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_Carla _
"How are you much bigger than the other lioness?"
"Why are you here?"
"Aren't lionesses supposed to be with their pride?"
"I think lionesses aren't like this one-"
"Okay stop," I said, causing all rabbits to pause as they were asking me too many questions about my background. I blinked with a hint of annoyance in my ear as I flicked it. A few days has passed and I was nearby the cave where the Great Burrow is in. The rabolks call it that since their home down below is huge--- massive to say. They have everything they have and want down there, even a library! I kind of wish I could go down there and view the library in its wake.
I turned my gaze down at the rabbits who had droopy ears. "I can't answer all of your questions if everyone is asking them one at a time."
"Ooooawwwww." I heard them all say as I sighed.
"If you overwhelm the liolk, you may not get your questions answered, little ears." I blinked up to the new and familiar voice, seeing a rabolk humanoid standing while leaning forward slightly as she--- THEY gaze down at the rabbits. Now, I think about it, they did sound like they were children.
"Awwwwwwwwwww, okay Shaman Paradise." All of the tiny rabbits frowned before hopping away as Paradise blinked with confusion. Once they were gone, they spoke once more, "I didn't tell them to leave."
"Well, they probably thought they got in trouble and went back home to their parents." I guessed.
Paradise sighed, shaking their head before sitting down, "Such good little ears. How are you holding up?"
"I'm doing fine!" I smiled at them before tilting my head at their facial expression. They seem to be stressed about something. I perked my ears, dropping my smile, "What about you? How are you doing?"
"I'm doing well." They spoke without smiling, which triggered me.
"Are you suuuuuure?" I asked, crawling closer to her with my arms and legs without using my paws to move. Which made it difficult to move either way.
They noticed how concerned I was before drooping their ears, "... You want to know?"
"Yes! I want to know what is troubling ... one of the shamans--- healers? I don't know. But Yes! I want to know!" I said, sitting up and paying attention closely.
They soften their look and nodded, "Alright, lay down so I don't have to look up at you, you giant cat." I chuckled before laying back down and getting comfortable. They looked over their shoulder at the hill starting point into the cave below before glancing back at me. "Okay. I want to go on an adventure one day or ... possibly soon and my mother is not allowing me to go."
I blinked at them, lifting up my paw, "... Oh---"
"And I got just into an argument with her about it again. I'm already 18, why can't I go on an adventure?" They folded their arms and grumbled.
I stared at them, lowering my paw. "... When do you guys grow up as adults?" I asked that question because different folks have different ages where they reach maturity or ... "adults" in this sense of the matter.
"Around 20 ..." They answered.
"Maybe that is the reason." I guessed.
"But I don't want to wait until I reach 20 to go out. I know she worries about me but I don't want to spend all of my life sitting in the colony and repeatedly healing the same old injuries--- MIND YOU. These damn rabbits keep falling off of branches and keep getting broken bones over AND OVER again. It's getting on my nerves. We weren't natural-borne climbers!" They hissed.
"... But I've seen some of them climb anyway." I blinked at them.
"That's because we love to. I--- ... I'm just annoyed that is all, don't trust my word on everything." They sighed, rubbing their head.
"... Well ... did you ... think about promising to your mother that you'll be safe out here with a couple of people that she can trust?" I asked.
"No. I don't think she would even look upon that." They frowned, drooping their ears.
I blinked at them as I realized they missed the point of my question. "... Whaaat ... about us?"
They stared at me with confusion. "I highly doubt you guys are in a group."
"I mean, both Castit and I are. I don't know about Sut, but it's likely he's already in it without even realizing he is." I said, smiling.
They gave me a long stare as I got nervous, wondering if they were thinking or just thinking they don't believe my word for it. They closed their eyes and sighed, "I don't know."
"Are you still trying to disobey?"
We both jump from the serious tone of a mother as I turned over to a large rabbit on a plant platform that was quite low to the ground. Philia was here as she was staring at Paradise. Maybe glaring at them? "No mother ... I just want to see what lies out there."
"Then that's disobeying what I told you," Philia said, pinning her ears.
"What?!" Paradise stared at her wide-eyed.
"Is ...- Aren't they allowed to talk about this?" I asked, grabbing the leader rabbit's attention.
"No. I told her a minute ago she wasn't allowed to."
