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_ Castit _
A ceiling greeted me from the nightmares that occurred inside of my sleep. I sighed in relief, feeling all of my senses calming down from another terrible one. I sat up slowly, stretching out my arms while letting out a yawn. I don't mind the nightmares, they're all normal and the same to me. I turned my body to the edge of the bed and stood up. I could feel my wings ache as I stood in a good amount of space before spreading out my wings slowly. I stretch them out, putting them into different positions before closing them up once more. I sighed in relief through my nose, a little annoyed at the action.
I kind of wish they made beds for wings to immediately stretch out--- wait. I turned over to my bed, seeing it as a double-sized one. Couldn't I just open my wings and just sleep like that? Well ... I would have to sleep on my back since sleeping on my stomach might kill me. Eh ... I don't know, I might not change the way I sleep. I rubbed my chin, looking over at the door. Or I can just look up ways about my kind again about it.
I glanced over at the end table, finding no sight of that book. I frowned, sighing out the next. So he did go in and took the book--- I guess ... he needed it since he doesn't know too much about them with a clueless roommate of a feaolk I am. I shook my head slightly before walking over to the door and opening it. I head on through and down the hallway that led to the living room. I looked over the couch, seeing no sign of the wolf. I turned my head over to the other hallway, tilting my head at the light to the right.
I walked over and halted in the reading room, seeing a humanoid sitting in a chair with a book in his hand. I recognized the cover of the feaolk information book, though I notice I was being stared at, "Yes. I was wondering where did this book go." I heard him say as I gave him a dull look. "You could have asked to read it."
"Eh, I wasn't going to read it unless we read it together," I said with a hint of slight nervousness in my tone.
Neptune eyed me while lowering the book to his lap, "You want to read it together?"
"I mean ... we're learning something together at least. Is that bad?" I asked, looking confused at the look he was giving me. "Is ... it that bad?"
"No, no. I don't think it is." He shook his head slightly before a grin appeared on his face. Oh hell no. My facial expression became deadpanned as I turned and walked out of the room. "WAIT-"
"Nope. IF you are thinking of something SO sinister, leave me out of it!" I hissed, turning around and glaring at him. He was standing out of his chair as he had his hand out reaching for me. Sure, sure.
"I won't~ I won't this time." He snickered, sitting down on the floor as he placed the book on the floor. "So ..."
"Ugh, I seriously don't trust you." I hissed quietly, walking back into the room slowly.
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, "It's not like I'm gonna do anything to you."
"I hate your teasing, that's the point of you. Why do you keep doing it?!" I asked, sitting down in front of the book.
"Because it clearly bothers you, that's why I keep doing it. And that ... I love to mess with you." He grinned widely.
"Is this what happened to your last roommate?" I asked, glaring at him.
"... Eh, she was a girl." He dropped his grin and looked disappointed, "Not much fun to bother a woman than a man you know?"
I stared at him in silence, not saying a word as my mind processed that statement. He looked a little nervous as to why he was staring at me for a long time. I sighed and gazed down at the book, avoiding this idiot's gaze. "Can we start reading now?" Right after I said that I flinched from the laughter he released as I groaned with annoyance. I shot him a death glare as he slowly stops himself from laughing into oblivion.
"Alright ... alright. I guess we can." He smiled before picking up the book. "It'll be best if you---"
"I'm not sitting next to you."
He stared at me with a disappointing look before sighing. He got up, walked over, and sat right next to me. "Alright, then I'll do that so you don't have to move, lazy."
"I'm not---"
"Anyway, this is an interesting part about the feaolks. Let's read." He interrupted me as he placed the book down a page where there were lots of paragraphs to read. I grumbled quietly before leaning forward and scanning the words. "Feaolks have colonies--- of course, but they don't allow anyone in--- which is another of course. But ... I expect them to have multiple colonies instead of two huge and main ones." He said. "In this text, there are two colonies that are known across feaolks' culture: the Eastern Feaolk Colony and the Western Feaolk Colony."
"Across the world?" I asked.
"... I have no idea where they are at." Neptune shrugged. "This text doesn't state where they are at since both colonies hid from everyone with the magic of their own. The Eastern Feaolk Colony with enchanters by their sides while the Western Feaolk Colony had wind elementals to keep their scents or anything from being detected. A whole colony filled with elementals ... now that's a rare sight."
