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_ Tempest _
Red lights flashed above our heads and sparked the beginning of this festival. Purples and whites flickered alongside the red coloring, following in a welcoming pattern to the folks who approached the entrance of a place I wouldn't dream to be in. The place itself appeared the same ones in the dreams that I wanted with the freedom touch. I craved for it for years whenever one would show up, but deep down, I knew I couldn't gain the freedom I wanted. And even if I feel like I have that freedom, at the same time, I feel like I don't have that choice.
... I ... I want to end this. I want to, at least ... be happy rather than have a war that is currently battling in my head. But trekking through the war is ... difficult.
... Maybe I can ask my friends for their help.
I glanced up at the archway that we passed underneath it as it read: "Welcome to the Leisure Within the Tranquility!" to the guests behind us. I'm ... not so sure if the host, who made this festival was creative with its name. Though, it better be worth it with the peace they claim to have. I looked forward and observed the place in its glory. Everyone ... was in different forms, which surprised me for a moment. Some were in their humanoid forms while others were in their animalic forms. I blinked with curiosity, looking over to Seiro who didn't seem to be changing into his animalic form. I narrowed my brows.
He likes to be in his animalic form, right? So ... why isn't he in one? "Do... you want to transform into your large wolf form?" I asked.
"Nah. I'm good in this form." He answered, displaying a small smile. "Also it's large wolf-fox form, not large wolf form."
"Well I'm sorry, it looks like a wolf while your brother looks like a fox," I told him, looking away.
"And yet we both can howl." He spoke.
"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled quietly, looking over at the group of folks. I walked forward and gazed around, attempting to spot a certain lioness. Carla would be in her giant lioness if she saw this many people in their forms. I'm surprised my mother allows this, I think she should let everyone be in their animalic forms at all times rather than in humanoid forms. The humans won't see us up here. I halted and gazed over at a red flame, attached to the giant lioness from afar, sitting down next to a group. "Found them?" I heard Seiro ask behind me.
"Yep. I did." I nodded, leading the way over to them.
The group chit-chatted before turning their heads over to our arrival, making smiles appear on their faces. "You made it!" Carla turned her head over to us, smiling happily in her lioness form. "I gotta tell you something, Castit!-"
"Tempest." Paradise corrected her.
"Tempest, sorry. Tempest! They allow you to be in your most comfortable forms! How cool is that?!" She smiled, looking like she was about to bounce but stop herself from doing so. I don't want to know what happens if she jumps on this wooden platform.
"It's very nice of them to do that." I nodded to her with a smile.
"If only I could shift into my comfortable form. However ... I'm already in it." Setchi voiced in. "This form is perfectly fine with the colors matching my true form."
"Really?" Carla asked, gazing over at him.
"Yep! Everything--- well not everything, just the colors." He chuckled.
"Well." Carla raised her brows in her lioness form that I never thought she would have on them. Do lions have brows? "You two better be going~" She told him, giving her a smug look, to which, Setchi returned to give her a dull look before rolling his eyes. He turned his head to Sutato who was standing by his side, having a clueless and confused expression.
"Alone?" Sutato asked, blinking repeatedly at Carla.
"Yep! Just you two." Carla raised her paw at them. "Sitting along and having the best time of your lives." Setchi shot her a glare.
"Why?" Sutato asked, tilting his head. "Don't take ... do... don't?" He soon became confused about his own wording.
"Sign it, Sut," Setchi told him.
Sutato blinked and nodded, using his hands to sign what he wanted to say. Setchi translated it for us: "Do we not take anyone with us?"
"... That would defeat the purpose of a date," Carla answered.
"Unless it was a double-date," I commented.
"What." Carla turned her head to me.
I ignored her question and continued on. "Do you want to take someone with you?" I asked the two.
Setchi shrugged as Sutato nodded his head. "Bambi." He chimed, smiling with glee. Setchi turned over to him and smiled warmly. "Alright, we'll take Bambi with us then." Soon blushes appeared on his cheeks.
I turned over to Carla who huffed, "Jeez, you guys really don't want to be alone, don't you?" Carla asked, sounding annoyed.
