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_ Neptune _
I walked out of the hospital in my giant wolf form, walking on the platform. I pinned my ears back, remembering what Castit told me about lying about myself. Now that I remember, he told the group and I that he has a built-in 24/7 liar detector ... this is becoming rather difficult to pretend. Especially when I heard their conversation continued on the other side of the wall. Castit doesn't know why he has this ability. I think it's an ability that he is born with, rather than... coming in and going as it pleases. But the question is ... is what if he has an ability that differs from his own race abilities?
There's a total of five of them and having a 24/7 liar detector is not one of them. Is it another "powerful being?" I'm not so sure, I ... need to look that book up again that tells me about these creatures. Since, I keep forgetting, once again.
And since I keep doing that, along with the current mission of this, I keep forgetting what I am here for. After over a year of stepping into this colony and I am already growing attached to one of these guys. I was doing so well! What the hell happened? I'm not supposed to grow attached to one of them, it cannot happen. Because if it does, I'll get punished for it and I don't want to go through that shit again.
I halted by the edge of the platform, looking around to see if no one was there. I turned back forward and squeeze my way through the railings before jumping down from the colony. Ice platforms formed underneath my paws as I jump down to the ground. I looked up and watched the ice platforms disappear before turning and walking beside the trees of this forest.
If I knew what you were thinking ... you'll probably say some mean stuff or just stare on and continue reading. But one point that I want to make is ... I don't enjoy watching his suffering as much as Aloe does. I would be very sick in the head if I did such a thing. To ... be honest, I do want to care for the feaolk but ... at the same time, I don't want to care too much. I would be led into another rabbit hole, and I don't want that to happen. I'm only here for one thing and his family is the key to learning about those fucked up enchanters. Aloe is banished and that's bad news for me. However, I have a feeling that she might come back, regardless if she's banished or not with her ... tricks.
She is ... a powerful enchanter after all.
I continued to pad deeper into the fog as the environment was endless, almost making me get lost on the spot. However, the old markings appeared, along with the tall boulders against the tall tree. I halted, glancing down at the black markings, drawn in a way where teleportation can be made. Only I can see this teleportation spell as I made it. I looked over at the rock that was covering part of the markings. I turned and walked over, moving the rock off of the marking with my head. I backed up and watched the spell activate before my eyes.
I observed the colors swirl into a pitch-black void that appear to have nothing in it. I padded over and looked in it, tilting my head. I shook my head before breathing in and out. Let's get this over with. I jumped into the portal, landing on the other side of the platform. The portal disappeared after I used it, closing up as the void met my eyes. I growled in annoyance as markings of my pelt showed up and lit up my surroundings around me. It was damp, dripping with water from the ceiling of this place. The ground was rough with a painful stench to it, I could see the dried-up blood painted along with wires larger than smaller ones in my vision as I walk forward with my light on my pelt.
I kept my guard up as my ears perked at the strange noises that I heard all around me. A giant creature claw came out and only clawed the ground with its sharp claws as it dragged itself back into the darkness. "Hello, Dahi!" I called to the giant creature. I only heard a grunt return as I smirked and continued to look forward. I hate this place.
Why must I travel through this dark hallway every single time with these creatures? Is this how Mr. Master-Face or ... Scarred Face--- I should call him, protect his ways? I heard a snarl behind me as I turned and stared at the melted face of a dog fused with a manticore. "Ouch, that gotta hurt," I commented as the dog soon barked at me with its broken barks. "Don't worry, you're death should be soon."
I turned and continued my way to my destination. I spotted more large wires on the ground and more of them. I must be arriving at the laboratory right about now. Good. I spotted a light in the distance that showed up on the walls as I made my light markings disappear. Once I arrived, I entered through some doorways before drooping my ears from the changes in the atmosphere. The last one was supposed to be spooky and scary--- but it was not to me.
This familiar atmosphere scares me as I coughed at the smoke and blood that decided to stench up the vast room in front of me. I lifted up my head, perking my ears over to the snarl as I looked over at the large fused dog-manticore that followed me. It walked past me and over to one of the cages. There were humis near that cage as it walked right in, being caged and locked up. I narrowed my eyes, baring my teeth as I continue my steps.
Why must Scarred Face be working with humis? They're nothing but disgusting creatures. I sighed and glanced up at the room, perking my ears up. This room was hell, the type of hell where you don't wanna visit or stay longer. There were many cages around the room, all positioned in a way where the wires from the large control panel in the center connected. They were all experiments in this container, inserting all sorts of DNA into those cages. These cages weren't typical but more so closed prisons of each creature in them. Around them would be bloodstains, a lot of it as creatures from before would thrash around, trying to escape.