"Mom, It's they-"
"And as for punishment, since you keep talking about it, I'm not going to go by what you want to call as," Philia spoke before turning and riding away on her plant platform.
OH HELL NAH. I jumped into the air, which caused Paradise to flinch at the sudden movement I made. I twisted my body and landed right in front of Philia, which made her flinch slightly. "I know I am not supposed to tell a parent what not to do. But don't you think that's a little mean to not call them by how they want to?" I asked, crouching down. "And ... dumb to not allow them to talk about it to their friends?"
"I don't want her gone from this colony. The world is a dangerous place, humis are out there and THEY will kill you, Paradise!" Philia turned and shouted at them as they got up.
"Have you ever even given them a chance?" I asked, grabbing her attention again. She looked hesitated to answer that question as I narrowed my eyes. I think your problem lies in not trusting your child enough and I think it's time to actually trust them. "Why don't you trust them to go out and be safe out there? Because it's dangerous? Well, if it is, why don't you allow them to go with my group? My group already knows them so they'll keep them safe."
Philia stared at me for a moment before turning over at Paradise, who frowned and waited for her response. She sighed and hung her head, "... If that's the case ... promise to keep her safe?" She turned her head up at me. "Promise me she'll be safe. Will you?"
"Yep! I will promise all of my heart to keep her safe." I smiled, nodding my head.
Philia slowly nodded and I could tell she was shaking a bit. "Okay. If ANYTHING goes wrong, I won't hesitate to do more worse than I usually do." I nodded with a nervous smile as she turned towards Paradise. "... If ... you leave right away before I see you today, which I'm sure you will, Take care out there and DON'T---"
"Yes, yes. I won't mother. I won't be stupid and fall into traps. I won't at all." Paradise interrupted her and nodded her head repeatedly.
"Good." Philia nodded her head before riding her plant around me and back to the crowd. I watched her go as I turned towards Paradise who had an excited smile on their face while they bounced in their paws, feet ... I don't know. I smiled widely as she leaped towards me, hugging me tightly as I attempted to do the same. "THANK YOU. OH THANK YOU." They chirped, letting me go as I did, watching them bounce around excitedly.
"Yes! YES, YES! She finally said yes! Oh, It feels like I'm in a dream." Paradise chuckled warmly as their cheeks were red. "Oooo I can't wait to tell the others." They paused and stopped, turning towards me. "Wait--- Why don't we go over and tell them anyway?"
"Yeah! I'm sure they'll be excited to have you in." I stood up on my paws, wanting to bounce like them but knowing my weight, I will shake the ground like an earthquake. "Come on!" I shouted, taking off into the forest before she said the phrase. I looked behind my shoulder as I could see her following behind.
"Slow down! I am not running on my fours you know!" They called while waving their hand in the air.
I snorted and halted my paws, turning towards them, "Then you should shift into your rabbit form."
They caught up to me, panting slightly before shaking their head, "I don't like to be small."
"You don't?" I blinked.
"I don't, that's why you rarely see me in that form." They said, walking forward.
"And ... wearing clothes..." I commented, narrowing my eyes as I followed after them.
"Don't pick on me now for them, they're still a work in process." They turn their head to shoot me a glare.
"Yeah ... I can see." I watched some pieces fall off. "Why don't you allow us to help? I'm sure Sut knows--- And Castit knows a lot about clothes!"
They slowly nodded, "I ... should have asked them about it before I decided to take it upon myself to actually create them." They frowned afterwards.
I smiled warmly and looked forward, "Well. Maybe a second try is a charm to perfection!"
"Maybe so."
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"GUYS!" I bounced and shook the ground when I landed. It didn't cause a great shake like an earthquake, just a mini one. But they did flinch when they saw me jumping towards the shack. I halted and smiled down at my friends, which I had to double-check to make sure I wasn't seeing a third friend.
"Gosh, you're scary when you're jumping towards us," Castit commented, calming down slightly.
"Oh please, I'm not that scary." I rolled my eyes, turning over to Paradise who approached us with slow steps as I realized I scared them too with shakes. Whoops.
I smiled nervously at them as they caught up to me, shaking their head slightly, "You are one giant silly cat."
