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_ Sutato _
I rolled my eyes and turned away. Fine by me, your tastes be different from mine. I turned my gaze over to a familiar person as my smile dropped and turned into a frown. Purity was approaching and she doesn't seem ... happy about our presence. ... Is she here to ask about our business? Maybe ... maybe she's here to apologise. Yeah, I nodded my head slowly. That could be the reason for her appearance. Please let me hope that is the right answer.
I don't want to hate her as the others do.
"Oh... great." I heard Setchi grumble as I turned to him, shooting him a glare. He caught my glare and glared right back at me. "Purity is bad Sutato. You have to know that fact of her!" He whispered.
I frowned and dropped it, turning my gaze over to her when she halted near us. "I'm bad" What a nice way to greet someone." She stared at him.
"I don't trust you." Setchi hissed lashing his tail around.
"You don't need to. I'm just ... here to greet one of ya." She said, glaring coldly at him before dropping it and turning to me.
"No thank you." Setchi continued his glare on her, looking like he was about to lung at her. I stepped in front of him, giving him a look. I signed 'no' to him as he frowned at me. "... I ... I don't understand how you can find good in her. She's not good anymore, Sut. She ... she made fun of you--- literally planned out your death."
"I DID NOT PLAN HIS DEATH. That was Winter's idea! Besides ... we're over that so you should forget about it. Especially when you weren't there." Purity hissed behind me, trying to look around me at him.
"But what about ... that moment when you insulted his abilities to not talk at all?" He asked. I frowned, and slowly looked over at her. She ... did do that.
"Oh, that moment." She said, taking a step back and folding her arms. Setchi walked around me as she continued talking. "There is no physical scar or damage around his neck--- and besides, I've seen him talk to you guys before. Why can't he do the same thing to me at that moment?"
"Because he's not comfortable talking around you or in a place he's not comfortable with." He answered her. I--- ... yeah, Sort of similar to the thought I had in my head.
"... So ... is he pretending to be mute or just doing it for attention?" She asked, shooting me a glare. I... I'm not. I was never pretending my disabilities! or ... Conditions. I ... I just don't like talking because my speech is wrong or ... broken in a way.
"Okay, believe what you want to believe. What do you need here?" Setchi asked, folding his arms. It looks like he gave up on trying to argue with her but I could see smoke coming out of his nose every time he breathes. He's mad and ... I don't like that. I want to fix things between my group and her but ... I don't know what else to do about it. ... Maybe ... maybe I can ask Castit for some ideas, I think ... he'll know what to do.
"I'm just greeting him." Purity pointed at me. I tilted my head, signing 'why.' She stared at me as if she didn't understand a word I mimic. I know ... you don't understand it but ... at least explain to yourself why you want to greet me. Don't just stand there after saying that.
"He says why. This means, Please explain yourself why you want to greet him." Setchi translated, keeping his apple pop close to his mouth. I glanced down at mine, taking another bite out of it.
"... I don't think I need to explain anything to you, ugly folk." Purity grunted.
"Right back at ya." Setchi hissed, "Don't think you're going to take him with you as you did before." Is she planning that? I frowned and kept my apple pop close, taking a step back. I don't ... I don't want to go with her. Is this me hating her or ... just scared of her?
"Why not? I'm just a 'friend,' you guys told me that the other day, don't tell me you lied."
"You are the stupidest, feaolk I have ever met in the entire world," Setchi said, walking back over to me before I accidentally bump into someone else. I turned and signed 'sorry.' to them as the person looked back at me with an apologetic expression. They blinked at me before turning over to Purity. I tilted my head at their apologetic expression, wondering if we both bump into each other accidentally. I turned my gaze back at Purity, however, I was suddenly yanking towards her as the apple pop slipped through my hands and fell onto the ground. I frowned deeply and turned to glare at Purity. "Come---"
"HEY! YOU don't do that shit to someone else!" I turned my head over to the person, spreading out their pink wings. They had light pink hair with light blue eyes.
"Who are you---" Purity yelped when she was pulled away from me by Setchi. "DON'T TOUCH ME."
"Then don't touch Sut, you fool."
"YEAH." The pink feaolk huffed, placing both of their hands on their hips. "I don't ALLOW toxicity in my place, so you get your ass out of here." They pointed towards the entryway.
"Toxicity? I'm not toxic, you damn feather. You got it all wrong--"
"All wrong of what?" A voice was deep and appeared right behind Purity, making her jump and turn towards the same person who was behind the stand. They were engulfed with shadows surrounding them and their eyes were glowing with rage. "We all saw it here, feaolk. You can't lie your ass out of this one."