Or ... ended up dying in them without any food or water to serve them to the very end.
I do feel sorry for those creatures ... but their life isn't important right now. The only life I should be focusing on saving is my brother's. I padded over to the control panel, spotting a humi standing by it. They had their hands on the panel, looking furious before turning and glancing at me. Blond-grey-haired humi ... Mark isn't it? "Ah, You arrived, at last, you have. I thought you would go off or become a traitor like that other wolf?"
"The brown wolf?" I asked. That other wolf is a brown wolf that's been ordered to gather other wololks and bring them here when the pack grows to be at least twenty. I guess the wolf failed or something might have captured it.
"Yes. I'm certain some creature tore their collar off..." He grunted, repositioning their jacket before turning and heading over to the door that was a couple of inches from here. "Come on, let's get out of this atmosphere."
I nodded and followed him out of the experimental section. We walked through a large room, full of larger pipes and wires all around. This is where the most dangerous creatures go to. I glanced over at the door numbers and glanced over to the damaged one. Number 78. Mark halted and glared at the damaged room. The room was covered up as it still needed repairs from the last escape.
"That damn creature. If only we still had it, we wouldn't have to use that other one." He grumbled, turning and continuing.
"Have you ever tried to locate the creature?" I asked. If you're wondering, the creature is Sutato. His appearance fits the description, however, I am keeping his little secret safe. I could go out and tell them that he's alive and well--- but ... the guy doesn't need this anymore. He's perfectly happy with his new life, I don't need to drag him back here again.
"No. Sparrow never allowed us to hunt down any of our escaped prisoners. He always says that the mental pain them should make them forget of this place--- and thus, we never get caught." He answered.
"And the collar. The collar helps make them forget all of those memories." I said.
"Right! Glad for the technology that we have!" He chirped before dropping his happy expression. "But ... I do wish we can stop the attacks on the magaturs. Don't you think we've done enough?"
"... I don't know," I answered. I'm surprised a humi asked that, I wonder if the others think the same way. But I'm not allowed to stay here longer than I should. Sparrow doesn't allow me to become a smart person alongside him. "I'm not a humi like you guys are, but you could ask your fellow humis around."
"... I could." He nodded, smiling at me. "Thanks, wolf." He looked forward as we passed a door that automatically closed behind us when someone passes through. In front of us, there was another door that was closed. The air pumps turned on and suck out all of the horrible odor in the air before replacing the scent with a lavender scent. Soon the door opened in front of us, revealing an office room where its floors were scattered with papers and broken boxes.
I lowered my ears and glanced over to the humanoid who sat in his comfortable chair. He was sitting on the right side of the room, staring at his PC motor before turning his head over to me. He gestures only to me to come in as Mark was to turn and go back to his duties. We parted ways as I walked forward, halting when I neared his desk. He crossed his legs and stared at me with his stern expression, "Any ... reports on the Safty Lake Colony?" He asked, grabbing some stabled papers and turning to glance at them.
"The colony has recently accepted new members into its wakes. None of them were important at first--- however, two of them seem to be interesting ... say to least. One of them is an enchanter--- while the other is a sibling of the enchanter." I answered.
"The Rose Family?"
I nodded my head. "The Rose family has come together at last."
"Not, at last, we're still missing the father." He reminded me.
"Yes, unfortunately, he's not with them. Perhaps he's with another colony--- but traveling to where ever he is, is going to be difficult to bring him back." I said.
"Then we'll focus on what we have now. You said that the twin siblings- one of them an enchanter?" He asked.
"Yes, I did."
"I would love the idea of stealing her away from her family, but I also want the other two. I wonder for decades upon feeling the power of an enchanter--- but as well as other sources from other races." He slowly grinned as his twisted expression was showing up with his dark pitch eyes with red dotted pupils in them. I make sure to keep my guard up.
"Found you--- a fake ninetales, but perfect with enough power." He stood up as I slowly backed away.
"But you begged like a young child- a helpless baby animal, wanting his baby brother back." He grinned widely with the corners of his mouth reaching his ears as he approached me.
"... Y-Yes, I d-did."
"I would love to collar you to see what you can do under my control. But unfortunately, that would corrupt your power." He said, dropping his creepy-ass grin before turning his head away. "But..." He slowly turned towards me, instantly grabbing my neck and holding my body up in the air. "Why do you say that ... for when that human asked about how much damage they've done to the magaturs to tell to the other humans? Are you betraying me now?"
"N-No! It was just common talk, sir!" I answered quickly, doing my best to not react to the tight grip of his hand around my neck.
