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_ Seiro _
"I might need one more book."
"No you don't, you spend almost all night trying to steal most of my books," I grumbled, trying to shove my brother out of the front door of the house.
"It's not even midnight, I'm sure you have the senses to know it is." Lithe gave me a dull look, not moving an inch. "Just let me borrow one more, it's important for a job I want to do in the future."
"Oh, what job do you want to do? You know, all of these "jobs" in this colony aren't actually jobs, right? They just work activities for those who want to do things for free. It sucks how this colony doesn't have currency." I grumbled, staring at him.
"I want to be a researcher for hybrids." Lithe said which made me pause and glanced up at him. "I want to ... study different types of hybrids and the only way to know if ... well..."
"To study us," I grumbled.
"... That too, but I won't be poking in privacy and all of that. I'm respectful when it comes to that." He said.
"Do you have both books of wololks and foxolks?" I asked.
"No, I'm missing the foxolk book IF YOU WOULD GIVE IT TO ME-"
"SHHHH, Castit's sleeping, you dork." I bonk him on the forehead.
"Oh? You mean your boyfriend?~" He grinned with a smug look.
"NO. Ugh. I'm going to get you that book so you can leave my house." I growled, turning and walking over to the mini library. I searched around for the foxolk book, it had a cover of a fox right on top of it. I looked through my bookshelves, putting back each wrong book with the wrong cover. I grumbled and perked my ears up at the whistle. I turned over to Lithe who had a smirk on his face as he held up the foxolk book in his head.
"Whoops. I must have forgotten that it was in my arms." He snorted. I felt irritation rise within me in seconds as I stormed over to him with my ears pinned down. "Hey, hey! I'm leaving! I'm going! But you ... watch out how you react angrily. We don't need anyone to know you're a real Keikama." He said, poking one of my cheeks.
I snatched his hand and noticed the lightning difference in his hand. I blinked as it disappeared, making me sigh. I noticed how my three tails were waving in such a water-like possession before lying down in a dormant way. I rubbed my face before nodding at him, letting go of his hand. "Yeah ... forgot about that one," I muttered.
"I think ... you need to reread the foxolk book some more." Lithe whispered, handing me the book.
"That is why I got two," I said, holding up my hand as another poof into existence. He blinked at the second book copy as he looked at me, pulling the real one back to himself.
"... That's new."
"I know. I've hidden it away from Sparrow." I whispered, holding it tightly. "He kept calling me one of those nicknames of the Keikama. But more of a false sense of it."
"Yep." I nodded.
"Of course."
"But only a false one since I've shown to have six in my wolf form." I chirped.
"That's because you are one." He joked ... I think, turning and walking over to the door. "Or at least ... that's how the stories go ... or that you just made yourself look like one. Infact, how did that monster even assume you were a false one? Doesn't he know the more tails you grow, the more powerful you get?" I don't think he joked about that one at all.
"I only have three tails, Lithe," I spoke. "Not the truth of it at all."
"Fourth soon for your upcoming 21st birthday ... maybe." He said, looking over his shoulder and at me. "I'll see you around, Seiro. Take care." He exited the house and shut the door as I sighed. I poof the book away and turned, walking over to the couch. I padded around it and sat on the soft seats, leaning back on them as I gaze up to the ceiling. 21st birthday ... it's on the ... 3rd of Yraur, right? I think so. Lithe's is on the 10th of Enuj. So far apart too. Ugh, why mines the first one to celebrate? I blinked, tilting my head. I wonder what date Castit's birthday is on...
Gosh, I can't get him out of my head, I swear. I rubbed my head repeatedly, trying to remove that guy from there. I sighed with annoyance and looked up from the floor and over to a figure who stood there suddenly. From the moonlight that shined on their back, their entire body in front was dark as I immediately assumed it was Sparrow coming to kill me for telling Castit everything. But when I got a closer look, it was Aloe. She didn't have the glowing red dotted eyes, instead, she had eyes of hatred in those violet shards. Rage built up within them as her wings folded behind her. "Nice seeing you on a night like this."
"So. You didn't follow your sister's orders?" I asked, perking my ears.
"Why would I? She apparently keeps forgetting who's in charge here." She hissed like a snake, flickering one of her fingers towards the table. The table in front of me moved roughly towards the wall to the left of me, towards where Castit's room was as I turned my gaze back at the feaolk.
