"We will"
"Also Tris if you want to sleep in here with your girlfriend tonight I don't want you in here making any grandchildren", Krystal said.
"Even if I wanted to she has work", Deco said.
"Well then let's start dinner early", Krystal said and went downstairs with Fred following behind her.
I stood up putting on my shoes and as I was about to walk away I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Don't go", Deco said pulling me back onto the bed.
Just then the door opened and there was a boy standing there he was looking at us.
"Hey Luke", Deco said letting me go.
He waved back but still didn't say a word. He pointed at me and Deco told him who I was. Then he left closing the door behind him.
"That's my youngest brother Luke he doesn't talk much", Deco said.
"You think he'll let me take him for a ride"
"Probably go see and I'll be down in a bit", Deco said and I left the room.
I went downstairs to see Winter and Spring playing with their dolls, Wayne watching the telly and Luke playing on his tablet.
"Mr and Mrs Chevalier is it ok if I take Luke for a ride", I said walking into the kitchen.
"Yes and do you mind asking if the rest of them want to come", Krystal asked.
"Alright thanks"
I walked into the living room and grabbed my car keys.
"Do any of you want to ride around"
"Je vais n'importe où avec toi bébé", Wayne said getting up. (English- I'll go anywhere with you baby girl)
"I want to come", Winter said.
"What about you Spring and Luke"
"Spring and Winter you to come help us cook", Fred yelled.
"Yes", Spring said running into the kitchen.
"Sorry Erica Maybe next time", Winter said following after Spring.
"Let's go, Wayne and Luke"
"I call shotgun", Wayne said running out the door.
Once Luke and I got out the door I got into the driver's seat. Luke and Wayne sat in the back while Deco sat in front next to me. I brought my yellow 2017 Corvette Stingray with me. I let down the top windows and revved up the car.
"I think you should let me drive baby girl you wouldn't know how to handle a car like this", Wayne said.
"Stop calling her that", Deco said annoyed.
"What you afraid of a little competition", Wayne said.
"Might want to hold on"
I stomped on the gas and drifted a little turning and leaving the cabin.
Wayne started screaming while Deco was laughing. Twenty minutes into the drive Luke was smiling and he unbuckled his seatbelt.
"Woah Luke get down", Deco yelled.
He sat on the top of the seat and the wind was blowing through his hair.
"Let him have his fun", I said patting Deco's shoulder.
"Hey two hands on the wheel", Deco said.
I put my hands back on the wheel and laughed at Deco. Wayne unbuckled his seatbelt and sat on top of the seat.
"Woohoo", Wayne yelled as the wind hit his face.
I swerved through the cars on the highway and some honked at me while others just stared. I looked over at Deco and he was on the phone.
"Mom said it's time for dinner", Deco yelled over the wind.
I nodded my head and did a U-turn on the expressway. I drove through the cars and then back to the cabin. I parked my car and Luke and Wayne got out. I let the top back down and Wayne and Luke were jumping up and down.
"That was awesome. We went through cars then we drove on the wrong side of the road dodging cars", Wayne said.
"Come on let's go eat", Deco said opening the door.
Wayne followed behind me and that left me with Luke. He pulled on my hand and I bent down so he could tell me something.
"I had fun can we go again another time", Luke said.
"I'll see you inside", Luke said and then ran into the house.
Well, that's two of his siblings down I can cross Wayne and Luke of my list. All I have left is Spring and Winter to connect with. Then I have his parents Krystal and Fred to talk to.
I walked into the house and all I smelt was food. It made my mouth water. I quickly washed my hands and went into the kitchen. I sat down across from Deco since Wayne wanted me to sit next to him.
"Can we eat now everybody is here", Winter said.
"Yes Winter", Fred said.
We all started eating and like five minutes into it Krystal sparked up a conversation.
"So Erica how long have you know Tristan", Krystal said.
"Since elementary but we didn't start talking until high school"
"Are you going to college", Krystal said.
"Probably and if I do I'm going into business"
"Why not", Fred said.
"With the job I have now, it's going to be kind of hard going to college"
"Then just quit", Fred said.
"It's not easiest job you can quit"
"Just drop it dad", Deco said.
I might have told him what I do at work but not who I work for.
"You live with your parents", Fred said.
"They di-", I was kicked in the shin.
I looked up at Deco and he smiled. I glared at him and continued talking.
"As I was saying they di-", I looked up at Deco and he was shaking his head.
"We don't really talk"
"Why what happened", Krystal said.
"They dissed me when I was seven they basically kicked me out the house"
"Oh my gosh where did you go", Krystal said.
"I had a job and went there my boss gave me a place to stay until I was thirteen and I moved in with Donte my roommate"
"That had to have been a tough time for you. How did you get to work and school", Fred said.
"I drove. I saved up my money and bought a car"
"Wait how did you learn how to drive", Wayne said.
"I taught myself"
"Where do you work exactly", Fred said.
"Next question"
"What do you at work", Fred said.
"Are there any other questions you have that's not about my job"
"If you're done interviewing Erica can I talk", Wayne said.
"Yes you can", Krystal said.
"Ok I want to tell you about the ride it was awesome we were going like super fast", Wayne said.
"Like super duper fast", Luke said excitedly.
"You're playing right", Krystal said.
"No I'm for real we went fast", Wayne said.
"It's was on a closed street", Deco said and winked at his brothers.
"Oh ok", Krystal said relieved.
"Sweetie look how happy Luke is", Fred said.
"He hasn't been that happy since Tristan brought him that tablet", Krystal said.
"We want to hang out with Erica too it's not fair", Winter said as Spring pouted.
"We can hang out tomorrow if your parents say it's alright"
"It's fine with us now off to bed kids", Fred said.
"Night mom, dad, other family and Erica", Winter said living the kitchen with Spring behind her.
"Night", Luke said leaving.
"You can come by my room if you like", Wayne whispered in my ear.
He winked at me before leaving out the kitchen. Deco growled and I looked up at him.
"I wish he would stop", Deco said.
"Need any help with the dishes", I said standing up.
"You kids can go off to bed and I want no baby making happening in that room", Krystal said.
"I want to hear no noises coming from that room", Fred said.
"Yes sir", Deco said.