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_Sutato _
Learning about the two more was not that bad at all, and it didn't hurt either. Though I frown when the feaolk didn't explain much about himself, making me assume he doesn't like to talk about himself. That's alright, the l... lion folk? I forgot what they call themselves with the other word... anyway. She was happy enough to talk about herself for hours. At least it felt like that.
Carla appeared as such an extremely optimistic giant cat, told by herself. Though I think she's just a friendly and outgoing person with some optimism trailing behind her. She tries to understand more than she can handle, though her forgetfulness and distractions can sometimes cause her trouble and she hated that. She attempts to protect her friends but she also despises the mistake she did when she didn't step up for Castit.
For when her old group decided to suddenly attack for no reason and kick him out, she disliked the way she behaved. And she wished she could drop her hesitation and help him out.
Castit shrugged, telling her, "Everything turned out in their own way. There was no need to worry about the past and think of several different paths we could take. Things were done and it's their fault that they decided to be ... unlike what Tyler had in mind for them."
"... I ... I still think that I could have done something." Carla frowned, drooping her ears.
He turned his gaze away from her, avoiding hers as well. I could tell something was off about the two as they disliked what happened to their group. It was unfortunate it happened but their lives have changed and they don't have to follow what the two others have said. They're free now and they can live their lives whatever they wanted. I frowned slightly, looking down at the grass. I may not understand their experience, but the least I can try is to help them get through it.
And that's what I did. I drew their attention from just vanishing out of nowhere. It freaked Carla out as Castit raised his brows at me. I stood up, turned towards him, and placed a finger on my lips before walking around Carla. He seem to get the hint but not the motion as he turned over at Carla. "Where did he go?! Did someone in this forest take him?!"
He raised his brows, "You think some creature took him right in front of our eyes?"
"Yes!" Carla cried, getting up to her paws, "I don't want anything happening to him!"
"... I'm sure he's fine," Castit spoke, which didn't help her panic at all.
"He's fine--- AHH!" She jumped and turned around over at me when I poked her invisibly. I smiled as I backed away and held a snort from slipping out. Her eyes frantically searched the area, trying to find out the "intruder" she thinks slipped into this forest.
"I don't think you need to worry, Carla. I think he's totally fine." Castit said with sarcasm in his tone as he stood up on his feet.
"Don't play jokes with me, Castit!" Carla turned and glared at him.
"But I'm not." He grinned with a smug expression. "Trust me---"
"I DON'T TRUST YOU." She hissed as she flinched from me popping right beside her visible. "SUTATO!" She hugged me as I disappeared from the air again. She stared at me as I realized she still had her paws around me. "Wait ... wait--- Wait a minute. Did I just dramatically freak out because I thought someone took Sutato--- but in reality, he ... he can turn invisible?!" She let go of me and turned towards Castit. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!"
He snorted, placing his arms behind his back, and shrugged, "You were gonna find out sooner or later. No need to tell you."
She huffed and turned towards me or the last spot I was in. I wasn't there anymore as I was behind Castit and I proceed to poke him in the neck. I flinched back when he jumped and as he did, I got hit by one of his wings. It sent me back as I fell into the water below. Okay, I deserve that one, but my head hurts from that swing. I rubbed my head as I coughed quietly, becoming visible to their eyes.
"Excuse me?!" Castit hissed at Carla. "I didn't mean to do that! That was just a self-defense instinct!"
"Self-defense instinct?! You shouldn't know---" She stopped when I splashed water onto the grass. I shot a deadly glare into her, making her flinch, and lower herself to the ground. I grunted before getting out of the water and onto the ground. I felt heavy with my clothes soaked with water as they dripped with droplets onto the floor. I shivered before summoning a flame in my hands, I held it closer to me as I felt the water being drained from my clothes, probably returning to the lake.
I sighed and lowered my hands, making the flames disappear as I looked at the two, "... I didn't mean to do that to you, Sutato. You're alright, right?" Castit asked, padding over to me as he looked a little panicked.
I nodded slowly, confused at his panic before turning my gaze to Carla. She looked guilty before perking up, "Sorry, I won't do that again." I slowly nodded before sighing.
Well, that didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but afterwards, things are seen to cheer up when Carla asked about what else I could do. I didn't write much about it but something else distracted her and my powers were safe. It's not that I don't want to tell them, I just don't really understand them myself. I know I can turn invisible, summon flames but they don't behave as flames--- rather than dry anything immediately, and I can enlarge and shrink my wings. Oh! I can also shapeshift but ... I rarely do that.