I shrugged, turning towards the group before eyeing down the wolf who was baring its teeth up at us before slowly covering its teeth. "... Wait-" Wait, wait, is this the wolf that attacked Sutato? How did I forget about that? "... Oh! So you're all rested up?" I asked the wolf, to which the wolf didn't respond and just hid behind Sutato. I frowned as I hung my head.
"First off, you shook the ground and scared the living shit out of us. What do you expect, Carla?" Castit asked. "For them to answer you?"
"I keep forgetting me shaking the ground scares people, sorry." I frowned, lifting my head up to glance at them. Sutato shook his head before turning over to the wolf who poke its head out. It lowered its head before getting a head rub. It turned towards him and gave him a look. He gave it the look back as the wolf shook its head, turning back to me. "... I... I-It's okay ..."
"I'm deeply sorry that I scared you," I told them.
"It's fine." The wolf spoke, looking annoyed now.
"Oh. that's right." Paradise snapped their fingers, "Are you okay, Setchi? Your snout doesn't hurt anymore?"
"... Yeah ... it doesn't hurt," Setchi answered, nodding his head.
"That's good." Paradise smiled before turning toward the group completely. They looked nervous as I nudged their arm gently with my nose. They turned to me as I pointed my nose at the three and looked back at them.
"... What ... do you guys need to tell us...?" Castit asked, narrowing his eyes as I could tell he didn't trust me. I narrowed my eyes back at him, huffing.
"Not much of a need!" Paradise began, "Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, my mother finally allowed me to go on adventures!" They started to bounce on their feet paws with an excited smile.
"Oh. Congratulations then." He said as Sutato smiled widely and gave them a thumbs up.
"Yeah! And ... well, the only way I have to go on adventures is when I'm with you guys." They said. "... Due to Carla offering that."
They all turned towards me as I pinned my ears. "Hey! I didn't think it was a bad offer to try and convince their mother otherwise."
"... To join us, Carla?" Castit asked.
I turned towards him, frowning slightly as I realized I didn't ask him before. "Shit--- maybe I should have asked you before I did that but ... it's kind of too late. I don't want to make them sad if I try to turn back time."
He didn't look mad at me as I was confused. Instead, he looked relieved. "I'm not mad, Carla. It's fine if they want to join us. But ... the thought of moving out of the forest? I don't know about that one."
I saw Sutato frown deeply as I frowned, "No, no ... we're not leaving yet, Sutato ... but eventually, we do need to go. Right? You know, to find our mother?" I turned back to Castit.
He looked up at me, nodding slowly. "I keep forgetting my mother adopted you--- yes, we eventually do need to go but it's not now." He turned his head to Sutato. Sutato looked like he was about to cry as I assumed he didn't want us to go or leave him. The wolf rubbed against him, making him look down at him. "... About that ... which one of you am I sticking with?"
I looked confused as Castit sighed, "You know what. How about we solve this all together? Why don't we all stick together as a group? So that we don't get confused on who's not in the group and who is."
"Sounds agreeable." Paradise nodded.
"Yeah ... but you do need to introduce me to the wolf." I whispered to Castit which he whispered back with, "In a second."
"Fine by me." The wolf responded and Sutato looked happy like a child again as he nodded.
"We all agreed?" Castit asked once last time as we all nodded. "Good. Okay, two people don't know one another very well, but I think in due time ... that may change."
"If it ever changes." The wolf gave him a look. "This is the Carla you've been telling me about, right?"
"Yep. Meet Setchi, Carla. A wololk." Castit told me.
"Seeeetchi... oooo I likey, like it," I said, half getting distracted by the name while my other half paid attention. Castit stared at me for a moment before slowly turning away. "Sorry, I got distracted by how much I like saying the name." I lowered my head.
"It's alright, I almost did the same thing when he introduced the name to me," Paradise whispered to me before snorting. I lifted my head up and smiled at them.
"... IS my name unique or something to you guys?" Setchi asked, tilting his head.
"Well yeah, Wololks ... I think don't have much of a unique name like yours. I think it's more of a fox name than a wolf's name." Paradise said. "But I might be wrong." They shrugged.
"... Well you hear it now folks, I'm the only wololk with this name. Unless we meet another wololk who has a unique name like mine then I only take the stage." Setchi said, lifting his head up high.
