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_Setchi _
I was frightened to see the flames consuming Carla but when I saw what happened, I knew these feaolks weren't to be trusted right away. As soon as she spoke, I charged, immediately making one of the feaolks tumble down on their feet when I rammed their legs. I spotted the dragon turning and making a move towards the lioness. I dodged an attack from one of the feaolks and ran around them and darted towards the dragon. I pushed my hind legs against the ground and leaped into the air, biting down hard on its wings.
The dragon yelped and turned towards me, using a claw to smack me off as I went flying onto the ground. I winced slightly before getting up and turning towards the dragon who snarled at me. I shook out my fur and snarled back as it charged at me. I swiftly dodged out of the dragon's way, spotting a claw swinging at me the next. Instead of dodging, I just jumped forward and bit its arm, digging my teeth deep into its arm as I heard it yelp again. It attempted to shake me off but I just held on, and soon it was shrieking- almost screaming in fear.
... If you were afraid of wolves, why didn't you--- I got yanked off by getting almost bitten in half. I was shaken multiple times before getting dropped out of the air. I winced when I hit the ground. I whimpered quietly before getting up carefully and turning towards the dragon that was getting tied down by vines.
I sighed in relief, wincing at the air I took. I breathed more slowly, realizing the dragon's teeth puncture one of my lungs. Okay ... need to be careful there. I slowly limped over to Carla, keeping my breathing at a slow pace. I was going to help Carla but she had to help arrived by her side. Castit was there as I saw an unconscious feaolk right beside him. I blinked and halted, turning towards the other feaolk who backed away. There were three left so we were winning on defending them from Sutato. I turned over to the guy who was curled up into a ball. I frowned, drooping my ears before perking them up at the feaolks.
"Don't tell us to relax when your damn dragon took Sutato from us. Don't even try to act friendly either asshole." Castit hissed, having his wings spread out wide. I walked underneath them as I glared at the group.
The grey-black-haired feaolk grunted and stood up, closing his wings as he took a step forward, "... You don't even know the dangers and it clearly shows."
"You attacked us!" I shouted.
"Shut it, Wololk." The grey-black-haired feaolk glared at me. Oh, fuck you too.
"What do you want with him?" Castit questioned, keeping his stern look on them.
"What do we want? We want to lock him up for siding with the humis." The grey-black-haired feaolk answered. "A year ago he attacked some of our colony members, which marked him a traitor towards The Folks. So, please move if you don't want to get locked up alongside him."
"He didn't attack them on purpose!" Carla shouted. "In that same past, he was possessed by some kind of collar that was firm around his neck. It was restricting his ability to control any of his movements. Couldn't you hear from your members' reports of it? Or even seen it around his neck? He didn't side with the humis!"
"I TOLD YOU, ROCK." One of the feaolk shouted at the leader. The one that spoke had pink hair and was currently glaring at him.
"Quiet, Pearl, that's enough." Rock said to her before turning back to us, "We'll be taking him in if you kindly move away from him and then this won't end up in bloodshed."
"Let it end in bloodshed." Castit spoke coldly, "We're not allowing you to get a hand on him."
Rock looked frightened of Castit's response as he gulped nervously, "I really don't want to do this to a fellow feaolk of mine. Don't you think the same---"
"No." Castit cut him off, glaring him down as I glanced up at him. I looked confused as his eyes were glowing with a silver coloring to them. Maybe that's how he gets his way. I turned my head back to the leader feaolk who looked a bit defeated. Then again, his eye colors weren't like that. One was yellow while the other was a mix of green-cyan. It's strange to think about what he has but ... there's no reason to question it now.
"Don't try to convince him, you know what you've done," I said.
"You're not shutting me up. You will never shut me up." I snarled. Also wololk? Ha, wait until you see what I really am.
"J-Just- Just give us---" Rock jumped back when a vine lashed out at him. I turned over and the army of rabbits arrived with one of them riding on a plant toward us. The rabbits surrounded the feaolks as the leader positioned the plant she was on right beside Castit.
"You are kidding me. More feaolks to mess with Sutato?" Philia asked, sounding annoyed.
"Not necessarily mess with, to take him away, rabolk," Rock spoke to her. "He attacked our colony members and so he must be punished."