Maybe I was trying to avoid hearing one of Carla's rants about what race I am. I'm ... slowly getting annoyed with it. I don't know.
By the time I look behind me, days went on by and the lioness already fit in perfectly with the wild rabbits. I'm not so sure how she can handle or ... befriend that side of the rabolks but ... I won't judge. At least, she has some new friends to call.
I stretched out my limbs, letting out a yawn as I opened my eyes up to the ceiling of the shack. The darkness faded and the light was here to pull me out of that mindscape. I blinked once before sitting up and glancing around. The light outside of the shack was bright as ever, making me assume it was afternoon. I turned towards my journal on my right, taking and placing it in my jacket before getting up to my feet. I gave one last stretch before approaching the entrance. I halted in the entryway, glancing into the tall grass when I noticed a lioness hiding in them. "I can see you, Carla."
I blinked at the voice, turning down to Castit sitting right next to the entrance.
"Hehehe, no you don't." I heard Carla say as I snorted, making him flinch from my sound.
He turned towards me, looking relieved to see me, "Good afternoon." I nodded my head and glanced up at Carla who pop her head up to say the same thing to me but differently phrased.
"Thought you were trying to hide from me?" He asked, turning towards her.
"I WAS! I was saying good sun-high to him as well." She grumbled, crouching down in the grass once more and trying to sneak up to him.
"Mm-hm." He muttered before continuing to watch her. I smiled softly before turning over to the skies, thinking about winter. I think it's coming very soon in a couple of weeks from now. The rabolks will be less active and there may be more trouble in the season. I frowned at the sight, disliking the idea of people coming in and hurting other people. But ... that's the way the humans do it as such. I tilted my head, remembering that the rabolks and Carla calls them humis instead of humans. Maybe ... it's how they were raised in? I turned towards Castit who was smacking away Carla's paw as she rolled over on her back dramatically, trying to play dead. He calls them humans instead of humis. Are there some races out there that say both terms?
I slowly nodded to myself, turning towards the forest when I saw birds flying into the air. Whenever birds fly into the air, there is danger lurking within the forest. I narrowed my eyes, walking into the tall grass and over to the forest. Did the rabolks miss this or am I just guessing there is danger in the forest? Either way, it is good to check and report back to the rabolks.
I walked in the direction, passing trees and bushes quietly while observing my surroundings. I stepped into a clearing, seeing some mess grass before looking up and widening my eyes at the sight. I saw a corpse of a rabbit lying next to a tree, shred to pieces. Only a head and its legs were missing. I turned my head over to a wolf pack where two of the wolves were fighting over a rabbit leg as one wolf was walking over to the shred-up body.
I turned my gaze to the closest wolf that had a rabbit in its jaw, squealing for help before getting crushed to death. I looked horrified as it spotted me, dropped the rabbit onto the ground, and snarled at me. My limbs started to tremble as the wolf inched closer to me. Move ... move! My mind shouted at itself. I blinked back to reality, shaking my head and turning away, running back to the clearing. I tripped and fell onto my face, wincing in pain before trying to get back up to my feet until I was dragged back.
No! I turned and kicked the wolf with my other foot, hearing it yelp as I scooted back quickly. The wolf shook its head and turned towards me, showing its red eyes as it caused me to have a flashback. Images of creatures going crazy at one another were shown in my head as I shook my head. No ... no, it ... it couldn't be a part of ... Advisor's army- no. no .. no, no. I refuse to think about that! I widened my eyes at the wolf that leaped onto me as I quickly rolled to my left and got up to my feet, spreading out my wings to dodge its next attack.
I fell to my knees when I pressed pressure on my left foot, wincing from the wound on my ankle. I glanced at it before turning my gaze at the wolf whose jaw was inches away from my face. I shielded my face with my right arm, feeling its teeth sink right into it. I felt it yank my arm forward, causing pain to strike through my body as I clenched my teeth from it shaking it repeatedly. I shut my eyes, feeling the tremble from the times I was in a black room, full of terror. I was reminded of the past, of the pain back then, causing my left hand to shift into a black claw.
