"Erica wake up you got some mail", I heard someone yelling and shaking me.
I grabbed the person's wrist and twisted it around them pulling them into a headlock.
"Shit Erica it's me Donte", Donte said and I opened my eyes.
"Pardon", I said letting him go.
I stood up and Donte just looked at me surprised.
"Shit sorry about that you startled me", I said stretching.
"It's alright but this game in the mail for you", Donte said giving me an envelope.
I looked at the envelope and it has the same symbol that I have tattooed on my back. It's from the AU I opened it once Donte left my room. I sat down at my computer and it was a file on Daniel Griffin the son of Ruth Griffin.
The same Ruth Griffin who owns Griffin Enterprises. He runs a chain of hotels all over the world. It says that I have to kill Daniel's friend Orlando Myers.
I took out a bag and tossed the file in it. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom.
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I went back to my room and grabbed my bag.
"Where is she going", Tae said talking to Donte.
I went into the kitchen and made a sandwich.
"I don't know ask her", Donte said.
I sat down eating my sandwich checking my phone for any updates on the mission.
"Where you going Erica", Eric said.
"This late at night", Tae said as I finished my sandwich.
"Yeah", I said grabbing my keys.
I tossed my bag on my back and ran out the door. I ran downstairs to my car and drove over to AU to pick up some supplies. I parked my car and walked up to AU. On the outside it looks like some dirty old warehouse but on the inside it's huge it has 6 floors including a basement.
The basement is somewhere you never want to end up. They beat and torture you to deaf down there. Then on the 2nd and 3rd floor there's the training. On the 4th floor is where they have all the weapons and stuff. The 5th floor is what we call the mission floor it's where you go to get your profits from missions. The the 6th floor is boss's floor he's over AU.
"Hello Erica", the secratary lady said.
"Hé", I said going towards the elevator.
Some of the people that work here speak all types of languages from Korean to Turkish. I pushed the 4th floor button and got off once it dinged. I walked up to Tyler our weapons guy.
"Hey there Erica what can I do for you today", Tyler said smiling.
"I need some guns"
"Well I'll take your bag and also boss wants to speak with you", Tyler said taking my bag.
"You're kidding right"
"I'm not he said he wants to speak with you he'll be in his office", Tyler said walking away from me.
Shit boss wants to speak with me face to face. I must have done something bad maybe he wants to talk to me about our last job. I got on the elevator again and went straight to boss's office. I opened the door and there he was. He was sitting in his chair behind his desk.
"Come sit Ms Taylor", he said and I did exactly as he said.
"You wanted to talk to me"
"Yes you have finished every job we've given you no matter how difficult it is", he said.
"I've wanted to promote you personally", he said I stood straight up.
"Vous me foutrez bien" (English- You fucking with me right)
"Language", he said as I jumped around his room.
"Merde ... Désolé" (English- Shit... sorry)
"Here take this and come back here tomorrow bright and early. Talk to Jeremy on the 5th floor", he said standing up giving me this paper.
"Ok thanks", I said and went back downstairs to Tyler.
"What did he say", Tyler said giving me my bag.
"Il baise moi promu" (English- He fucking promoted me)
"That's good", Tyler said.
I tossed my bag on my back and shit it's heavy. What did he put in here? I ran out the warehouse and drove to Griffin Enterprises. I parked my car at the restaurant across the street.
I ran to the emergency door in the back of the hotel. I opened my bag to see what Tyler gave me. I have some P18s with suppressors, knives, a screwdriver and some extra ammo.
"Alright this will last me"
Now how am I going to get in here. If I open this door an alarm will go off. There's nothing I can climb to get up to that air vent so I guess I'll have to go inside.
I grabbed my bag and squatted down behind the tall rose bush. I guess I'll have to wait until Daniel Griffin arrives to get in. When he comes I'll walk in behind him and his brothers. They should be coming any time now. Just then a black limo pull up.
That must be them. His brothers Sam, Marco and Tony came out first then right behind them was Orlando. I ran up behind Daniel and walked with him inside.
There were chandeliers everywhere and everything looked fancy in here. There were people everywhere in fancy dresses and black suits.
"Who are you", Daniel said turning to look at me.
"Continuez à marcher" (English- Just keep walking)
Speaking other languages then English comes in handy at work unless they speak it too.
"What?! Who are you", Daniel said pulling me to the side.
"Au revoir" (English- Bye)
I strapped my bag to my chest and ran off into the crowd looking for Orlando.
"Wait what's your name", Daniel yelled out.
He doesn't need to know that. I spotted him in the crowd and pulled out my P18. I pointed it at Orlando about to shot but then someone bumped into me making me miss Orlando.
"Sorry", a lady said walking away from me.
I pulled the trigger again and shot him straight in the back of the head. The girl he was talking to screamed as he fell onto the floor bleeding out. I closed my bag and tossed it on my back.
Security started running towards him while people were all running around. I started making my way towards the entrance and then out the door.
"Close off all exits", one of the police officer said.