"Another question if I ask, what are you doing here? Don't tell me it's for your nephew. I thought you were focused on the other one. Your niece." I asked, keeping my chilling posture on the couch. One arm was on the couch's back while the other was in my lap as my legs were crossed. My tails lay peacefully on the floor.
"It was until I realized I don't have control over her. And since I don't, I'm pointing all fingers at you." She hissed, glaring daggers at me. Oh. So she's visiting me? Oh, joy! "I thought you were on Sparrow's side, are you not?"
I perked my ears, looking confused. ... How ... do you know his name? "... You probably didn't know I'm working for Sparrow as well. Such a shame." She snickered, before leaping at me with great speed. I tried to move but she grabbed my neck before I could even move an inch. My feet were automatically trying to kick her off but she kicked them before pinning me down to the couch. I glared up at her with pinned ears, trying to grab her arms but she also pinned those down, along with her pair of wings.
A low growl started in my throat as she grinned with a wicked expression. "You should be punished. Sparrow should have punished you severely for when you disobey him and fell in love with a thing that wasn't part of the plan." She began, mixing her tone with the toxicity that I hated the most. "He should have continued, taking another step in those torture devices but he didn't. Saying he's uninterested in those types of things. Well, I'm not and I'm going to make it right."
"That's not your place, Aloe," I growled, struggling to move my arms but her wings battled against my strength.
"But it is. I'm older than you, perhaps I should be the one in control of this situation." She smirked. "Why don't we fix some things that are wrong with you?"
"No thanks, I'd rather not!" I shouted, trying to be loud to wake Castit up. My mouth was covered by her hand as my growl became loud.
"Oh stop growling ... it's so annoying with you wololks. I wish you were more with your foxolk side, where you don't make a sound at all. Maybe I should put that enchantment on you as I did with my nephew. But I don't wanna do that ... but I should since ... fixing your homosexuality is one goal I wanted to do in my life. Ever since seeing you in that place where Sparrow lay, I knew I had to get that part of you out of you for good-" She hissed when I bit her hand.
"No. You're doing this to keep me away from Castit. I know you're trying to do that. You're trying to make his life a living hell, why?!" I hissed when she moved her hand away from my face.
"Such a clever wolf-fox you are, but I'm not trying to make it a "living hell" you so call it. I'm trying to teach him a lesson but he keeps disobeying it. Going with these so-called "friends." This is why he is receiving punishment from one of my enchantments. And this time, you won't be able to remove it with your basic enchantment erasers." She spoke with venom in her tone. "And since you remove one of mine off of Purity and enchanted her to be immune to mine enchantments. This calls for punishment."
"I don't think so," I growled, attempting to thrash around to get her off of my body. She chuckled with a wicked grin before sealing the deal which I never wanted to happen. I shut my eyes and struggled her off of me, trying to move my hands over to her chest to push me off. She had her lips on mine and it was making me boil with rage. She fought back and kept the seal on, trying to hold my arms in place as she struggled with her knees pressing into my thigh to keep them still. She forgot one thing about me with it comes to appearances.
One of my tails grabbed her neck and pulled her off, using the last strength of my leg to kick her onto the floor. I caught sight of markings appearing and glowing, making me clench my teeth. I shot her a glare, watching her grin before getting up. "I thought you would like---" She flinched and jumped back when I teleported right in front of her to try to take a swing at her. She widened her eyes and for the first time, I saw fear presented in her expression. She hit the glass wall behind her as she blinked repeatedly before removing the fear with such struggle. "Fine. Have it your way then. I'll find some other way to get Castit away from you." She sneered.
She turned and bolted out of the room through the sliding door at quick speeds, taking off with a struggle before disappearing into the fog.
I breathed heavily and glared through the glass, all shattered onto the floor. I squeezed my hands tightly before breathing out an annoyed sigh. I lifted my hand up and flex my fingers out, reversing the time when the glass slide door was broken. Soon it was back to its original appearance. I frowned and lowered my ears, staring at my reflections when I saw the cyan glowing markings on myself. She saw it and now ... she will tell Sparrow.
I sighed as I told myself to calm down. Soon the markings disappeared as I felt my tails falling to the floor, returning back to their regular selves. "... Neptune?" I flinched and turned over to the voice, widening my eyes with a panicked expression. Lithe told me one thing and I went ahead and forgot all about it in one goal.
Castit was standing there with a confused expression, keeping close to the walls as he looked around the living room. "... What happened?"
