Cameron's POV
"Time to eat", mom yelling knocking on my door.
"I'm not hungry", I yell back.
"You have to eat something", mom yelled.
I mean I haven't come out this room for some days now. I guess I should put something in my stomach. I got up walking towards the door. I opened it and followed my mom downstairs.
We sat down at the dining table and Ms Robin our chef placed food in front of us. We all were eating in silence until my dad spoke up.
"Son when are you going to leave the house", dad said.
"I don't know"
"There are plenty of fish in the sea don't get stuck on one girl", mom said.
"Isn't that something you tell a girl"
"Yes but in this case, you're the girl. You need to man up and go meet someone else", dad said.
"I don't want anybody else I want Erica"
"Well you can't have Erica you messed up your chance with her", dad said raising his voice.
"Calm down Jordan", mom said.
"No your son has been in that room for days and when he is out of his room he's just moping around. He needs to get out of this house", dad said.
"Now Cameron you don't have to leave if you don't want to", mom said.
"I'll take him somewhere", Ben said walking into the dining room.
"Where", mom said.
"Somewhere now go get dressed and take a shower you smell like shit", Ben said.
I got up and went to my room to get ready. I grabbed my phone and went back downstairs to see my brother twirling keys on his finger.
"You clean up nice", Ben said patting me on the back.
"Let's just get this over with"
Erica's POV
After explaining of why I'm bruised up I when upstairs to take a nap and Deco decided to take one with me. I felt something warm go from my stomach and slip into my shorts. It left this tingling feeling as it trailed down my body.
I felt about to slip into my underwear and grabbed it. I opened my eyes and looked back to see Deco.
"First my door is wide open and second I was sleeping"
"Solution I could just close the door and you wake now", Deco said.
"When Donte sees that my door is closed he will come knocking"
"I'll make it quick", Deco said pouting.
"You know you want it", Deco said again.
Deco got up to lock the door and jumped back onto the bed.
"I said no Dec-", I was cut off by Deco placing his lips onto mine.
I tried to push him off and he grabbed my wrist placing them above my head pinning me down. He licked my bottom lip for permission and I gave it to him. Our tongues brushed together making me let out a soft moan. Deco pulled away smiling.
"I thought you said no", Deco said.
I ignored what he said and leaned up placing my lips back onto his. He moves one of his hands holding my hands above my head with only one hand.
His other trailed down my body and slipped into my shorts then my underwear. And let those skillful fingers of his slip inside of me, making me let out an unstoppable moan.
As I fell his fingers built up the pressure, hand grips the back of his hair. I begin to pant heavily, his lips trailing over my neck, his lips trailing over my skin and making it feel like it was on fire.
"Deco." I moan, gasping slightly as I feel my legs turn into jelly as his fingers continue to do the work. His mouth pulls away from my neck and he looks me dead in the eyes, his mouth parted slightly as he picks his head and watches me. I let out another loud moan, and this apparently sends him over the edge.
"Fuck", Deco said and I heard footsteps coming towards the door.
"Where the hell is Erica and Deco", Eric yelled stomping up the stairs.
"In her room sleeping", Donte yelled.
I heard someone banging on the door and jingling the door knob. Deco started kissing sucking on my neck making the situation worst.
"Get the fuck out here", Eric yelled.
"I'll be down in a second", I replied gritted through my teeth. Before I let out another moan Deco quickly slammed his mouth on mine. Deco had to cover my mouth to stop my screams. His fingers kept going until I climaxed.
"Holy fuck", I breathed out laying back on the bed.
"I thought you said no Deco", Deco said mocking me.
"Fuck you"
"I mean little Deco has been ready since I started", Deco said smiling.
"Just handle your little problem and meet me downstairs"
"He's far from little", Deco said as I stood up.
I change my clothes and opened the door. I rolled my eyes and as I'm about to leave Deco says, "Keep rolling your eyes you may find a brain back there."
I flipped him over and closes the door behind me. I went downstairs to see a blue and green haired Eric. He looked angry his clothes were soggy and covered in paint. His shoes made a squishy sound as he walked around.
"I spend the last two hours in a police station explaining why I have a body in my closet. That was just black garbage bags", Eric said Donte was trying not to laugh at his friend.
"That's what you get you shouldn't have thrown water at us"
"How did you know where I lived", Eric said.
"That's a secret"
"Where's your little partner in crime", Eric said.
"In my room" and Donte cringed.
"I'm going to get your ass back twice as hard", Eric said storming out the house.
"What the hell did you do to him", Donte said once Eric left.
"Fake body in the closet, bucket of water over the door, paint balloons over the bed, koolaid in the showerhead, beans in the shoes and it doesn't look like he found the rest of them"
"Just for waking you up with ice water", Donte said.
"Of course and he might not want to think about revenge because that is just the beginning"
Just the Deco came down the stairs and hugging me from behind.
"Both of you sit down", Donte said seriously sitting up.
We sat down across from him and he cleared his throat.
"I know what you were doing up in that and it wasn't sleeping. If going to do that tell me or drop a hint my way so I know to leave or at least turn up the telly", Donte said and Deco started laughing.
"Alright well can we get some alone time in the next two minutes", Deco said and I punched him in the arm.
"Ouch you punch like a grown ass man", Deco said nursing his arm.
"Yeah and you whine like a bitch"