"... Take--- Okay, you're getting way too comfortable with us." Castit raised his brows as he folded his arms. "Almost started to sound like ... a certain someone." He turned his gaze at me.
"HEY! I don't get too comfortable with people that quickly!" I huffed.
Sutato pointed at himself and then at me when Castit translated for him, "You got comfortable with him when you two first met."
"... OKAY that was once." I huffed again, pinning down my ears in a non-serious way.
"No, no, you do this to everyone that isn't bad." Castit corrected me.
"OKAY FINE. I get COMFORTABLE with people that I DEEM AS FRIENDS." I growled, turning away while huffing again.
"... Well ... we're gonna get along just fine ... I can feel it in the air," Setchi said sarcastically.
"Oh be nice. Carla's not that bad ... when she's not annoying." Paradise gave him a look.
"Not that annoying?!" I turned to them. "I saved your little bunny tail from your mother and YOU do this to me? What such betrayal I got from you, you damn traitor!"
"You know I'm just messing with you. But ... you do need to stop shaking the ground when you jump. You did that once and it got on everyone's nerves by the cave entrance." They told me.
"Well, I'm sorry, blame the kids who wanted to feel what an earthquake was like." I huffed, turning back to the group.
"... no, I don't think I will," Paradise grumbled.
I saw Sutato waving his hands in the air before turning down and writing down for Castit to translate, "... Sutato wants to ask--- since now that we're in a group, where would we be going if that were ever a chance to happen?"
"Oh ... maybe the colony I saw in my vision?" I asked, making Setchi confused.
"Why?" Paradise asked.
"It's where I last saw our mother," I told them. "That is the goal of us traveling around is to find the people whom we lost before in the past."
"... Yeah." Castit nodded his head.
"Oh. I guess we could start there." Paradise nodded before blinking, "Does that mean being in a colony will have books ... or scrolls ... or both?"
"I don't know, I didn't see any books but I did see buildings up on wooden platforms ... sooo, there might be a library for you to try and read in," I answered.
"... Try and read ..." I trained myself every day to read the scrolls we have down in the Great Burrow. I think I prepared myself enough for this." They nodded their head.
I saw Sutato writing some in his journal again as he stood up and walked over to Paradise to show her. Oh ... he's testing them. Smart thinking, Sut. I waited for Paradise to understand what he said. They droop their ears and turned towards him, "You think I'm silly, Sut?"
He smiled widely and nodded his head, giving them a thumbs up. "... Was that for the question or ...-" They stop talking when he held up two fingers. "Oh. OH, I did! I READ IT! YES! I am IMPROVING!"
"Speaking of improving, you wanna work on the clothes you've been trying to keep on for the past days?" Castit asked.
"OH! About that." Paradise turned towards him, "Would you guys like to help me?"
"How would we?" He looked confused.
"Wouldn't you guys know how to ... design clothes or how they fit ... perfectly on you?" I asked, looking confused.
"... Just because we have clothes on, doesn't mean we know how to design them," Castit said.
Sutato raised his hand as he nodded his head to me. "You know how to?" I asked. He tilted his head and shook his hand as I assumed he was gesturing, "a little bit."
"Oh. So you can try and teach me then. I just want them to stop falling off." Paradise said, opening their arms out.
Sutato turned to them, glancing down at their body as they slowly nodded. He looked up at them and gave them a thumbs up. He turned towards Castit as Castit looked like he wanted no part of this, "... You want me to help in ... don't you?"
Sutato nodded with a stern glare that made Castit quickly nod. So ... his stern glare works on everybody ... okay, it's not just me then.
"I don't understand why you want to wear clothes," Setchi spoke, at last, staring at all of us before landing his gaze on Paradise. "Isn't this better since everyone knows you?"
"... Well, we might run across some folks who don't like ... nudity." Paradise said, "Which I know you don't like nudity, Castit--- but I'm surprised you didn't say anything at all."
Castit slowly turned towards them before avoiding his gaze on them, "... I didn't want to judge."
"But ... we can't cover the things we have on our own bodies," Setchi said, looking confused. "Besides, I don't find it weird or wrong not to wear clothes. What is the difference with you, Castit?"
"I find it uncomfortable to bear," Castit answered. "Even if that is the case, there are still some things that I find uncomfortable. I know there's nothing wrong about it ... I ... I just don't like looking at a nude body."