"If you have a problem..." Setchi turned to glare at her. "... then I suggest keep it to yourself. I don't need to hear it anymore." He finished. Carla rolled her eyes and scoffs quietly to herself. I shook my head and turned it back to the two. "Well, we better get Bambi and start this funsies." Setchi turned his gaze back at Sutato as he nodded with a smile. Soon the two walked away from us as two more folks padded forward.
"Now we need to decide who's gonna go with who," Seiro spoke, having his hands on his hips.
"Yeah." Carla agreed before raising her paw and pointing it at him. "And I know you want to go with Tempest because ... you liiiiike him." She said with a smug look. ... Wait.
"Yeah. I do." He nodded without even blushing as I stared at him with confusion. Carla was the same way, blinking her eyes repeatedly at his response. ... I ... I was right? He ... he does have a crush on me? But ... it ... it doesn't even look like he does. I shook my head slightly. I shouldn't look or listen to what Carla has to say. Seiro hasn't said it to me yet, even if his body language keeps making his face red multiple times. He has to say if he has a crush on me, not his body language. He stared at both of us, signing at the end. "Did I really confuse you both with my answer?"
"I mean ..."
"Yes. I know what you mean, Carla." Seiro gazed at her before looking over to the two folks standing in silence. "But we should be focusing on something else rather than this."
"Really? Do not be worse than Setchi here, please don't. I don't want to put up with whatever you're going to come up with." Carla growled lowly.
"You know ... you don't have to ... put whatever you guys are talking about up. You can just ... not join." Paradise suggested, holding their hands together.
"Yeah." Purity agreed, nodding her head.
"But it's---"
"Where are Winter and Tyler?" I asked, interrupting Carla as I looked around for them. They said they would be here for the festival too. I heard Carla growl as I hold back a grin.
"Oh. I told them to enjoy their date." Paradise answered, smiling. "Winter was confused about it but Tyler took her away to convince her to understand the meaning of ... fun. I guess you're not the only one who has trouble understanding fun, Tempest." They turned to me.
Well ... I hope they have fun. I shrugged. "What did you expect from a person who was possibly raised by strict parents?"
Paradise shrugged slightly. "Well. It does settle their group so you have that. What about ours? Are we all going together?"
"Hmmm ... if we want ... Unless ... Neptune here has some plans for ... something special~" Carla said, looking smug at him.
"I don't think I planned anything special for you," Seiro said, staring at her confused. "Also, you can call me Seiro now if you want to."
Carla dropped her look and stared at him. "... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN."
"No, I don't." He shook his head.
Carla growled lowly as Paradise panicked. "Okay. How about not arguing over whatever Carla said and focusing on what we are supposed to do today? How about that?" They suggested.
"I don't know if I should," Carla said, glaring at Seiro as he gave her a deadpanned expression. Paradise groaned in annoyance as I stepped back from them, looking over to my sister who voiced into the conversation.
I sighed quietly, halting when I got out of their voice range and turned over to the crowd. While they do that, I'm going to view the activities in the far background. I spotted one in the background that had flying humanoids or animals who could fly to stretch up into the foggy sky. I tilted my head, curious as to what that activity would be. I realized my wings were subconsciously opening up on their own. I closed them back up, making me shake my head. Jeez, I'm that itching for a flight?
"You see that pole in the middle?" I flinched from the unknown voice, turning over to a pink-haired feaolk. They looked at me before gazing over at the activity that they were pointing to. I glanced back over to it, squinting my eyes, and noticed the pole. "The flyers fly up along that pole and whoever gets to the top, wins a prize! Nobody knows how tall the pole goes up as it goes up into the fog and god knows how long it can keep up with all of that balance." They continued, turning and smiling at me.
I slowly nodded, turning over to them. "Hello!" They greeted me with a wave. "You seem new to these parks. Don't worry! I am too! Such a coincidence, isn't it?"
"Oh well. That's how everyone here is." They shrugged, looking a little disappointed. "Buuut, it's exciting to meet another fellow feather such as yourself!"
