Donte's POV
Erica hasn't left this building for almost two months now. She just walks around eating and sleeping all day. But sometimes she leaves and goes on the roof and does something. One of her friends Deco has been coming by every now and then to talk to her or whatever they are doing in that bathroom.
Deco is sort of tall and has a strong jawline. I wonder what's his job is. I think he speaks French because he and Erica be having whole conversations in it. He's brown skin with brown eyes and is buff.
"She actually seems happy now", Tae said sitting on the floor.
"Yeah she's not depressed anymore", Eric said sitting on the couch.
"What do you think they be doing in that bathroom", Tae said.
"I don't know you don't hear anything from it"
Just then the doorbell rang and we all looked over at the door. Tae stood up and went to answer it but then turned around and sat down.
"Why didn't you get it"
"There's a grown ass fucking man at the door in a black suit. I'm not going to answer that he looks like he could snap me into little Tae pieces", Tae said.
"You're such a baby"
I got up and opened the door. Tae was right this man is fucking big and looks serious.
"Yes sir"
"I'm looking for Erica I was told she lives here", the man said.
He looked around the apartment and then back at me.
"Yeah you'll have to wait she's in the bathroom with a friend"
"Doing what", the man said.
"I don't know"
"When will she be out", the man said.
"I don't know sometimes they be in there for about ten minutes other times they be in there for thirty minutes"
"How long have they been there", the man said.
"At least twenty minutes now"
"Is it okay if I wait in the kitchen", the man said.
"Yeah sure and might I add how do you know Erica"
I stepped aside and let him in.
"I'm her boss", the man said walking into the kitchen.
I guess I'll let Erica know he's here. I went down the hall and knocked on the door. No answer that's weird. I put my ear up to the door and heard something I didn't want to hear. I heard moaning and heavy breathing coming from inside the bathroom.
"Oh hell no"
I started banging on the door and twisting the knob.
"Erica", I yelled banging on the door.
I put my ear back up to the door and everything went silent.
"Shit", I heard someone whisper.
Erica's POV
Deco and I were having another one of our heated make out sessions. Usually, we just talk and kiss but this time was different. Someone actually came to the door it sounded like Donte.
Deco and I froze on the bathroom floor. We were both half naked I'm in my underwear and bra while he's wearing his boxers. We were on the floor and Deco was on top of me.
"Who was that", Deco whispered.
One of his arms was around my bare waist and the other was on the floor holding us up.
"I think it's Donte", I whispered back.
"Erica open this door right now", Donte yelled banging on the door.
"Put your clothes on"
Deco stood up and then helped me up. We both hurried up and put our clothes on. I looked back at Deco and he kissed me before I opened the door.
"What were you two doing in here", Donte said.
"We were just kissing", Deco said.
"How old are you", Donte said.
"Ninteen in a half", Deco said.
"From now on you two are staying within my eyesight", Donte said and walked away.
I looked up at Deco and he shrugged.
"Also Erica somebody is in the kitchen for you", Donte yelled.
I went into the kitchen with Deco right behind me. Boss was sitting there doing something with my laptop.
"Ouais" (English- Yeah)
I sat down and Deco pulled up a chair next to me. Boss looked up at me and closed my laptop.