In a moment, I slashed the wolf's face and made it let go of my arm. I slashed at it again to get it away from me as I immediately stood up to my two feet. My body was about to attack it back in defense, however, I held myself back, backing away from the wolf who suffered its wounds from me. The wolf rubbed its snout before turning towards me with burning rage. I don't think this is a normal wolf ... I think it's ... one of those wololks.
But ... why would it be attacking me? I spotted a collar around its neck as that answered my question. Oh. It's ... it's controlled. I frowned at the sight, stepping away when the wolf approached me with it baring its teeth. Suddenly I spotted a vine slithering towards it at quick speeds, wrapping around its neck and blooming into a flower that released some cloud into its face.
The wolf gagged before trying to bite the flower, unfortunately, it was getting slower and slower until it collapsed onto the floor, knocked out from the cloud. I flinched from the other wolves approaching, spotting the collared wolf first and rushing over to help it up only to realize it is knocked out. They all turned towards me, snarling and baring their teeth as I stood in total fear.
"Knock it off, wololks!" A voice came from the bushes, making me flinch as I turn my head over to some rabbits who jumped out. They formed plant platforms underneath them while they were in midair. They grew and towered over them as they glared down at the wolves. "You attacked our kind!"
"I think it's time to pay back the favor!"
"No. Stop! We must keep the one collared alive!" A tiny rabbit spoke.
"Because I said so." I heard Philia's voice jump in as she appeared right next to me. She turned towards me with her ears drooped, "I am so sorry this happened to you, Sutato."
I frowned slightly, panting quietly before glancing over at the wolf pack. "... Rabolks?" One of the wolves asked. So they were wololks. "Slash told us they were normal rabbits ... did Slash lied to us?" A grey wolf asked the silver wolf.
"I think he did. Slash was acting strange when we met him." A black wolf spoke,
"How strange?" Philia asked, commanding the plant platform to move closer.
The black wolf looked up to her, lowering its ears, "... More ... violent than normal."
"And controlling too!" The silver wolf spoke. "He was trying to control you mother."
"I know my dears." The black wolf nuzzled the silver wolf with their snout before looking up at her. "You can take Slash with you as he is the one who attacked your rabbits. Let's go, Silver and River."
"...B- ..." Philia closed her mouth and nodded slowly as I could tell she wanted to say something else. "Good luck out there, wololks." She told them as the three wolves nodded their heads, padding away from the scene. She turned towards the brown wolf who had the collar and was named Slash. She commanded a vine to wrap around the collar, squeezing it at some points before the vine removed itself from the collar. She turned over at me and the claw that was still active on my left hand. "Can you try and remove the collar?"
I nodded quickly and walked over, crouching down by the wolf. I placed my claw on it before making a quick slash, breaking it in half before pulling it off of the wolf. "Get the wolf to the cave before it wakes up. Tell Paradise to heal it."
The other rabbits nodded before summoning vines to form underneath the wolf and carry it away. I slowly stood up, limping slightly as I winced from the wounds I still had and possibly forgot. I blame those tests in the past for my forgetfulness. "You best go to the cave as well to get treated," Philia told me. I nodded and followed after the group of rabbits.
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_ Carla _
I stared at the cave, lashing my tail impatiently--- and also worrisome about the movements. I was nervous, and anxious when I saw Sutato all injured and being told wolves harm him. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was worried about him, buuuut ... I slowly turned my head over at Castit, who looked more worried- similar to how a mother is for her child. I think he's more worried than me. "Chill," I said.
"Don't tell me to chill." He hissed, glaring at me. "He got injured by a damn wolf! Why would I chill?!"
"Worrying can get you to dangerous places!" I told him, returning the glare back at him. "If you worry too much, it can be unhealthy for you."
"Oh please--- I'm not the person you should be worrying about. He is--- but whatever." He grumbled quietly, sitting down in the grass and glancing away to the cave entrance.
I pinned my ears, sighing in annoyance before sitting down and turning towards the cave. "At least ... we were lucky enough to report to the rabolks just in time when we knew something was up with him."
"Yeah..." He muttered quietly while nodding slowly. I shook my head slightly, ignoring what just happened. But ... I can't help but think that he doesn't care about his own welfare. Shouldn't he anyway? Why should you stop caring about your health? I know ... - I-I know he worries for Sut here but ... he shouldn't have stopped caring about himself. I shook my head once more. No, I won't argue it with him, I'll just be sounding like Purity like I did before when I found him again a few days ago.
