266Please respect copyright.PENANAOIt6OJF8zA
_ Tempest _
After we played a couple of activities, we visited one of the food places to settle down to eat. I excused myself from my friends and turned over to Seiro who was settling down in a seat. I narrowed my eyes and walked over to him. We were underneath an umbrella where it pose in the center of the round table. I halted by him and said my question.
"Can I talk to you alone?"
Seiro turned from the others and over to me. He blinked at me with wide eyes and surprise. "... Sure."
"Ooooooooo," Carla smirked with a smug expression in her human form. Apparently, it caused him to blush as I walked away. I turned my head over my shoulder, watching him follow slowly with his red face. I lead him to a place where not many people were there. I sat down in the high chair as I turned to him who sat in the other high chair, across the table from me.
"... So. What would you like to talk about?" He asked, continuing those red roses.
"Do you have a crush on me?" I asked, pointing a finger at him.
He lowered his ears, frowning. "... Wow. Is it that oblivious?"
"There's nothing wrong with it. I just want to know." I said, leaning on the table.
"Well ... I do." He nodded, avoiding looking at me. I frowned slightly, remembering what he said when I asked if he was getting himself a date. He mentioned that his crush ... who is me didn't love him back and it's ... making me guilty. I can't help to feel what I feel. But it's a shocker really.
I nodded, tilting my head. "I never knew someone could do that."
"Do- Do you mean feel feelings for you?" He asked, looking up at me.
"Yeah... sorry." I nodded, blinking away the embarrassment. "I ... I never knew that. With Aloe's constant words in my head, I kind of thought no one would ever be able to fall for me."
"Oh... Well ... it happened." He shrugged, looking away from me.
I slowly nodded. "... Well, it's new to me. ... uh ... does that change things between us?" I asked, glancing at him.
"... Not really ... I just ... have to be not blushy and I guess I didn't realize I was blushing. I mean, Carla back there made me blush because it literally made me assume that ... well that." He answered, looking back at me.
I rolled my eyes. "Carla needs to shut her trap." He nodded with a smile. I tilted my head, wondering why he has to not be blushy around me. "To be honest, you are allowed to be blushy around me. I won't judge you for it."
He stared at me with a confused look. "Do you REALLY know how crushes work? I'm starting to think you're clueless as Sutato is with it."
"I mean ... I know how crushes work," I answered, giving him a look. "You feel weird around someone you like."
"Yeah and if that crush finds out that they like you, shouldn't you be a little awkward around them?" He asked.
"No?" I answered, looking confused.
He stared at me for a really long time as I looked a little awkward. Was I doing something wrong with this experience of love? "... Okay, you are as clueless as Sutato is with this stuff."
I rolled my eyes. "At least that lets me know that everyone is awkward if that person tells their crush to their crush. Why ... would it be awkward again?" I asked, tilting my head.
"Because that person sees that crush as a possible love partner rather than a friend. So ... the two, sort of, distance from one another. Or in some cases ... they try to friend it out." He answered.
"Oh. Well, I have no opinion on it." I said.
He gave me a look, tilting his head. "You're really new to this love business, aren't you?"
"What'd you think? I never had a partner like that before." I answered, shrugging. "In fact... I don't think I ever experience the love blossom with the other kids since ... you know ... I was ... abused and ... kept away from the other kids."
"So you never actually experienced that kind of stuff." He nodded his head slowly. "Do ... you want to?"
"I don't know." I shrugged. "I don't know how to even love someone else."
"Well ... it usually starts out learning about that person and thinking if your interests match with their interests." He explained.
"Like ... how we both like to read?" I said I think we do.
"... Do you? I mean, I do, but I only do it for the information." He said, raising one of his brows at me.
"I ... would like to ... learn more of what this world is," I answered. "So ... both information?" I added on, tilting my head once more.
He chuckled, "Probably. But yeah, like that--- wait---"
"Yes, that was an example, Seiro," I said, chuckling.
He rolled his eyes, smiling. "I didn't realize that was an example."
"Yeah, I get that part but ... I guess I don't quite understand the feelings part," I said, shrugging and dropping my smile.