"I came across one," I said.
He sat up and stared at me, "... What type?"
"Nature Elemental, a colony of Rabolks," I answered, displaying a disgusted look. "Though that colony is ... weird when it comes to trusting who to trust."
He tilted his head, perking his ears, "Explain?"
"I'd rather not, you'll have to find out the answers some other day," I said, giving him a dull look. "Besides, I don't want to talk about it," I added on coldly.
"Alright! I guess I can." He shrugged before tilting his head. "It's in the Oakine Forest, yes?"
I ignored his guess by coming back to the information of feaolk with, "Is there any difference between the colonies?"
He looked very disappointed with a mix of sadness as he sighed, turning his head back to the book. "One of the differences is that ... one has enchanters while the other has wind elementals. But, I doubt they have any left since elementals are extremely rare to come across. I think Nature Elementals aren't but the other elementals might be."
"No ... stereotype difference?" I asked.
"Nope. They're all the same ... according to the author of this book." He answered with a grumble. "To be honest, the only way we'll ever know the differences is if we go to those colonies. But I'd doubt they'll allow us in since I'm not a feaolk."
"But you can turn yourself into one if you have the power to shift," I told him. "Along with behaving as such of a feaolk."
He stared at me before gasping, "OH. Well--- shit, yes ... I knew that."
"No, you didn't." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Fine, I didn't." He grunted. "But the acting part? eh ... I'd rather not so that's a huge no from me."
"Alright." I shrugged before leaning forward, scanning through the text. "... leaders ... Elegant and ... Whirlwind," I mumbled.
"Whirlwind sounds like a nice name, Elegant sounds like a fancy feaolk," Neptune commented.
"I suppose it is since the leader is from Eastern Feaolk Colony--- which I assume is an enchanter ..." I trailed off, blinking my eyes as I remembered a piece of memory in my head. I remember a feaolk there having the name of Elegant and he ... was the one in charge ... the colony where I was raised in. Does this tell me that I was from the Eastern Feaolk Colony? But ... that doesn't make sense, since I don't behave like them at all. I tilted my head, getting a question in my head. "When was this book created?"
"... Uh..." He blinked and grabbed the book, putting a bookmark in the part where we were reading before checking the date on it. "4045, 2, Lirpa." He told me. "Why?" He flipped the pages back to where we were, removing the bookmark.
"... 4045 ... and the year we're in is ... 4050? Yes?" I asked.
"Yes ... so 5 years ago." He nodded, raising a brow at me. "Why are you asking this?"
"... Aloe ... told me when I was young ... maybe the age of 14 when the humans attacked one of the colonies- Eastern specifically," I mumbled quietly.
"... Annnd ... how old are you?"
"What do I look like to you?" I asked, giving him a dull look.
He didn't like that answer as he sighed, "Early 20s?"
"Precisely." I nodded slowly as I dropped the look. "We left the Eastern Colony eight years ago and you told me this book was created 5 years ago ... something tells me that ... Aloe lied about the humans attacking the Eastern Colony."
"... I don't understand how all of this relates to the book." He blinked. "... Wait ... I just realize you told me you were from the Eastern Feaolk Colony."
"I'm saying this because I'm now discovering all of the lies that Aloe told me when I was younger. But ... to be honest, I don't understand why she lied." I muttered quietly.
"Maybe ... you could get an answer from her?"
"Like hell, she would. I'll have to make a deal with her to get her to talk." I said, frowning. "And I don't want to do what she wants me to do."
He frowned slightly before looking over at the book. He tilted his head, "... Or ... you could trick her with statements that can make her talk out the truth about why she is doing this to you."
"Or I COULD REMEMBER ANYTHING FROM MY CHILDHOOD." I hissed, glaring down at the book as I crushed my hands into fists. "I hate how I don't remember anything up until the age of 14. I hate it so much!"
"... What makes 14 and past it so different from your childhood?" He asked.
"Aloe wasn't in those years--- well, actually, half of my 15 life and then past it, she wasn't in those years. But I remember clearly in my 14 years. We moved from place to place as my mom was questioning every single time to Aloe on why they had to move out of the Eastern Feaolk Colony. Aloe would just give her the answer of "humans attacking" and be done with it. She never told us why." I answered.
