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_Sutato _
I stared at Carla whose eyes were all white and glowy. I shivered at the sight, glancing at the others who were frozen in place or at least waiting for her to return back to reality. I frowned slightly before turning to my right, seeing a window of a landscape with children playing. I dropped my frown and looked confused. I turned back to the others who were gone and I became confused. Where did they go? I turned back to the window, which wasn't a window anymore. I was presented in the landscape now.
The landscape had a hill with a house at the top of it. A giant tree was beside it as two kids were chasing one another. I tilted my head, walking out from underneath the forest cover and over to the children, seeing them up closer.
"Fluffy! This way!" One of the kids shouted. The kid had two pairs of cat ears on their head, along with tiny wings on each of their sides. They were shouting before jumping and waving their hand toward the other kid who looked exactly like them. Caolks ...? No ... they looked like they are combined with both caolk and feaolk traits. I looked up at the blue sky with a few clouds up there as I glanced at it in awe. It was so peaceful, such a tranquil sight to see.
I turned my head over to the children who were playing before halting. "Don't call! Me! No Calling!" ... The one who was called Fluffy huffed. It's a bit challenging knowing who's, who.
"But you're always fluffy!" The other said. But ... I can tell the difference by the statements they speak.
"Both fluffy! WE! WE BOTH FLUFFY!" Fluffy huffed even loudly, lashing their tiny tail around. The other look-alike had one too.
"Fine!" The kid grumbled before turning over to a caolk from afar who was waving her hand with a fruit basket in her other hand. "Mother is calling us!" The kid turned back to its sibling, grabbed its wrist, and pulled it along. "Come on!" I blinked and watched them run up the hill to their mother. I tilted my head as the dream faded from my eyes.
I blinked my eyes again and soon I realized, I was staring up at the ceiling of the shack. I looked puzzled before sitting up and gazing around, recognizing my surroundings as I sighed.
What was that dream? I was just ... dreaming about Carla's weird white eyes whenever she goes into that ... "Vision receiving" state...? I don't know what to call it. But it turned into that and it feels weird. I shook my head before preparing to get up and glancing over at the light coming from the entrance. These past days have been fun, especially when I try to communicate with the wolf by ... sneaking in when Paradise isn't looking.
I'm not good at sneaking in--- at least I think I'm not. Even though I can be quiet as a mouse, I can be still noisy and nosy. And I have been caught several times by Paradise. I don't know how they do it but they keep finding me trying to sneak in.
The day after the attack is when I started my sneaky plans. I successfully snuck by them the first time but was unfortunately caught when the wolf alarmed them. So, every other of my tries has failed. Paradise basically told me to stop trying to meet with the wolf and stay away from it. As the stubborn person I am, I didn't give up but then I got permission from them to visit the wolf on the third day:
"AND don't SCARE THE WOLF." Paradise glared daggered into my soul as I nodded my head quickly. "Good. I'll be back from talking to my mother." They turned and squeeze through the cave entrance. I slowly turned towards the cave chamber on the left, where the wolf is unusually in. I padded over and peered in, hearing a growl immediately as I crouched down to the ground.
The chamber was lit with a brown wolf in the center of it. I could see it as it was eating some meat as it paused its meal and glared at me. I frowned before slowly inching in until I leaned against the wall. I made sure to keep a good distance between myself and the wolf. I looked at it as it continued its glare at me. I frowned deeply as I looked away and glanced down at my hands, locking and unlocking my hands with one another.
Soon the growling stopped as I slowly looked up, watching the wolf go back to eating the meat. I decided to wait until it was finished and when it was, it turned and stared back at me. It narrowed its eyes and stood up, padding over to me before halting, "What do you want?"
I blinked, forgetting it was a wololk as I looked away. "Don't pretend to ignore me, you've been trying to talk to me for the past two days. What is it?" It sounded annoyed as I frowned. I turned back to the wolf as I pointed at my throat before drawing a line over it. "... You want me dead?"
I shook my head "no" quickly. I ... I knew that meant that question but not what I had in mind. I stared down at my hands before making them move like how mouths wound before putting each finger from my hand into an "X" symbol the next. I looked up at it as it was completely confusing. I frowned as I moved the "X" symbol over my throat.