I lowered my ears, frowning as I dragged my feet over to the couch. I collapsed onto it and groaned loudly, burying my face into its softness. Take me back to the place where I belong, I don't wanna be here anymore. I lifted my head and sat up, flinching from the presence behind me. I turned over to the feaolk sitting on the couch, next to me with a slight fear presented on his face. I continued my sad ears and sighed, "... I don't want to tell you if the fear gonna continue to spread along your face. Did you have another nightmare?" I asked.
Aloe ... Oh, you psychopathic bitch, how could you enchant his mind to have more nightmares of whatever you've done to him? I bet you sexually abused him like you tried to do that shit with me. "... Yes but ... what's going on with you? You're so ... filled with anger." He spoke, frowning at me.
I bit my lip, shaking my head. Even though I was lying with my head, I wasn't lying with the words I spoke. "... Something happened. That's all and it's too ... unbearable to explain." Please don't push on, I want to confront you with your nightmare problem. And since I can't remove the enchantment, told by Aloe ... I'm going to have to ask a powerful enchanter to remove it for you. But it won't hurt to try anyway.
"... Okay." He nodded, leaning against the couch before looking over at the new coffee table placement. He didn't seem to ask for its movement, almost like ... he already knew what happened. He couldn't possibly know ... unless he does know and ... he didn't come out because of Aloe. That's fine because I got everything under control. Wait, did he see me glowing? Please don't say he saw me glowing!
"... Do you want to sit here until you are tired again?" I asked, curling my tails around myself. This is unusual, they don't do this often but I think my body is trying to let me know I need something to hold on to. Also, whenever Castit gets his dose of nightmares from Aloe, he usually sits with me out here until he falls asleep and I have to put him back in his bed. It was hard to carry him with his wings, but I managed.
"Can ...--- ugh ... this is gonna be weird to ask of you." He grumbled. "Can ... you hug me?" He asked, shuddering with the word 'uncomfortable' written all over his face. "... Just this once."
"It may be not "once,"" I commented.
"Just. This. Once. I am not in the mood to be teased right now." He shot me a glare.
I smiled innocently as he narrowed his eyes at me. "Alright. I can hug you." I said, nodding my head. He shuddered once more before scooting over to me. I moved an inch toward him before wrapping my arms around him. He flinched from the touch but I gently patted his back, telling him in a gesture way that everything was fine, even if it may seem like it was not. He didn't seem to be enjoying it until his tiredness took over and he leaned right into my warmth. I smiled softly and hugged him into a tight one, resting my head on his.
"Will you ...---" He yawned mid-sentence before continuing his statement. "--- tell me what happened before I came out ... tomorrow morning?"
"... I will," I spoke softly. "I promise I will. If I forget, hit me on the head again."
"... I'll just poke you instead."
I huffed quietly, speaking up. "You're really no fun at all, aren't you?" I asked, however, I didn't get a response back. I lifted my up head and looked down at him as he was fast asleep. ... That's one way to avoid the question. I tilted my head and lifted up one of my hands. I made a circle in mid-way, making a zig-zag in the air with invisible lines close to one another. Soon a white circle appeared and I lowered it to Castit's head. The white circle flinched before breaking apart as I frowned.
So, she did huh? Well ... Plan B, gotta ask Aurora for this and I'm sure she'll be glad to remove this enchantment off of her son.
For now, I'll keep him safe tonight.
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_ Castit _
I grunted at the sound of Carla's voice, wishing she would have kept quiet. I rubbed one of my eyes as I noticed I was still tired. I want to return to bed, where the warmth was there two days ago. But I guess I can't when I have a Carla forcing me to go everywhere she wants to go. That's ... irritating. She's not but it's just ... bothering me just today. Today she was with Winter and Purity, which confused me about where we were going to go. Purity rushed to me and whispered to me all of the dangers that she saw in the house of the monsters. I think she meant Paradise's house with the three others. Don't tell me Setchi and Bambi torment you playfully.
"They were probably just playing," I whispered to her as we walked along with the snowy-wooden platform. I'm surprised it's not particularly cleared off, guess my theory was correct, someone's job is to clean the pathways off for the other folks to walk through.
"Maybe a little too roughly? Their games are ... strange. They're nothing like the feaolk's games where you race one another in the air while the nannies watch you. Why can't we go back to the colony where we used to be?" She asked me.
"... Purity ... I don't know where the Eastern Feaolk Colony is at and it's been years since we've left," I told her.