"When was this?" Philia asked, sounding curious as she tilted her head. I narrowed my eyes at her, perking my ears. Why would she be curious and why is she asking this?
"A year ago. Surely you will give him over, right?" Rock answered, shooting Castit a glare.
Philia turned towards Castit as he looked up at her. She turned back to Carla, who was trying to calm Sutato down. "... I never knew this---"
"You're really going to believe a bunch of feaolks that you don't know?" Castit asked, glaring at Philia. I was ... about to say that too, Castit.
"I never told you this before, Castit." Philia began to say, turning towards him as I smelt guilt rising from her, "I never trusted Sutato completely. When he entered the Vined Forest several months ago, everyone was afraid of him. He was wild and we didn't want our powers to be tainted by him. But as he calm and relax into his state of calmness, some of us went forward to scout. He settled here in the shack but we never bothered to approach him. But soon, we did try to ask what he was doing but you know, he can't talk and we had to bring in our rabolks who can read what he wrote."
"He says he doesn't remember what happened but we do. He killed our rabbits when he first entered the forest. Since we were afraid if we told him to shoo, we allowed him to stay in the forest. Since then, my people have been slowly warming up to him but I never did. I never forgot the things he has done many months ago. So when these feaolks stated the truth of the suspicion I had for him ... I'm glad that I was right about everything. So ... I'm afraid you have to let him go and be taken away. A monster like him must be locked up."
"What?!" I shouted. "What--- You pretended to just be friendly with Sutato?! How can you do that to a poor soul?!" What the hell?!
"You may take them, feaolks," Philia told them as I widened my eyes. "Move guys or don't make me use my powers on you too."
"Oh hell no, we're going with Sutato." Carla declared, snarling at Philia. "How dare you do that to Sutato! He doesn't deserve that!"
"... Mother..." I turned over to Paradise who had their eyes widened.
"And you Paradise, stay here with the colony. I don't want you with them anymore." Philia turned towards them.
"No!" Paradise shouted, storming over to the rabbit, "You- HOW could you do this?! He wasn't like what he was before! He clearly stated that he doesn't remember what happened to him!"
"But it could be a lie that he is hiding from us," Philia told them.
"... No, no no, Feaolks--- whatever the hell you are, take us with you. We're gonna change this damn colony's leader's mind around." Paradise hissed, turning towards the group. Or we could run but ... running away could cause us more trouble since ... I don't know how powerful Philia is. So I'll go with that idea. Face them head-on. I noticed Castit didn't speak at all after Philia's confession as I turned and faced him.
"... Is that why you only cared about your rabbits when I told you that Purity lied about Sutato hurting her? You only cared about your rabbits and not Sutato at the time?" Castit asked, which confused us all. What is he talking about?
"Yes." Philia nodded, turning towards him. "It is the truth since he could take care of his own flesh."
I spotted the feaolks summoning in a giant basket and a feaolk shifted into a giant bird and landed on the handle. I blinked as I saw Paradise helping Sutato up but the poor guy was clinging onto Carla so much as it pained me to see his hurt and shocked expression. Both Carla and Paradise helped him over to the basket as the two snapped at the feaolks, preventing them from touching him. I turned back over to the two, gazing up at Philia.
"... Then why did you go with my plan?" Castit asked, slowly closing up his wings.
"I did it only for you, if accepting it shut you up about Sutato, then I went with it," Philia answered, flickering an ear.
I widened my eyes as I shook my head, god. This rabolk leader is ... not what I had in mind. I knew something was off when I woke up in the cave. I didn't trust any of the rabbits and I felt like they were hiding something. And this was the truth that they hid from us. "Come on, Castit," I told him, poking his leg. "Let's leave this weak old hag behind."
"... After everything we-"
"Number one rule on my friends' list: if you hurt one of my friends, you deserve all of the shit that's thrown at you." I snapped at Philia before turning back to Castit. "Come on, the others are waiting."
Castit slowly nodded, turning and walking over to the basket. I walked after him, hearing Philia call out, "... I did like you, Castit. I really did but it saddens me that you still care about ... that monster."
He didn't say anything back as he stepped into the basket with the others. I did the same as the wooden door was closed. I turned over to Sutato and rushed over to him. He was now clinging onto Paradise as they were holding him in their arms, "... How ... how did this turn out like this?" They whispered.