"Hmmm ... okay, you might not like me for this next question but ... you don't need to answer." He said as I turned towards him with confusion. "Did Aloe abuse you?" I stared at his question, feeling all of the trembles and fear rising within me as my breathing fastened within me. I slowly turned away from him as I stared down at the pages, seeing flashes of blurred-out childhood memories in my vision. "... Okay ..." He spoke once more. "That's ... probably the reason why you can't remember."
"... Can we go back to talking about the book?" I asked quietly.
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"Oooo, a pink-haired feaolk and a ... beautiful blue-silver haired feaolk... what are the odds? Anyway, the pink one is Elegant by guess and the other one is Whirlwind." He was pointing down at two drawn feaolks on each page that he flipped. The information would be displayed underneath them.
"... why is he beautiful to you?" I asked, feeling all of my senses calming down as the flashes in my head started to die down.
"Well ... I think combining the features of blue and silver is a wonderful idea to whoever parents this guy was." He answered. "Genetics plays a wonderful part in what comes out the greatest in offspring. Speaking of which ... heterochromia is a gorgeous thing that could occur with the offspring itself."
I blinked with confusion, looking over at him. "... Either you're too obsessed with this---"
"I'm not obsessed!" He huffed, staring at me. "I'm just admiring how beautiful life is."
"... I ..." I looked away, remembering how my color eyes were and me questioning why he brought up heterochromia in the first place. Why would he say something so ... weird? Maybe on other people they are but on me ... they're not. "... I guess that's you then."
"... You don't see your eyes being the same way?"
"No. Why would I? Doesn't everything about me a bit less and unpopular with everything else?" I asked, looking back at him. "I'm more or less important than what lies out there."
He gave me a dull as he shook his head, "You are not. Don't say that about yourself. I'm sure you're more important. Especially your friends. They see you as just as important as they are. Whoever told you that you were worthless, throw them away. You're nothing that they say about you. Alright?"
I stared at him, feeling a little better but at the same time worse. People would usually say these words towards people who feel bad about themselves and actually really mean it. Like the person supporting the other person with affection. Neptune's ... is continuing this ... facade he is carrying and it's ... not making me feel better. I know when he's not honest about what he says and when he is lying and it's already bothering me when he knows to say the right words but doesn't feel anything about it at all. I don't like pretending and continuing with whatever game he is playing, I want to say something about it but that will also out me out with my own abilities.
Maybe he will change when things become worse.
I slowly nodded and turned down to the book. But as I stare at it, I feel no interest to continue to read it. I sighed quietly, getting up to my feet. "I'm gonna find something to eat," I told him suddenly, turning and walking out of the room. I did find something to eat but even with my lack of interest, I stop eating halfway through. And when I did, I threw the rest away and retreated to my room where hours passed on without a sound of a knock.
I like to hear that no one bothered me when I'm picking out each of my feathers. Yes, I am doing that but sometimes I take breaks and look over the walls to see if there are any signs of marks. If there were none, I would look over at the windows, seeing the snowfall past it. And when it is all done, I go back to pulling out my feathers because that's the only thing I'm good at doing. "She wants them to herself, she wants me to help her become the strongest feaolk in the colony." I would hear my young self say in my head. "Won't I get the best rewards with this?" He continues in my head, making me halt my actions.
Will I?
I stared down at my feathers on the floor, seeing them just sit there with their stupid pattern looks. I grabbed them and held up at least ten of them. "I would get loved very much if I do this for Aunt Aloe!" The young self told me in my head as tears welled up in my eyes. "I want her to love me as much as she does with my sister!"
"We both know that isn't true." I whimpered, watching the feathers fall from my hands as I covered my face, feeling the tears stream down. "Purity was born lucky to be loved forever by Aloe, I wasn't. I was born unlucky and deep down, you know that. But you don't want to admit the truth and believe these lies she throws at you. Because ... you don't want to become like me. You don't want to become like me and yet ... you did."
Soon I begin to feel the nails of my fingers digging into the face of my skin, wanting to rip this young self away from me. Or at least, escape what is haunting me from the inside out.
"... Was it a bad time to peek in?"
... That voice didn't seem like it came from my mind, nor did it sound like that young self. I lifted my head up and over to the voice, and see a humanoid stare at me with the door opened slightly. "... Should I come back another time?" Neptune asked, looking shocked. I stared at him, too frozen to even speak. The tears still continue their merely way down my face but my mind was just paused, wondering what to say or do to this person.