I tilted my head, "... Fellow feather?"
"It's how we feaolks talk to one another, you know?" They answered, tilting their head slightly.
"... I ... wasn't around other feaolks to hear that phrase," I said slowly. I mean ... I was but ... I don't ... hear it quite often nor do I remember it being said.
"Oh." They frowned as I could sense their pity for me. "You must have been raised outside of a feaolk colony then." They added on.
Wrong. "I have been, but ... I don't--- I never took to learning the culture inside of it." I corrected them, lying particularly. When I was in the colony, I didn't learn of the culture, but at the current time, reading the feaolk book with Seiro, I did learn of it a little but not all of it.
"Oh." Their frown deepened. "You poor thing---" P... Poor thing? Excuse me? "--- I bet you're itching on wanting to know about us. Say. Do you want to know Feather?" They asked, perking up with a reassuring smile. No. I'd rather not be with a bunch of selfish feaolks.
"First off, who are you?" I asked, giving them a wary look. Also, don't call someone a "poor thing" when you first meet them. Maybe not in the way of a ... proud, arrogant attitude. I know they're acting behind a facade, not showing her true colors.
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"Oh, right~" She chuckled before nodding her head. "I am Azalea. Azalea Holly. I am a part of one of the most, beautiful families; Holly Family!-" I narrowed my eyes as she was posing in front of me, trying to charm me in with her looks. This is disgusting. "- We aren't known as the other families in Eastern Feaolk Colony, but we are there, just not as close to being forgotten, ya know? But ... I think ... you wouldn't really care since you don't know the value in each of us. To be honest, after I teach you about our culture there, you should care!" She halted and grinned up at me. "How about you? What family are you from?"
... Do I bet how much my family name ... is popular with the feaolks in that colony? Infact, the question lines here--- why do family names have much value in them so much? I know my mother told me that in enchanter families, the siblings compete with one another to hold the best title in their family. ... It's just ... confusing. "Rose. C... Tempest Rose." I corrected myself. Eh. That sounds weird.
I watch her eyes go wide as she gasped, making me inch away from her. "ROSE?! OH MY GOD. Are you from that Rose Family I've been hearing about?!" She bounced up and down in her shoes.
"... Yes ... I am," I said slowly. So ... my family name is ... popular.
"OH my god! This IS EXCITING news! I heard all about the Rose Line for centuries ever since I was little! You guys go back to the old generations where you first earned your powerful enchantment magic! Your family is one of the rare families in both Feathers' and Enchanter's history! As always, your type of family is worshipped by the powerful wind masters!" She chirped, bouncing up and down.
I blinked with confusion placed in my eyes. Wind Masters? Do they mean ... Wind Elementals? I don't know, I should ... ask that. "Do you know any enchantments?!" She asked me, inching closer to me as I scooted away some more.
"No. I wasn't born as one." I told her. I mean, I do know a few, only two enchantments but those are just the basic ones. And ... slamming a door in my fake sister's forehead. ... AND telling her the plans of what Aloe has for us. I'm trying to figure out if those were enchantments or not.
"Oh." She blinked at me as if she never thought that could happen in enchanter's families. I mean ... my mother was an enchanter while my father was ... a non-enchanter. So, it's a 50/50 chance of me ... getting enchantment magic ... I think. I'm not so sure, I might have to ask my mother that. "Then ... you must have some other power then." She said.
I stared at her with a confused expression. "I don't think I am. I'm not a caster last time I checked. Just a shapeshifter." Don't tell me ...- no, this is making me think that if ... What happens in the genetics of a Wind Elemental? I know if non-elemental folks have children together, it's a rare chance that it could happen. But ... what if one of your parents is one? Does it increase the chances of one being born with those powers?
"No, I mean ... the powerful blood you guys have within you. If you weren't born as a powerful enchanter, then you must have some form of connection to ... our elemental." She said, looking nervous. "It's only a guess. I've heard other feathers say that some or even a few feathers have connections to the wind elementals around us."