"Okay, what is he?" Setchi whispered to me as I wasn't paying attention. I was busy keeping myself calm from getting into one of those ... states.
Purity appeared terrified, trembling before turning and fleeing away from the scene. She darted through the entryway and out of the food place. The two sighed before the pink-haired feaolk spoke up, "Thanks Dan, but I had it all under control---"
"My scary appearance will scare anyone out of here. You should thank me, Pearl. That I am here to help in those situations." Dan said, making the shadows disappear before turning his head at us. "Are you guys alright? She didn't ... grip you tightly, right?" He pointed at me with a concerned look.
I blinked and gazed down at my arm. I never noticed ... but ... the apple pop--- I was more worried about the apple pop than myself. I turned over to the fallen apple pop and frowned. "I think he's upset about the apple pop," Pearl spoke quietly.
"That's alright! I'll get you another one." Dan said as I quickly turned to him. I signed 'raspberry' to him and he nodded with a smile. He turned and padded off to get the apple-flavoured raspberry.
"Thanks ... you two," Setchi said slowly, looking a little wary. "Who are you, may I ask?"
"Oh. Well..." Pearl fixed her pose and placed her arms behind her back. "I'm Pearl! The one and only accidental troublemaker!"
"Yeah..." She smiled nervously, "I ... caused some accidents around these parks with my enchantments and ... uh ... casting powers." She chuckled nervously. "I'm still a newbie at them so ... it's ... taking a while."
I tilted my head, recognizing that name. I signed 'I recognized' before pointing at her. She stared at me before turning over to Dan who returned with my apple pop. "What did he say, Dan?" She asked. Oh. She can't understand sign language? My bad.
"... I ... recognize?" Setchi slowly spoke, turning towards me as I nodded.
"You recognize who?" Dan asked as I took the apple pop. I pointed at Pearl again before signing, 'name.' I shook my head slightly and signed out, 'I recognize name.'
"I--- Weren't you with that new patch of members with these guys?" Dan asked Pearl.
Pearl gasped, placing her hands on her face, "THAT'S WHY YOU LOOK FAMILIAR!" She pointed at me. "Yes! Yes, I was!" She smiled proudly at her friend.
"But only by names so that is good I suppose--- Speaking of that, what is your guys' name?" Dan asked the both of us.
"Not if--- ACK." I elbowed Setchi before he could have finished. He turned to glare at me as I glared at him back. He grumbled with defeat and spoke out his name. "Setchi."
"Oooooo Setchi, I loooooove that name! I love how it sounds!" Pearl giggled quietly.
"Relax, they are going to think you're crazy," Dan told her.
"OH, cut it out DAN." Pearl glared at him before turning over at me. I stared at my apple pop and then my free hand, flexing it in and out as I remember the letters of my name in sign language. I signed, 'Sutato.' and gazed over at Dan.
"Sutato huh? Very interesting." Dan nodded.
"You?" Setchi asked.
"I'm Dan." He answered him.
"... I was excepting something ..."
"Yeah..." Setchi frowned.
"WELL," Pearl interrupted Dan as she threw her arm around him. "Dan's here is a dark elemental! Maybe that's something different about him."
"Dark Elementals are fiiiiiine, do not worry." Pearl shook her head, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Except they have a 20% of going evil by the time they're born," Dan grunted.
"That's only the choices they make are eviiiiil. You're not! You're good." Pearl pointed at him.
"I don't think so, remember that story I told you about? The Red Dotted Demon?" Dan asked. I felt Setchi pull on my shelves as he gestures over to the entranceway. I shook my head at him as he frowned. He sighed and stood next to me, finishing his apple pop. I wanna hear this story. I turned back to Dan, listening in.
Pearl gazed at me quickly before turning her gaze back to Dan, "... Noooot really, you're gonna have to tell me again." She lied, smiling nervously.
Dan turned his gaze at us before sighing, and turning back at her. "Alright. Centuries ago, a dark elemental was born to have rare eyes that are now common nowadays. We usually have round or slit pupils, those are the common traits of pupils we have. But this dark elemental was born with dots. Actual dots, like how you would write in a sentence, dots. It crept the hell out of everyone in the community of dark elementals. His mother tried desperately to defend him from the insult names he was given as a child. But soon, she slid in with the rest of everyone. By then when he turned a teen, he vanished, which left a haunting story in each and every little dark elemental's mind. Parents tell their children, "If you cause trouble, You know who gonna get ya, The Red Dotted Demon!""