He narrowed his eyes, dropping the shocked look, and replaced it with a concerned one. "... Why don't we go out in the colony together, yes? It should clear up whatever got caught in your brain."
I managed to blink and looked away, disagreeing with the option already. "... I don't want to."
"But I thought you did when you mentioned it to the group yesterday." He pushed on, making me remember something from before. The decision I told the group yesterday was that I wanted to explore the colony today. And apparently ... I forgot about that decision. I closed my eyes and sighed through my mouth, opening them and glancing down at the feathers on the floor. I moved them underneath the bed with my feet before getting up. "Fine."
I walked around the bed, taking one last look at the spot before walking over to the door. Neptune already left that spot but stood in the living in his giant wolf form when I stepped out of the room. I stared at him as he stared back at me, flickering an ear, "Well ... come on. Let's not waste daylight." He told me before walking into the hallway to the entrance.
I grumbled quietly before walking over and following him. We exited the house, walking across the bridge and leaving through the crowded place. I stared at the wolf ahead of me, hesitant to even bother asking where we were going. So I just decided to take in the view of the surroundings. Since ... I haven't checked it out at all by myself. Eh. Nothing is seen to be that interesting or stand out from the others. Nothing seems to ... be interesting at all. Why am I even here in the first place? I want to go back to the room and sit there and pull out my feathers. That was the interesting part, not all of this---
"... Hello? Someone in there?" I flinched from the touch of my forehead, turning towards a tail. I looked down at the giant wolf in front of me as I glared at him. "Don't glare at me when you almost fell off of the platform."
"You should have let me just fall," I spoke, glancing down at the edge of the platform before turning over to a place that appear as usual. It contained tables with pots and other things that were considered to be decorations, along with a food area. It was populated with other folks, nothing too unordinary.
"... I'd rather not let someone fall to their death... That seems ... a bit too much." Neptune said quietly
"Well, to me it's not," I said, staring at the place.
"... Would you like to ... meet the folks?" He asked, sounding a little off than his usual fake self. "The folks here are quite different from the rest of the colony."
"How so?"
"They love to keep the peace here, what else would they meet up here every day to keep their tranquil place." I flinched from the new voice behind me, turning over to see a black-haired human. I stared at him, panicking slightly as I stepped away. "I am not a human, feaolk, do not worry."
"This is Akakku. One of the second in commands." Neptune said. "I suppose you guys already met?"
"... I tend to ... forget who I met before, especially ... trying to remember every name of the council leaders," I said.
"Fair enough." Akakku gave a small smile. "To be honest, I wouldn't remember which newbie you were, to begin with." He chuckled quietly before adding, "How are you taking this colony as? Do you like it?"
"I don't know," I spoke, looking away. "Every since I stepped foot into this colony, it's becoming worse by the days it comes."
"Oh... is someone causing you trouble?" Akakku asked, "I'll gladly tell them off for you!"
I slowly looked back at him, appearing confused for a moment, "... Why?"
He stared at me, tilting his head with his goofy smile, "Well, it's because I want all of the members to have a good time here. If anyone is causing you trouble, I'll definitely stop their actions right away."
I...--- How can someone like this be so helpful and friendly to those do are left in the depression of their minds? I don't understand it at all. I slowly looked away, shrugging. "... Are they forcing you to not tell anyone?" He asked.
I shrugged again, watching the food area in silence.
"... He's ... having a hard time to ... decide on something ... but even when he does that, he seems less and less interested in it and soon everything all of a sudden," Neptune told him. That's ... part-true about what I feel.
"Oh. That's upsetting, how come?"
"I don't know, it just happens," I answered. "Another mood swing, all normal as it is."
"Hmmm..." Akakku rubbed his chin before snapping his fingers. "How about I tell you something a little about myself?"
"Why?" I asked, staring at him.
"Maybe ... it'll break your lack of interest barrier?" He said, smiling nervously and ... too awkward. Maybe even embarrassing as I could sense it coming off of him.
"... Sure." I mumbled.
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We walked into the food area, taking a seat at one of the round tables. I never described them to be round tables because I could care less about that. When we sat down, I flinched when a pole rose from the center of it. I watched as it sheltered us with an umbrella-like feature to it. I blinked, tilting my head as I looked down to Akakku who smiled softly. "Such a nice feature isn't it?"
