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_ Castit _
"I told you I didn't want any!" I hissed, calling out from the bathroom. I gagged a little before grabbing a cloth and wiping my mouth with it. I shivered slightly, feeling sick to my stomach again. But, not the point of vomiting as ... I have just done that seconds ago. "ugh..." I let out before standing up correctly once more and turning over to the open doorway. I walked over and poke my head out and over to the giant wolf who looked confused. "That's the main reason why I avoid breakfast after the day I eat something!"
"... So ... you felt full still?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Yes!" I grunted.
"... Be right back." He turned and rushed down the hallway. I sighed quietly, limping out of the room and over to the couch. I stared at the spot he left, tilting my head before hobbling down the hallway. I gazed in the kitchen before turning over to the room I forgot about. I limped over to it and looked inside, seeing Neptune in his humanoid form as he had a book in his hands. Books were scattered and still in a messy order which bothered me. I sighed in annoyance, glancing up at the half-full bookshelves as I turned my gaze down at him.
"You're horrible when it comes to cleaning up this room," I commented.
"Why thank you." He grumbled, placing the book on the floor. "I didn't realize I was getting a roommate when Verde messaged me. So I didn't have time to clean up."
I stepped into the room, limping over to an opened book. I crouched down and grabbed it, closing it as I placed it down. I did the same to the other books, stacking them up neatly. "... Okay so ... it may not be a 'you' thing for your hunger--- what are you doing."
"I'm stacking books while you read whatever is in that book," I answered, turning over to give him a dull look.
"... It's a book about feaolks." He said. "You know, you're kind?"
"I'm sorry, I don't know anything about them," I spoke, turning back and continuing what I was doing. When I had a stack, I would pick half or at least some books that I could carry and move them over to the bookshelves so that I could put them in, stacking them next to each other neatly. Though, of course, I had to let out a wince when I was putting pressure on my left leg to carry them, where my injury was at. Curse this damn wound.
"... You actually ... don't know anything about your folks?" He asked as I put the last book in place.
"Nope. Never learned about them." I turned and limped over to the other stack, picking them up too.
"... Well, it just seems that ... you feaolks eat around a week ... per week ... depending on the diet you ate before. I cooked you some chicken leg yesterday so .. it should be good up until you need to eat again next week."
"Explain to me why feaolks need to eat per week?" I asked, placing the books next to the other books I put on the bookshelves.
"It's ... not a need--- well yes, but it's how much you won't be hungry until then." He answered. "You feaolks are supposed to be long-distance flyers, so ... I suppose that's the reason why you guys don't eat that often."
"... And yet, you called me slow on our first greeting. What's up with that?" I asked, repeating what I did to the books.
"I heard from other folks that you guy--- okay let me stop saying that. I heard from other folks that feaolks, back in the old days used to be great flyers and soar through the skies, enjoying it like it was an everyday thing. Nowadays when I see and hear it from others, you--- no, Feaolks just sit around and just show off to one another with how much their stupid feather patterns can best one another." He explained.
"... feather patterns?" I asked, turning my head over to him as he turned his towards me.
"Yep. Apparently, every feaolk tells me that their feather patterns are precious and that there's a rarity in their genes." He turned his gaze down at the book. "But apparently, they're stupid or forgetful because, in this book, it tells of the feather patterns to be relating to the abilities of one."
I tilted my head, hobbling over to him, and sat down carefully, placing the books down next to me before leaning over. "Abilities...? Why would feaolks need abilities if they're so damn stuck-up?" I asked.
"Beats me." He shrugged.
I blinked and leaned in closer to the book's text, staring at the information and anatomy of a feaolk. "... I don't remember ... well, I don't remember anything from my childhood about this."
"I mean, don't we all don't remember anything from our childhoods? Well ... I do, but- that's only because I remember an embarrassing moment." He said.
"I meant ..." I trailed off, trying to remember something from my youth so badly. "... Do ...--- Does every folk have a school or something?"