He tilted his head, rubbing his chin quietly before speaking. "... This part is ... more difficult to example because most of the time, people want you to experience it on your own. I try my best to explain it but ... I guess it happens over time when you hang out with that person. Like, go on dates ... walk around the ... colony or whatever beautiful place there is with them and so on."
"... Oh. I guess that makes sense." I nodded slowly. "When ... does it starts to click in?"
"That's one weird way to put feelings, well..." He rested his head on his hands. "Sexual feelings are immediately right away, the romantic feelings part may take a while."
I blinked with confusion, "... what."
He chuckled, "The sexual feeling is just ..." He slowly grew red as he realized what he was trying to explain. "... uh..."
"Jeez, you folks are really awkward trying to explain that part," I said, rolling my eyes.
"OH please, I have it bad here!" He grunted. "It's ... just ... something you really want to do. It's ... like an urging feeling you have every single time. Like you have the urge to pull out your feathers." He shot a glare at me. "It's like that. I ... uh... not me- Uh ... a random person with sexual attraction will have the urge to ... do ... the sex with someone."
I snorted as I was glared at again. ""The sex," I like how you word that. You're so awkward trying to say it when it's just a normal part of life. It's ... kind of adorable."
He blinked at me, "Adorable?"
I nodded with a smile. "It is." He looked like he was frozen from that compliment as I snorted, "I should have known. If you have a crush on me, then you're gonna become frozen every time I said that. Oh wait, will that make you stop teasing me? I'll gladly go with that if it makes you stop teasing me."
He grumbled, pinning his ears down before perking them back up. "Anyway, sexual attraction is like that." Well, he ignored my statement, that's fine. I think ... I like the idea of calling him names to make him stop teasing me. The teasing is annoying but ... I'll have my revenge on him with that one. ... This will be fun to do.
"... I won't assume anything of me yet ... you usually feel that when you look at someone, right?" I asked.
"Usually, yes." He nodded.
I nodded my head with interest as I have never looked at someone like that. "... Weird."
He snorted. "It's weird to you, huh?"
"I lied, I may assume something of me about that part. I never felt like that." I said. "But that's ... probably because I haven't experienced with any other folk yet."
"What about Azalea?" He asked.
"Ugh," I grumbled as he snickered. "She was literally ... while she was introducing me to herself, she was literally showing off her looks which just ... disgusted me." I shook my head.
He rolled his eyes, "Gosh. I can already feel your pain for that one."
"A girl did that to you?" I asked, raising my brows
"Yep. Not a good sight to see." He shook his head.
"What about boys?" I asked, resting my head on my arms.
"... Not really ... I think ... male folks try to impress me rather than show off their appearance." He told me. "At least to those who are interested in me. I declined them all except for one."
"And that is where your ex comes in." I guessed.
"Yep. He was an interesting guy but ... hid too many secrets and knew how to get me to follow him blindly. Which led him to force me to tell the truth of my ... horrible spy job." He told me, shaking his head slightly. "How could I fall for a guy that easily?"
"Did you fall for me easily?" I asked. Let's ... stir away from his ex for now.
He narrowed his eyes at me as I saw those red roses forming again. He smiled slowly as he looked away. "... I dunno. I think ... I started to fall for you when ... that day--- when I was talking with the demons. I ... uh ... started to call you adorable because you had a cracker in your mouth."
I snorted as I felt warmth coming down my cheeks. I lifted my head up as I stared down at my hands. Oh god ... I'm embarrassed by that now. "... I'm not adorable, don't saaaaay that." I protested.
"But ... there are other times when you are." He pointed out, grinning widely with his blush.
"I don't believe you." I huffed.
He snorted as I shot a glare at him. "Awww, look at cute you look~"
I squealed as I turned away from him. GOSH. I SHOULD HAVE NOT ASKED THAT QUESTION. I rubbed my cheeks, thinking I was embarrassed still. I heard him snickering as I looked up and over at him. I felt like my cheeks were starting to burst. I don't like feeling this way, what is this?
"You're so red~. I think ... you know, right? Please don't be oblivious as I am." He pointed out, frowning slightly before perking back up with a smile.
