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_ Purity _
I gasped awake as I quickly rushed to get on my feet, only to wince and fall back on my back. I realized I was back in my humanoid form as I bit my lip. I groaned with annoyance and glanced up at the ceiling. I grumbled quietly, assuming I got captured by the humis. I slowly sat up, being careful this time before taking a look around. I froze, staring wide-eyed at a figure who sat on the opposite side of me.
The figure appeared to be a man with medium-sized black horns positioned on top of his head, particularly covered by his dark maroon hair. His yellow-orange mixed eyes shine with the candle in his hands, having a spooked expression. I spotted wings behind him, looking smaller than usual as I assumed he couldn't fly. But my next thought was that he was one of those wicked creatures. Instantly, I became wary of this man before I continued to take in the view of my surroundings.
I was in a bed, on the floor with a sheet covering me. I checked myself, seeing that I had bandages where bullets hit me. Wait. I blinked in realization before slowly looking back over to the man, asking, "... Did you ... treat me...?" We're ... strangers, how could you treat someone like me?
The man lifted his head up slightly from being close to his shoulders, looking down at my bandages before glancing back up at me, and nodding.
I looked slightly relieved before becoming wary once more of his presence. "... Uh ... Who are you, if I may ask?"
He turned over to a book that was stationed next to him. He picked it up, opened it, and wrote something in it before getting up and walking over to me. He crouched down as I leaned away, squinting my eyes at the name he wrote, "Sutato."
I slowly nodded my head as he pulled the book away from me, he wrote something else in it as he showed it to me a few seconds later, "... You okay after attacking the rabbits on accident? Or ... purpose ... I think, you were too hurt and scared to tell if they were rabbits or not."
I blinked my eyes in confusion, staring at him. "Rabbits? I don't understand, I didn't see any rabbits. There were humis all around me!"
He tilted his head, looking a little confused before writing his book to show me, "What's ... hume?"
"... You don't know what humis are?" I asked him, looking shocked. He shook his head, lowering his book to the floor. I sighed quietly, slowly nodding, "Well ... humis are humans in human terms. In our terms, we call them humis."
He nodded his head, spotting realization appearing on his face. He poked his own chin with his pencil before turning over to the entrance. He looked back at me and lifted up his book to write something else. He then showed me it, "Do you have somewhere else to go?"
"Well ... I do but why should I tell you? You could be someone who is waiting for the moment to kill me." I said, glaring at him.
He gave me this "really" look before getting up and walking back over to his side. I blinked at him as a question popped into my head, "Wait- Why don't you speak with your mouth instead of writing in your book? It'll be easier than that."
He turned towards me and pointed his pencil at his neck before making an invisible line across it. I frowned, looking down, "Oh ... that's why." He sat down on his bed and crossed his legs, setting the book down and the pencil.
I gripped the sheets tightly, looking over at the entrance of the room. I guess ... I will stick with this man for now. After my wounds are healed, I will go after the group that said to meet near the vined forest. I nodded my head to myself. Perfect idea.
I blinked, realizing I forgot about something. I turned over to the man- Sutato, I mean... but ... eh ... I don't know if I should trust what he says. He already told me that he doesn't speak because of his throat, but I don't see a scar there. So ... is he lying about it? Since we were strangers, that would be the smart move to do in this situation. I gripped the sheets tightly once more, speaking the next, "I am Purity. That is my name if ... you wanted to know." You probably didn't even want to know my name since you didn't ask for mine. But it's always ... good to be polite.
I saw him lift his head up over at me, nodding his head before going back to read what was in his book. I narrowed my eyes, turning towards the entrance of the shack. I think that's what this building is called. But the question begs ... Why is he living in one if he's one of those creatures?
I flinched at the object landing right next to me, immediately glaring at it before realizing it was an apple. I glanced up at him as he held another apple in his hand. He tilted his head before turning over to it and taking a bite out of it. I slowly grabbed the apple, staring at it before looking back up at him, "... You didn't poison this apple, right?"
He slowly turned towards me as he halted eating. He gave me another one of those "really" looks before going back to eating his apple. I narrowed my eyes and glanced down at the apple once more before taking a bite out of it. Time to take a risk and see if it's not poison. It tasted sweet more than poison, but then again the poison must be hidden inside of it. I lowered my hand with it and waited for a while, seeing if the poisons would take effect.
When I didn't feel anything different about myself, I continued to eat the apple, knowing that it wasn't poisoned. Maybe I am overthinking things too much on this man. But I still don't trust him. I don't know why ... is it ... the appearance he is from the tales I've been told? I slowly turned my head over to him, gazing at his horns and wings, shivering slightly. I think it is. I turned back to my apple, finishing it up. Once I did so, I set it aside and turned towards him. Time to ask some questions about him if he's one of them then.
He slowly looked over at me, tilting his head slightly with a raised brow. "I have a few questions to ask about you. ... You don't mind if ... I ask them right?" I asked, looking as innocently as I could.