"Also ... I bet he was raised when nudity was a no-no in his place." I assumed. "So, that may be the reason why he doesn't like or feel uncomfortable with it. Which is perfectly fine, everyone has their own dislikes or likes on things they don't like."
"Also! I want to wear clothes so I don't find the problem in THAT!" Paradise huffed. "I wanted to try wearing clothes ever since I saw Sutato in them." They folded their arms.
"... Okay." Setchi nodded. "I won't continue then ... I just don't understand it."
"What don't you like that may make you feel uncomfortable?" Castit asked him.
Setchi turned towards him, staring at him for the longest, "... Oh. OH. Uh ... it's something ... inappropriate that I don't like and find uncomfortable. Along with ... random ... folks trying to ... do- yeah. I'm ... yeah ... I'm going to stop talking now." He hung his head, "... Sorry for asking."
"It's alright, it's ... kind of in the same direction the thing you don't like it." He said, slowly nodding. "Just don't judge people for it and it'll be okay."
"Well, you can always say something about it-"
"No. I rather not say something where it can make the person do something that they don't like." Castit cut Paradise off.
Sutato waved his hand in the air before writing something in his journal. We all turned towards him as he showed the journal to Paradise with a little hesitation. "OH- YES!" They pointed at him before turning to us. "Setchi, wearing clothes may be ... unnecessary for you right now, but ... in these half furless and half fur bodies, and some who are completely furless-"
"Hairless." Castit corrects them.
"HAIR-less." They glared at him before turning their gaze back at Setchi, "We have to wear clothes to keep ourselves warm for when it's winter ... we might freeze to death. Besides ... I was feeling a little cold whenever I went outside so ... I'm trying to do this."
"Right." Setchi lowered his ears, "I forgot you don't have fur like mine."
"Oooor a body generator like mine where I generate heat 24/7. Well, not 24/7." I added in.
"Yes, yes, you were very helpful during the winters, Carla." Castit turned to me.
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I smiled proudly before turning to Paradise, "Why don't we start now and not wait later?"
"Good idea." Paradise nodded and soon half of us were getting up and getting the materials that they listen to us. Setchi didn't follow us but did for the second time due to him wanting to watch us. We worked on Paradise's new clothes all afternoon, trying to make them basic and simple as Sutato suggested. He didn't want to go all out and just wanted to start with something like that. Though he then started to make a list which Castit had to read out loud to them since they didn't know half of the words.
By the time it was read and we went on instructions, it was night time and we were half done, with one top part of the torso- well, let me say it the correct way Castit told me, Shirt. It fit Paradise perfectly as it seems neat and well done by the craftsmen by Sut's ideas and Paradise's powers since I keep forgetting they were a natural elemental.
The next day, we got up, got breakfast, and went on finishing up the bottom part of the body- which CASTIT once AGAIN correct me with, "Pants." I kind of wish Sutato didn't bring him with us but ... then again, we wouldn't know what he wanted if Castit wasn't here. So huff. It took us all afternoon with a few visits from rabbits coming over to see what we were doing. They were confused but got the spirit when they were in awe at Paradise's shirt.
I would be too if I didn't STARE at it for 10 minutes straight. Just--- I didn't realize Sutato had the talent to create leaves or ... whatever plant he used to make these types of clothing. Castit told me clothes can be made from cotton plants and wool. I didn't know both of those things so he explained them to me. I think my brain broke halfway through as he soon gave up when I keep saying to repeat it. I think I realize I can't take the information he gave me that well in my head. Only the simplest things.
By evening or close to evening we were all finished as I jumped and shook the ground once more, causing everyone to flinch. "CARLA."
"OH SHUT IT, FEATHER BRAIN." I snapped back at Castit who glared at me intensely when I called him that name. Not my fault you're a feaolk.
Paradise chuckled at both of our responses as they were swirling around and checked out how well the clothes were kept on their body. They turned towards Sutato who waited for a response from them. They smiled, "These are wonderful, Sut. They fit on me well AND they don't fall off. So ... good job!"
He smiled widely and nodded his head, clapping his hands together as he couldn't control his excitement. I tilted my head at the odd gestures before turning back to Castit who shot me a deadly glare. I shot him back one too, "Why are you angry with me?"
