I stomped on the gas pedal and I drove off along with Deco. I sped off in front, but Deco's Maroon 2011 Chevy Camaro pulled up beside me.
"I get me a check and I fuck it up, Get me a check and I fuck it up, Get me a check and I fuck it up..." I was in the lead and was swerving through traffic on the expressway since we had to take the long way.
After ten miles we're finally on the street that leads straight to the school. I'm finally up ahead, but Deco is on my tail. I start falling behind Deco to let him pass. I roll my eyes and he passes by a few feet. I get a little angry so I shift my speed and pass the car by ten feet and drive into parking lot. I do a drift at the entrance of the parking lot and slide into a parking spot.
I hang out my window and wait for Deco to park his car in the open space next to mine. Once he got here he got out and slammed the door shut. Looks like somebody's a sore loser.
"Awww is somebody upset", I said grabbing my bag.
I locked my car and ran to catch up with an angry Deco.
"It's okay baby we can rematch after school"
I walked on my tippy toes for awhile so I could kiss his cheek.
"Let's just to class", Deco said.
"Since when do you go here"
"Since I transferred here yesterday and before you start questioning me yes I got my schedule", Deco said looking down at me.
Deco opened the door to the math room where Ms Matthews has a substitute. Deco closes the door behind us and the girls in the classroom was all staring at Deco like fresh meat.
"Names", the sub said.
"Erica Taylor"
"And Tristan Chevalier", Deco said.
"Ok have a seat", she said.
I looked towards the back and Brett, Carter and Cameron weren't here weird. We sat in the back where my friends and I sat.The girls in the class was staring him. I don't know why but I had this feeling I felt angry for some odd reason. I kept glaring at Tracy who was fucking eye raping Deco.
"Erica", Deco said poking me.
"Woah calm down. Why are you so angry", Deco said.
"No reason"
"Wait a second", Deco said following who I was looking at.
"You're jealous", Deco said laughing.
"No, I'm not"
"You know jealously is a bad look on you", Deco said.
I flipped him off.
"When", Deco said seriously.
"When hell freezes over"
"You always ruin the party", Deco said.
"What party the one that's in your pants"
"Yep and you somehow always start it off", Deco said.
"FREEDOM", Deco yells running down the halls out the door.
I don't know how he ran straight through the crowd of students. I tried it and failed miserably people wouldn't move out the way for me. It took me awhile getting through the halls to my car.
"REMATCH TIME", Deco said hopping in his car.
"Back to my place"
"No mine", Deco said.
"Text me the address"
"Ok I'll text you the address when I get there", Deco said and drove off.
That motherfucker. I got into my car and drove off in the direction his car went. Nobody in Los Angeles has a maroon car so this won't be hard.
I caught up with him some minutes later and drove up right behind him. I was going to pass him but I don't know where I'm going. I stayed right behind him the whole time until I saw this big hotel type place.
I quickly pressed the accelerator and tried to pass Deco but he kept stopping on brakes slowing me down. Then when I tried to pass him he was move right in front of me. Fucking cheater.
We both pulled into the parking lot and of course, he won HE FUCKING CHEATED. If I knew we were doing that I would have done it back.
"WINNER, WINNER", Deco yells running to my window as I park my car.
I got out and pushed him. I could feel my fist clenching and unclenching.
"What's wrong babe", Deco said and I just walked past him into the building.
Deco caught up with me and we walked up to the little desk in the front.
"Hey Andre", Deco said.
"Who is this", Andre said.
"This is Erica she's a little mad right now", Deco said hugging me from behind with one arm.
I tried to push him away but his hold got tighter so I gave and folded my arms.
"Well you two have fun up there", Andre said.
"We'll just be-", Deco covered my mouth with his hand.
"We will", Deco said and I elbowed him in the rib.
I bit his hand and pushed him away from me. I glare at him and he lets out a low growl.
"Hey kids calm down", Andre said and I turned to look at him.
He sunk down behind his desk and just waved us off.
"Let's go", Deco growled pushing me into the elevator.
The ride to his room was quiet and so was the walk. He opened the door and closed it behind me. Deco took off his shoes and tosses them somewhere.
"What the hell was that", Deco yelled.
"First don't yell at me and second you fucking cheat-", I was cut off by Deco smashing his lips into mine.
I tried to push him away but he grabs my waist pulling me closer to him. I begin to kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer. He bites my lip, to get permission, but I figured I would give him a little torture for cheating on the race. I continue to kiss like normal causing him to groan.
He slides his hands down to my ass and squeezes. I feel his hands caress my hips pulling my shirt up and once off he got it off. He reaches to the top of my jeans, he begins to pull them down slightly. Leaving me in a white laced bra and underwear.
My hands automatically went to the hem of his shirt and he pulled away from my mouth as I lifted it clear over his head. I see his eyes darken as he looks at my almost naked half.
He placed his hand on my lower back and pushed me against his body so our bare skin was touching. His mouth was now on my neck, my eyes automatically closing as he began kissing my skin, nibbling and licking the right spots. I let out a moan as his teeth teeth graze the side of my neck and I feel him smile against my skin.
My hands automatically goes to the button of his jeans, and with agility if I do say so myself, I undo them in one swift movement and pull the zipper down. I grip the hem of them and pull them down until they fall to his ankles leaving him in nothing but a pair of Calvin Klein boxers. He kicks them off his ankles and presses his lips back into mine.
I am, however, caught by surprise when he picks me up like a feather. I don't notice he is walking until I feel a soft cushion underneath me. I come to realise he placed me on the couch, our lips never breaking contact.
He pulls off my high tops and drops them on the floor. He lies on top of me but puts all of his weight on his hands so he doesn't crush me. He lies between my legs while my legs are wrapped around his waist.
He lets my hands explore his body. I put them on his cheek then slide them down his neck and down his back. When my hands reach his waist he begins to grind, it wasn't until then that I realised that he was hard.
I moaned as his tongue dances with mine. I was lacking breath, as of realising this he pulls away, but doesn't stop, his lips start assaulting my neck again.
He groans once his tongue makes contact with mine, again. As he kissed me I slide my hands down his neck but instead of going towards his back, I slide down his stomach tracing his tattoos and abs. Once satisfied I place my hands around his waist going towards his ass.
"Unless you want to have sex on my couch right now. Then I suggest you don't do that", Deco said looking down at me with lustful eyes.
"I wouldn't mind watching that", A new voice says.