... Maybe ... I don't know how far back this bloodline goes. But ... thinking that ... since my father was from Western Feaolk Colony, where there is a bloodline of his full of wind elemental power ... I guess ... it's a match? Why is she so right and yet I can't tell her? Her right guess just could have been a random one. With me not telling her, I don't want to have anyone to know I have the wind elemental bloodline flowing through me. I think ... feaolks or anyone would just be fighting their way to get to me to ... bear children with them and I don't want that.
"I doubt it. All I know is that I'm just a simple shifter." I told her, shrugging.
"Well ... I guess that is true." She nodded slowly. "So, I guess you watched your family earn the success they deserve?"
I stared at her, holding back a frown as flashbacks occurred in my head. Why are we asking these questions? "... I guess... but ... even if that is the case, why deserve something that came naturally to you?" I asked. I'm only talking about Aloe when I say this.
"... Well, depending on the context, I think you deserve your own set of powers that you own. It was given to you by the unknown, so it's yours to keep. Not anyone else's." She answered. "There can be ... some enchanters in our feather society that don't deserve their powers, but ... what can we do really? We can't take them away."
"But ... have you told on them?" I asked, turning my head back at her.
"Yes. Though, only a few get pointed out for their mistake. Especially one that I despise of..." She grumbled, looking irritated. "In the Eastern Feaolk Colony, I remember there was one enchanter that I hated when I was younger. She would be praised for her powerful enchantment but at the same time, for using them for bad purposes. She was caught and told multiple times to use them for good or keep them to herself and get out of the colony. I think she listened after that but ... I still had a bad feeling that she still used them for bad purposes ... especially when she attracted a feather to her aid."
At least I know there were other bad enchanters in this colony. "... I guess there's still bad enchanters in this world. I would assume they died out years ago, but no. They had to continue on." I said. In my head, I would be glaring at the image of Aloe.
"Yeah ... that's the horrible part of it. You don't know which enchanter you want to trust nowadays. However, I do trust that Pearl girl! It's just ... she needs a teacher to teach her the basics of enchantment magic." She said, looking weirded out. "Hope she finds one."
... I tilted my head slightly before blinking with realization. I turned behind me and stared at the empty spot where my friends were supposed to be. Oh no. Why did you guys leave me with her?! Don't tell me Carla said that I found someone I would like. No. What the fuck? I sighed and turned back over to Azalea. She looked nervous with a shy expression as she moved her fingers against one another. "Hey." She looked up at me with curious eyes. "Can I show you that activity that I explained earlier?" She asked.
I sighed quietly. Great. Well, I might as well deal with this. "Sure."
"Great! Come on!" She said, turning and bouncing off as I hurry to follow her. Carla. If you thought what I think you thought, I will tear you a new tail if I ever step close to you. I followed Azalea through the bast land of the festival. Different types of activities were positioned: One contained casters shooting their elements on a target, another creating sound using the objects that they were given to also create music, and more. We arrived at the place with the pole that I saw from afar, now up close and rather thick. I saw some lines placed on the pole when we were allowed to view it with other feaolks in the area.
They were listing how tall you could go along the pole. I gazed up at the pole that disappeared into the fog. I wonder ... what's the measurement if one were to reach the top. I looked around at the fencing area. It was circling around this pole as the space was big. I saw there were spots on the floor, at least white circles positioned around the pole. There were a total of ten of them. This seems like a race ... since whoever got to the top first, gets a prize. I would like to see how this works ... wouldn't there be objects to stop a person from reaching the top? I looked past the fence, seeing a sitting range as some folks were sitting in the seats. I blinked and gazed back up at the fog. And ... how would the participants race in the fog if there were objects alongside this pole.
Unless ... there aren't any objects and the participants try to stir the others off of their paths in the fog. I shrugged before turning over to Azalea giggling. "Reach the Top is such a lovely game!" Azalea giggled as I turned over to her with a raised brow.
"Reach the Top?" I asked.
"Yep! The name of the game. Anyone of folk who knows how to fly can join in! I never tried it yet and I wonder what is up there in the fog." She said, rubbing her chin. "We should join the next round."