"... Wait you can't talk?" It asked, finally getting it. I sighed in relief before nodding my head. "Oh... then ... wait, I'm confused ... how do you even communicate with me then?"
I blinked, looking down at the journal in my pocket and assuming this wololk can't read. But! I'm sure it can read pictures! I pulled out my journal and opened it up to a fresh new page. I grabbed my writing tool and drew a smiley face with a question mark next to it. I turned to my journal and showed the wolf it.
It sat down and squint its eyes, "... What does this mean?"
I frowned as I hung my head in defeat. Can you not--- I mean ... it couldn't really be understood what I was trying to say with the smiley face. I turned my journal over and threw a thumbs up this time right underneath the first drawing and drew a question mark beside it. Will it work this time? I turned my journal over and showed it the drawing. "... Oh. I'm good. Is ... that what you were trying to ask me?"
I smiled widely and nodded my head, pulling the journal close to me again. "Oh. Well ... this is difficult to ... speak with someone who can't talk, no offense."
I frowned as I stared at it. Well, you didn't have to rub it in my face, wolf. Infact, what is your name? Wait--- is it still Slash or ... did the mind-controlled one name itself "Slash?" I shook my head and sighed. "... This is ... awkward..." The brown wolf spoke, turning and padding back to its spot where it lay. It still had some herb bandages on its snout. I turned my head away and over to Paradise who was watching by the entrance. They smiled softly at me before walking in, grabbing the wolf's attention with their presence. "Oh, you're here. Good. This ... uh ... weird person is ..."
"Sut isn't weird, just because he can't talk, doesn't mean you can judge him." They told the wolf.
"Sut? That's his name?" The wolf asked, sitting down on the moss bed.
"Sutato is his full name. I just call him Sut for short." They explained, turning towards me.
"Oh. Didn't realize." The wolf spoke as I turned towards it. Why does this wolf sound so ... stuck-up? I don't know that's the word, but ... it's starting to sound like ... rudeness is its language.
"It's okay." Paradise smiled though I could tell something bothered that smile due to the response the wolf made.
"Does he wants my name?" The wolf asked.
"I don't know, do you, Sut?" Paradise asked me, turning to me. I turned and gave the wolf a look. You couldn't ask me that? What do you take me for? Deafness? I shook my head before nodding up at them.
"Yes or ...-" I showed one finger as they nodded, turning back to the wolf. "He wants to."
The wolf flicked an ear as it slowly nodded, "Raven is the name."
I stared at it for a moment, disliking the tone in its voice. I sighed and stood up, waving to both of them before leaving the chamber. "... Your going away just like that, Sut?" Paradise asked, grabbing my wrist. I turned towards them, displaying an irritated expression. "Oh." They let me go. "I'll ... leave you be then." I nodded slowly before walking forward and through the cave entrance.
No idea what I was expecting really. I just wanted to check on the wolf and ... maybe greet it. But I guess ... this wolf doesn't trust me yet fully. I sighed, rubbing my face. Just because Carla trusts me immediately, doesn't mean anyone new will be the same way. The wolf probably doesn't trust me anyway and wants to keep to itself. Yeah ... what was I thinking?
I shook my head, opening my eyes into the present time as I stood in the entryway of the shack. I gazed around the tall grass and then at the porch where I usually see Castit at. Apparently, he wasn't there, nor was Carla in the tall grass. I frowned slightly, dropping the look before stepping into the tall grass. I walked in the direction of the cave. I arrived as I noticed a crowd around the wolf. I stood away from them, watching the rabbits gather around and talking to the wolf. We met two days ago when that awkwardness happened.
I hugged myself tightly, turning and walking away from the cave. I don't want ... to talk to the rabbits. I feel a little uneasy around their leader. I don't know why. I also feel uneasy about the wolf. Eh, maybe a little ... I don't know. I'll go to a different place. A secret place--- well, it's not really secret since some rabolks found me there. But it's a perfect place where I can relax and nap if I need to be alone. Of course, staying in the shack is another place where I can relax--- but I wanted to be out in the opening where I can feel the wind breezing past me and the sun shining down on me. I sometimes like to watch the birds there so let's head on over.
