We had set up all the pranks and cameras before we both left to go to work. He drove me back to my place and I left for work. I brought Brett's gun and my file that I left. I was getting on the elevator and some guy got on it with me. He looked around my age and was like a couple of inches taller than me.
"You're that girl from the video", the guy said.
"What video"
"This is my stop", the guy said and got off the elevator.
I rode the elevator to Tyler's floor and walked over to him.
"I didn't know you could move like that", another boy said walking past me.
I continued walking and stopped at his desk. He looked up at me and I dropped my bag on his desk.
"What is this video people keep talking about"
"I had a feeling you would ask about that", Tyler said giving me his phone.
I pressed play and it Deco and me on the roof. It was when we were kissing on the roof but how could someone get footage of this. You have to either record it from a drone or been on the roof with us.
"This was sent to everybody at work", Tyler said.
"Can you delete it"
"Yeah but I can't make them unsee it", Tyler said.
"It's alright it'll die out soon hopefully"
"ERICA TAYLOR IN MY OFFICE", boss yelled walking down the halls.
"I'll be back for my bag"
"Ok", Tyler said and I left going straight to boss's office.
I opened the door and he was already in here. I sat down waiting for him to speak.
"What is the meaning of this", boss said turning his computer screen towards me.
"I couldn't have recorded this I was in it"
"I don't care who recorded it. I check my email to see you and this boy kissing", boss says disgustedly.
It was Brett he's the only person I know that owns a drone.
"Where is Brett"
"Training room and don't do anything stupid", boss said.
Perfect. I got up and ran into the training room. I walked into the room and the guys were looking at me as I was walking.
"Where's Brett"
"At the punching bag", a boy said.
I pulled out Brett's gun and shot him in the shoulder.
"Fuck", Brett yelled holding his shoulder.
Everybody in the the training room started looking at us. Brett looked up at me.
"Bitch", Brett said.
"Why the fuck was you stalking my building"
"You broke my best friend's, heart.", Brett said and rammed me onto the floor.
"He was my best friend too"
Brett grabbed my shirt to pull me up. He started punching me in the side of my face and I grabbed his neck choking him.
I slammed my fist into the side of his head but he keep punching. And so did I and Brett was starting to turn red from the lack of breathe.
"Let go of me hoe", Brett said and started punching me harder.
"Shit", I felt blood run down from my face onto my lips.
If I don't move soon I know I'm going to pass out. With all my strength I slammed my fist into the side of his head making him fall onto the floor beside me.
"Damnnnn", some girl said.
"I know that hurt", some boy said.
I quickly get on top of him and rapidly punch him in the stomach and face. Brett started coughing up blood and his face was so bruised up.
"She's gonna kill him", another girl said.
I felt many arms wrap around my waist and legs. People started pulling me off of Brett or what's left of him.
"Go get boss", a boy yelled.
While people tried getting Brett off the ground boss walked into the room.
"What's going on here", boss yelled pushing passed the workers.
I looked over at Brett and he barely could stand up. People had to hold him up so he wouldn't fall back down.
"Erica again", boss said standing in the middle of us.
"He sent out those videos"
"You should have just told me I could have handled this. You can't just go kill every person that embarrasses you", boss said.
"I know"
"Erica go do your job and if you aren't holding Brett then go home", boss said.
The people holding me placed me on my feet and went into the locker room. The people holding Brett followed boss somewhere. I went back to see Tyler and gave him Brett's gun.
"Boss told me to tell you to take the bag home with you tonight and return it in the morning", Tyler said giving me my bag.
"Ok I'll see you in the morning"
"Have a good night", Tyler said.
"You too", I said leaving AU.
I finished up my job killing Kendra Rose and dumped her at the bottom of some lake I went home tired and bruised up as hell. Not once in her file did it say her dad was some UFC fighter. I got in around five in the morning and when I got in Donte was sleep on the couch. I went upstairs and into the bathroom.
I checked myself out in the mirror and I to be honest I looked fucked up. I had a purple bruise on the left side of my face and a cut above my eyebrow. Then my hands were all bruised and bloody.
"Shit how am I going to explain this to Donte or Deco"
I took a shower and then cleaned myself up. I laid down in bed and reached over to my nightstand. I grabbed my pain pills and chewed then up since I didn't have any water.
I woke up from someone banging on my door.
"Your boyfriend is here", Donte yelled.
"I'm up", I yelled back.
I sat up and all I felt was pure agonising pain. I quickly reached over and took some pain pills. I don't really feel like going to school today. I got up and stretched a little. I opened my door walking down the stairs.
"Where is she", I heard Deco say from downstairs.
"In her room getting dressed", Donte said.
"I'm right here"
I walked into the living room and they were staring at my face.
"I know my face is messed up and all but there's no need to stare"
"What happened to your face", Donte said.
"Who did this to you", Deco said walking towards me.
"All of it is taken care of"
Deco grabbed my hands and I winced when he squeezed them. He looked down at my bruised up hands and then back up at my face.
"You feeling ok", Deco said.
"I feel good"
"What happened to you", Deco said.
"There was an incident at work"
"Tell us what really happened", Deco said.
"There was an incident at work nothing more nothing less"
"What started this incident", Donte said.
"Someone started something and I finished it"
"Stop avoiding the subject tell us well me what happened", Deco said.
"Hey she was my roommate before you started dating", Donte said.
"I've had a closer connection with her since elementary", Deco said.
"That's disgusting Erica you were doing that in ewww", Donte said shaking his head.
"No, he was a hallway friend of mine. I mean yeah he would kiss me on the cheek or hand but nothing serious"
"Oh thank God, the holy spirit and the holy ghost you weren't doing the nasty", Donte said sighing.
"You're so dramatic"
"Getting off topic here what happened at work", Deco said.
"A video got out and I found out who did it then they had some words and we got to a fight"
"What was in that video that you had fight over it", Donte said.
"It's complicated"
"It can't be that complicated because you would be mad right now", Deco said.
I sighed, "Remember when we were on the roof." Donte looked disgusted while Deco smiled.
"What's wrong with a little porn", Deco said.
"At my job every boy there was looking at me like I was fresh piece of booty they could hump and dump"
"Ok now I see why it was a problem for you", Deco said.