"Excuse me?" I blinked at her. I mean ... I do want to know if there are objects in the fog too. So ... I wouldn't really be making any excuses about that one. "... I'm not so sure of it."
"Aww, come on! It'll be fun! This is designed to have the flyers' wings be strong up to the max!" She giggled, bouncing over to the sitting range. Can she stop giggling, please? It's annoying.
I followed after her, spotting some folks telling the ones in the area to exit it. "... And ... the fog?" I asked.
"Oh, that is easy." She said, standing on the other side of the fence. "We use our feathers! Specifically, the facial feathers that help us fly through it. But then again, it's not as useful as other feaolks have it at." She answered, sounding upset. "I remember when I was younger when others had it at "perfection" level while mine was at a useless level!"
"... Facial feathers?" I asked, standing next to her. What does she mean?
"Yeah! You can grow feathers on command and make them disappear whenever!" She chirped.
"That's ... new ... Never knew you could do that," I said, slowly nodding. Feaolks have that ability? I never knew such a thing could exist.
"Yep! All feathers have that ability! It's a very useful ability for when we need to fly better." She smiled before turning over at the area. I looked over at them as there was a folk walking around and gathering some participants to join the round. Only five were gathered as they were told to stand on the white circles. "Hey! Why don't we give it a go?" I heard Azalea ask.
I turned my head at her, looking unsure. "... I'd rather not. Who knows what mistake I'll make." I'm just doing this so I could get away from Azalea and find my troublesome friends.
"Aw, come on! No one here will judge you! I'm sure all of the flyers did the same on their first try!" She said, attempting to convince me.
"... Eh, it'll be embarrassing though."
"Not if you believe in yourself!" She chirped, raising her hand up to grab the host's attention. "If you believe in yourself then you can do it! If you make a mistake, that's alright! You can always improve and work on it."
I looked confused at her encouragement for me. ... We just met and you're already giving it to me. I sighed and nodded slowly. "Fine ... I guess ... I'll give it a go." Eh. A little flight can't hurt me, right?
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"Yes! That's the spirit!" She chirped once more. I shook my head slightly, turning over to the host who approached us. They were a feaolk as they smiled softly. "You two volunteer to join?" They asked.
"Yep!" Azalea nodded her head.
"Alright then, come along." They nodded, beckoning us to follow. I gulped and slowly followed Azalea through the wooden gate that was right beside us. The host told me to stand in a white spot while they show where Azalea will be at. I watched them go on, soon putting her on a white circle that was far away from me. I sighed in relief. At least she won't talk to me when we are waiting to get the other three.
"Worried about your girlfriend?" ... Excuse me? I slowly turned over to the light green-haired feaolk that was standing in his white circle next to me. Oh great. I gave him a 'Are you kidding me?' look. He grinned with a smug and arrogant expression as I glared at him. "Do not worry kid. I don't think you're gonna win her heart that easily with the appearance you show off. You ...- No offense but you look like bullshit if I ever saw an ugly feaolk such as yourself." He sneered.
I stared at him, slowly blinking at him. Why do I exist just to put up with this? I'm not taking his word for granted, I just don't want to be near my own folk. "Awww, are you too hurt to say anything?" He continued with his stupid grin.
"What would you say if I said that she wasn't my girlfriend and that you could have her to yourself?" I asked, turning towards him.
He blinked at me with confusion before snickering, replacing it with his smug expression. "How did you know I have fallen for a girl like her so easily? You must be pretty smart for your age."
"... I'm 22 and ... I'm sure there are plenty of other folks who are smart and the exact same age as I am." I pointed out. "So ... back to answering my question?" I asked again.
He glared at me as if he didn't like my smart-ass comment. Good. Let's keep it like that. "She doesn't deserve you."
"I know," I said, giving him a dull look.
"..." He looked at me with anger and confusion mixing in his expression. "What?"
"The question I asked you is true. She is not my girlfriend." I said.
"... Why do you say such terms that are heard by the other folks?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. "It's Flares, not whatever a girlfriend is."
Excuse me. "You're the one who said "Girlfriend." I didn't say that!" I pointed out.
