Erica's POV (5 days later)
I hope Ellie saw my note I wish I could see her again. Just hug her again and Cameron I hope I'm not worrying him too much. But on the bright side, they moved us into this new room some days ago. They finally started feeding me yesterday I feel somewhat better.
I've tried to escape at least ten times over the past three days. Every time I was either caught or Mr Reed would give us away. I still have the film and the knife in my pocket. I'm going to escape tomorrow for sure. I have a plan and everything I know this house like the back of my hand now.
"Here's dinner", a man said throwing small two bags into the room.
Oh yeah, I forgot with the new room we have beds. I stood up and grabbed the bag. I sat down on the bed and Mr Reed's bed was across from mine. I used the sheets off the bed and patched myself up. I wrapped up my sides and leg. I had a play date with Gordan yesterday and he shot me in the leg. I pulled the bullet out once I got back into the room and wrapped it up.
"It's bread again", Mr Reed said laying back onto the wall.
I opened the bag and there two slices of bread. I smelled it to make sure it wasn't poisoned and then ate it. I can't wait until tomorrow morning I'm finally going to get out of here. This time I told Mr Reed to stay behind me and follow my lead. I can't wait to see Ellie and Cameron tomorrow. This is the first night I went sleep with a smile on my face.
I woke up chained to the ceiling by my hands. I looked around the room and there was a table with some weapons on it.
"Morning Erica", a man said.
I looked at the door and a man was standing there with a knife in his hand. He was coming towards me and I kicked the knife out of his hand. Before he could call somebody to help him I pulled hard at the rusty chains and dropped down from the ceiling.
I ran towards him forgetting all about my leg. I jumped on his back and took the knife out of my pocket. I slit his throat and quickly jumped down. He body fell onto the floor and I searched his pockets for keys.
"Time for step two", I said as I put the keys in my pocket.
I grabbed a gun off the table and put it in my pocket. I looked down the hall making sure nobody was around and ran to the room that had my bag in it. There were two men in there and I put a bullet in the back of their heads. They didn't even see it coming.
I grabbed my bag and ran towards the room we stayed in. I unlocked the door and Mr Reed was sitting on the bed looking up at the ceiling.
"Let's go", I yelled and jumped up.
He ran towards me and stayed close to me as we went downstairs. The front door was right in front of us but I'm looking for a garage.
"Stay here"
I looked to my left and a man had his back turned to us he was watching t.v on the couch. I snuck up behind him and slit his throat when he leaned back.
"Come on"
Mr Reed ran behind me as I walked towards the garage door. I unlocked it and went to the other side of the room and grabbed two pairs of car keys off the wall. I clicked the alarms and a bunch of men came running into the room.
"There they are", the man yelled.
"Go get in a car and don't leave without me", I said tossing Mr Reed a pair of keys.
I took out my gun and shot all four of them. I ran towards my car and turned off the alarm. I started the car and busted through the glass garage door. Along with Mr Reed behind me, we drove down the hill. People started running out the house shooting at our cars.
Since Mr Reed had a truck he busted through the front gate. I turned on my phone and started up the GPS to the nearest police station. I parked my car and rolled the window.
"Thank you so much", Mr Reed said reaching into the car hugging me.
"You're welcome Mr Reed"
He backed up from me and ran into the police station. I reprogrammed the GPS and drove straight to Cameron's house.
After hours of driving, I finally arrived there. I parked the car and tossed on my bag. I ran towards the door and stood there for a few minutes. Until I ringed the doorbell and knocked on the door. I can't wait to see Ellie the look on her face along with Cameron's.
"Mom the door", I hear Cameron yelled from the other side of the door.
"Jordan honey go answer the door", Ariel Cameron's mom yelled.
"Tell your son to get it", Jordan yelled.
All of this to open the door. I rung the doorbell some more and finally, someone opened the door. It was Cameron he stood there in shock.
"Who's at the door", Ariel said walking up behind Cameron.
"Erica", Ariel yelled dropping her cup onto the floor.
"Hey", I said waving my hand smiling weakly.
I didn't know I was that special.
"Y-you're not dead", Cameron said.
"What's going on", I heard Ellie's voice.
She pushed through Cameron and Ariel's legs and saw me.
"Airy", Ellie screamed.
I bent down and wrapped my good arm around her tightly.
"I missed you so much", I whispered into her ear.
"I missed you too", Ellie said and she started crying.
Ellie backed up from me and I stood up. I looked at Cameron and he had a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Look at you", Cameron said and pulled me into him.
I hugged him back with my unbroken arm and I looked up to see Jordan Cameron's dad coming now the stairs.
"Stop standing around we need to get her to a hospital", Jordan said walking off somewhere.
I backed up from Cameron and he stared at my stomach. I looked down and saw that there was blood all over my bandages.
"That's not my blood", I said pointing at my stomach.
"Then who's is it", Jordan said.
"Come on in the car", Jordan said pushing past Cameron.
"We can take the car I came in", I said pointing at the blue Corvette in the driveway.
"Where did you get that", Cameron said.
"Long story"
"Everybody in Erica's car", Jordan said pushing us out the door.
I walked towards the car and hopped in the front seat.
"Why are there bullet holes in the back of the car", Ariel said.
"Oh hell nah Erica backseat", Jordan said.
"I steal it, I drive it"
"Erica you're injured I drive", Jordan said.
"Either you get in the car or follow us to the hospital"
"Fine", Jordan said and got in the backseat.
He sat next to Ellie who was in the middle. I was about to drive off until Ariel said something.
"Put on your seatbelt", Ariel said.
I did as she said and drove off to the nearest hospital. When I parked the car Ariel and Jordan were staring at me wide eyed.
"You're never driving again", Ariel said as we all got out the car.
Cameron's POV
When I saw her at the doorstep of my house I was stunned. She actually escaped I mean it's not like I was doubting her or anything but she made it. She was standing there smiling at me. Her stomach was covered in blood-stained cloth and then her leg was covered too. She looked fucked up honestly.
She had a black eye, her stomach was sunken in and her arm it didn't look human. I don't know how she drove here with a messed up arm and leg. Then when she took us that wasn't her blood all over her stomach I was just terrified of what she went through.
"Ms Taylor wishes to speak to a Cameron and Ellie", a lady in a nurse uniform says.
She walked into the waiting room with three policemen by her side.
"Umm that'll be me", I said standing up.
"You mean Airy", Ellie said jumping out of mom's lap.
"Right this way", the nurse said walking down this hall.
We all got into the elevator and that's when they started asking questions.
"May I ask who are you two to Ms Taylor", the officer said.
"I'm her best friend and this is her little sister Ellie"
"Do you know what happened to her", the officer said.
"Yeah why"
"Because she won't talk us Ms Taylor specifically said she doesn't want to go to court about this", the other officer said.
The elevator dinged and we all started walking down the hall.
"If Erica doesn't want to tell you anything I won't tell you anything either"
The nurse opened the last door on the hall to her left and Erica was lying there with a leg and arm cast. Her stomach was covered in actually bandages this time.
"Airy", Ellie yelled and jumped on Erica's hospital bed.
"Ellie", Erica said and sat up.
Ellie sat on Eric's lap and they started talking to each other.
"The doctor will be here shortly", the nurse said and left.
After minutes of the officers trying to ask Erica questions about what happened to her. She wouldn't even listen to them she was so preoccupied with Ellie. The doctor finally came in and I sat in the chair next to her bed. The officers were standing on the other side of the room.
"Hello, Ms Taylor I'm Dr Colon. How are you doing", Dr Colon said.
"Fine now", Erica said hugging Ellie.
"Well, I have to inform you that...