"Right!" He dropped me as I fell to the ground, lying on it as I catch my breath. "Forgot it was common talk. Forgot humans talk around here like it's a business." He made a deep chuckle before turning and walking back to his chair.
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"Continue on with the report- what else have you done?"
I slowly rose to my paws as I forcibly perked my ears up, acting brave as if this man doesn't scare me. "Unfortunately ... the colony has banished one of the powerful enchanters."
"That's no trouble, we'll find her again. Continue." He flicked a hand in the air with a careless look.
I breathed before speaking once more, "... The action of... splitting up the colony is in process. I have successfully convinced three demons to tear them up from the inside out. I'm hoping that the rumors would spread all already to each member - so that they can turn against the enchanter leaders."
I dealt with some demons in the previous days, which worked. Surprised. But I'm not afraid of demons. Oh. There are demons within the colony, only three of them sadly. But that is alright. Maybe ... I can show them to you all one day.
"Perfect." He grinned widely once more, standing by his chair. "Now ... we just have to play the waiting game. My army isn't ready for an attack like this within a month. If the colony isn't ruined within the second month of next year, we will attack the colony. You best be ready by then."
I nodded my head quickly. "I will make sure the plan will be on track and done given that amount."
"Perfect. Now, before you go, I would like to show you something." He said before turning and walking over to the metal door on his right. "Come." I slowly padded over and followed him. We entered into a different hallway- so cold and chilly, but my fur should be enough to keep me warm. Shortly we entered a room that had a massive blue tank in the center and against the wall. There were more of those humans running around and doing their usual things for the creature that resides within the tank.
We were greeted and respected before halting in front of it, glancing at the creature who had similar features to a demon. He did not look like Sutato- instead, he actually had a tail this time. But his wings were huge and so were his horns and it looks like he's been clawing at them. I could see blood trailing down his horn mark and down his face as he turned towards us and couched down. He was frightened of our appearances I almost frowned.
"... Mind telling me the blood on the creature?"
"Well- firstly, ever since our last demon broke out and escaped, we created this one and keep it under tight security ever since. Secondly, this one wasn't mutated to have horns on his head- which angered me. So we permanently shoved demon horns into his head by my command." He answered.
"Oh, interesting." I nodded, pretending to agree with his sinister acts.
"Indeed it is... I can't wait to use it for when we attack the colony." He grinned widely with his twisted self.
"Can't wait until what this one will show us!" I chirped, lashing my tails around.
"I'm glad you could join us at last." He smiled down at me with a genuine expression.
I nodded, before perking up my ears and over to the door. Oh right! I turned back to him, "Will---"
"Will this be enough to set your brother free?" He said the question I had in my head. I lowered my ears, nodding my head. He chuckled and walked towards the door. "If you do well, I will set your brother free."
I nodded, "I will! I will do anything!"
"Good. You are free to go." He said, waving a hand in the air before continuing his walk all the way to his office. I smiled for a moment before bouncing out of the hallway and out of his office, entering the experimental section. I rushed through the room before halting at the sight of the fused dog-manticore. It was glaring at me before exiting its cage and over to me.
I turned and left the room as it followed me into the darkness. My marking glowed as it proved the light for me again. "I hope ... you will be cured of your condition," I said sadly, turning over to the creature.
The creature widened its eyes, tilting its head. "I know you cannot talk because of your condition ... but ... I do hope you will be free from all of this," I said quietly before turning and continuing.
I heard the creature bark before watching it walk back to the place. I sighed and looked forward with an irritated expression. The man I met is the one and only, Sparrow. A cunning guy at it, but ... a tough cookie at that. He can read minds so I have to act stupid and naive around him. And make sure I don't think anything in my head. I'm not that stupid, Sparrow.
He can also hear everyone in the building or ... at least close to the next room. In vast rooms, it depends on where he is at. So, I have to be careful about where I speak. He couldn't hear me if I was out here. And he just said his army will be attacking the colony within ... two to three months?--- but I feel like it's within a month since ... the new artificial demon looking new and ready to go.
I exited the hole of the underground place, appearing on the surface of a dead forest. Everything was black and white as trees were burnt down and destroyed. No nature could grow here as ... this is the works of a dark elemental- possibly Sparrow's. Since he's a dark elemental himself.
I don't know much about dark elementals--- but I heard that they prevent life from ever growing back.
I lowered my ears and droop my tails as I spotted a portal in front of me, waiting for me to jump in. I crouched down and jumped in, appearing on Tall Hike Forest's floors once again. I sighed and looked up at the trees that stretch out far. I lowered my ears again and frowned. Every single time I see those creatures locked up, I wanted to go out of my mission- go against it and rescue them all. But I can't- I don't know how powerful Sparrow is.