"No, I didn't." He lied as I gave him an 'I'm so done with your bullshit' look. I turned away from them and checked out the participants as there were in total ten and the host was walking, waving their hand in the air. "Oh goodie, it's starting," I said.
"Tsk. You know what. I'll race ya to the top, worthless feaolk. And then, whoever reaches it, either of us wins the girl. How about that?" He asked me.
"No, because I'm not interested in her," I told him, watching the host halt and breathe in a breath.
"Okay! This is a first where everyone is completely feaolks. Guess we all decided to be here. Alrighty then! Shake out yourself to release your feathers- so that you can fly through the fog up there with ease! Up there is where the trouble occurs. No flyer has made it all the way to the top because of the trouble that lies for you to discover. So, get ready!"
I watched every one of the feaolks shake out themselves as feathers were appearing on their faces and arms. I tilted my head, confused about the meaning of "shake out yourself." ... Is that how ... I get the facial feathers to appear? And ... releasing my feathers? Such an odd way to phrase it. But that is what the feaolks are doing. I flinched from the light green feaolk's snort. "You really have no chance of winning this race." He grinned twistedly before spreading out his wings.
I rolled my eyes and turned up to the fog. How bad can it be without the feathers on my body?
I watched the flyers take off instantly as I jumped a bit before flapping my wings to take off. I heard the light green feaolk laugh up ahead as I was struggling to fly up. Damn this is hard. Also, a note to myself. Don't watch the flyers. I sighed and continued beating my wings until they lift me up into the fog. Okay ... I just ... gotta watch out for the trouble in here. Got it. I continued on and on, sensing some presence coming close to me as I panicked. I tried to go higher but instantly got grabbed by my foot and pulled down.
"Dodge! Little feaolk, dodge!"
That ... that was the same voice as before. I grunted and turned, kicking the feaolk's hand off of my ankle. I heard him yelp as I flapped higher into the fog. I felt my wing getting grabbed as I turned over to the same feaolk trying to pull me down. "You know what, I'll just throw you down, how about that?!" He hissed as we were both knocked out of the sky by another flyer. I spiral out of control, out of the guy's grasp, and down below. I attempted to reset my flight pattern but I just came crashing down to the ground below. I shut my eyes before I made an impact with it.
I heard wings flap as I was slowly opening my eyes up as my senses returned to me. Did I ... hit the ground? No ... no I didn't, this ... feels too soft to be on the ground. I blinked my eyes open as I was met with the fog's density. I narrowed my eyes and glanced around my surroundings. I looked down and realized I was on someone, being carried towards someplace. Probably ... the pole area. Moments later, I saw that we were lowering down to the platform. I flinched from being lifted off of this person's back and onto the ground.
Once my feet touched the ground, I spread out my wings and whacked the person who touched me. I pushed them away from me as I turned towards the person who I was getting carried by--- flat out lying on the ground. Did ... I hit you that hard? I didn't ... feel like I did since my focus wasn't on you. "Hey! Calm down! We're not here to hurt you." The person to my left said. The other one was to my right. I turned to my left and glared at them. They had their hands up as they looked nervous about my actions.
I wobbled a bit before stabling myself, closing my wings together. "Cila! Are you okay?" They asked, rushing over to the other person's side. Cila was slowly sitting up before getting up to her feet, and rubbing her forehead.
"Yes, yes. I am." Cila answered, turning her head over to me. "You hit me quite hard, feather. What's in your wings? Steel?"
"... Bones...?"
"Steel Bones it is then." She nodded, before turning her body and walking over to me. I glared at her before taking a look at my surroundings. I was back at the Reach the Top area with folks all hurt and tired. Some were helping them up as the others watched in horror, followed by avenges. I looked around as I blinked with confusion. I turned over to Cila who halted. "We're not here to hurt you, we were just bringing you back since you fell quite far. And I mean ... literally over the platform."
I widened my eyes, blinking with surprise. "... Were the troubles ... with other participants knocking each other out of the sky?"
"Yep." The other feaolk said, nodding with a nervous smile. "It's alright if you didn't make it to the top. I didn't either and it's difficult navigating the fog with many surrounding you. Even I tried to use the feathers around my face to help me."