"If it's how he handles his excitement, don't judge him for it." He told me, getting up to his feet.
"I WASN'T gonna say ANYTHING," I grunted, pinning my ears down. "I was just wondering why he did it."
"You see---"
"OH SHUSH." I snapped, realizing what I said before becoming warm inside with embarrassment flooding the gates behind my furry face. "Fine, I won't judge. You got me there."
"You're so gooooood, Sut!" I turned over to the tiny voice, looking over at a rabbit who was bouncing up and down by Sutato. He turned and looked down, crouching down with a smile, and nodded. "I wish I can be great as you."
Where did that rabbit come from? I shook my head before getting up to my paws, turning over to Paradise who walked over and picked up the rabbit, "Come on, Bambi, I think it's time for you to get back to the colony."
"Awww, I wanna stay with Sut!" Bambi whined in their arms, nuzzling into their arms. I shook my head as I spotted the wolf right beside me.
"... That was fun," Setchi whispered.
I lay down and nodded to him, "Definitely was." I said before turning over to the others who seem to step away as they mentioned they were going to get something to eat for the rest of us. I called back to them with "Alright." As I waited in silence. The evening skies drenched above us as winds breezed past us. The shack stood with the sun's light fading inch by inch with very slow steps as I turned back in the direction of the forest.
"Shouldn't Paradise just grow fruit and just handed us our dinner?" Setchi asked.
"Setchi ... we're meat eaters ... we don't eat fruit," I told him, turning towards him.
"Oh." He blinked in realization. "... Whoops, forgot about that part that you were."
I snorted before shaking my head and turning my head over to the sound of wings beating above us. I widened my eyes and notice a group of feaolks landing on the opposite side across us. I perked my ears as I became alarmed by their presence. Setchi was too as he stood up and displayed wary or hostile body language. I can't really tell, I didn't study wolves enough.
I lay where I was, watching them in silence as my friend didn't move an inch. The feaolks stretch out their wings before one of them shifted into a dragon, a feathered one. I narrowed my eyes as it turned and rushed into the forest. I darted my eyes back to the feaolks who turned and approached us. "... Should we go get the others?" Setchi whispered to me.
"... I ... don't know, let's see what these feaolks want," I whispered back, sitting up in a sitting position.
The feaolks stopped as a grey-black colored-haired one stepped up and began to speak, "Greetings, liolk and ... wololk, are you lost wondering for a place to stay?"
I leaned back slightly before shaking my head, "No. Not right now." Why did they say our ... race like that? Like how? Well, like how they disliked calling us that or ... have hidden hate towards us. I don't want to believe that so I'll just think they hate calling us by our race name.
"Why did you ask?" Setchi questioned.
"We ask because we're here to rescue, search and bring back any folk to our colony for a shelter they might have better than the ones they currently have." The ... old-looking feaolk spoke, lifting both of his arms up in the air. He had grey-black hair so it was still him. Though his movements didn't look old so ... is he elderly or not?
I tilted my head slightly at the word, "colony," making me ask them, "Where ... is this colony at?"
"Northwest of this place! Not too far actually." The old feaolk answered with a bright smile.
... Didn't quite answer my question so, "In ... where?"
"Tall Hike Forest."
I widened my eyes, remembering the vision that I once had in my head. Is ... is this the future of this vision? The vision told me of a colony in the Tall Hike Forest- which mind you was a forest filled with fog everywhere. I blinked as the feaolk raised his brows, "It seems like you know what I am talking about! Were you going there?"
"... Uh ... no," I said, perking my ears as I heard distance shouting in the forest. No one seems to respond to the distant shouting. As expected of my incredible hearing. I can hear farther than anyone here, making me wary of these feaolks. The one feaolk that shifted into a dragon and ran off into the forest ... don't tell me it ran into our group members.
As soon as I thought that, I spotted the same dragon who jumped out of the forest and tossed someone down to the ground. I widened my eyes slowly as I didn't notice the flames spreading in more places of my body. The dragon had Sutato pinned underneath its claws as it growled at him. Without thinking I bolted over, ramming the small-medium-sized dragon off of him. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!"
"Get that liolk off of that demon now!" I heard the group of feaolk shout as they turned towards me and spread out their wings.
I glared at them, snarling, "You'll have to kill me for that to happen!"
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- End of Chapter 9
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