I flinched when the giant basket was moving. I crouched down, looking up at speckles of light that seeped through. The area itself was large enough to keep all of us in, which I thank them to making a big enough room. I sighed and looked over to the three before turning over to Castit who sat by himself, away from them. I lowered my ears and padded over to him, "... I'm ... sorry about what happened."
"Don't be." He spoke, turning around to face us. He sighed in irritation, "... I ... I really wish I took action during the times I talked with Philia--- but ... she was just too nice to even argue with. And now I know that I've been manipulated for the third time."
I frowned, "... I don't know why she didn't care about him. We all know ... according to Carla's visions that ... he was possessed by a collar that made him do things. And ... why would he even do that? According to my senses, he's more terrified than aggressive. Plus he's friendly and nice and fun to hang around, why couldn't she see that about him?"
"... I guess ... the only guess I can come up with is ... she's serious when protecting her colony from folks." He said, gazing up at the others. I slowly nodded, turning over to them as I closed my eyes.
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I rested my head on my paws, moving it back and forth as I was bored. From time to time, I gaze up at the others, seeing that they had finally calmed Sutato down. Though he was asleep in the arms and wings of Castit, I guess he wanted to calm him down too and Sut immediately went to him. The other two: Carla and Paradise were saddened at the news as Carla complained about being hungry and Paradise had to shut her up by growing an apple in the palm of their hand.
Carla didn't want it but Paradise shoved it in her mouth anyway. I chuckled at that past interaction as it was the present now. It was dark as nightfall had already fallen upon us hours ago. I woke up a couple of minutes ago as I gazed around to check on my friends, who were asleep. I frowned before perking my ears at hearing tiny noises. I turned around to the sounds, spotting a rabbit huddled on the sides. I tilted my head and crawled towards it. "ah! Don't eat me!" The rabbit squeaked quietly, covering its head with its paws.
"I won't... but ... the question ... is, how did you get in here?" I asked quietly.
"I saw Sut getting taken away by the evil and bad feaolks and I wanted to help but ... I didn't realize we were going to a different place." The rabbit frowned, drooping its ears. "... Mommy wasn't true when she said that about him ... right?"
I widened my eyes. Oh no ... oh boy, both of her children left with the feaolks to the colony. That ... is not good on her part. But who cares? Karma bit her right in her butt. I gazed down at the rabbit, nuzzling it with my snout, "... Unfortunately yes ... she was. Don't worry, I can't believe it too."
"... Will we return back to the Great Burrow?" The rabbit asked.
I slowly shook my head, standing up, "Maybe to return you but ... no."
"No! I don't wanna go back! Mommy became mean towards Sut! Why did she?!"
"ugh ... what is all that noise?" I turned my head over to Carla's voice, and her flames begin to grow into their regular size on her back. She turned over to me before spotting the rabbit. "OH MY GOD!" I flinched at her shouting as it woke everyone up. Oh my god, Carla ... can't you be any quieter?! "Where did that rabbit come from?!"
"Wait--- a rabbit is here?" Paradise looked alarmed, "Who is it?"
"Paray!" The rabbit squeaked, hopping over to them.
"... B-Bambi?! What are you doing here?!" They grabbed the rabbit and held it in the air.
"... Sut was in trouble and ... I wanted to help."
They sighed quietly before holding Bambi close, "... Gosh ... what am I going to do with you?"
"I didn't want to leave Sut. Why did Mommy become mean towards Sut? Sut did nothing wrong!" Bambi whimpered.
I frowned as I turned towards Castit who was letting Sutato go as he wanted to be released for a bit. Sutato slowly turned towards the two siblings, frowning. He reached into his jacket, searching for something as he widened his eyes. Panic grew over his face as he turned towards Castit, frowning deeply. It looked like he was saying something to him very quietly as I couldn't hear from over here. I padded over to the two as Castit spoke, "Well crap ..."
"What is it?" Carla asked.
"Did the feaolks even ask to get our things? Why am I even asking? Of course, they didn't." Castit grunted.
"Wait--- Sutato can't communicate with us?!" Carla asked.
"I mean ... he still can, but he can't write out sentences anymore due to his book getting left behind. Along with all of his things." Castit answered.
I drooped my ears, saddened at the sight. "Damn."
