad's shoulder to read it too.
"Airy", Ellie yelled and jumped up.
"She's alive", mom said.
She started jumping up and with Ellie while dad sat there confused.
"What's wrong dad"
"She's so calm about everything. She's making it seem like she isn't kidnapped or being beaten on", dad said.