I leaned back slightly, "... I suppose so."
He nodded slowly, noticing my reaction, "You know ... about that day when you first arrived here, I felt bad about that kid that was with you on that day. He didn't look like he enjoyed being in his humanoid form. ... That kind of reaction towards order that Aurora told folks is ... upsetting."
"... You don't ... ask what my mother says about them being in their animalic forms?" I asked, widening my eyes slightly.
"Nope. I do not. That's why you don't see me asking Neptune to be in his. Some folks should allow others to be in their comfortable forms rather to just force them in forms they want to see them in." Akakku nodded his head.
I slowly nodded my head, becoming curious about learning more about him. I shook my head. No ... that's a bit bad to think like that. "Alright ... what else is ... interesting about me? Just realized I mentioned a part about myself." He said, chuckling to himself quietly.
I narrowed my eyes before sighing. I thought back to the part where he didn't call himself a human. I gazed back at him, wondering what type of folk he says he's not a human, "What are you? Like ... folk wise?"
"A bloolk!" He chirped, holding his hands together.
"... Explain? I don't know every folk in existence." I said.
"Not even his own kind." Neptune chimed in.
"Shush. I'm learning about them." I turned to shoot a glare at him. The giant wolf just grinned at me before turning back to Akakku.
"I suppose I could guess ... a bloolk from my time would usually be a giant monster with sharp claws and a long tail that could kill anyone with one swing of its tail. It kills and feeds on blood, along with controlling the element of blood in its system." Akakku explained. "But ... nowadays, bloolk is a race where they look almost like humans. The same natural hair, skin tone--- everything! The reason why I don't look like the modern bloolks is mainly that I'm an ancient one." He grinned nervously.
I tilted my head, confused at what he meant by that. "It means he's immortal, Castit."
".. What--- Immortal?!" I turned towards Neptune with wide eyes before turning back to Akakku.
"Yep. I'm immortal, I don't know how long I've been living, but all I know is that the current bloolks don't behave like the ones back in my time. I'm not so sure if that's a good thing or not ... it might be good since, in my time, we murder other folks gruesomely."
I stared at him, slowly scooting away from the table. "Not that I do that anymore!" He chuckled at my reaction. "I think I'm the only one who doesn't behave as such."
"... I don't know if I like bloolks now," I commented.
He snorted, "I'm sorry if I scared you. Trust me, other bloolks aren't like me. I think ... I'm not so sure. You'll have to go out and see if they behaved as ... highly territorial and aggressive creatures."
"I don't think---"
"We'll surely do that one day!" Neptune chirped, interrupting me.
"No?" I glared at him.
"Why not?" He turned towards me with a smile. "It'll be fun and you know it!"
"Why would it be fun?"
"Don't you want to know every folk in existence?" He asked, tilting his head.
"I ..." I trailed off, glancing down at the floor as I sighed, "I'm not so sure ... I'm a part of my group and I don't think ... we might be able to do it."
"That's why I said "one day." Maybe someday... I'll be a part of that group, maybe I won't be. It all depends on what our relationship would be in the future." He said, turning his head back to Akakku. ... That is true. He does have a point about that. But ... I don't know about finding out every folk's existence. Some seem... interesting while others seem... scary. I blinked, remembering Setchi being a Gonolk. What do gonolks do? Do they have their own culture? I think I should steal another book from Neptune and read about that one on my own.
"Relationship? Oh, was I interrupting something?" Akakku asked, looking, spook.
"Oh no! Heavens no, you weren't." Neptune said, turning over to me. "I wish, but no."
"Wish? Excuse me we're just broken friends, that is all." I said, glaring at him.
"Broken friends ... how so?" He asked.
"That is the lowest ranking you'll get for being friends with me. But then again I don't have any other rankings besides close friends and best friend." I said. "So ... you'll have to try hard to actually become a friend of mine."
"Oh so I'm not your friend yet, I just have to get up to that level. Got it ... what do I need to do?" He asked.
"Do what friends would normally do," I answered.
"Seems difficult."
"Seems difficult." Excuse me, you're so fucking difficult to deal with." I grunted.
He snorted, "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But you know you love it~"
"I don't asshole." I hissed.