"... Why do they call him a demon if you guys aren't demons?" Setchi asked, looking intrigued by the story. I smiled softly and took a bite out of my apple pop, which was almost gone because I didn't realize I was eating throughout the story like it was some ... popcorn.
"There are several types of demons we're discussing here. Some are the race we ... barely see all of the time and while others are ghosts." Dan told him. "We call him that because of the ghost he was. Besides that, we never saw dotted-eyed dark elementals up until they became common nowadays. And now, I praise that he doesn't come back to kill all of us. I feel like he might."
"Don't worrrry, Dan." Pearl patted his back. "He's not going to kill us. I bet he just felt ... like an outcast ... and he might be planning his revenge with the humans' help and ordering these attacks. But I'm sure that's not him!"
"You're not helping, Pearl," Setchi said, staring at her.
"... I know ... I try to help but ... I ended up going for the logical point in this case." Pearl frowned.
"It's fine ... all I know is that we are safe and that is what matters," Dan said, placing his hands on his hips before removing them. "Speaking of which, the leaders will announce a new combat leader right? Apparently, the last one was bad."
"Yeah, I heard she ... injured someone. Maybe it was an accident in the combat area." Pearl whispered.
"It wasn't." Setchi voiced in. "It was our friend who happens ... to be a nephew of hers."
"Oh." The two said, widening their eyes. "That's even worse. Maybe it's best to keep her out of this colony. Who knows what else she might do to us?" Dan said this time.
"Besides, Aloe is a POWERFUL ENCHANTER. Yes, yes." Pearl nodded her head quickly with wide eyes. "Keep that thing out of here."
Setchi snorted, "Thing" Now that is what she deserves. A crazy psycho if you ask me."
"You met her?"
"Well duh, we both did when we ... tried to defend our friend from her. In fact, I'm not completely done with her ass yet. I need to give her ... a few ... "talks" about ... treating the family as slaves. Not family." He grunted, lashing his tail as smoke came out of his nose.
"Slow down there, Gonolk. I don't think you need to go and kill someone." Dan smiled nervously at him.
Setchi stared at him with confusion, "How..."
"What else breathes smoke out of their noses? Dragons do, of course." Dan pointed out.
Setchi frowned and looked away, huffing. "... I guess you're correct."
Pearl chuckled as I was finished with my apple pop, smiling to myself. "OH!" I jumped at Pearl's shout. "I forgot something!" She turned and rushed away from us.
"... What did she forget?" Setchi asked.
"Probably her party," Dan said.
"It is NOT a party!" Pearl shouted, panting as she halted right next to us. "It is a festival! It's for everyone to attend. I want to make the best out of it!" She showed us the poster for the festival. "I even got permission from Aurora that here in the festival, people can be in their comfortable forms!" She smiled widely.
"... When is it taking place?" Setchi asked, reaching out and grabbing one of the posters.
"Here of course! We're trying to gather volunteers to help out carrying this festival on the rise!" Pearl smiled. "You can help or tell your friends that you can help out! You'll get a delicious treaaaaat, afterwards if you doooo~"
"Stop baiting them out with treats, Pearl." Dan turned to give her a glare.
Pearl snorted, grinning at him, "But it's the special magic treaaaaat~"
"What date?" Setchi asked, looking interested.
"30th of Revon! The last day of this month! I just ... planned this idea yesterday so ... it'll give us a lot of time to set everything up. I think ... " Pearl looked around, "I need to change where the festival might to held at. This place is ... small-ish as it's only for a hangout for folks who are peaceful and gentle with a kind spirit. This... like big for a festival ... I need to ask Aurora if I can take some big spaces for this kind of event." She explained.
"You also need to plan out activities for the people to join in." Dan pointed out.
"... And the food ... and other stuff..." Pearl grumbled, groaning afterwards. "I really need those volunteers."
"I ... can try to convince some of my friends to help you guys." Setchi offered.
"Oh please do! You'll be doing a wonderful thing!" Pearl smiled.
"But you might have to change the poster ... it's..."
"I know it's new but I'll create some new ones at the end of this week!" Pearl smiled. "You can come back to this place if you want the new ones next week."
"Alrighty now, should we get back to business?" Dan asked.
"Oh yes!" Pearl nodded at him before turning back to us with a smile. "It was nice meeting you two."
I nodded with a smile at her and waved as I felt Setchi pulling me along. "Have a good day, Sut and Set," Dan called to us as he waved at me. I nodded and watched them go before turning back to Setchi.
"We're not going."
