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_ Castit _
The demon-like humanoid was true to what Philia said about him. He wasn't a threat to anyone, even I could somewhat tell he wouldn't do a harmful thing to anyone. I need to fix these trust issues that I have with every stranger I see.
His name was Sutato as one of the rabbits shifted into their humanoid form to translate what he was saying on paper to Philia. Since ... he couldn't speak. I frowned at the sight, standing next to the entrance as the leader rabbit sat on their leaf platform that was held up by a vine that grew from the ground. I turned towards Sutato who showed the humanoid rabolk right beside him. "He says he has the feaolk inside, all bandaged up and well. Though, the being hasn't woken up." They said.
"Poor feaolk." Philia drooped their ears, turning towards Sutato before he turned over at me. "Oh, that is Castit, if your wondering."
Sutato nodded and turned back to Philia, glancing back down at the book. I glanced over at the entrance of the shack, hesitant to see my sister. I kind of don't want to, I ... want to explore this place. I don't know. My main goal is to tell the others but since my sister isn't awake ... I need to wait for the others to come. I frowned deeply, squeezing my hands. I have a bad feeling that ... after Tyler was captured, they are going to kick me out of the group because of how ... "useless" I became.
I blinked out of my thoughts and turned my gaze at Philia who was wiggling their nose, tilting their head, "Would you like to see your group member?"
"... Not really, seeing ... the sight of someone injured, especially when it's your family member ... it makes me sad," I responded, frowning.
"Oh." They drooped their ears, "Alright then. I understand, I can hardly see my children's injury if they ever dare to become that way."
"Yeah..." I mumbled quietly.
"Well, let us know when she wakes up, Sutato," Phila told him as he nodded his head. The humanoid on his right shifted back into their rabbit form as they hopped off into the forest. "And ... you are free to wander anywhere in the vined forest. Just keep inside of the vine shield, alright?" They told me as I nodded.
"I will."
"Good. Back to work, rabbits, we gotta know if more of those members ran through our forest." Philia ordered the rabbits as they nodded, hopping off into the forest as they told the ones who got the injury to hop in the direction of the cave. Once they were all gone from our sight, I turned my head over at Sutato who did the same.
"I suppose they allowed you to stay here?" I asked.
He nodded, turning down at the book before writing something in it. I crouched down and waited patiently, fiddling with my fingers before he showed me the book, "Can you read this, and can you explain what a feaolk is?"
"Yes, I can read this and ... well- uh ... humanoids with feather wings uh ... to be honest, I don't know much of my own race, sorry." I smiled nervously at him.
He looked baffled to the core, writing down the question he had before showing me the next, "That's reasonable. I don't know what I am so we're in the same lane."
I nodded my head. Soon we communicated for a bit before he had to go inside while I was left on my own once more. I was kind of scared but ignored that feeling and went off on my own into the forest. This place was safe and protected by the Nature Elementals, I shouldn't be scared. But, then again, my fear of being alone is kicking in inch by inch and I just had to return to the cave later on when the rabbits were there.
I told them my reasonings for my presence and they were quite understanding of it. I like these guys, I wish some of my group members were like them, but ... they'll probably become like them if I did what the role of surviving was properly. Speaking of survival, I was offered food but declined it as I wasn't hungry. I also didn't drink any water through those days, leaving me confused for a moment. But the lack of water doesn't seem to bother me. Lack of food did, but the water issue didn't become a problem for me.
On the second day of being in the Vined Forest, some of the rabbits told me that they found a flaming lioness and soon followed an icolk, letting me know that the two were not captured yet. I wasn't that excited but I pretended to be and left to find them on my own. But even if I wanted to find them on my own, the rabbits showed me anyway, saying that I didn't have to lie.
I frowned at the sight and nodded, following them until we reached the vine shield. "... You created one within the forest?"
"... When we found them ... they didn't take us so kindly with their gestures. We had to shield them away from being monitored." The rabbit spoke, sitting on a leaf platform next to the shield. "They thought we were spying on them when we weren't. We're just making sure they won't damage our home."