I spotted a humanoid with rabbit traits of them stepping out with their leaf clothing. I tilted my head as I got up to my paws, noticing Castit did the same as he walked over to her. I followed behind him, watching the humanoid smile at him, "Before you even ask, yes. he is doing fine, feaolk."
He sighed in relief, nodding his head. "Good--- good that he's doing fine. Is---"
"Yes. You can also see him." She spoke, cutting him off as she knew what he was going to ask. She turned and walked in as he went in first when she was out of the way. I narrowed my eyes, walking forward. I halted and checked to make sure I could fit in. I should be able to. I stepped forward and hoped that I didn't get stuck, and I didn't because I made it to the other side! Good. Don't need to embarrass myself now.
I looked over to Castit who waited for me as I spotted the humanoid rabolk before, entering a different chamber. I turned my head over at him, padding over. "Who is she?"
"... They?" I blinked in confusion, leaning my head back.
"They are one of the healers here." He explained while skipping over the question I had for what correction he made to my question. He turned and walked into the chamber.
"Wait! You didn't answer my other question!" I said, padding in after him.
"I thought you would understand it, but you don't?" Castit asked, turning back to me with raised brows.
"Yeah. Why call her a "they?" She's not multiple people in one body--- unless she is, then it's fair." I said, standing my ground.
"Well--- maybe because they're not a female and THEY don't want to be called a she." He explained, walking over to Sutato--- who was sitting on a ... moss bed? I large one I assumed. I narrowed my eyes at him before shaking my head. I don't understand the concept but okay. I padded over and sat next to Sutato as he greeted me with a wave and a nervous smile. I smiled back as he turned to write something in his journal.
Castit sat in front of him as he showed him the journal, "... What we were talking about just now...? Well--- just explained to Carla that Paradise doesn't go by she/her pronouns. That is all."
I rolled my eyes, gazing at Sutato who shot me another one of those deadly glares. WHAT DID I DO WRONG NOW?! I lowered my head, looking guilty as he dropped it. He turned back to his journal and wrote something in to show Castit. "... You're worried about the wolf?" He slowly looked up at Sutato with a mix of confused and annoyed looks. "Why? The wolf clearly injured you."
Sutato frowned, writing something else in the journal and showing it to him, "... It was controlled?" Castit asked, looking confused as Sutato nodded.
"... Controlled?" I repeated what he said, thinking for a moment. I never heard of such a thing before but I have dreamed of those who were mind-controlled in some way in my visions. I looked over at Sutato, opening my mouth to speak, "How were they controlled?"
He turned to me and motion his finger to go around his neck, making me confused for a moment. "... A collar was on the wolf's neck?" Castit guessed. I blinked at him before gasping, realizing what he was trying to picture.
Sutato nodded as Castit narrowed his eyes, "... I still don't trust the wolf..."
Sutato frowned before nodding his head in understanding his trust issues. I believe Castit was always born with trust issues, and he has a hard time trying to control them. At least it's not bad as his sister's trust issue was. Sutato turned his head back to his journal and wrote something in it before showing it back to Castit once more. "... You ... want to see the wolf, don't you?"
Sutato nodded with a nervous smile, holding his journal tightly. Castit sighed as I tilted my head, "If he's worried about the wolf, why not let him see it?" I asked.
"I'm not so sure if it's a good idea to see the wolf. What if it's afraid and freaked out?" Castit asked.
Sutato and I paused to think about that for a moment. Oh ... that could be ... true. After getting mind-controlled by a collar ... yeah. I nodded in agreement as I turned to Sutato who frowned with guilt on his face. "You didn't know, Sutato. Don't be guilty or ashamed of a question you asked." Castit said.
"You can always visit later or tomorrow if you have the chance. The healers may be with the wolf at the moment." I spoke, giving Sut a gentle smile.
Sutato slowly nodded, gripping his journal tightly before sighing. He glanced up at both of us before looking over at the entrance behind Castit. I frowned slightly before blinking into a different environment.
I widened my eyes when the familiar environment melted into a foggy setting. Not very dense, just enough visibility to see the tall, giant trees that stretch up into the air and ... possibly into the sky. I blinked multiple times, gazing around as the bark of the trees was a mix between red and brown, making me halt my paws in placement. Wait ... Why am I in Tall Hike Forest? I thought, looking confused as I didn't understand this sighting. Oh. Uh ... Tall Hike Forest is a forest where fog rests and collects here between the trees that tower over anything. It is a perfect hiding spot for any folk who is hiding from the humis.