"In case you didn't know what the host meant by 'shaking out yourself' it meant Feather Releasing," Cila spoke, frowning at her partner.
"Kinda stupid if you ask me to call it that way," I said slowly.
"... Well, call it whatever you like I guess." Cila shrugged.
"Do you know how to ... make your body feathers appear?" The other feaolk asked.
"No, and I refuse to do the "shake out" method," I said, folding my arms.
"You can focus on your surroundings and breathe into the relaxed form, making your feathers appear that way," Cila suggested. "Though, people rather shake themselves out than do that method. They say it's easier."
"Can I try that method?" I asked, tilting my head. Maybe ... I could try again.
"You can now if you're going for another round in two minutes. Tyol and I will be watching from the audience." Cila nodded.
"... I could."
"Good! We'll be watching!" Tyol smiled.
"And don't forget, make your feathers appear before you take off!" Cila reminded me before dragging Tyol away.
"Good luck out there!" Tyol chirped before following his friend. I ... don't even know you people and yet your cheering me on. I ... don't understand this at all.
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I shook my head and turned over to a pink-haired feaolk running over to me. Along with another feaolk that was following her. I grumbled, looking away from them. I want to be back with my friends, can I leave and do that? I turned to her arrival. "Are you okay, Tempest?! I saw you get carried back!" Azalea asked, spotting her reach for me as I backed away from her. She paused and stared at me.
"I'm fine and I don't like it when people touch me," I told her.
"Oh. Sorry then." She nodded, pulling her arms away from me. "But it's good that you are alright!"
"... Yeah..." I mumbled, rubbing my head.
"That was such a shame, isn't it?" The light green feaolk asked, grinning smugly. I ignored him as I heard a voice calling behind me. I turned over and spotted a familiar bunch. I glared at them and stormed over to them, getting halted by the fence that separates me from them. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!" I hissed at them.
The giant lioness snorted as Paradise shook their head. "Well ... the girl likes you, Tempest," Carla told me.
"Excuse me. We just met. How can you even know?" I asked, grunting afterwards.
"Because I knooooow~" Carla chined. "It's an ability that I have. And trust me, you don't want to go ruining your blind date."
"I didn't--- ... Why? Why do you want to make things worse?" I asked, glaring at her.
"... I told you this was a bad idea, Carla," Paradise told her.
"I thought it was normal for feaolks to talk to one another," Carla said, turning over to them.
"I think you missed the point where you don't know Tempest enough," Seiro said, walking over to me as the fence halted him.
"Exactly," I whispered to him, shaking my head. "Why would you think it would make sense for me to talk to another folk of my own?"
"To ... have a date?" Carla asked, staring at me. "I thought you would have liked talking to one of your own."
"...O-Oh ... A date?" I turned over to Azalea as she walked over to my side, looking at my friends. "... I ... I don't know about that one. We did just met..." She said, looking shy with red roses on her cheeks. I turned over to Seiro for help. He frowned and looked at me, shrugging. I frowned at him, looking down. You're fucking helpful.
"... I mean..."
"Carla. For the love of God, shut your damn trap." I snapped at her. "You're lucky this fence is blocking me from hurting you."
"Relax there," Seiro whispered to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"I am relaxed." I glared at him. I'm surprised I didn't flinch from his touch.
"No, you're not. I can sense you trying to make another threat at one of your friends again. I suggest you do not do that again and enjoy yourself in this ... activity." He whispered to me softly.
"Speaking of which, should we try again?" Azalea asked me quickly. I slowly turned towards her as I sensed jealousy rising within her immediately. ... Oh god. Don't tell me she's into me. Please don't tell me that's the answer to that. To be honest, how do you even fall for someone you just met? Also, she lied about that date thing. She would totally date me if she had the chance to. "... Sure," I grumbled.
"Then you're going to lose with how much you sucked at this, weakling." I turned over to the light green-haired feaolk, sneering at me.
Oh, shush, you big loser.
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- End of Chapter 34
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