"Not every folk--- most animalic folks don't have one. Only the liolks do, I believe. The elemental folks and most of the mythical folks do I ... think ... I'm not so sure about that one. I know feaolks have one too, but ... I think they don't teach their children about the outside world." He answered, folding his arms.
I gave him a dull look, "Really? Are they trying to be stupider?"
"It seems so." He slowly nodded.
I sighed before glancing down at the book. I stared at the anatomy for a moment, subconsciously moving the book over to me as I stared at the different labels on the feaolk. I was mainly staring at the wings' labels and how many layers there were. I'm not so sure if I looked at a bird's wing before but they look quite similar, except maybe ... a few differences here and there. I flinched when the page was flipped backwards, seeing another diagram of the feaolk, instead, there were a skeleton version for it and a muscles version.
I tilted my head down at it, eyeing the skeleton version. "... Hum...erus?"
"That is the start of the feaolk's wings." Neptune voiced in. "Quite similar to all creature's bones if you think about it. But I'll assume by the way you phrased the word, you never learned biology ... or study every creature's anatomy before."
I blinked slowly, turning my gaze over at him who had a grin on his face, "... I'm starting to think ... feaolks didn't teach any of their people about themselves not ... on the outside--- which I'm sure they did. Just in the inside parts."
"... That's a bit of a problem, but what do you know? Feaolks are stupid. Of course, they don't have the biology of their own kind." He spoke, gazing back down at the book. "But what sets this apart is that you guys are quite similar to birds. Not completely all the way through. That part might be true for..." He trailed off as he flipped through the pages.
He landed on one page and scanned quickly before placing his finger on one section of the page, "This one. Feaolks choose their pairing or ... "Flares" ... based on their appearance and I believe birds do the same thing when trying to attract a mate."
"... Feathers?"
"Well duh." He nodded his head, gazing at me. "I think most birds do that--- but as before I said with feaolks being or see that their feather patterns are precious to them, they might actually choose their ... "flare" based on that study."
"What is a flare?" I asked, looking confused to no end. "Wait ..." I spoke again, making him pause in mid-opening his mouth. "Is it the same way as to ... calling someone their mate?"
"Yes." He nodded. "Don't ask me why they call it a flare."
"I'll just ask a feaolk," I said, gazing over at the book.
"Good--- no, I don't even think that would be a good idea. Feaolks are stupid." He spoke.
"That's like saying if you pick one race, you'd think they're all stupid--- which just makes you the stupider one," I commented.
"Why is that?"
"Why is that you may ask or just did so? Well, not everyone is stupider if they belong to a certain race. You can't just declare that all races of their own type are all stupid or slow. There will be some differences out there or ... feaolks who are quite different than the average ... stereotypical feaolks you see everywhere in this colony." I explained.
He perked his ears, slowly nodding, "I suppose you got me on there. However, it will be a hard time to correct myself---"
"Hard time," you corrected yourself before when you didn't want to say "you guys."" I pointed out. "Don't say that it'll be hard because you easily did that on your own."
"... That's only because I don't see you as a feaolk at all." He stated, looking annoyed. "Do you enjoy interrupting people?"
"... No. I just think that people talk too slow to get their point across." I remarked with a dull tone.
He glared at me as I sensed I trigger some form of anger within him. I did my best to hold back a grin as I turned away from him. "Are you doing this to get back at me for the things I said about you?"
"No. Not even close." I answered, turning my head back to him. "Try again."
"... I'm starting to dislike this side of you." He grunted as his ears were pinned.
"Does that mean you will stop your bullshit teasing?" I asked, tilting my head at him.
He narrowed his eyes as he turned and stood up. He walked and smacked me with one of his tails, leaving the room. I blinked and rubbed my cheek, grinning quietly. I feel relief. Even if my smartass behavior came out all of a sudden, I like the way it turned out. Perhaps it will keep that guy away from me for some time.