I lowered my ears before padding forward, scanning around. Nothing lies here or there at all. Is this another nightmare? It couldn't be, I don't get nightmares at all. I shook my head and continued. Wait. I wasn't even asleep- am I daydreaming then? I shook my head again and halted at the sight of a scene. I widened my eyes, spotting five humanoids getting swarmed by 8 humi hunters, and an 82 inches tall box. I looked puzzled, getting a closer look at the scene. I noticed five of those humanoids were feaolks as they looked pissed at the humis, shouting at them to disappear and never come back here again.
I turned my head over to the humis, pinning my ear as they were grinning like sinister little shits. I hissed, growling lowly as I unsheathed my claws. Rage built up within me as I crouched down. Those bastards ...- flashes of my family, my biological family were in my mind. Blood splattered across the land as my mother looked horrified at me while protecting me at the same time. She told the young me to run. Escape out of the area. Those BASTARDS! They killed my family for no damn reason!
One of the humis turned and walked over to the box, unlocking it with a key and opening it. As soon as it opened, black fog ran out, covering the less dense fog with its colors as the feaolks backed away in slight alarm. I widened my eyes, shivering at the thought of them capturing and using our own kind to kill the rest. Great. What did they cook up now? The door was wide as I saw some of the feaolks being affected by the fog. Their faces twisted in fear as they backed away from the group. I spotted some of the humis had masks on as they weren't affected by the black mist. I wasn't either for some odd reason.
Is this a vision?!
I never got a vision when I wasn't sleeping at all!
Shit- I should have known it was one! Okay. Okay, Carla. Focus! I stepped closer, trying to get a clear view of the creature that was creating all of that fog. Red eyes opened and glowed with hatred, though felt like it was forced upon them. I shivered as the figure walked out, revealing their appearance as I drooped my ears with my eyes reaaaaaaally wide. With black horns that looked longer and bigger and large wings that could knock anyone down, I couldn't believe who I was seeing. It was Sutato. He ... appeared to be something that I have never seen him in such a difference.
He was mostly covered with huge black spots all around him with half of his face still having his white skin tone stationed there. His hands were huge and replaced by claws that looked like they weren't cleaned off by the last target he killed. I spotted a tail lashing behind them as his neck was claimed by a black collar that had a light on it, flashing red.
I ...- Is he ... is he controlled by the collar? Seeing him ... all hostile and mean-looking is weird to me. I stepped forward, attempting to get a closer look but instead, I made the scene shift into a different environment. What is it now?! What else do you need to show me? I turned around quickly, seeing my environment change to a large platform that had blurry buildings and most of the fog cleared out of the way. I could see blurry figures flying above me as I was confused. A colony?
I blinked at the crowd as there were many different types of folks here with their animalic traits on their humanoid forms. Though, some looked to be disguised as a humi with their unnatural hair colors. They were all gathering around something, making me curious. I lowered my head and phased through them, halting when I got to the center. I widened my eyes at the same feaolks who were about to fight the humis against ... my friend. They were all injured and bruised as one of them was severally injured.
I watched that one gets taken away by healers I assumed as I turned over to a familiar feaolk I saw for the first time in eight years. The feaolk displayed a frustrated expression as she told the other folks to take care of the rest of them. She soon turned and walked away with another feaolk. ... Wait ... Don't go. I reached out my paw at her as the vision faded away and soon I was back in the cave chamber.
I blinked my eyes into reality as I turned my gaze around, getting stared down by three folks. Castit narrowed his eyes, being one of the first to speak, "What vision did you get?"
"Vision?" The rabolk humanoid questioned. "The lioness can receive visions?"
"Yes, I can." I nodded to her. "And ... it was a weird one," I told him.
"How weird?" He asked.
"Uh ... well, it's weird because it's my first ever vision from the past," I answered. He raised his brows, tilting his head as confusion twisted on his face.
"Aren't visions supposed to be in the future? Not in the past?" The rabolk humanoid asked.
"They're supposed to be, but ... apparently ... in my case--- my power, it's not," I answered, lowering my ears. "That makes the vision even more confusing to decipher. What am I even trying to decipher?"
"Well--- first off, what is the vision about?" Castit asked, lowering his wings to the ground.