I glared at him and halted as he fell right on his bum. The heck you talking about? We are! It sounds exciting! I continued my glare at him as he stood up, turning towards me. He gave me an uninterested look. "Okay fine ... I guess you could go." He then handed me the poster. I pointed at him as he shrugged. "It's being set up by a bunch of losers, I don't think I want to join."
I intensed my glare at him, anger spreading across my face. "But ... you'll do the explaining to the others when they see this poster, alright?" He said, looking nervous at my expression.
"No. You do it." I hissed, walking past him and out of the area. "Do it well."
"... Okay. I'll explain it." I heard him, all sad. Good. You deserve it for calling those two interesting bunch, a "Bunch of losers."
What is wrong with you?
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_ Winter _
Ice shot right past my face and jabbed right into the tree behind me, spreading into the cracks before causing a large crack in the bark. Another one flew at my head but I deflect it with my ice spear, watching it land on the ground before defending myself as another one came. And then more followed after. I'm not in trouble, it was just some practice down on the floors of the Tall Hike Forest. It was a typical training with the devil, working around his ways and getting to the top of my classes.
If such a thing ever existed in this world.
I moved up my spear quickly to my face, deflecting another ice shard before getting slammed to the ground by another. Damnit, too much strength for that one. I gripped tightly onto the spear, hoping to get up and attempt again. However, I was halted by the ice sword in my face, glaring at it. Damnit, another failed session.
"You're doing better." The demon spoke, moving away from his sword and holding out his hand towards me. I narrowed my eyes, glaring up at him. I sat up and smacked it away before standing up on my own and wiping away the snow off of my pants.
"I don't need your hand, remember that," I stated, making my ice spear vanish without a trace before taking a step back.
"Just trying to help you up, mythic." Aoyko groused, shaking his head before pulling his hand back. "Was it enough this time?"
"... better than before but not enough to completion, at least ... I am taking breaks as you said," I spoke, dropping my glare.
"Heh, you listen to what I said? I thought I would get to see you wear yourself out." He grinned.
"Not yet you will," I grumbled, returning my glare to him.
"Well, I lucked out." He shrugged, folding his arms. "Onto the lesson ... have you learned about the defensive traits of the ice element? Or ... how it can heal you? Well ... healing is ... picky."
I narrowed my eyes, "Why is ice healing picky?"
"It only heals those who are part of the Icolk and Ice Elemental race. When it's with others, it ... barely heals yourself." He grumbled, looking annoyed.
"Well, that seems fair, don't you think?" I dropped my glare and smirked. "Don't need a demon using my element to heal."
"I have other ways to heal, mythic." He glared at me. "Now, have you learned those two sections?"
"No, I have not and I think I don't need to," I answered, dropping my smirk. "But I should, shouldn't I?" You will exactly say those lines, won't you?
He dropped the glare and nodded. "Just in case some enemies catch you off guard or someone backstabs you right away." He explained. I ... already have the protection from the basic needs but ...--- ugh ... I hate learning from this demon, I swear. It feels like half of the time, he's trying to convert me to a religion that I don't want to believe in and I don't learn anything right after. He's not, he's just ... I stopped thinking and stared at him forming a transparent shield right in front of him.
I raised my brows. The shield soon coated his body, making him seem slightly lighter in color than before. Curiosity slipped through my expression as I tilt my head slightly. "Ice is not usually a good element for defense but ... it can save a life if you are in danger of a situation. It can also be a good healing element as it's from its parent element, water. As you heard in non-magical terms, ice can be used to relieve pain from injuries from other mythics. But in magical terms, it can heal a wound at its best up until it melts into water and it is no longer usable." He explained.
Sort of. "While true ... what you say is correct ... however, Casters and Ice Elementals cannot use water, ice not only heals a wound, it also stops bleeding way quicker and help ease the wound to its best efforts. However, with Ice Elementals ... they can use their ice to freeze part of the crater or missing skin on their bodies and replace it with fresh new skin- all brand new." I explained. Was it wrong to tell him part of the elemental's powers? I would be going against my folk's rules if it were the case.
"Well ... I didn't know that." He said, a smile appearing on his face. "What else do Ice Elementals learn?"
"How about you go find a library and learn it yourself," I said. What makes you think I'm going to tell you more than that? "I don't know every knowledge of the elementals, you know."
"I only ask of the Ice Elementals, not the others." He pointed out.
"But you might want to learn others too," I said.
He looked annoyed, "... What could I say? Elementals are the most interesting ones in this entire world. Besides you ... weak forms of them."
I rolled my eyes, turned, and walked away. "We'll learn of the defensive and healing lesson next time, alright?"
"You're leaving already?"
"I am sick of hearing you talk, demon," I grumbled.