"That sounds like Winter more than Carla," I grumbled. "She's the one with trust issues than the lioness."
"Actually ... now I think about it ... the lioness was quite excited to see talking rabbits but ... the icolk didn't allow her to step closer to us. Guess you're right about that one." The rabbit nodded. "I would love to tell that lioness everything we have, but ... she'll have to be approved by our leader before I can." They chuckled quietly, rubbing their head.
"Do you realize I can hear you through these vines?" I heard Winter's voice on the other side as the rabbit squealed.
"... I didn't know you were listening in!" The rabbit squeaked back.
"Aren't you stupid for a couple of rabbits- well no wonder, Rabolks are dumb as they sound." Winter bluntly said.
"... Y-Yeah." The rabbit drooped its ears, turning towards me.
I sighed quietly, shaking my head in disappointment. "Is that you, Castit? Saying that I have trust issues?"
"Would you like to step in to see them?" The rabbit asked.
"No thanks and yes Winter. I'd rather not be in the same spot as Winter right now." I answered both of them.
"Wow, I didn't know you could disrespect me that much," Winter said with a sarcastic tone.
"You finaaaally realize." I said, rolling my eyes. I feel confident enough to say the things I want to say without having to see her face. A smile accidentally slipped out as I forced myself to drop it. That's good, I think.
"Useless, Disrespectful, and worthless. It all says something about your image, Castit." Winter hissed, "Too bad you can't cast anything with your terrible words."
I frowned, feeling hurt from that as I turned and walked away. I think that's enough for today. I could hear Winter's voice behind me from afar but I didn't stop. I spotted the rabbit bouncing right next to me, "You're not worthless and you're definitely not useless! Don't listen to what that icolk says."
"... Y-Yeah..." I choked out, turning away from them.
"Also how did you manage to get terrible group members who insult you like that?" The rabbit asked.
"... Winter always insults everyone in her own way, but ... she loves to insult me the most because she thinks ... well ... uh ... I haven't lived up to what ... she wants me to be for her?" I guessed, shrugging. "To her, I will never be what she wants me to be."
"I don't want to see all icolks like that. Even if I never met one as they are always up in the snow regions, I don't want to see them like that." The rabbit said, sounding sad.
"Let's just hope there's not another copy of Winter out there," I said.
".. Yeah, let's hope that."
We headed back to the cave and told the leader about the two. The leader didn't appear to like the icolk all that much, but the flaming lioness, they'll have to see what she acts like. I also asked for their gender and they told me since I didn't know if I wanted to continue calling them "they" before asking what they go by. She goes by "she/her" so, that's good to know. For the rest of the day, I visited Sutato, gifting him some apples I collected from some apple trees. He tried to offer me an apple but I declined and said I wasn't hungry.
I could feel the slight effects of the hunger trying to get to me but it didn't seem to slow me down. I know I didn't eat since the day of the ambush, but I'm perfectly fine. I don't want them to see me as a weak person. We shared a conversation through his book when he thinks that Purity may not ever wake up. I said she will, there won't be a moment where she gives up her entire goal here. Though, I did get worried about her too, thinking she won't wake up at all.
I'm glad our guesses were destroyed when she woke up the next day. But when he came rushing over to the cave to tell us by evening, he looked nervous and hesitated about her. "She woke up?" Philia asked in her rabbit form, twitching one of her ears.
"That is what he said." I nodded, turning towards him when he was writing something else in his book. He showed me it when he was finished, "... He also said that he's unsure about how Purity behaved when meeting him. He ... well- he said that she assumed he would kill her when the moment was right." I blinked in confusion before shaking my head, "Guess she also has trust issues."
"After she realized she's been treated?" Philia asked, tilting her head. I narrowed my eyes slightly when I sensed something different about her.
"Apparently so." I nodded before turning over to Sutato looking scared. "If she does something, you come to tell us, alright?"
He turned his head at me and slowly nodded before writing something else in his book, "Can I have one of the rabbits stay in there with me? I'm still scared."
I told them what he wrote as Philia drooped her ears, "Alright. Bambi, go with Sutato- I'm sure a lovely bug can cheer him up."