"Je voulais venir voir ce que tu faisais et si tu fais bien", boss said. (English- I wanted to come see what you were up to and if you doing fine)
"Comme vous pouvez le constater, je vais parfaitement et si vous me demandez, je reviens au travail" (English- As you can see I'm doing perfectly fine and if you're wondering I'm coming back to work)
"Quand", boss said. (English- When)
"Peut-être ce soir ou demain soir" (English- Maybe tonight or tomorrow night)
"D'accord, mais je voulais savoir où vous et Cameron insistent", boss said. (English- Okay but I wanted to know where you and Cameron stand)
"Nulle part, je suis heureux avec qui je suis" (English- Nowhere I'm happy with who I'm with)
"Le décapant", boss said confused. (English- The stripper)
"Je préfère le danseur exotique", Deco said. (English- I prefer exotic dancer)
"Il parle français", boss said. (English- He speaks French)
"Oui, je le fais et je suis un danseur exotique", Deco said. (English- Yes I do and I'm an exotic dancer)
"Plus comme une prostituée", boss said. (English- More like a prostitute)
"Les prostituées font du sexe avec des gens pour de l'argent Je cours pour de l'argent. Il y a une différence", Deco said. (English- Prostitutes have sex with people for money I dance for money. There's a difference)
"Je vous verrai au travail", boss said and stood up. (English- I'll see you at work)
"Bye", I said as boss left the apartment.
"I'll be right back guys I need to talk to Erica and Deco", Donte said.
Just then Donte came into the kitchen and sat where boss sat.
"Separate", Donte said and Deco slid his chair on the side me.
"You need to get whatever this is under control", Donte said.
"It is"
"Then please explain to me what took you so long to open the door", Donte said.
"We had to put our clothes on", Deco said.
"Were you about to fuck on my bathroom floor", Donte said.
"It's our bathroom floor and second we still had our underwear and other stuff on"
"So you were half naked on our bathroom floor making out with him", Donte said.
"Yes and we weren't going to go that far", Deco said.
"Are you two even dating", Donte said.
I looked to my left at Deco and he looked back at me. We turned to look at Donte and shrugged.
"I guess we are"
"She likes me and I like her so yeah we are", Deco said.
"Okay well lovebirds I need you to keep it PG-13 and I'm making renovations next week", Donte said.
"What you doing"
"I'm giving your room walls and I may just buy the apartment next to ours and expand the place. So your room won't be so small", Donte said.
"I'm okay with the room I have now"
"Erica you have a whole boyfriend and you need a place to do things together as a couple other than the bathroom floor plus you're a girl you need your own space to vent out at", Donte said.
"Will rent go up"
"Probably like a hundred or two hundred dollars will you be able to pay that", Donte said
"If you can pay rent why not get your own place", Donte said.
"Because I have cars and I need to pay insurance on them which is kind of high"
"If you two are going to talk about couple things then talk in French I don't want to hear you two talk unless it's PG-13", Donte said.
"Also I will only give you one day out of the week to yourselves. You two can do whatever but my room is off limits when after I finish renovations", Donte said.
I could live with those rules they're pretty simple. Then I get one day out of every week to myself or spend it with Deco.
"Also what do you be doing on the roof", Donte said standing up.
"Exercising I have a punching bag up there"
"Oh", Donte said walking away.
"Voulez-vous aller au toit et faire de l'exercice", Deco said winking. (English- Want to go to the roof and exercise)
I started laughing and he was pouting.
"You're too old to be acting like this"
"Age is just a number", Deco said.
"Let's just go to the roof already"
"Yay", Deco yelled and basically dragged me to the door.
"Where are you going", Eric said.
"Roof come get me if someone wants me"
"Where are your shoes", Donte said.
"In the bathroom"
"Come on let's go", Deco said and picked me up.
He carried me to the roof and it wasn't that big. There was a punching bag in the corner along with the mats I put up here. They're the puzzle piece mat you know the ones that you put together.
"This place is pretty neat", Deco said and dropped me.
I ran and sat on the mats. I stretched a little and Deco just stared at me surprised.
"You're flexible", Deco said and I stood up.
"Yeah I've told you this plenty of times"
"I didn't know you were serious I thought you were lying", Deco said walking away from the door.
"You got your phone", Deco said and I gave it to him.
"You need to put a password or something on this and you got a speaker", Deco said and I sat on the chair near the punching bag.
"Yeah it's on top of the punching bag"
He started playing Feel it by Jacquees through the speakers. I knew he had no intentions on singing and then it dawned on me he's going to strip.