Besides that, I told him about the siblings of The Rose Family, but I never told him that they were twins. Now, that I think about it, he didn't care about Aloe when she got banished. Is ... there something going on with her more than I know around here? Sparrow sometimes tells me what is going on but ... recently in two years ... he hasn't been. I feel like something is going on, but I can't put my paw on it. I'll have to ask Aloe and see if she's working with Sparrow. If ... it's the truth of my theory, then that entire family is doomed.
I shivered and sighed quietly. I stood up and padded forward, in the direction of the colony. I halted and looked up at the trees before crouching down. My markings glowed as the ice started to sparkle around my paws. I jumped into the air, landing on ice platforms before jumping up to a branch. The ice disappears as I jump onto other branches. I landed on the final branch, seeing the platforms from up here. I frowned and lowered my ears.
I am a spy for my own sakes. I'm so selfish ... I could go out and tell them--- get on with it so I don't have to greet Sparrow anymore. I don't like being around that guy, he's fucked up in the head.
But I don't do anything about it. What a fool I am.
I sighed and crouched down, leaping down onto the platform, scaring some folks around. "Watch it!" They would shout as I looked forward and continued my way. I ignored their questions about shapeshifting into my humanoid form and so on. I should have moved that teleportation to my room- but ... Castit would have found out if he was home.
But the dude doesn't even check, though he might, since it seems like he doesn't trust me all the way with the lies I pull. I halted at the T-section, looking in the direction of the residential area. I turned my head over to the direction of the hospital. I will miss the interactions that I have with his group ... for when the battle comes ... very soon. They were the most entertaining ones so far. Well, time to go and ruin an entire colony.
But first ... I want to rest. Seeing that dude made my muscles stress like it was nothing. I shook out my fur before heading in the direction of the residential area, watching a bunch of folks walks by me with their usual talks. I padded through the area and over to the familiar cold-looking house where I made a part in. Yes, I made some parts of it icy looking, but that's only because I lost which house I was in from the last report.
Don't want to lose it again.
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I begin to walk on the bridge, getting halted by a foot. I looked up at the figure, seeing a blond humi with a grin. I narrowed my eyes, growling with annoyance. "Hold on! I have something for you!" The guy whispered, looking panicked.
"Back to your house?" I asked.
"Yes." He nodded.
"Then take me there, make it quick since I'm tired as hell," I grunted.
"Alright!" He chirped, turning and leading the way to his house. The house wasn't that far from mine, only two houses to the left of mine. Which means, a short distance from heading on over. The blond guy opened the door and allowed me inside first before walking in and closing the door. I padded over to the large living room, staring at two other humi-looking people. One of them was another blond guy, whose fake name is Bland. The other is a black-haired woman, whose fake name is Mary. The blond guy that showed me here, who also has a fake name is ... Jaxon.
I sat down on the floor, glancing at all of them. "So, I was told you all have something for me-"
"A. WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT BEING IN YOUR DEMON FORM?!" Bland shouted, glaring down "Jaxon" who was in a different form, other than his humi one.
"Well ... I'm SORRY. BEING in that form is EXHAUSTING." A hissed, lashing his tail. A was about 70 inches tall. He had blue-gray hair with huge fox ears and small devil wings on his lower back. Along with a skinny long tail that leads to a big diamond shape at the end of it.
Bland grumbled, folding his arms, "You are always disobeying orders and I hate it."
"... It's alright, Aokyo. A is perfectly fine here with his demon form." I told him.
"Bland" whose real name, Aokyo grunted before turning over to Mary. "You have no saying in this, Future?"
Future, "Mary"'s real name shrugged, "I'm just here to report my part of this deal. Not to deal with your shit."
Aokyo continues his grumbles before turning his head back to me. "OKAY. Let's get this over with then so we can return back to living in this dumb colony." He stood off of the couch and over to us. He halted when he started speaking, "I have an icolk with me and if I offered anything for an exchange of training it, then we'll have extra help. But ... the rumors that the mythics are talking about are slow in working. At least, from where I am."
"I heard it a lot around my area. Especially when Aloe- one of the council leaders was banished." Future voiced in. "Some mythics are turning against Aurora because of her actions. But, they haven't made a move yet to confront her."
"Uh ... S-Same here!" A chirped. "I've been doing quite well on my end! Some mythics don't like me ... but! Oh well! I'm here and they'll have to listen to me."