"Why did we leave?"
"... Aloe thought humans were trying to kill the colony and when the leader ... didn't listen, she took us away from the colony. But I think that's another lie she made up." I answered, frowning. "I do too wish we could turn back time but ... you can't. And I don't want to ruin the past right now."
"... I know." She frowned, lowering her head. "Why did mother listen to Aunt Aloe? Why did she listen to her every command?"
I looked confused at her, "... Right here or..."
"You weren't around when mother told me. So ... sorry if that confused you." She told me, looking forward. "I'm just ... wondering why she listened to her. We could have fleed! Followed where ever father went! And we could have been a big happy family! Now ... we're ruined."
"But we can repair that bond by getting rid of Aloe," I told her.
"How? She's too powerful to be killed." She blinked at me. We were on the log bridge to the hospital now.
"I can freeze her if you want me to, Purity." I heard Winter jump in. "That way she could stay in that block of ice forever."
"But what if someone comes and breaks that block? Thinking she needed recusing and not the other thing?" Carla asked her.
"... I..." Winter paused as I noticed she didn't think that plan through. "I--- We could hide her away."
"How are we going to move a heavy, huge ice block?" Carla placed her hands on her hips.
"I don't know! I'm just trying to help!" Winter hissed.
"It's fine. We can come up with something else." Purity said quietly, waving her hands in a "calm down" gesture. "For now, who are we visiting again? I forgot."
"Tyler," Carla said, looking over at me. "... We are going to need to explain ... her ... to him."
"I know." I nodded. Carla looked panicked before breathing in and out. She turned and continued, leading the way into the hospital's lobby area. We were greeted by Peruvian who asked what we wanted today. Carla said her wants and Peruvian showed us the directions to Tyler's room. Carla gave her a smile and a wave before turning and leading the way to his room. I felt nervousness pile up as I took breaths in and out, calming myself. I know it's been a long time since I've last seen Tyler. I wonder what he would say.
We opened his door and one by one we entered it: Winter was the first one to move quickly over, already pulling a chair over to sit by him by the bed. I narrowed my eyes as Tyler gave his girlfriend a smile. Carla walked forward and raised her arms in the air, announcing her presence as I shook my head. I turned over to my sister who was clinging to my left arm. I gave her a reassuring smile, wrapping my wing around her before guiding her forward. I turned my head forward and over to Tyler who was saying some words to Carla before turning his silver eyes onto us. "Well, there are the twins."
"Yessss ... there they areeee." Carla trailed off both "yes" and "are," making him look at her with a confused look.
He turned his gaze back to us. "Yeah. It's weird seeing you ... guys together like that." Tyler pointed out, tilting his head. "I'd assume you guys made up ... is that true?"
I halted as I removed my wing from my sister, gently nudging her away from my arm. Purity shook her head and made a face at me. I gave her a look as she stuck her tongue at me. I narrowed my brows, "... Alright, be the shy little sister you are." I whispered before turning my head over to Tyler.
"Then prove it." I taunted her. I gazed at her as she let go of my arm and stood on her face, looking nervous but annoyed at the same time.
"Heh. I guess you guys did." Tyler smiled.
"... We didn't make up," I said, turning my gaze back over to him. He blinked with confusion in his eyes. "It's ... complicated but I'm willing to explain what happened on that day and the ones forward," I said before he nodded. Soon I began by going over the beginning of the ambush. Then I followed it up with the rabolks who helped me with my injuries and told the side of the story I told to the fake Purity. After that, I dived into explaining how the fake Purity was doing things I still never thought could happen. All of that big bad stuff happened and it ended with Purity and Winter exiled from The Vined Forest with Carla deciding on her own destiny.
I saw Carla nod slowly to the left with Winter to my far right with a grumpy and wary expression. I turned back to Tyler who had a shocked expression. "... This group fell apart within seconds of me missing and being captured by the humis?"
"... Sorry." Winter muffed out as I sense guilt rising within her quickly. "I should have listened to my guts but my loyalty to that fake Purity was far too much to pass through." She had her head hung very lowly as she pointed it to him.
"... It's alright." Tyler turned towards her with a disapproving look. "... You keep saying "Fake Purity." What ... do you mean by that?" He asked, turning towards me with a half-confused, half-disappointed expression.