"Yep!" The rabbit named Bambi bounced as they grew a plant platform below them. "I will definitely come with you, Sut! I love hanging out with you anyway!"
Sutato smiled warmly before getting up to his feet. He looks much happier as I could tell these two seem to be good friends. Bambi bounced into the air, growing another platform to their steps as their last platform vanished. They repeated the same move up until they got to the same height level as he was. He waved to us before walking back in the direction of the shack.
"See you later or tomorrow, Sutato," Philia spoke oddly as I waved back, watching the two disappear off into the forest. I slowly turned back to her, raising my brows as she turned her head at me, "... I ... don't want to assume anything of her ... but ... I do want to keep a close eye on her." She said. ... She's probably worried about Purity ... but I can't shake this feeling of her ... being weird around Sutato.
"Understandable. I ... can't really say anything in the matter since I would say that she might not try something but ..." I trailed off, frowning slightly. It's probably nothing and she's just being cautious. "She might if a superior isn't watching her decisions."
"Well, if she does something, Bambi will report to me." She spoke.
I nodded my head as she turned and bounced away. I turned and watched the other rabbits chitter and chat, playing around with the others. I was feeling a sort of jealous of them but I never allow it to show. Let them be happy and keep that happiness. They don't want to learn what my childhood was.
The day went on throughout the night. Also, I stayed at the cave where Paradise made me a bed inside one of the chambers. That was very nice of them to do for them. But while they were making it, they also asked me all sorts of questions if I explored the entire world. I didn't, but I could tell they were saddened at that answer. So I told them what my group and I discovered, and that got their attention immediately. They told me they want to go and explore the world, but their mother, Philia is worried about them going out.
Nothing like sounds like a worried mother and her child doing something they want to do. I'm staying out of that one as I don't want to pick sides.
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Morning came as usual seems normal until I was told that my sister snooped through Sutato's stuff. Why? I don't know. I don't know why she would do that. I actually thought she had a good heart, not a bad one. But ... the more time passes when I was in the group with her, I could tell she was becoming horrible. To be honest, with the whole naming process thingy with feaolks. She doesn't live up to her name anymore. Winter influenced her too much but ... I can't change anything about that at all.
Philia told some rabbits to greet her in the morning and see if she would act off if she talks to them. She soon told me that she doesn't trust my sister and that would be understandable as I won't trust her myself after this point. Soon, she went after the rabbits who were going to greet her as she wanted to see, herself.
I felt like something bad going to happen so I stood up, told the rabbits I'll be back, and ventured off into the forest. I was heading in the direction of the smaller vine shield, wondering if the rabbits will take her there. And ... well, I wanted to see what else they would say.
I arrived at the shield, keeping quiet as I can as I crouched in a nearby bush. I waited for what felt like centuries before flinching at Carla's voice. I stood up immediately and walked closer to the shield. I put my head next to it as I could hear every single word they were saying. Even if they were whispering it, I could still hear it- which confused me for a moment. But that confusion rolled away when I heard that Purity lied about Sutato harming her during the night. I widened my eyes, shock rising through me as I glared at the shield.
I soon heard that they'll be giving Sutato a visit tonight as I know for sure that is enough information to tell Philia. But I halted when I heard Winter saying she kicked me out of the group. I frowned, feeling hurt as I shook my head. I knew it was coming ... I shouldn't be so sad about it. But ... why did she have to go and make it a reality? It's ... probably what I said to her.
I slowly nodded to myself before turning and running off into the forest. I thought I was going in the right direction when I stumbled across a lake, which I had never known was there. So, I realized I got lost but some nearby rabbits were there to show me the way when I asked. When I arrived, I walked over to the entrance, spotting Sutato there. "Where is Philia?" I asked as he turned towards me.
"I'm right here, just ... worried." I turned towards the voice down below me as I sat down. "What is it, Castit?"
"You may now see my sister as an unworthy person to trust because I heard she lied about Sutato harming her," I said.
"WHAT?!" She shouted as I flinched back. "Where? Where was this?!"
"It was when she was with the other two," I answered.
