Cameron's POV
I helped Erica walk into boss's office and that kiss keeps replaying in my head. I've been waiting on doing that. I walked behind Erica into the office and closed the door behind us.
"Lock the goddamn door", boss said.
"Ok", I said and did as he said.
"Let her walk on her own", boss said.
I moved my arms from behind her and sat down in the chair across from boss's desk. I looked back at Erica and she was struggling to walk towards the chair next to me.
"What the fuck was you two thinking", boss yelled.
We both stayed silent and boss kept talking. I looked out the corner of my eye and Erica sort of twitched when he yelled.
"Look at this", boss said and turned his computer screen towards us.
It was the cameras in the pool area. I saw myself go under the water and then Erica panicking yelling my name. You couldn't hear it but you could tell she was. Just then I came from under the water in front of her and kissed her.
"Do you see this", boss said replaying the kissing part again.
"Yeah", I said speaking up.
"I do not take that back I will not accept behavior like this in my faculty", boss yelled.
"Stop yelling", Erica said quietly.
She was frozen in the chair and I was going to put my arm around her but boss gave me this look.
"No I will not stop yelling do you know what will happen if someone sees this video", boss yelled even louder.
Erica stood up so fast that the chair fell onto the floor behind her.
"Stop yelling", Erica said and grabbed boss's tie.
She pulled on his tie making him slam his face into the desk.
"Woah, Woah Erica calm down", I said standing up grabbing her shoulder.
"Hey Erica calm down", boss said and he looked frightened by Erica.
She wasn't talking, moving or anything.
"Calm here down", boss said as Erica grip on his tie tightened.
Shit, I don't know what to do I've never seen Erica like this. I started pacing around the room I tend to do this when I'm nervous.
"Hurry up and do something", boss said.
I walked up to Erica and turned her head towards mine.
"Don't you dare", boss said looking up at me.
"I have no choice"
"You do this and you're suspended for two weeks", boss said.
I pressed my lips against her lips. She didn't kiss back until a few minutes.
"Disgusting the both of you", boss said.
Erica backed away from me and her face was slightly pink.
"I need to umm go", Erica said and ran out the room.
"Mr Calderon you are suspended for two weeks I don't want to see your face around the weapon's floor", boss said.
"I'll be back bright and early tomorrow", I yelled running out his office.
I ran into the room Erica stayed in and all her stuff was gone. Wallet, phone everything. Wait a second phone I pulled out my phone and went to find my iPhone. It's a good thing I had her password.
"There she is"
I ran outside and hopped in my car. I drove to her location which wasn't that far and I don't think this is right though. I parked my car at the entrance and stepped out the car.
"Erica I really hope you aren't in here"
I walked into the women's strip club and up to the bar in the back. I sat down at the and looked around seeing older women throwing cash at men.
"Gay nights are on Wednesdays", a man said.
I turned around and there was a bartender cleaning a glass.
"Come again"
"Gay night is on Wednesdays", the man said slowly.
"I'm not gay"
"Then why are you here", the man said.
"Looking for a friend she has curly hair I think it's a mix between blond and brown I don't know, brown eyes and is sort of tall"
"You mean Erica", the man said.
"How do you know Erica"
"She comes here every now and then", the man said.
"For what"
"I can't tell this is a classy business", the man said.
"It's a strip club"
"You can ask her when she comes down she went up there five minutes ago so she should have been down here earlier", the man said.
What is she doing in a strip club? Erica has a lot of explaining to do when she comes down here.
"If you're not buying anything then I'm going to have to ask you to leave", the man said.
I left and sat in my car waiting for Erica to come out. I was playing subway surfers on my phone and twenty minutes later Erica came out the strip club. I stepped out the car and stopped Erica in her tracks.
"Wh-what are you doing here", Erica said looking surprised at me.
"Waiting for you now get in the car"
Erica got in the car and I drove us to my house. We got out the car and Erica went up to my room.
"Mr Norman take Ellie to the daycare", I said walking upstairs to my room.
I locked my door behind me and looked at Erica who was standing in the middle of the room.
"Erica why were you doing in that strip club"
"That's none of your business", Erica said.