"Yes. I know I am red. But that's just embarrassment." I said, grumbling quietly.
He raised his brows. "I complimented you on how cute you look and you think it's an embarrassment?"
"Yes. Is there something wrong with it being embarrassment?" I asked, still feeling the warmth right there. Why is it not going away?!
"Define Embarrassment." He said.
I rolled my eyes. "Embarrassment is like ... something ... that makes you feel discomfort. It usually happens when you, OF ALL PEOPLE, say something that is looked down upon by me when people try to see it for themselves around here. Or if I don't want to let you see something within me."
"Is that the definition of me complimenting on you of that?" He asked, tilting his head.
I blinked, frozen for a moment. I mean ... it could be ... but ... the warmth is still not going away. I don't know how this is happening. Embarrassment lasts a while, doesn't it or does it lasts a short period? I think ... it's awkwardness rather than embarrassment. "... Maybe I'm just not used to people complimenting me and think that it's a ... forbidden concept that I need to reject," I answered, looking up at him.
"Well. If it is, then... I'll try to compliment you some more~"
I feel weird inside as he said that. "Okay. I think it's time to shut down your flirt comments and return back to the group." I declared quickly, getting up to my feet.
"Awww... I thought I was getting to you." He frowned before perking back up with a smirk.
"I don't know. You made me feel weird and I don't like that feeling." I told him, glaring at him.
He snickered. "Alright. I made you feel weird. Do tell me if you want, if anything weird is coming to you." He got up to his feet.
"Apparently, you're comfortable telling me all of the troubles, are you not?" He asked, placing a hand on his hip.
... Ooooh, he got me there. Great ... he's reading me like a book. How is he reading me like a book?! How does that work?! All of these questions suddenly appearing in my head troubles me. I rubbed my forehead, slowly nodding. "I guess I am and I became that way ever since you told me that truth."
"So. That's the only way to prove to you, huh? Well, it's a done deal!" He chirped.
"And you became yourself after that, which I like a lot," I said.
He nodded. "That's good."
"Are you having fun with your boyfriend?"
Seiro jumped and squealed at the same time as he turned over to the new voice. I raised my brows, walking around him to see them too. "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND, LITHE."
Lithe had a shake in his hand as he snickered. "But he is."
"If he's talking about us being boys and being friends, then I think he meant that way," I told Seiro.
Seiro stared at me before slowly turning over to his brother. "You fucking smartass." He hissed.
I snorted as Lithe chuckled. "What can I say? I am all in for the joy of that job." He grinned at his brother.
"OH SHUT UP." Seiro hissed.
"And I see a fellow smartass is here too." Lithe turned to me.
I nodded, grinning. "Yes, I am."
"Why not? Being a smartass is fun." I snorted.
"AAAAAAAUGH." He groaned and walked past us and over to the group direction.
"God ... It's good to see him again." Lithe said.
"I'm sure it is." I nodded.
"Take care of him if you two do become boyfriends." Lithe told me, narrowing his brows before turning and walking away. I blinked at him as I turned back in Seiro's direction. I don't think he meant that way at that time. And I don't know if it'll ever happen. I have to feel feelings for that to happen, right?
So ... we'll see.
266Please respect copyright.PENANAYwdP0XWjcq
_ Sutato _
"Wouldn't it be fine, Sut? Seeing me up in the fog and knocking people out of the sky?" Setchi grinned at me with a murderous face.
I shook my head repeatedly, signing, "No. It wouldn't be nice. I can't see you in there."
"But I can hear." He pointed at his ear fins. "I can hear quite well than the other folks here."
"No." I shook my head.
"Awww. why do you not want me to go up there? Wouldn't it be fun to watch?" He asked.
I recalled the few memories I saw from the last rounds. Feaolks were falling out of the sky and landing on the wooden platform. I frowned at the thought of that and soon deepened it when I replaced one of those feaolks with him. I shook my head. I don't want to see him get hurt so, I don't want him to do this activity. "Are we going to get something to eaaaaat?" I heard Bambi ask. He was on my back, having his arms wrapped around my neck. His head rested on one of my shoulders and I could feel his rabbit ears flicking every once in a way. "I'm hungry."