"Well, if the colony has empty books, we can go get one for him and he can write out and draw whatever he likes!" Paradise smiled. Sutato turned to them and he gave a small smile.
"If ... we can convince the leader to not lock him up in some prison," Castit added in.
All of us besides him frown at the sight, "... Right." I breathed, remembering the wounds I had. "Wait, why don't I feel my wounds anymore?"
"I heal everybody's wounds." Paradise said, "Even your lung, Setchi."
"Oh thank you." I nodded to them repeatedly before sitting down. "Okay so ... how are we going to convince the leader?"
"I'll say we can set them on fire," Carla suggested.
"No." Paradise turned towards her with a glare. "That is horrible to do, we need to say that Sutato isn't what these stupid feaolks think of him. He's not cruel or a "monster," my mother called him as."
Sutato frowned at Paradise, looking down to the floor as Castit rubbed his back, "... Yeah ... that is ... very shocking she did that." He whispered to him.
"... What if it doesn't work?" I asked.
"Then we make a run for it," Paradise said. "If ... we can try."
"I mean, with a Nature Elemental like you, I'm sure we can make a run for it." Carla grinned.
"I'm not that powerful as my mother is but I'll try." Paradise grinned back as Bambi squeaked in their arms, "I'll try too!"
"We'll try all of our best to escape out of there if it fails," Castit spoke.
"And what if that fails and they have every-"
"Shut." He glared at me.
"... Fine, then I'll believe we have what it takes to convince the leader otherwise and get out of there safely," I said. "Is that fine with you ... leader?"
Castit blinked at me, leaning back as he shook his head, "... I don't--- No ... no, I don't--- I'm not really fit to be a leader."
"But you were the first one to announce things and settle things down. I feel like Tyler's personality and traits are rubbing off of you, Castit." Carla pointed out.
Castit grumbled, "... I don't know..."
Paradise shrugged, "Well, together as a group, we all decide what we all want to do. But of course, you know when and how to fix things."
"Stop that." He hissed.
"I mean, you were the one who told us we should stick together. You can't lie about that one, Castit." I said.
"... I ... I just don't see myself fit as one, okay?" Castit frowned, looking away. Sutato frowned and patted his shoulder, trying to make him feel better.
"Alright." I nodded slowly before turning over to the others.
"Well, first things first, IS ANYONE COLD, OR IS IT JUST ME?" Paradise asked. "I feel like winter is coming too early!"
"If you are cold, you have permission to snuggle up to me." Carla smiled. "I can warm up everybody here!"
"Thanks, Carla." Paradise smiled at her as Bambi was the first one to hop in between Carla's paws and curl up in between.
"Aw, is she a sister of yours?"
"Oh." Carla blinked.
I chuckled quietly at their conversation as I turned over to Sutato and Castit who were still sitting close to one another. Sutato turned and glance at me as I stood up and walked over to him. "Are you okay?"
He nodded his head as he frowned before shaking his head. "... A little bit ... well, don't worry about it. Worrying can lead to dangerous pathways." I whispered
He slowly nodded as Castit was staring at me, I stared back at him as he opened his mouth, "Yep, there is another copy of Carla here."
"Excuse me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
"She said the exact same thing to me when I was worrying about Sutato's injures," Castit spoke.
I gave him a look before turning back to Sut who was reaching out to me. I tilted my head and walked over to him and sat down. He looked guilty, glancing away as I tilted my head, "Did you want something to hug or hold onto?" I asked.
He slowly nodded, frowning at me. "It's alright. You can hug me if you want." I told him, smiling softly. He dropped the frown slowly before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me close. I closed my eyes as I scooted closer to him as he didn't have to lean out before than he should. I might fall asleep here, but that is okay because what matters is cheering up my friend.
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A light showed in the basket as I bared my teeth and started to growl at the light. The figure pointed it at me and flinched, moving it away, "Easy ... I won't hurt you." The voice said, soon the colors returned to my vision as it was a grey-black-colored feaolk, making me assume it was Rock again. "Wake up your "friends," wololk." He whispered before retreating back to the entrance that was open now. I grumbled before getting up to my paws.