"Set up a 5ft blockade around the hotel", another officer said.
I hid behind this tree while police officers were rushing into the building. Once they went inside I ran to the restaurant across the street.
"There you are", I heard someone say and grab me.
I looked up to see Daniel. I yanked my wrist out of this hand and unlocked my car.
"You just killed my buddy", Daniel said.807Please respect copyright.PENANANPALD8BD8e
"Bien sûr je l’ai fait", I tossed my bag into the backseat. (English- Sure I did)
"You're coming with me", Daniel said.
"I think the fuck not"
"You speak English", Daniel said.
I pulled off and almost ran over his foot when I did. He stuck up the middle finger at me and stopped the car. I rolled the window down and laughed at him. I connected my iPhone 7 to the car and turned up the music.
"Bitch", Daniel yelled.
"The baddest one you know", I said and drove off.
"Airy", I heard someone whisper.
I looked around the car and there's nobody in here with me.
"Airy please pick up", I heard the voice again.
Ellie. I searched my bag and found my walkie talkie.
"Yeah Ellie", I said into the walkie talkie.
I turned down the music so I could hear her better.
"There's people here trying to take me", Ellie said and sounds like she was crying.
"What you mean? What did he say"
"He said that he's from Social something and he's going to take me", Ellie said sobbing.
"Go hide I'll be there in a second"
I stomped on the gas and drove to the house I said I was never going to visit again. I got there in a matter of seconds running every red light and stop sign.
I quickly parked the car and ran towards the little house. There was a police car and a black car in front of the house. I ran in the house past the officers who were yelling at me.
"Ellie", I yelled running upstairs.
"Airy help", Ellie yelled.
I ran into the bedroom to see some officers talking to someone under the bed.
"Come out little girl", one officer said.
"We're not here to hurt you", another officer said.
"Ellie viennent ici ", I said and Ellie came from up under the bed. (English- Ellie come here)
She ran towards me and I picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck tight and was sobbing.
"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to give us the girl", the police officer said.
"Va chercher tes trucs que tu restes avec moi pendant quelques jours", I whispered into Ellie's ear and put her down. (English- Go get your stuff you're staying with me for a few days)
The officer tried to grab Ellie while she was stuffing clothes in her bag.
"Don't you fucking touch her"
"Ma'am I have the right to take her", the officer said.
"I'm going to tell you this again don't you you fucking touch her"
"Or what", the officer said and grabbed Ellie.
I punched he officer in her face and she dropped Ellie. She pulled put her gun on me and Ellie started crying even more. The other officers in the room pointed their guns at me too.
"Airy", Ellie said crying.
"Allez vous asseoir là-bas et faites face au mur et comptez jusqu'à dix", I said pointing at the corner. (English- Go sit over there and face the wall and count to ten)
Ellie did as I said and started counting. This is going to be fun.
"Tell the girl to stand up", the officer said.
"One...", Ellie said.
I kicked the officer in front of me and she flew back into the wall.
"Two, three...", Ellie said.
The other two officers stood there staring at me. I grabbed the officer's gun that I kicked off the ground and pointed it at them.
"Four, five, six, seven...", Ellie said.
I was about to pull the trigger but Ellie was in the room.
"Eight, nine...", Ellie said.
Ugh. I threw the gun at one of the officers and punched the other one in the temple.
"Ten", Ellie said and turned around.
She looked surprised as she looked around the room.
"Come on let's get out of here", I said and grabbed Ellie's hand.
I went down the steps into the living room where my parents and grandparents sat on the couch.
"En parlant de chiennes, il y en a un maintenant", my father said. (English- Speaking of bitches there goes one now)
"Where are you going with her", my mom said pointing at Ellie.
"Casa", I said picking Ellie up.
"No you aren't give us back our daughter", mom said standing up.
"Yes I am and you don't understand they're going to take her to a foster home. And you'll never be able to she her again, I'll never be able see her again"
"Yea we will dumbass they're just here to make sure she's alright", mom said.
"No you're the dumbass here Social Services are outside ready to take her because you asshole don't understand that six people can't live in a one bedroom house"
"Cette maison a été transmise à travers des générations et des générations", dad said. (English- This house has been passed down through generations and generations)
"Their all down", an officer said coming down the stairs.
"Ma'am give us the child", another officer said.
"Ellie maintenez serré et cette fois couvrent vosoreilles", I whispered into Ellie's ear. (English- Ellie hold on tight and this time cover your ears)
She wrapped her arms tight around my neck and I elbowed the officer behind me. I grabbed his gun and shot them both in the head. I turned and looked at my parents and grandparents to see them shocked at me.
"Bye", I said and ran out the house shooting every officer in the way.
Then I ran out of bullets going to the car. I quickly buckled Ellie up in the backseat and hopped in the front seat. I looked back at Ellie and she was holding onto her bag tightly.
"You okay"
"Yeah", Ellie said looking out the window.
I stomped on the gas and drove straight to my apartment.