"Woah, Woah, I think we need to lower the cussing." Akakku voiced in, looking nervous.
"Don't worry about Castit, he's like this whenever I tease him." Neptune chuckled quietly.
"Still." Akakku glared at the giant wolf.
"Okay." Neptune frowned, pinning his ears. "I just want to make sure he wasn't in his moody moods."
"Moody moods" Is that what you call it?" I asked, glaring at him.
"When depression grabs hold of you and you can't feel any sign of happiness." He answered, frowning at me.
I blinked at him, frowning slightly as I looked away. He ... he was truthful when he said that. I ... I don't know if he really cares about me or not. I shouldn't really question it until something actually happens. But ... that ... that was really sweet of him to do. I slowly nodded, turning back to him. "I guess that's what happened to me and I didn't realize."
"Well, at least ... it worked?" He asked, giving me a puppy-dog look.
I stared at him before rolling my eyes, "Fine. It worked, prince." I grunted at him.
"..." He stared at me for a moment, flickering an ear as he slowly looked away. "I'm glad I'm in this form."
"Why? Did that make you be filled with embarrassment?" I asked, raising a brow.
"... Uh ... something like that." He said quietly as I could sense shyness and some ... other emotion in there. I narrowed my eyes before turning back to Akakku who was watching us in silence.
"Either way, that's good to hear you are doing better than before," Akakku said, looking around for a moment before turning back to me. "Well, I better do my duties before I get yelled at." He slowly got up to his feet as I frowned at the sight. I remembered his question about someone troubling me and the answer slipping out of my mouth before I could even stop myself. "... Aloe is the person that's been causing me trouble ever since."
He stared at me, pausing in his motion as I assumed he didn't believe me. He narrowed his eyes I could see his eyes glowing. "... You guys are family ... right?" He asked.
I slowly nodded, squeezing my hands tightly as I was afraid of what he could say next. "... Eh, that woman isn't up to no good." He hissed, glaring away from us. "I do wish Aurora to exile her but she just gets a simple demotion. As I said before, I will try to stop whoever is troubling you."
"Even if Aurora might stop you?" Neptune asked.
"Even if that may be right. But I'll find ways to convince her to banish her sister." Akakku spoke, stepping away from the table. "For now, duties call me."
I nodded as he waved at us before walking away. I blinked before looking over at Neptune who smiled at me. "Well. Someone there to look out for you."
"Yeah ... I didn't expect it to be one of the council leaders," I said. "Who also hates her so ... I guess that's a win for me. I'm quite surprised he didn't ask for proof or anything." I'm also surprised at the demotion she gained but ... kind of sad she didn't get exiled. Is my mother afraid of exiling her? She's not going to do anything, she's the leader. She possibly can't.
"Akakku just knows not to ask about that stuff, ya know?" He spoke before looking forward. His ears droop suddenly as he lowered his head, "... Speaking of that devil from before, she's ... here."
I blinked and turned over to Aloe who stood in the entranceway from afar. She turned her head and over to where we are. She begins to walk over to us, though more in a rushy way. "Great ... what does she wants?"
"Beats me. ... wait ... Don't tell me it's something along the lines of torture." Neptune guessed.
"Now why would I do that to my dearest nephew?" Aloe asked, making me glare at her. "I wouldn't do no harm on him at all." That's a lie if I ever saw one.
Neptune stared at her, pinning his ears as I assumed he knew it was a lie. "... What do you want, Aloe?"
"I want to walk with my nephew ... if that's fine with you, Neptune," Aloe said.
"... How long is it gonna take?" Neptune asked.
"It shouldn't take long! I wanna get caught up with him." Aloe smiled sweetly as I gagged.
"... Okay." Neptune slowly said, pressing his paw on the seat. I stared at him before spotting the seat glow before disappearing a second later. I raised my brows as he mouthed, "I'll tell you later about that." He turned over to Aloe before getting off of the seat. "I'll see you ... here or ... back at the house, Castit?"
"Maybe so at the house," I said, nodding my head.
"Alright ..." He said as he sounded like he was concerned for me. I blinked at him, sensing no lie at all as he was truthful once more. I turned my head over to Aloe as she waited for me to get up. I frowned slightly and sighed.
If it gets serious, I'll come running back home so you won't need to be concerned about me.
How about that?
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- End of Chapter 19
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