Setchi sighed, rubbing his hair slightly. "Alright. I guess we can take a break from the last activities we did."
I nodded. "Yay!" Bambi chirped. "We can always come back here afterward!"
"Jeez, Okay. Tell me the main reason why you don't want me to join in the next round, Sut?" Setchi asked, walking forward as I followed behind.
I frowned, catching up to him and grabbing his shoulder. He halted and turned towards me as I signed, "I don't want to see you get hurt."
He tilted his head and frowned slightly. "... Hurt? I ... I won't get hurt, trust me on this, alright?" He asked. He must have only got the word "hurt" from that statement I signed.
I frowned at him as I heard my name calling. I turned over to the voices, widening my eyes at the two familiar folks approaching us. "Oh... great, it's them." I turned and glared at Setchi. I shook my head at him as he sighed quietly. "Alright, I guess, they aren't as bad as I think they are. But the way they interact with one another is ... weird."
I continued my glare at him as he frowned, "Alright! Alright. I'll give them a go."
I nodded my head before turning over to Pearl and Dan who halted in their steps. "Hello! It's nice to meet you guys again!" Pearl greeted, giving a wave. "How is the festival?"
"It's ... good so far," Setchi answered as I gave a thumbs up.
I signed, "Can we talk about where the food is?"
"Sure! Follow us." Dan nodded, turning and leading the way. Pearl looked confused before following her friend. Setchi shook his head and followed behind as I did the same. We arrived at a food place where the place was blossoming with folks all around. We passed right through some, as a few of them waved at us. We ordered some food and retreated to a table. I carefully put Bambi down on the seat as he smiled with glee and ate his apple pie quietly. I raised my brows and grabbed the spoon-fork thing and handed it to him. He looked confused at it before slowly grabbing it with his messy hands.
I grabbed mine and showed him how to use it. Bambi gasped and glanced at the spoon-fork thing and used it to eat. I smiled but dropped it when he was getting very big pieces. "Careful kiddo, don't need to choke on your pie," Dan told him to the left of him.
"Oh. right." Bambi nodded, breaking the piece up into smaller pieces to eat.
I sighed in relief and smiled up at Dan. He returned the smile and turned to the center of the round table. I did the same as I glanced over at Setchi eating his food quietly.
"Soooo ... I have a question to ask and it may be ... not open to kids buuuuuuuuuut." Pearl started to speak, lifting her head up to us. "... Are you two boys on a date together?"
I slowly nodded as I turned over to Setchi who turned faintly red. "... How... is that not open to kids?"
"Bambi here may not---"
"I know what a date is! Casy told me all about it! It's when two people love each other very much and go out on dates! It's like hangouts but you do kisses to them!" Bambi smiled innocently.
"... Who's Casy?" Pearl asked, looking disturbed.
"He's one of our friends," Setchi answered, nodding his head at Bambi.
"... Well, tell your friend to keep these words out of the kid's mouth," Pearl said.
"... I don't think that's a good thing to do," Dan said, shaking his head. "I think we should teach kids to know these certain things instead of allowing them to learn on their own. Because if they do learn on their own, then they'll not be prepared for what comes next."
"It's still disturbing to hear "kisses" out of a child's mouth." Pearl shivered.
"It's not that bad. At least he knows." Setchi rolled his eyes.
"Which is the worst part," Pearl grumbled.
"ANYWAY---" Dan loudly spoke. "How are your guy's date?" He asked us, looking more genuine than Pearl was looking.
"... I don't know." Setchi shrugged.
"Fun." I signed, smiling at Dan.
"That's good for you, Sut. Why is it a "I don't know" response to you, Setchi?" Dan asked him.
"I mean, it's been a fun experience ... I can tell you that much, but ... I guess ... I don't know." Setchi shrugged, leaning on his hand while his elbow rested on the table. "... I guess, I didn't expect it to be ... like this? I don't know. Everything's weird and I can't seem to ... describe it."
I turned to him and tilted my head. ... What does he mean?