"Turning against Aurora, huh? Guess some liked Aloe a bit too much." I spoke, flickering one of my tails.
"Who cares," Aokyo grunted. "Is that all of now?"
"He should be asking that to us, not you, Aokyo." Future told him.
"I. Don't. CARE. I just want out of this house before this mythic starts his damn teasing!" Aokyo hissed at her.
You shouldn't have said anything. "Awww, I was happy to see your face~" I pretended to whine. "Seeing you leave might make me upset."
"I'm leaving!" Aokyo hissed, storming past me as he attempted to kick me but I dodged in time. He walked out of the house, forgetting to close the door.
A rolled his eyes, "I happen to like your teasing against my brother."
"Glad you do." I looked up at him.
"Am I excused?" Future asked.
"Yes. Yes, you are." I nodded.
"Good. See you two next time on the next report." Future spoke, walking past us and out of the house. She closed the door before leaving the two of us in the house. I looked over at A as he transforms back into his humi form. He turned towards me, smiling before dropping it into a frown. "I really wish we can live alongside, the mythics. But ... you know how history goes."
"You don't need to repeat what history is. You could change it by just living peacefully." I said.
"Eh. I'd rather hide in secret." A grinned before skipping over to the door. I narrowed my eyes before following him. "Anyway, I should continue this ... mission ... and be on my way. You take care, Neptune." He told me before walking down the bridge and into the residential area.
Those were the demons that I deal with. They offered me more information than I couldn't do and in exchange, I'll give them what they really want. Revenge against the enchanters. It was so easy to ... "direct" them on the correct path. Even if I have to handle one who's ... always complaining about everything. That's Aokyo for you. Future is more of a follower than a complainer, which I enjoy. And A ... well, he's ... an oddball. Not much is said about him as he doesn't describe himself all the way.
I feel like he has a split personality, but that may be just me.
I walked into the residential area, and back to the spot in front of the house. I stared at the icy house before looking back over in the direction of the hospital. ... Do I really want to go back and explain myself or do I want to sleep in my cold house and explain myself tomorrow. I lowered my ears, frowning a bit. I'll ... go back. It's the least that I can do. I walked through the less dense crowd, exiting the residential area and past the plus section. I looked over to my left, seeing the vined building come into view.
I stepped onto its bridge when I arrived, crossing it and halting at the door. At the same time, I saw my surroundings become dark as I assume nighttime was here. Great. Well, there's no turning back now, I'm sure Peruvian will allow me to enter after I helped her with the things today. I opened the door with one of my tails, allowing myself in before closing the door behind me. I turned over to the spooked deolk who was holding something in her hands.
Peruvian blinked and straightened up herself, looking curious at my arrival. She was behind a counter, doing whatever she was doing. "Neptune ... what are you doing here this evening?"
"I'm just here to give Castit a visit before calling it a night," I told her.
"... Alright ... don't stay too long in there." She said, returning back to doing what she was doing. I nodded slowly before continuing my way over to the hallway that leads to different patient rooms. I took the one on the right, second towards the hallway's arch. I opened the door handle with my tail as I stepped inside slowly. I looked over at Castit who stared at me with a cracker in his mouth. I almost snorted as I held it in. Gosh, he's so adorable. Even though my tired state, I say something like that?! What is wrong with me?
"Thought you going to see me another day." He spoke after pulling the cracker out.
"Eh, changed my mind," I said, stepping in completely and closing the door with my tails. I walked over to the bed, realizing my wobbly steps as I let out a yawn before I spoke about it. "Ugh ... didn't realize I was THAT tired."
"Then why don't you go home to sleep?" He asked, putting a cracker in his mouth.
"I'd rather not. I wanna stay here with you." I said, lifting up myself on the bed with my front paws. I looked around for a chair, thinking about lying on it.
"You ... rather sleep here?"
"Okay. Part of the bed is yours, I guess." He said as I turned my head over at him.
"I'm surprised you allowed me to sleep right next to you instead of on the cold floor," I spoke, getting up on the bed.
"I'm sure you could have handled it but ... knowing you, you do." He spoke, looking away as he continues eating his crackers. I gave a soft smile before lying down on the bed. I curled up and rested my head on the sheets. I stared at a wall for a second before gazing back at him. I watched my eyelids closed, wishing that I sleep in more so that I can continue watching him. But ... does that sounds like I'm a creep or is that me being weird again? Eh ... it's me being weird again. I need to stop that.
I could feel something brushing against me but sleep have already taken me before I could react to the touches. It dragged me down into the dreams and nightmares that lay waiting for my arrival.
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- End of Chapter 21
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