"Then let me talk one more time." He offered as I halted. I turned towards him, grumbling quietly. He sauntered over and halted in front of me. "You sure you don't want to have those folks turning against one another in that colony you live in?"
"You mean, both of us." I corrected him. This is ... the offer he's been trying to convince me into. I ... shouldn't have used religion to compare it to this situation, but ... it's the only thing I hate in this world.
"That's not the importance, my importance is the offer." He said, inching closer to my face. I stepped away from him.
"It's not my business to get involved in your plans. I'm here for this training, nothing else, demon." I hissed coldly.
"Come on---"
"No," I stated before turning and walking forward. I felt my feet frozen as I clenched my teeth. I summoned a spear and turned, wacking the demon in the head as I thaw out the ice around my feet. "No is a no, demon! Why can't you understand that?!" I hissed, stepping away from him.
Aoyko rubbed his head, growling quietly. "You're making--- HEY."
I heard him call inches away from me when I was running in the direction of the colony. That was close ... didn't expect him to make any moves to try and force me into this plan he wants me to be in. Maybe we should separate for a bit and plan something else to train about. I don't like what he's doing or planning even. I arrived at the carrier, stepped into it, and pulled the rope. Pulling the rope signals the ones up on the gigantic platform to lift this entire thing up. After a couple of seconds, the platform began to move upwards as I leaned back on the railing, crossing my arms.
Should I tell the others? Surely ... it'll be the right decision. I'm sure they don't want this colony to break into pieces of glass after finding the perfect one to stay in.
"It's welcome back you dork." The other folk said, smacking the other on the head.
"Owie, sorry. I forget some things."
"Thank you," I said as the two turned towards me, nodding. They parted a way as I stepped onto the platform, walking forward. I gazed around, seeing folks walk past me and all around. I sighed quietly. Does this mean I have to find one of them? Carla ... might be a better choice. I blinked in realization, remembering the house we share. Maybe she's there.
I headed in the direction of the house area. I kept my eyes forward, passing folks along the way until I was halted by an arm. I glared at the person before dropping it, "... Is this how you greet a friend, Winter?" Carla asked, narrowing her brows at me.
"I didn't know it was you, Carla," I said.
She shook her head, "Alright! I guess ... you greet people that way, huh?" She lowered her arm and place one on her hip.
"Yes. What purpose do they have with me?" I asked. And ... if they're a demon like that other one. He's ... putting images in my head that I don't like.
"I dunno." She shrugged. "How are you doing so far anyway? Like the colony so far?" She begins walking forward.
I slowly followed behind, "... Decent and ... Decent. I didn't search for what lies in this colony. It's ... decent looking so far."
"Decent this, Decent that--- SAY SOMETHING BESIDES DECENT!" She turned her head back at me. "Did you visit any of the places?"
"Library, but didn't view enough of it," I answered. "As I told you, I didn't search for what lies in this colony."
"You should. Enjoy it while it lasts." She frowned.
"I don't want to get close to people that I may lose right away. Doesn't that seem fair?" I asked.
She sighed and turned her head forward. "Okay. I guess it's fair to you since you're different from us. Speaking of them ... I miss Tyler." I looked away from her, forcing my expression to be empty as possible. I ... I don't want to think of him right now. It'll make me have images in my head that I do not like to watch. "I hope he's in a good place where the other folks are treating him--- after he escaped the humans of course." She continued.
"I feel this dread of feelings attacking me for the things I never listened to that feaolk," I said. I should have listened to Castit the first time when he was going to tell us that important thing. But my loyalty to Purity was too much for him to get through to me.
"That's called, guilt, Winter," Carla told me. "And that feaolk is Castit."
"... How ... how is he doing?" I asked, having a slight frown slip in. ... I want to see how he's doing. If ... he's doing good than before.
She widened her eyes at me, surprise spreading across her face. "... YOU. Caring about CASTIT? What happened to the Winter?! Is this a---"
"Stop playing Carla, I mean it when I say this," I grunted coldly.
"Okay, okay. It's just ... so unlike you to care about him. You're usually insulting him because you think he's so ... useless and ... pathetic." She frowned.
I frowned at the memories of that, feeling it all come to me when, on that day, where Purity injured his leg badly. I attempted to calm him down but he declined the help and made me think of the decisions I decided against him. I was mad afterward but ... I thought more about it and think that I should give him a chance of his own. "... I want to apologise to him properly. Do you think ... I could do that?" I turned towards her.
Carla turned to me and smiled softly, "I can do that. I can definitely show you where he is."
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- End of Chapter 23
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