"Already up," Castit whispered tiredly, shaking Sutato awake gently. I nodded to him before walking over to the three. I put a paw on Carla's shoulder, shaking her awake. As I did so, I spotted the flames spreading across her back, making me jump back from her. Carla let out a yawn as she stood up to stretch while Paradise quickly in her subconscious, sleepy mind grabbed Bambi away from her. They yawned before putting their brother down and stretching out.
I stepped away as I turned over to Castit and Sutato who were on their feet. Sutato slowly looked around and immediately glued back to him as Castit sighed quietly. I turned back to the three who were slowly getting up to their feet as Paradise asked tiredly, "We're ... here, aren't we?"
"Yes. I suppose so." I nodded, turning over to the entrance. "And ... the moment that is waiting for us is ... outside."
Paradise rubbed their eyes before nodding as Carla shot up awake, already knowing what is about to happen. Paradise grabbed her brother and stood up, holding him in their arms. I turned to Castit who nodded, slowly guiding Sutato to the doorway. The others did the same I quickly walked forward, getting in front and out of the basket. I landed on the wooden floor, flinching at the cold touch as I looked up at the view. What we were standing on was a massive platform that was held up by three huge trees on the right, left, and behind us. Big wires-like things were attached to the platform and to the tree, making it somewhat stable.
Past the trees was fog just sitting there, looking like they were blocked by some invisible wall. It appeared above us as it was at least ... more than 200 inches away from us in height. Though it could be above 200, I don't know. I looked forward and saw buildings in the distance, but were too blurry by the crowd that was presented there.
I shivered from the stares from so many different types of folks here. I glanced up at the fog above us, seeing light seeping through with a large amount as it lit up the entire place. A cold wind breeze past us as I shivered before seeing the first snowflake fall from the fog. Winter is here.
I breathed in the cold air as I turned over to another giant basket presented there. I tilted my head, assuming the group of feaolks rescued some more folks. Two people walked out, one icy-haired while the other was lilac haired. I blinked with confusion, slowly turning over to Castit as he froze up at the sight. Is that ... his sibling?
"Are you kidding me?" Carla whispered, seeing the two from afar. "They got rescued?! From what?!"
"... Let's ... just hope they don't scream at us," Paradise whispered closely.
I turned over to Sutato who hid behind Castit, trying to not be seen by the two. Okay. So ... from their reactions, the icy hair and the lilac hair one is bad for them. Got it. I should ask what happened. Yeah... "What happened? A short summary please?"
"Those two were once our group members," Carla whispered to me, lowering her head. "They ... well, tried to kill Sutato for ... something stupid."
I pinned my ears against my head, turning towards the same feaolk from before that woke us up, walking over to us. Well then ... those reactions are reasonable. Rock halted in front of us, narrowing his eyes at all of us. "The leader is approaching and I ask you all to be respectful to her." He told us.
"We'll see about that." Carla glared.
He glared back before turning and waiting for her arrival. I sat down as I noticed the two figures in the distance walking over to us. Great. I notice some of my group members turning their heads over as Carla was the first one to speak. "Don't come any closer!"
The lilac-haired feaolk turned towards her voice, frowning slightly, "... No need to be mean, I am giving you guys an apology."
"Oh, now you do after weeks." Carla rolled her eyes, sitting down.
"I mean she and her friend were banished from the Vined Forest. You can't blame her, you know." Paradise reminded her.
"Oh right. I forgot about that." Carla nodded her head. "Anyway, what are you apologising for? You have a lot to apologise to either way." Lifting up her paw at them.
Winter sighed with annoyance, "I suppose I do." She spoke coldly, glancing up at them. "I "apologise" for going along with Purity's---" She hit the lilac-haired feaolk's head with her fist. "--- stupid ass plan."
Purity rubbed her head as she frowned, "... And I apologise for doing the things I've done to you guys."
"Tsk." Castit hissed, "They may forgive you, but I won't."
"I won't either, she has to earn our trust back," Carla said. Paradise nodded as her brother in her arms was slowly waking up. Sutato was still hiding behind Castit.
"... That's okay." Purity spoke quietly, turning over to the arrival of a group of people who looked important. I turned my head over, perking my ears. As the group halted and turned over to us. Rock cleared his throat and announced,
"Presenting, Our Leader. Aurora. Leader of the Lake Safiy Colony has arrived!"
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- End of Chapter 10
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