I walked through the forest, passing trees and bushes. I spotted some rabbits hopping by me as I waved at them. I continued on and entered the clearing, looking over at the rock that stood 60 inches tall from the ground. I padded over and flapped my wings once to jump up to it. I sat upon it and sighed in relief, lowering my head before rolling over on my back. I glanced up at the sky as I placed my hands on my abdomen.
I gazed up at the cloudy sky, spotting a few birds flying above me as I slowly closed my eyes. Everything was silence, sinking into tranquility. Just the way I like it.
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"... You sure laying like that is comfortable for you?"
I opened my eyes and turned my head to my right, seeing nothing as I sat up. I glanced down at a brown wolf who stared up at me. I narrowed my eyes, nodding my head as if I didn't mind if my back ached after hours of laying here. They stared me down, perking their ears, "... You're one strange folk."
I narrowed my eyes, turning my head away as I lay back down on the rock. I gazed up at the sky as I heard the wolf again, "Can I ask some ... yes or no questions?"
I closed my eyes, sighing quietly before sitting up and turning over to the wolf. What type of questions do you want from me? I slowly nodded as I placed my hands on my lap, waiting patiently. The brown wolf flickers an ear before speaking once more, "Are you mad at me?"
I stared at them as I tilted my head slowly, that's more of a between answer. What if I just combine yes and no to make it in between? I nodded my head before shaking my head "no."
"... So you are but you aren't--- ... A little mad?" They guessed.
I slowly nodded, that can work. I'm just irritated with the wolf's presence. And I'm shocked Paradise hasn't come up to me and asked why I haven't snuck into the cave chamber anymore. "... Is it ... because ... I insulted you based on your disability?"
I stared at them, blinking in confusion as I tilted my head at the word. "... You ...---" The wolf looked surprised at me, "You don't know what disability is?!"
I shook my head.
"... Well uh ... disability is just ... something of what you have. You know--- can't speak and stuff." They explained.
I tilted my head, thinking about breaking that. I frowned, feeling anxious as I avoided glancing at the wolf. Never mind... I think ... I won't be able to overcome that. "... I don't think it's ... bad to have a disability." The wolf spoke. "It's just something you were born with, you can't change that."
I gazed back at the wolf, frowning deeply as I wish I could tell them what I really suffer with. I spotted someone from the forest edges, smiling widely when I recognized them. The wolf turned over to the person, who was Castit. He blinked at us both before walking over, "... Who is this?"
"Just your "friendly" feaolk here. How are you doing, Sutato?" Castit asked me, looking content when he spotted my smile.
"Good," I said, smiling as I could feel warmth in my cheeks. Someone's here. Someone who I am comfortable with. But I think I didn't realize I spoke for the second time ... again.
He widened his eyes as the wolf did the same. "Wait- you're not mute?!" The wolf asked, surprised.
"... Uh ... that's the second time I ever heard you speak," Castit said, raising his brows.
I blinked at him, frowning as I looked away. I spoke? It didn't feel like I did. I think I was too overjoyed with my happiness seeing someone very familiar to actually notice I spoke. I looked guilty as I stared at them both.
"... It...- It's alright." Castit said softly, walking over to the rock, "I didn't mean to point it out, it's just a surprise that you're starting to talk. But just because you are, doesn't mean you need to do so right away. You can still take your time when you want to speak again."
"Aw, now I feel bad now." The wolf said, drooping their ears.
Castit turned over to them, narrowing his eyes, "... And why is that?"
"I didn't realize you feel anxious to speak, Sutato." The wolf answered, looking up at me. I nodded down at the wolf, dropping my frown as I hang my legs on the edge of the rock. "I'm sorry about last time."
I shook my head before pulling out my journal. I spotted Castit jumping up on the rock with his wings as he sat next to me. I wrote down what I wanted to say before showing it to him, "He says it's alright, you didn't know." He translated for me.
The wolf blinked at me as they drooped their ears, "Now I really wish I learned how to read. But that's alright since ... we have you here." They pointed their nose at Castit.
"... Yeah ... do you go by a name?" He asked, gazing down at the wolf.