"It doesn't feel romantic as a date should be?" Pearl guessed, tilting her head.
"... No ... it's fine without it it's just ..." Setchi muttered quietly, lifting up his head.
"Does it worries you?" Dan asked. I frowned slightly at him before turning back to Setchi. I didn't know he was feeling like this, why didn't he tell me this?
Setchi looked over at me, shaking his head. "I guess ... I'm bothered by Carla's comments about relationships. Also, she's another friend who's ... uh ... well ... don't understand ... asexuals' and aromantics' ways."
"Ooooh." Dan and Pearl nodded slowly. "I say ignore her," Pearl suggested. "If she doesn't understand them then screw her."
"That's very helpful advice, but I'm afraid I cannot abandon her." Setchi smiled softly before dropping it. "I do want her to understand it but ... seeing her as she's ... a romantic expert ... I don't think it's gonna work."
I poked him as he turned towards me. I signed, "It's always good to try."
"Yeah..." He slowly nodded. "I have a question for you guys, I don't know if you know what it is but... I'll ask it anyway." He spoke to Dan and Pearl. The two leaned in and waited patiently. "There are different kinds of relationships, right? If there are--- which I'm sure they are ... then, can there be a type where ... it doesn't have to be platonic or romantic? I don't know if it existed."
I tilted my head with confusion, however, it disappeared when I thought about it. Platonic is like ... having friends right? And Romantic is ... uh ... what other people who aren't ... aromantic ... do with other people ... right? I don't know. I'm still new to the concept of romance. "OH! And ... doesn't include sexual. Forgot about that one!" Setchi chuckled nervously before turning disturbed and disgusted. I blinked at the word "sexual" as I tilted my head. What's that?
"There's ... queerplatonic relationships ..." Dan said as Pearl nodded to his word. "Frankly, a queerplatonic relationship ... is much deeper than what is usually considered as friendships and romantic relationships to other people. For example, you could be doing something that is considered romantic to others but for the both of you, it's not. I think people usually see cuddling as romantic and assume you have a partner with that person." Dan explained, having an annoyed expression. "Which, I wish they stop assuming things..."
"That's how people are, Dan. You can't change the way they think." Pearl said.
"I know," Dan grumbled.
"But ... doesn't it have platonic in it? Which makes it consider a friendship?" Setchi asked, looking confused.
"Hmm- while yes that is true, it ... still differs from friendships. Say. What would you do in a friendship? Would you try to be their supporting friend but don't provide closeness to them? Would you be afraid to cuddle them like how couples do to give them support?" Dan asked. I blinked, tilting my head. Tempest ... hug me and even cuddle me when I was stressed out, but I didn't see it as such. I thought he was there to support me. But I don't think that's the importance of this new ... word. It's ... It's an interesting word. So, he wasn't afraid to do that and I wouldn't be afraid to do that if people think it's romantic. It's ... not but ... I don't want to focus on that.
I tapped the table slightly, turning my head over to Setchi. He's done that before with me too. "... Wait. Queenplatonic relationships ignore the status of both friendship and romantic relationships and combine them together?" Setchi asked.
Pearl snorted as Dan shook his head. "It's Queerplatonic, and yes. sort of. It's up to you guys if you want to have your relationship considered as a queerplatonic one." He told us.
"We might need to talk about that on our own time when Bambi is not here," Setchi said, looking at me. I nodded my head, agreeing with that offer. I turned over to Dan and signed out the word "sexual," and then follow up with a question: "What is that?"
Dan stared at me with an uncomfortable expression. "... UH."
"What did he say, Dan?" Pearl asked.
"He ... he wants to know what ..." He paused and stared down at Bambi. Bambi looked like he passed out in the apple pie as he was snoring. I blinked at him, shaking my head. "... Okay, he's asleep. He wants to know what sexual means." He finished, looking uncomfortable to no end. I frowned, signing, "Sorry," to him. I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable. "It's alright, Sut." He told me. "I'm just ... not--- I'm trying to get away from the concept of it."
"Even if you feel it?" Pearl asked, narrowing her eyes.