I smiled nervously before turning over to Sutato who was curious to know. I gulped before speaking, "... I ... I think it's best if you excuse yourself out of the chamber, Sut."
He blinked with confusion, tilting his head as I frowned, "It's ... uh ... it's about something that ... maybe ... related to a past experience you ... might have experienced?" I'm sure that's the case since ... being mind-controlled can lead to problems with the mind. Trauma, flashbacks, all of that.
He widened his eyes and turned his head away, looking uncomfortable now. He slowly nodded before grabbing his journal and placing it in his jacket. He stood up carefully and slowly walked out of the cave, disappearing from our views. "I'll ... call him back when you are finished." The rabolk humanoid said.
I slowly nodded, turning back to Castit, "The vision took me to the past where I appeared in the Tall Hike Forest. It showed me a scene where feaolks faced off a humi group that looked like it could beat the feaolks all in one go. But they just had to open the tall box which had ... a mind-controlled Sutato in. Right as they were about to fight, the vision showed me another place where the now injured feaolks are presented in front of a leader colony in the same Tall Hike Forest. And ... that leader colony ... was our mother."
The two were in shock as they didn't move at all. The rabolk humanoid sat up slowly as she frowned, "Poor Sut."
"Mother ... was there?" Castit asked, raising his brows with a surprised expression.
"Yes. She was there in the Tall Hike Forest Colony. We've been there before, Castit. It's just that ... Tyler wasn't fond of the place." I said, frowning.
"... I wish we never left." He frowned, looking down at the floor.
"Yeah." I slowly nodded. "I don't know what this means. Is it a warning for the future? Is something going to happen that might have me use this knowledge towards something?"
Castit shrugged, looking back up at me, "I don't know, I'm lost as you are."
"Visions are tricky. I've heard only 1 out of 1000 folks have the ability to see visions from the future or the past-- or both. So ... knowing what the vision means is tricky." The rabolk humanoid said, frowning.
"Wow." I widened my eyes in surprise.
"Yeah, surprisingly isn't it? I'm not so sure why the folks are like ... you know, being born with abilities and powers. I feel like it all connects with all of us being born from the elemental's creations." She continued.
I smiled softly, "At least someone here agrees with me with Elementals creating all of us and creating the lands instead of SOME feaolk out there." I grunted, rolling my eyes.
"Oh let my sister believe what she wants to believe." Castit shrugged. "In the end, we are all believing in our own religious or beliefs of what we think is true or not."
"Castit has a point." The rabolk humanoid commented, nodding.
"Yeah ... I just don't believe her "three Gods theory." " I said, turning over to her. "And you, I have a question about you."
"Eh?" She turned towards me, blinking with confusion. "How so?"
"Not really a how--- well ... it is a how question. How do you even go by ... they/them pronouns? Isn't it a bit weird?" I asked.
"Shut. I want to understand why she goes by them." I growled at Castit.
"It's nice that she's trying to learn, you don't need to defend me, Castit." The rabolk humanoid told him before turning to me. "You and others may say it's stupid to go by they/them, but it is not. You can be called by they/them without actually having it refer to being multiple people. "They" is not just a plural noun ... right?"
"Yep. It is not just a plural one. It can be used to refer to someone as such or if you don't know someone's gender, that way." Castit nodded to them.
"Oh." I tilted my head, nodding my head. "I never knew, apologises for calling you a she then."
"It's alright. I get that a lot." The rabolk humanoid smiled sadly.
"Get that alot? Don't they respect it?" I said, looking serious and annoyed. People don't understand that one bit?
"... Some do while others don't, and I don't mind those who don't respect my pronouns. I just throw them out and live out my life." They said, getting up to their feet. "The name is Paradise if we haven't introduced ourselves."
"CRAP- Uh ... mine Carla." I smiled nervously. Paradise looked at me with confusion as I opened my mouth, "I forget to ask people's names."
"Oh. Well, I did that just for you." Paradise chuckled quietly. "Now time to get Sut." They turned and walked out of the cave chamber.
I stared at them as they headed out. I turned to Castit who had his arms folded at me with an unreadable expression, "... What?"
"Nothing." He shrugged. I narrowed my eyes before not even thinking about questioning him about what was in his head. I don't need to, I never do. I don't need to know what is going on with that man's mind.
Now ... what do I do with that vision?
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- End of Chapter 7
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