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I hope he doesn't mind if I borrow the feaolk book for a bit. I actually got curious about them, but ... reading them on my own is a bit boring. I mean- I could read it all in one go but I like to read with someone else. I stared down at the book on the end table next to my bed. I frowned slightly, regretting that smartass comment earlier today. Too late to change it now, he's gone already to even apologise to him about it. I sighed and turned, limping my way out of the room and over to the hallway that led to the doorway of exiting this place.
I hobbled over, grabbing and opening the door. I closed it and took a step away from the door. I spread out my wings, glancing back at them as I eyed them. I shook them out slightly, seeing a couple of feathers falling to the ground. I wonder if I shed a lot faster than the ones whose feathers grow a lot more than just two days.
I shrugged and limped forward, stepping onto the bridge and crossing it as I folded my wings back up. I stepped into the crowded area, shivering from the sight of talking to anyone. Ugh ... maybe I should fly up and find them that way. I spread out my wings quickly and lifted myself up into the air. I got a good distance from the ground and hovered there, turning my body around as I scanned down at the folks. I think I did a whole 360-degree turn, seeing no one familiar to my eyes. I frowned slightly, turning over to the corners, and paused my gaze on one arm that was waving with a wing membrane attached to it.
... Oh ... right. Forgot about that part about his form. I flapped my wings before gliding over. Once I neared, I lowered my altitude, spreading out my wings and landing on the platform with ease. Well ... it was gonna be with ease if I didn't let out another wince from putting pressure on my left leg. I glanced down at my leg which had my pants covering it. I shook my head slightly before closing up my wings and looking over at the group.
Setchi gave me a look, lashing his tail as he walked over to me, "Making me want to learn my own ways of landing when I fly one day!"
"Speaking of that..." I trailed off, pointing at his wing membrane. "How are you supposed to fly like that?"
He blinked and stared at me, "... Uh ... I don't know yet."
"I mean, you could fly like the bats ... but, like last time I checked they don't have tails." I folded my arms.
"I mean, I could fly like the birds." He suggested, "But ... then again these wings are small and I don't know if I'll be able to fly."
"Unless they enlarge and shrink like Sutato's wings." I guessed.
He stared at me before slowly turning over to Sutato who was drawing or writing things to Bambi to the right of him. "... I actually never thought about that. We should go do that if ... the group agrees." He walked back over to the group as I followed behind.
"Castit?! What--- What happened to your leg?!" Paradise cried, looking panicked as I assumed she could sense something damaged within me. I narrowed my eyes, getting the thought of elementals having different powers or powers alongside their element powers.
"It's fine, it's been treated by my roommate," I answered.
"Even if that's the case, may I check anyway?" They asked.
"Sure." I shrugged, walked over to the seats, and sat down on them. I lifted up my leg on the bench and watched Paradise walk over and sat down, being as gentle and careful as they could with me. I stared at them for a moment before turning over to the group who turned towards me with shocked expressions.
"... How did you get that wound?" Setchi asked.
"Did the leaders punish you?" Bambi asked.
"H-How would the leaders punish him?" Setchi asked him, turning his gaze down at the short rabolk. I could see Carla looking a little sad as she avoided my gaze. I tilted my head slowly, wondering what was wrong with her.
"I ... I don't know! Big Sib don't like the leaders!" Bambi told him, gazing up at him.
"... Now I know you don't trust the leaders right away but what made you dislike them in the first place?" Setchi asked, turning over to them.
I turned over to them as they were growing some weird flowers all around my leg. I narrowed my eyes as they closed their eyes, "Elementals can detect if someone is good or evil in their souls. It may not actually jump outright in their faces and tell them 'Oh, I'm evil! Stay away from me!' or 'I'm good! I'll be your friend' and such. It's ... just a feeling that I have around those two feaolks." They opened their eyes and pressed their hands along the flower's petals.