"Raven is the name." The wolf spoke as I narrowed my eyes. There was a moment where the wolf hesitated but it was gone. I turned over to Castit who displayed a wary expression down at them. I turned back down at the wolf, shaking my head at it. "... That is my name, I told you before."
I shook my head again, glaring down at them. I wrote down my sentence before showing it to Castit, "... You don't trust us to give us your real name?"
"..." The wolf stared at me as they drooped their ears. I wrote again and showed it to him, "This forest is safe, everyone is friendly and nice. No one here will hurt you anymore."
"... I ... I don't know about that." The wolf spoke, tucking their tail between their legs. "I... I'm still uneasy with rabbits surrounding me."
"Eh. The rabbits need to learn some personal space." Castit commented. "And learn that not everyone gonna react like how Carla did with the rabbits."
"Y-Yeah." The wolf nodded at him but I could tell something else was bothering them. I frowned as I wished I could speak to ask about it. "I ... I didn't like how they did that. The leader didn't do anything about it either and I'm sure they could tell I was uncomfortable."
"They'll never know if you can't tell them," Castit said as I punched his arm which made him flinch. "What?!"
I shook my head at him as I glared at him. He stared at me, "Oh was it the wrong choice of words? How should I put it then?"
I wrote down my sentence and showed him it, "Anxiety. They may have anxiety so that's probably why they couldn't tell the rabbits. Anxiety is bad, it can force you to shut up for good."
Castit frowned, glancing at me before nodding, "I guess I left that one out."
"What did he say?" The wolf asked.
"Do you have anxiety that prevents you to say things to people?" He asked them.
"... Sometimes ... I do." They nodded slowly, "But that still doesn't answer my question."
"He just mentions if you did have anxiety when the rabbits surrounded you, you probably couldn't tell. And I said--- well similar to that I didn't realize anxiety could have an impact on folks." He answered.
"Oh yeah, I did. Didn't you know? Unless you were saved from life and you didn't experience it at all." The wolf said.
Castit slowly frowned as he looked fearful for a moment and I raised a brow with concern appearing on my face. "... Y-Y-Yeah ... let's ... uh, put it that way." He stammered, looking away.
"Oh. Sorry." The wolf frowned, lowering their ears.
"Nah, it's fine ... you just didn't know." He shrugged, turning back to the wolf with an empty expression. "So, will you tell us your real name or ... is that still a no?"
The wolf glanced up at both of us before sighing, "It's Setchi. That is my real name. I don't even like Raven--- such a feaolk's name." Castit snorted as Setchi turned to glare at him, "Am I wrong? Feaolks aren't named after birds?"
"Oh, I wish it was like that." He spoke. "... We're named after ... what future our parents layout."
"... what," Setchi spoke and looked as confused as I was. I didn't understand what he was saying about that line.
Castit sighed, "Feaolks are named based on their traits, their appearance or personality. It's mostly appearance where I've seen it. Such as ... an example ... a feaolk who was raised by ... "beautiful" parents, they would probably name their children as Virtue or Vision."
"Vision?" Setchi questioned.
"As Vision is known for sight, it can also mean seeing the sight of odd beauty--- which is strange, but yeah." Castit shrugged. "Most feaolks when they grow into their adults' lives kind of ... don't live up to their name and just deal with it." ... He sure knows some of his kind if he knows the naming process of his race. I rubbed my chin as the wolf nodded.
"So ... what is your name then? Something ... similar to lilac?" Setchi guessed.
"..." He frowned, "No ... It's Castit."
"Castit?" They questioned. "... Cast it? Are you ... some sort of caster if that's ... a meaning of your name?"
"... My name has no meaning last time I was named by a foolish enchanter." He grunted, shrugging his shoulders.
Setchi stared at him, tilting their head, "Wait ... Wait a damn minute. You weren't named by your parents?" I blinked and stared at him, widening my eyes. Don't parents name their children not ... a random person?
"... Unlike most feaolks ..." Castit sighed in annoyance before clearing his throat to speak, "Enchanter Feaolk Families are quite far different from them. Here's a difference. Feaolk Families don't live up to their names and don't really follow the path of it ... or don't take it seriously. Enchanter Feaolk Families do. At age three, when most enchanter's magic started kicking in, we would be granted names to replace our fake names given by our parents. Usually ... the greatest and most powerful enchanter name us--- which I believe ... was a leader of the entire colony I was in before. So yeah ... With said names, my sister was named Purity- mainly because she was born as an enchanter, and two our mother and aunt believed that she would grow up to become someone who was freed from evil or anything that she tainted herself with. It would always become a success for her whenever she sinned herself or something. So I guess the leader went with whatever they suggested."