"... Great ... just great." She said, sounding mad as she shook her head. "As long as she doesn't do anything that passes the mark of staying in this forest ... we're good. But she best stays away from my rabbits for now on!"
I frowned, disliking the sound of that but when I look at the picture. Sutato isn't a part of their colony and he's just living here on his own. So, it would make sense why she didn't treat him as an equal like the others. I bet if Purity lied about one of her rabbits doing something they would never do, she would do something about it more seriously. But ... the way she looked before I told her this ... she probably said that because she didn't want to deal with my sister's bullshit.
Either way, I don't trust what she said to them. Especially Winter. Winter is known to mess things up--- the way of harming or killing others. So I know she's going to hurt Sutato.
"... Maybe some additional ... protection for him?" I asked, spotting the worry on Sutato's face.
"But you said she-"
"I know what the other two can do and since ..." I trailed off, rubbing my chin with a displeased expression at the statement I was going to say, "I've ... been with them the longest to ever remember what they can do. The lioness may not go to the extremes and may question him if he really did such a thing. However ... with Winter..." I frowned deeply as terror appeared on my face. "... She might kill him--- No, no. She will kill him."
Sutato squealed as Philia perked her ears up, the same goes for some rabbits that were around us. "... I didn't want to believe the senses that were telling me otherwise," Philia spoke, rubbing her head with a paw. "I want to think that the icolk just had some bad experiences with humis and thought we were a threat- but to go forth to kill another folk within The Folk? That is unheard of within the colony and anywhere else."
"I'm sure you don't want this to continue with him," I said, staring at her.
"No no ... I would never allow something to hurt him." She said oddly, shaking her head. "Not after everything he has done to us. Did they say when they will be coming to his shack, Castit?" ... That ... sounded like a lie. No, I sensed that it was a lie ... why is Philia lying about Sutato? Eh ... It's not important right now. The importance is Sutato's safety.
"Tonight they will." I nodded.
"Then you stay in the cave by then," Philia told Sutato as he nodded, looking relieved with a smile. "We will confront them right now."
I slowly shook my head as she tilted her head, confused at my motion, "... They may lie to you and try to put you on the stool to blame. Especially when they can hurt you with their magic. This idea ... may seem bad on your part but ... I kind of want to trick them and bring the bad out of them so you'll have a reason to kick them out of this forest. It's ... only if you want to."
"I'm not so sure how tricking them would work," Philia said.
"Well ... you did say that Purity went through your stuff, right Sutato?" I asked him as he nodded his head. "Then we'll know that she'll be interested in that. I don't know if you guys can mimic plant appearance into how ... Sutato's bag is but we could do that. Also ... same thing with his whole form wrapped in the bed."
Sutato widened his eyes in surprise as Philia tilted her head, "You're smart for a feaolk such as yourself and I am quite surprised you got that all right."
"Yes. We can mimic a plant's appearance into anything we want. Though they will not behave like the real thing. I will tell you this, Nature Elemental's powers are way different from Caster's powers. Casters only control the element through basic means as we can control and manipulate the element into advanced methods and anything further than basic." Philia explained.
I stared at her in shock as I blinked repeatedly, "... I ...- That was just a guess! And ... a suggestion."
"A good guess." Philia sounded happy. "We'll do what you suggested. We'll use our power to create a fake form of Sutato and the fake bag but ... it may be hard to capture that. While we are at it, I'll have my rabbits in hidden places around the shack and the shield we created near the outskirts of the forest."
"... Okay, sounds good." I nodded. "... Maybe ... I can lure them out of the shield and back into the place but pretending to ... "steal" the fake bag."
"If you want to do that, Castit," Phila said before turning over to her people and telling orders. I stared at her, feeling fear trailing into me as I turned towards Sutato who gave me a warm smile. I felt it disappear momentarily as I smiled back at him. Maybe ... facing my fears isn't so bad.