"Aloe and Aurora?" Setchi questioned, raising his brows. "I mean ... we may have gotten off the wrong hand, but ... eh ... You might be right for one of them."
"Aloe is ..." He trailed off, looking like he was thinking of trying to figure out how to describe her.
"A huge jerk." I finished for him. He turned over to me, looking confused. "She is ... a part of my family, after all. I do know much more about her than you guys do."
"So she's a huge jerk?" Paradise asked, "What type of jerk? The playful one or the mean one?"
"Does ... psychopathic fit your line of description?" I asked, feeling a slight fear dropping into my mind. The images of my aunt beating me and harming me came right after as I regretted what I said. I... I-I'm sure she won't find me here... I blinked and stared at Paradise who was staring at me. I noticed the other groups were the same way, displaying concern and worry on their faces. Uh ... why are all of you so quiet all of a sudden? It's starting to freak me out.
"How ... psychopathic?" Setchi asked, lashing his tail.
I frowned and turned my head away from them, afraid to tell them more about her. "If we are in a colony where someone is out to get us, then that is incredibly bad news," Paradise said, making the flowers release some kind of cloud onto my wound.
"She's ... not after for you guys ..." I said. I'm not so sure about that one. She might be, maybe only for Sutato since ... he might be a demon in her eyes when he is not.
"How can we be so sure?" Paradise asked. I glanced over at them before turning my gaze down at my wound repairing itself as I widened my eyes slightly. "We could have run into someone who's ... bad and could be---"
"Rest to sure, Paradise." Setchi cut them off. "Worrying about this will kill you and soon, you'll make Bambi cry."
Paradise turned towards him, frowning slightly as they sighed, "You're right, I need to stop worrying about it. But it's hard as an elemental to not stress over it. Maybe that's how my mother was with Sut--- BUT!" They raised their voice when they saw Setchi about to interrupt them again. "That doesn't mean what she did was good. It's still bad! And I won't forgive her for it. But I'm just ... trying to figure out the wrongs that happened up to this moment."
"Frankly I'd love to figure that out too, but it's too late to change the past, and if we even have the chance to, I'd rather not change things because that will lead to more problems," I said. "We'll just have to stick to what we currently have."
"And ... that's staying in this colony still? We could leave whenever we want to." Setchi said.
"Leave just like that without no supplies?" Paradise asked. "I'd rather stay in the colony and see if anything can be of use."
"Or make new friends join us!" Bambi chirped.
"No," Setchi told him.
"Speaking of that ... how's that giant wolf going along with you, Castit?" Carla asked, speaking at last as it made Sut and Setchi jump from her presence.
"He's mad at me." I grinned widely.
Everyone stared at me suspiciously as they all had 'what did you do' looks displayed on their faces. Setchi narrowed his eyes, flickering his tail once more, "What did you do to him...?"
"He ... can't handle my smartass attitude." I snorted.
Carla snorted as Setchi shook his head, sighing quietly, "AT LEAST! He won't bother you." Carla chimed.
"Eh... I won't jinx it." I said, shrugging. "... But he's not a bad person," I added after remembering that he comforted me yesterday. That was a meltdown I shouldn't have in the first place, but it happened.
"'He's not a bad person.' Excuse me, but I don't trust that wolf." Carla glared at me.
"He may seem like the teasing type, but behind those facades, you can discover a lot more about that person, Carla," Setchi told her.
"Really? Then who gave you that wound, Castit?"
"My sister."
Everyone turned their heads at me as their eyes went wide. Carla frowned deeply as she looked away. "... It was ... during her enchantment training, let's put it like that," I said, nodding to Paradise when I was told I was free from their treatments of my leg. I put my leg down and stared at it before getting up. The pain wasn't there anymore and I was relieved. "I don't remember much of what happened yesterday so don't ask any more of that, please."
I could sense Setchi feeling sad as I could tell he wanted to ask me what actually happened yesterday. That doesn't matter right now, what matters is what we all are going to do right now. "can't run--- problems. can't run problems." I heard Sutato say, frowning at him as I became a bit defensive.