"What happened to you in boss's office? why did you lash out on boss"
"I don't like people yelling at me", Erica said.
"Since when were we like this"
Mr Calderon (Cameron's dad) POV
They've been yelling at each other for 20 minutes now up in Cameron's room. I looked at my wife next to me and she just shrugged her shoulders. Just then everything got silent the yelling stopped they're done arguing.
Then I heard things being broken. I stood up about to go upstairs and Ariel stopped me.
"Stop moving", I heard Cameron yell.
"Is this better for you", Erica yelled and I heard a lamp being smashed.
I heard Cameron groaning loudly and something getting knocked over.
"Are they", Ariel said looking at me.
"They better not be"
"Is that all you got", Erica yelled.
"No but this will hurt", Cameron yelled.
It sounded like someone was being pushed up against the wall.
"Shit I'm stuck", Cameron yelled.
Ben Cameron's older brother came out his room and looked at Cameron's door confused.
"Are they you know", Ben yelled over their yelling.
"I think so", Ariel said.
Their yelling was starting to become quieter.
"Way to go and then doing it in the house with you two in it that takes guts", Ben said.
Erica's POV
Cameron ran me into the wall and I started punching him in the back.
"Why were you in that strip club", Cameron said ramming me into the wall.
"Because I can be", I said trying to push him off of me.
Just then the wall broke and my back ended up hitting against the railing. I looked behind me and it was at least a ten-foot drop. I punched him in the head and the railing broken. I was about to fall and Cameron pushed me.
I grabbed his shoulders pulling him with me. I crashed landed on the coffee table and I kicked Cameron when we were falling making him fall on the floor. He hit the hard back part of the couch before falling onto the floor.
"What the hell are you two doing", Mr Calderon said.
I stood up grabbing my back and turned to look at Cameron who was slowly standing up.
"My fucking back hurts", Cameron groaned.
"Language", Mrs Calderon yelled.
"Were you getting a private dance in the back", Cameron said looking at me.
"No, I wasn't"
I ran and tackled Cameron onto the carpet.
"Did you fuck one of the strippers", Cameron yelled turning red.
He flipped us and pinned my arms down.
"Don't fucking yell at me", I said and tossed Cameron over me with my feet.
Cameron quickly got up and grabbed my throat. He threw me against the wall and held by my neck at least like 2 feet off the floor.
"Again what were you doing in that strip club", Cameron said squeezing tighter on my neck.
I need to get him off of me like now I can't fucking breath. I tried choking him and since that didn't work I started doing a slow grind on him.
"Erica don't", Cameron said as his breathe picked up speed.
"Drop me or it will get worst"
Cameron grunted and dropped me walking away.
"Just tell me what you were doing in that strip club", Cameron said.
"It's none of your business what I did in there you shouldn't have followed me"
"I got suspended for goddamn two weeks because of you", Cameron said punching the wall.
But not too hard that he put a hole in it.
"What the fuck is going on here", I heard Ben yell.
He came down the stairs and stood next to Jordan and Ariel their parents.
"First let's get something straight did you two fuck or not", Ben said.
"Hell no"
"Fuck no", Cameron said.
"So what were you doing in there because what we heard sounded so wrong", Ben said.
"Arguing", Cameron said.
"So arguing requires you to bust a hole through the wall and smash things", Mr Calderon said.
"Ok so we were fighting"
"Fighting over what", Mr Calderon said.
Cameron looked at me and I shook my head side to side.
"Nothing important", Cameron said.
"How about you come with me to my room and tell me why you were fighting. While mom and dad call somebody to fix the wall", Ben said and gave us this look.
We followed him to his room which was quite big. He's a freshman in college right now. Ben closed the door behind us and told us to sit on his bed. We both sat on the end of the bed while Ben grabbed him a chair.
"Start from the beginning Cameron", Ben said.
"We were at work something happened between Erica and our boss because he yelled at her. I calm her down she ran out boss suspended me for two weeks even though we were already in trouble. But Erica ran I tracked her down with find my iPhone and she was at a strip club", Cameron said.
"You mean boss boss", Ben said looking surprised at me.