"... Hey, I can be repulsed by the idea of it." Dan crossed his arms.
"Shit." I heard Setchi whisper to me. "Was he awake when I said the word earlier?" I turned to him and shrugged. Setchi looked like he was panicking. "I need to watch my mouth when I say things around that kid."
I turned back to the two as Pearl shook her head. "An Allosexual who's sex-repulsed ... that's a strange concept to grasp onto."
"Oh shut up." Dan rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, Sut. I don't think I can explain it to you." He told me with a frown.
"THERE'S A WORD FOR IT?!" Setchi asked, widening his eyes. I nodded to Dan. I can... always ask Seiro for it. He seems to know what romantic is, I'm sure he'll know what sexual is.
"Yep." Dan nodded. "Are you one?" He asked Setchi.
"DEFINITELY TO THE MAXIMUM." Setchi nodded his head repeatedly which made Dan laugh.
"Don't wake the child up," Pearl told him. "Infact, we need to clean up the child. His face must be covered in the apple pie slice."
"I think he finished it before he fell asleep," Dan observed, looking down at Bambi.
"Well ... we'll give him the time of nap he wants," Setchi said. "And then wake him up when we are ready to go."
"Yeah ... and since the festival is ending in 20 minutes ... you might want to start packing up," Pearl said.
I blinked at her, baffled to pieces. It's been ... two hours since then? "You're not allowed to extend the time?" Setchi asked, looking surprised.
"No." Pearl frowned. "Aurora didn't want the festival to last 3 hours in case we attract any humis here." She sighed. "Aurora. I'm sure we're far up from the ground where no humis can hear the loud voices."
"Aurora's just being careful, Pearl," Dan said, smiling softly.
"I know. I just ..." Pearl placed her hands on her forehead, looking stressed. "I feel like she's being too careful. Especially when you have the former combat leader roaming around the colony."
"... Wasn't she exiled?" Dan asked.
"SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO. But instead, I caught her flying around the residential houses. Why was she even there in the first place?" Pearl asked.
"Being evil," Setchi answered, grumbling quietly.
"... Aloe's evil?" Pearl asked, looking shocked.
"Yep. She is not to be trusted with as she's ... well ... working for the enemy." Setchi whispered. I don't know if ... you were supposed to tell them that, Setchi.
Pearl widened her eyes with shock on her face before anger twisted on her face. "She knows where this colony is. If that is the case- then, then ... what if they attack now?!"
I shook my head before freezing a bit. Wait, we weren't told if the enemy was supposed to attack us or not. I turned over to Setchi who was looking a little panicked. "... We ... have someone who used to be a spy for the enemy by force. We're going to ask him tomorrow when they're gonna attack." He told her.
"We need to tell Aurora to set up defenses," Dan said.
"And tell everyone!" Pearl said.
I shook my head, waving my hands in the air. No. You don't want to do that. Pearl turned to me as I signed, "You don't want a bunch of people running around and freaking out. That will cause Aurora to stress about how many people are doing that. Rather keep it quiet and wait for the signal. Then again, I vote for keeping it a secret and having people move out of here."
"What ... what did Sut say?" Setchi asked, looking confused.
"I agree with Sut. You don't need people to be running around when that could give the leader a hard time controlling everyone." Dan told her. "We'll keep this a secret until ..."
"We'll tell you when it's time," Setchi said, nodding his head quickly with a nervous smile.
"... Okay." Pearl nodded. "You better tell us the details for when you guys figure it out."
"We will and we better hurry to the entrance. Our group might be waiting for us." Setchi said, turning to me. I nodded, forgetting about them, and turned towards Bambi. Bambi stretch out his arms and yawned.
"I'm tired." He whined quietly.
"And you're a mess, kiddo," Dan said, grabbing a napkin. "Hold still." He told him and proceed to wipe the food mess off of his face. Once he was finished, we took our plates and put them in the trash. We then waved Dan and Pearl goodbye before walking away. I turned over to Bambi who wanted to be picked up. I sighed softly and picked him up, getting a grip on him in my arms. We padded over to the entrance, spotting some folks leaving through the archway while shifting into their humanoid forms.