"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I said.
"But then we're gonna worry about you," Setchi said, poking me as I instinctively smacked his hand away. He stepped away from me, widening his eyes. "..."
"I don't like people touching me, sorry," I told him.
"got hard way," Sutato said once more, frowning. I frowned, remembering that time.
"Okay then, I'll just poke you in the air," Setchi said, poking the air as I gave a small smile at him.
"Anyway, instead of standing here, weren't we gonna do something more fun here?" Paradise asked, placing their hands on their hips. "Or was this the plan you had in your head, Setchi?" They then crossed their arms.
"I'll get to it!" Setchi huffed, hopping in his spot.
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"Hello, newbies." I froze up immediately at the voice, recognizing it to be Aloe's. I widened my face in horror as I heard her behind me.
"What have you done to Castit?!" Setchi hissed, storming behind me as I panicked. I turned and grabbed his arm, pulling him back as he turned towards me with a worried look. I was doing everything subconsciously as I wasn't thinking anymore. Fear has taken over me and I was listening to every inch of its commands.
"Done to him? I did nothing wrong. What are you talking about?" Aloe asked, standing there with her arms folded behind her. Besides her as Purity who looked curious at my behavior.
"No, no..." Setchi turned his head back at her, shooting a glare at her. "You definitely did something."
"I don't know what you are talking about." Aloe looked confused. She turned over to the group, landing her gaze on Sutato as her gaze turned into a glare. "Not what I was here for to be called like I did something. I was here to punish someone for hurting my dearest niece."
"Sutato didn't do anything!" Paradise shouted, standing in front of him. "She's just lying!"
"Purity would never lie, she can't lie. She's too pure too!" Aloe chirped, turning over to Purity as she nodded with a sly smile. That smile looked too much like how Aloe smiled and it bothered me. I let go of Setchi as I felt the trembles in my limbs begin to shake. I backed away a bit as Aloe turned her gaze on me. She walked forward and halted right in front of my face. I saw Setchi trying to get in between us but he was shoved away by her wing. "What about you? Are you going to defend your 'friends?'"
I shivered from her cold stare as I opened my mouth to speak, but as soon as I did, my throat stung and I coughed. I gagged quietly, feeling the sickness from earlier as I shook my head. I lifted up my head and glared at her, though my gaze was shaking. "If you do ... you know what I'll do to you later on." She threatened, sinisterly smiling widely as I let out a squeak.
"Hey! Get away from Castit!" I heard Paradise's voice jump in.
"Come on, fly away little bird." Aloe pushed on as she grabbed my throat. I smacked her away and jumped back, widening my eyes. I heard my friends call my name, but all I did was just turn and fly away.
I crashed into a tree branch, falling out of the air and into the fog. I shielded my head with my wings as I hit the ground several seconds later, hearing some crack. I assumed some bones broke within me but I felt nothing that broke within me. I uncovered my head and sat up, turning over as I saw a branch that I once land on shattered in half. I blinked and glanced up at the fog. How did I not break a single bone in my body? I should have! If I fell from that far.
I sighed before getting up and wincing slightly. Well ... I am feeling more of that pain again. I shook my head as I closed my wings before realizing what I had just done.
I fled. I ... I left my friends up there and ... I left them with her. Why did I do that?! I could have just stayed where I was and helped them! Why--- ... oh no... I frowned, looking down at the ground as I felt all sorts of guilt running down upon me. They're gonna blame me for leaving them behind. They're gonna say that I was selfish and saved myself and that I didn't care about what happened. I ... I didn't mean to! I ... I was just ... I was so scared all of a sudden. So stupidly scared and now I ruined what I had the chance of having actual friends.
... Maybe Aloe was right back then ...
Maybe I don't deserve anyone, because what I do is always so selfish of me to do in the first place.
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- End of Chapter 16
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