The night was here, making me panic before I calmed myself down. I told Philia what I was going to do as the plan was a go. I sighed and peek over the bushes from the forest I was hiding in, eyeing the shack before spotting the familiar people walking towards it. I narrowed my eyes as my sister went first, entering the shack as I scooted closer to the scene before flinching from a rabbit nearby. "Don't worry! I know how nerve-racking this is to you." They whispered. "You got this buddy!"
I smiled softly, feeling a little confident before turning back to the scene. We both flinched from a shriek as that wasn't in the plan. "... Don't tell me the icolk got one of our rabbits!" They whispered, freaking out.
"Or ... one of your people is trying to have them buy into this trick," I whispered.
"Oh ... right. That's--- That's actually really smart. I bet the folks never expected that!" The rabbit whispered before we both flinched from a lioness who was dead set on staring at us. Carla walked over to us and halted, lashing her tail as she stared at both of us. "Don't eat us!"
She blinked at the rabbit with confusion before turning over at me, "... I ... I will try to stop them." She said sadly before turning and walking back to my sister.
"Wait ... is the lioness on our side?" The rabbit asked.
"As I mention before, she won't go to the extreme and think it's stupid," I whispered.
"The lioness is on our side!" The rabbit chirped in a whisper.
"... Just pay attention." I hissed in a whisper at them.
"Okay!" I heard them say before glancing at my sister with the fake bag. Heh, if Tyler was here and seeing this, he would have beaten both of your asses, Winter and Purity. I scooted closer and peer in when Carla attempted her ways but failed when Winter came out and told the news, Carla protested, saying what I would say about Tyler doing something about this.
They soon stopped, becoming quiet until I flinched from Winter spotting me right away. As before she told me I was spying on them as I frowned. So she knew I was? Why didn't she say anything if she knew I was there? She probably doesn't know I was on the nature elementals' side. Act like a nervous bird, don't let them know you are plotting something. I told myself as I stood up and revealed myself, looking nervous. I think that was automatic since I am terrified of Winter. They question my actions of spying and I told them a half-lie when we were walking back to the shield. I answered my sister's questions but Winter told me to fuck off. Not the word but ... maybe the phrase she was looking for if I did continue and ignore her.
I did stop following behind, acting all sad when I knew it wasn't going to work out as all of us in a group. But I continue my pace when I was far away from their distance. Winter didn't seem to bother to check if I would still follow behind. Now I thought she would be the smartest out of our group to do that. That surprised me when she didn't.
I arrived at the mini shield, standing in the entranceway when my sister spotted me first before Winter and Carla did. They questioned my presence here and I told them the truth about Purity's lie. Of course, they didn't listen, even when I was trying to say Tyler was captured by them. I guess they don't really care. Carla told me to go and I didn't listen. I know you're trying to protect me, Carla, don't worry ... it may seem terrible when the next events happen. But, I think you'll be relieved when it's finally over.
When Purity had her back facing me and she left the bag alone, I hesitate for a moment to rush forward and grab the fake bag. But I told myself this is the only chance where I can lure them back into the shack. So, without a second thought, I immediately darted forward and swiftly snatched the bag, shoving both Winter and Purity out of the way with my wings. I didn't realize how fast I was going as I flapped my wings to slow down as my feet slid on the ground. I almost hit the vines, but I caught myself.
I turned to them to show the bag but immediately got blasted at and that's when I knew I had to get out of there. I did make it out but only parts of my wings were frozen, not granting my ability to flap--- though ... I don't know if I can fly now with that wound still in my wings. I guess I have to try again later. I decided to run on foot and hope to the best they didn't catch me.
I ran as fast as I could to the shack, sliding into the frame as rabbits on their tall, plant platforms were surrounding the shack and all around in the tall grass. I grinned as I walked over to the shack, spotting a familiar humanoid rabolk on the steps. "Guess you did it!"
"Almost died." I whimpered, spreading out my particularly frozen wing.
"Oh. Well, get that thaw out by Sutato." Paradise said, looking terrified a bit. "And ... we'll give some of his stuff back too."
I stood by the steps, placing the bag down, "Yep. Kind of sad that the plants couldn't look like the medicine bottles but at least ... he allowed us to use some."
"Yep!" Paradise chirped, turning over to a scream. "There she blows--- goes... Blows?"