"Man ... Time went by fast, didn't it?" Setchi asked, breaking the silence.
I nodded my head, turning towards him. "And ... we'll need to ... talk about what we agreed on earlier." He told me, and I nodded to that as well. He sighed and turned away from me. Once the crowd cleared, we could see a group on the other side. I tilted my head, staring at the giant lioness that was sitting next to the group. Oh, Carla ... doesn't want to transform into her human form. We approached them and a few of them turn their heads to us.
"Finally! We can go home!" Carla said, smiling. "How was your guys' date?"
"Fun," Setchi answered as I nodded with a smile. Paradise walked over to me, wanting Bambi as I handed the kid over to them. They carried their little sibling in their arms and turned away, walking back to their spot.
"Good. Any ... kisses?" Carla asked with a smirk.
"Carla." Setchi shot her a glare. "Quit it."
"AWww--- why not?" Carla asked, frowning.
"Because NOT EVERYONE IS ROMANTIC AS YOU." I blinked at Tempest's voice, which was shooting the lioness a glare.
"OKAY. NO NEED TO REMIND ME." Carla hissed back at him.
"Well, apparently I need to since you forgot about that back in the house," Tempest said. "Sorry, Bambi."
"It's fine..." Bambi mumbled tiredly in Paradise's arms. "... screaming at giant lion is like music to my ears."
"... Okay ..." Paradise nodded slowly, looking weirded out.
Carla rolled her eyes. "Well, I'll be waiting for the moment when you two kiss."
"We ... ugh..." Setchi grumbled quietly.
I turned to him before turning back to Carla. I think ... it's two people ... putting their lips on one another, right? Seems ... like a weird concept. But that's how people do the other stuff underneath the romantic bits. I saw that in the fantasy books that I once had. But ... why would she be so keen on waiting for that moment? Setchi is obviously uncomfortable with it. I glared at her, shaking my head. "Setchi is uncomfortable by kiss, don't force it on him," I said before blinking and gasping. OH MY GOD. I said a clear sentence! I SAID A SENTENCE THAT WAS CLEAR!
"Eh, he'll get over that stupid excuse," Carla told me.
I glared at her, "You stupid." I insulted her.
She leaned back and frowned, "Hey. That was mean!"
"Don't care." I sneered at her. "Don't understand, turn away and do your damn business."
She huffed and turned away, walking off. The group didn't follow her, instead, they were staring at me. I sighed as I rubbed my head. God, that was stressful to speak all of that, I'm going to go back to signing now. "Don't make me do the speaking next time, please." I signed.
"I mean, Tempest was about to speak up for me but you beat him to it, Sut," Setchi told me. I blinked and turned over to Tempest who nodded his head.
"I don't want to speak anymore." I signed.
"Alright ... I guess speaking is stressful to you," Setchi said, nodding his head.
"And that's alright. You can continue to sign if you want to." Tempest told me. "Making me want to learn all of the sign gestures."
"I mean ... we can," Seiro said to him.
"We all can tomorrow," Paradise told us. "But for now, we rest and figure out what we'll do tomorrow."
"So. We're meeting up back at the house again?" Tempest asked.
"We have to." Paradise nodded to him.
"Then it's settled then." Seiro nodded his head. "We'll rest tonight and gather up tomorrow ... morning?"
"... Maybe in the afternoon? Give everyone some time. Someone has to tell Carla and ... Winter about it. I'm sure Tyler would like to hear it too." Paradise said.
"Got it." I turned over to Winter's voice, watching her and Tyler pad over to us. "We'll come in the afternoon then."
Paradise nodded to her before looking forward. They gave a yawn before sighing, hugging their little brother tightly. "Okay, see you all tomorrow."
"You too, Paradise," Seiro said, walking forward already as Tempest slowly followed him. Paradise turned to us as Setchi and I nodded to them. They turned and led the way to the residential area. I turned and gave a wave a Winter who didn't wave back but Tyler did as he was slapped for it. I blinked at the two and turned forward. I shrugged and let out a tired sigh.
Tomorrow will be a day of planning.
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- End of Chapter 36
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