I saw my sister frown at the phrase as I continued on to answer his question. I explained how this Purity he sees right now isn't the Purity he knows. I went over to explain what happened to the group afterwards. We gained new members into a whole new group that I almost said I loved them. More of a friendship but ... they, sort of, feel like family to me. After that, the whole betrayal happened with the rabolks and we were soon cast away to the colony where my mother reside in.
Things were slow and I avoided saying the things that Aloe did to me but left out things that were important to hear about. Such as explaining how Aloe, our aunt been controlling and altering her whole persona to her own liking. I discovered on some day that Purity was underneath an enchantment and that I sought out a situation to remove the enchantment that was placed on her by Aloe. Soon, the new group and I worked a way to get the real Purity to herself as we keep a day immunity enchantment on her to protect her from Aloe.
"... So, all of this time ... the fake Purity wasn't the real Purity we know?" Tyler asked, narrowing his eyes.
"Yes." I nodded.
"... Can I ask a question to see if it's true?" He asked and I nodded. He turned his gaze over to Purity who waited patiently. "Do you remember when we came across Tall Hike Forest before?"
Purity shook her head before glancing over at me with a confused look. "What ... what is Tall Hike Forest, brother?"
"It's a forest with very tall, thick trees that had fog surrounding all around. You can't even see anything in it, not even the sky." I told her.
She shuddered, hugging herself tightly. "Scary..."
I nodded slowly, looking over to Tyler who had a puzzled expression as he tried to figure out what is wrong with my sister. He blinked repeatedly before nodding his head. "Well then. This will be ... hard to get used to. Depending on if we have trouble along the way. I'm Tyler by the way. A groolk if---"
Purity gasped immediately, widening her eyes as he stopped talking. "A GROOLK?!" I blinked at her reaction as she looked like she teleported to his bed when in reality she just bounced on over swiftly. "DO YOU FEEL THE EARTH'S CONNECTION?!"
Tyler blinked once more snickering, "No, no... I don't ... I---" He narrowed his brows with a small smile as he rested his head on his hand. Which was being supported by his elbow. "Actually ... I never really tried that before. So no, I haven't. I think ... my people can buuuut, I haven't seen it in action."
"Awww." Purity huffed like a child, grumbling quietly before folding her arms. "So ... Groolks are still cool?"
"They could be." He nodded with a gentle smile.
"Huh." She turned towards me and walked over. "I really wished we learned the other folks, brother. Our own folk doesn't like us to learn about them." She frowned, standing next to me. She really remembers when we were back in the colony. Does that mean she has the mental mind of a child? Possibly ... below ten years of age.
"Well, that's the Eastern Feaolk Colony for you," I said quietly.
"I think this won't be hard after all," Tyler said, looking content. "I suppose you two have introduced yourselves already." He shared a glance between Carla and Winter.
"Yeah! Hanging out with her is the BEST." Carla chirped. "I can talk anything about folks to her and she will come running to me, asking me for some more!"
"I'd say she's another copy of Carla." Winter groaned with annoyance. "But at least she doesn't share traits with that fake purity." She dropped the annoyed look.
"Does the snowy girl doesn't like me?" Purity frowned with hurt in her expression.
"Snowy girl--- I mean, you do look like one." Tyler chuckled at Winter who shot him a glare.
"Winter is ... different. She has trouble ... handling her emotions. Don't worry, if she did really hate you then ... she would have said something about it." Carla told her. "Besides, she compared you to me, which means, she can handle you since she handled me before."
"But handling the two people who are the same thing all at once is gonna get on my nerves," Winter grunted.
"At least you're being a good friend about it by saying nothing at all." Carla rolled her eyes. I stayed quiet, allowing the old members of this old group to talk. Will that trigger an instinct in their minds that they forget I'm even here? Like they always do back in the wilderness?
"This brings me back to the wilderness where we were never dealing with any of these problems," Tyler said, smiling softly before dropping it. "But now, we're in a colony where we must get out."
Carla blinked with alarm as Winter gazed over at him, raising her brows. "Why?" Carla asked. "There are good people in this colony."
"No. There isn't." Tyler gazed up at her with a discontent look. "There is a reason why I avoided this colony in the first place. Winter and I ventured out to check out the colony in the Tall Hike Forest, this one standing in mid-air sight. There was something wrong with all of it and one of the leaders we've seen was not it. She ... she was wicked if I ever saw the last bits of her."
"... Two years ago since we last stood in this colony, huh?" Winter asked.