I shrugged, "I'm no ... whatever they call humans on those seas. The ocean--- I don't know."
Paradise snorted, "Well, let's see what she has to say."
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"And ... that leads to where we are at." I finished, glaring down at my sister.
Purity widened her eyes, shock filling her facial expression as anger took over, "... You ... You planned this entire thing?! You ... that man wasn't in that shack?! Then ... then, who was screaming?"
"A rabbit," I answered.
"... The bag..."
"Yes. The bag was fake." I nodded.
"How could you ... how ... how did you make all of this up?! You're supposed to be stupid, not smart!" She hissed at me.
I frowned and turned my head away as I heard one of the rabbits shout, "Hey! He's not stupid! You're more stupid to think we all go away underground and let any humi in! Do you think we let the forest run wild free?"
"Shut it, rabolk." She hissed at the rabbit before turning back to me. "And worse of all, you didn't tell us about Tyler?! He was captured?!"
"Winter interrupted me before I could even finish. You guys said it wasn't important so I didn't continue." I said, turning my head back to her.
"Did you not hear what I said?" I interrupted her, glaring down at her. "You guys didn't want to hear Tyler being captured so I guess ... you really never allowed any of the members to speak."
"You damn traitor." She hissed getting up to my face as I stepped away, a little frightened of that motion. It was reminding me of a time when I would try to escape from ... from someone in my childhood. ... Someone bad. A vine pulled her away from me as I felt the panic rise within me.
"That's enough, Purity." I heard Philia's voice, moving right beside me on her plant platform. "You had your share to spill and now ... it's time to set your group free to the outskirts of my forest."
"You ... you teamed up with this traitor?! This pathetic traitor?! How could you? I thought nature elementals were supposed to be smart, not---"
"We are ... it just seems like you don't see our intelligence that well with how much you disrespect everyone around you." Philia interrupted her. "Now, I won't ask again, leave my forest, Feaolk." As she said that, she jumped off of her plant platform and right onto my shoulder when an ice shard flew directly at her. She jumped off and formed another tall plant platform below her. "Back away, Castit."
I nodded quickly, taking steps back before falling onto the ground. "Be careful." I heard Paradise's voice as they help me back to my feet. "... I-I am ... just ... a-a little shaken ... t-that's all," I whispered to them, hugging myself tightly.
"Still," Paradise whispered, patting my shoulder.
"Icolk, take your feaolk with you," Philia said, sounding cold to the touch. "The next you don't listen will be your regrettable decision."
"No! We're not listening until we get that damn traitor!" Purity shouted at her.
"Well ... since Castit is one of us. I won't allow a single finger ..." Vines latched onto my sister as Winter tried to blast them off with ice. Soon more vines grabbed Winter's arms and tied them behind her back as I watched all of the rabbit's eyes glow with green dust around them. "... from you to be inflicted on him. You've done enough damage here." Philia finished, using her power to coil Purity up tightly.
"N-" Her mouth got covered before getting pulled to the ground at quick speeds. Winter got the same treatment as I assumed they were relocated outside of the shield or at least, away from here. I sighed in relief, calming myself down before spotting the flaming lioness appear from the forest. Carla looked frightened as she crouched by the tree. Philia stared at her before turning towards me, "I've been told she attempted to stop the two."
"It is true." I nodded to her.
Philia turned back to Carla, twitching one of her ears, "I will give you a warning, lioness. You are allowed to enter and exit the forest but be warned when my people will give you the dirty look."
"... Understood ... ma'am." Caral nodded her head before turning and bolting off into the forest. I frowned at her disappearance, wishing she would have stayed. I glanced up at Philia who turned towards me.
"Are you okay, Castit?"
"... I want to sleep," I said, turning my head away. I don't feel well after seeing Purity getting replaced by someone familiar I knew too well in my vision.
"Alright..." Philia said before Paradise showed me to the cave. I thanked their helpful directions but I just want to be alone right now- even if it frightens me.
Maybe ... in the morning, I will feel better again ... and eat soon.
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- End of Chapter 4
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