"When it was my turn ... I was given different treatment from my sister. One of the main reasons is that I wasn't born as an enchanter as she was. So ... I was just given a random name that had no meaning to it. My young self thought that it had a meaning to it until I was proven wrong by my aunt. And since she said that ... it got me despising my own name." He finished.
I blinked as I didn't expect that large chunk of information from him. I guess he can tell parts of himself. But with what been said, that's kind of ... sad. Setchi frowned up at him, "That ...--- okay, in my book, that's not how names are supposed to be. Names suppose to be something that you like to be called by and not something you should become." Setchi spoke.
"Well, you'll have to talk to the enchanter families for that," Castit spoke. "It's their traditional reason to keep up their ... fake identities."
"I will!" Setchi huffed with determination as I turned down at them. I wrote down something before showing Castit, "If it's traditional, it will be hard to change it. Infact, maybe none at all." He translated to them.
"Hey! Don't kill my determination!" Setchi whined at me as I narrowed my eyes. Fine, keep your determination.
"... He does have a point." Castit agreed with me.
"I-I know! I ... I just don't want them to see names like that." Setchi said, frowning with their ears lowering. "Hey, what if you had a choice to change your name? Something that could be meaningful to you?" They asked Castit.
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"... I ... actually never thought about that." Castit blinked at them. "But ... I don't know about the suggestion. I've heard from enchanters that changing names from what a powerful enchanter gave you was a huge no, no. They say names are supposed to be permanently stuck with you until you die. They also said the only way to change your name is if you're lucky enough to get reborn into the next life. And possibly reborn as an enchanter if you were a non-enchanter. So ... I guess I'll just stick with my meaningless name."
"What if though?"
"... What if--- ... I ... don't know. No names come to mind." He answered, shaking his head.
"Then I will come up with names that you may like!" Setchi said, looking determined again.
"You don't have to, you know. We're basically almost strangers." Castit responded.
"I don't care, I will give out suggestions!"
"... Okay ... I guess I will let you do that then." Castit shook his head slightly.
"Hey, at least have a new friend help you out, you know?" Setchi smiled up at him.
"New friend? You?" Castit raised his brows.
"Yeah. Why not?"
I tilted my head before nodding. I like the idea of starting over where we left off. "What do you say, Sut?" Castit asked me. I gave him a look as he narrowed his eyes. Why do I have to be the one to decide everything? I turned my gaze down at my journal and wrote down what I wanted to say before showing it to him: "Do ... you have anywhere you need to return to? Like ... home?" Castit translated to them.
Setchi drooped their ears, "... Oh ... I forgot about that ..." They looked around before turning their head back to us. "... Unfortunately that seems like the case ... but I have no idea which way is home."
"What is your home like?" Castit asked.
"It was in the Great Mountains. A pack of us live up there to catch giant birds! ... However ... I feel like if I start heading back ... I think they wouldn't be there at all." They answered, frowning.
"Your pack might be looking for you then," Castit said.
"... yeah ... I wanna believe that, I want to believe that my family is looking for me." They nodded slowly. "... So ... I guess I'll be staying with you guys if ... you don't mind?"
"I don't mind. Sut?" Castit shrugged before turning to me. I nodded with a smile and turned down at them. I don't mind either.
Setchi smiled before getting up to their paws and bouncing in a circle as both of us snorted. "Jeez, you appear as such of another copy of Carla."
"Carla? You did mention her before. Who is she?" They asked.
"Oh ... you'll know soon enough." Castit nodded, "She's a handful."
Setchi looked nervous before dropping the look and grinning, "Let's see if she is then." He narrowed his eyes as I smiled softly at the two of them. I'm glad that was cleared up between me and Setchi. I kind of like that name. I wanna say it but ... I don't know if I can.
Maybe next time ... I can.
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- End of Chapter 8
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