"Yes, it has been." Tyler nodded before turning to us. "That is why we have to go once I'm healed. We have to take some supplies and leave."
I gazed over at Carla who looked at me with a worried look. "... I don't ... I don't think we can do that, Tyler. I'm sure, Winter is willing to follow you to the end of the earth. But ... I don't think me, Purity and Castit can do that." She said, looking back over at him.
"Don't tell me you fallen for this colony," Tyler said, narrowing his eyes. "I'm telling you there's danger in this colony!"
"Haven't I told you the things about a new group that I formed?" I asked.
"Oh. That one. Well, I'm sure you can say goodbye to them, Castit. We five are sticking together, no matter what." Tyler turned to glare at me. Which is a first coming from him.
I shook my head, "No. I'm not going. I'm not going back to the place where I hid my emotions from you guys."
"... What?" Carla looked over at me with a confused look.
"What ... what are you talking about?" Tyler asked, confused as well.
"If Tyler says so, then why are you disobeying him?" Winter asked, giving me a glare. "We weren't staying with that group if we found Tyler. And since we did, we might as well listen to him. He is still our old group leader."
"You don't have to." I pointed at her. "You can go with him if you like since you're not training with that demon anymore."
"... What demon?!" Tyler turned his gaze at her as she blinked at him. "A demon forced me to keep his secret safe and never tell anyone. In ... exchange for training from him." She told him.
"What did I tell you?! There is something wrong with this colony!" Tyler hissed as I could see his emotions rising all at once. I raised my brow, realizing there is something wrong here. Tyler doesn't get upset like this, usually, he is quiet and tends to avoid us so he won't lash his anger out at us. He is usually disappointed rather than mad. "We have to leave once I'm done healing. We all have to leave!" Tyler continued to say with an annoyed expression.
"... Castit ... you're thinking what I'm thinking, aren't you?" Winter asked me, turning her gaze at me.
"... That something changed our Tyler?" I asked, looking over at her.
"Along those lines, yeah." She nodded, turning over to Tyler.
"... What do you mean?" Tyler looked at us confused.
"Weren't you excited to visit this colony before?" I asked, walking over to him and halting when I neared. "When we stopped to take a break in the Tall Hike Forest, Carla came back with news saying that there is a colony nearby and we were all, of course, quick to judge but as we discussed together. You were looking forward to if this colony was a good one to settle in for a while until we have to move on to find ... me, Purity's, and Carla's mother. So ... the next day ... you took Winter with you to scout the colony on your own and by late afternoon or ... at least it was still daylight, you came back and said that we have to go immediately away from the colony. You were ... oddly ... unlike yourself at the moment. Winter, do you remember if you saw anything out of place in the colony or strange?" I turned my gaze over at her.
"No." Winter shook her head. "Looked like the other colonies, only except ... Aloe ... the one we met was asking us odd questions. Questions that dealt with her family. I don't remember what she was asking specifically but it made Tyler immediately want to get out of here."
"I was protective of you guys! She ... She ... I don't know." Tyler shouted before lowering his voice lowly. "... I... really don't know."
"This is strange... is Aloe near us?" Carla asked me.
"Better not be." Winter hissed.
"She is not. I'm not feeling the pain in my throat." I told her. Yes ... a couple of days ago after the one we freed my sister, I told them about my throat problem since they wanted to know. Since ... I threw up blood in front of them. I'm not so sure why I'm calling it a problem, it's enchanted by Aloe herself. But it seems like they already knew with the help of Neptune.
"Okay ... so she's away at the moment," Carla mumbled quietly, folding her arms. She sighed and turned towards Tyler. "Tyler, before we go ... do you want to meet the new faces of our group?"
"Why?" Tyler asked.
"So ... you know the ones that have been taking care of us," Carla answered, smiling.
Tyler narrowed his eyes before sighing, "Alright. I guess ... when I'm out of here, I can go see them. But afterwards, we're finding supplies and leaving here."
Carla nodded before walking over to me. She whispered quietly to me, "We're not."
I gave her a dull, "You have a plan, don't you?"
"Well duh, silly." She grinned widely. "I'll tell you later about it." She turned over to Tyler and gave him a big smile. "Why don't we talk about what happened when you were gone?"
Tyler nodded his head slowly, "Good idea. Anyone wanna start?"
"I will!" Carla volunteered, walking back to her spot.
Well ... this'll be interesting to share. But what else will be interesting is the plan she will tell me.
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- End of Chapter 30
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