He narrowed his eyes, grabbing his book and setting his apple down on the bed. He stood up and walked over to me, sitting down. He wrote in his book before showing it to me, "You assumed that I would be a creature to kill you, twice. Why do you want to learn about me?"
I looked away from him before darting my gaze at him, "I'm sorry ... sometimes I can't trust people out here other than my own. If ... I do get to know you, maybe ... I can trust you?"
He narrowed his eyes once more, writing in his book before showing to me a few seconds later, "Perhaps that is a point, but even if we do learn one another, we will have to depart from one another soon."
Right ... as I am leaving after my wounds are healed. But ... learning a new folk can't be too bad. I shrugged, "However, greeting new folks is good, you know. So ... would you allow me to ask?"
He tilted his head to the side before straightening it and nodded before pointing at me. He soon wrote in his book and showed it, "As long as I get to ask about you too. It'll be fair if it was written like this."
"Deal." I nodded. He set his book down and waited for my question, letting me go first, "What type of folk you are?"
He tilted his head, confused at the question. I blinked and shook my head, "... Nevermind about that one ... uh, actually- I should be asking ... what type of shifter are you? A two-legged shifter or a four-legged shifter?" He looked even more confused after that one.
"... You don't know that one either?!" I looked shocked at him. Maybe I should have asked how long he's been out here first. He shook his head as I sighed quietly. "Well ... two-legged shifter is me who born as what we are. Four-legged shifters are animal shifters who can sometimes talk ... but most cannot."
He widened his eyes and held his pencil up as I looked over at him with raised brows. He lifted up his book and wrote in it before showing it to me, "I remember now! Uh, I am a two-legged shifter. I think. I don't know."
I nodded my head, "Well, you may look like one then. What about the type of folk you are?" He shook his head, frowning. I frowned, "Well ... I guess that doesn't matter right now." He doesn't know what he is ... which ... could lead to him not knowing he's one of those foul creatures. But at the same time, he doesn't behave like one. Buuuut, he could be lying about his responses about himself. Just like how he is with his voice. I bet he can speak, he just doesn't want to.
I glanced back over at him when he tapped the page with his pencil, spotting a new sentence from him, "I ... I have a question about earlier. Why did you transform into this humanoid form instead of staying in that small dragon form of yours?"
"Oh. When you fully knocked a folk out or if they passed out from serious issues within themselves, then they automatically transform back into their true forms." I explained. It's always like this and if there were wounds in the previous forms then they will get carried over to our true forms- but less painful than before. It doesn't work if the folk is asleep.
He tilted his head as I assumed he doesn't know what "true forms" is at all. I crossed my arms, staring at him intensely. I'm starting to think this man doesn't know anything at all and just pretend like there's no such war going on right now. That's maybe for the reasonings of his presence. "True forms are forms where the folk is born in--- it is also a form where we have a deep connection with the souls we have in our bodies. Will be no such thing as one folk having two true forms; it would be confusing from there on out. Also- when you are in your true form, you feel much more powerful than your other forms." I explained. I remembered the words that my mother said as I rephrase them in my own way.
He slowly nodded, tapping his book quietly before writing something in it. I kind of wish he would drop the act and just speak already. Writing back and forth is tiring, along with having to wait for what you wrote as well. This is why speaking is much better than this. He showed me the next question he had, "What if you don't have a true form?"
"I'm sure you do." I snorted. "Everyone has a true form, it's how we live forward." I don't believe such lies.
He frowned, looking like he disliked that snort, and wrote whatever in his book, before showing me, "But, I don't feel that deep connection in this form or in any of the forms I made."
"... Well, that's maybe because you're not in it," I said. "You have to be in a true form to feel the connection and none of your other forms have that type of connection."
He stared at me for a really long time as I assumed he didn't get it at all. I sighed quietly, hating to explain this over again. You should have known this from the very start, instead, you're just questioning like an idiot. He gave me a deadpan expression before turning his book to him and beginning to write something in it. Don't tell me you'll ask again on the topic- because I'm done with you on it.
He showed me it, "Why do you refer "folk" as magmataurs?"
I stared at the word for a very long time, puzzled to the core before realizing what he was trying to write. "The Folks are not that disgusting word!" I hissed at him as he leaned away from me. "We all are not the same! Each of us is different from one another- why call us something that doesn't even group us properly?!"
He slowly nodded, looking a little guilty. He wrote something else in his book and showed me on the other page, "Then ... why are you and your people called "folk?""
"It's how we are called," I answered. "We call each other that with our species name- race as ... Carla usually calls it. The Folks refer to all of us as there are subgroups that split us into three separate groups." I held up three fingers before putting my hand down. "Animalic Folks- weak and lesser if you ask me. Elemental Folks- who are stronger than them and ... Mythic Folks are ... strange beings. I don't know much about them. But anyway, we all call each other folk for the sakes of it."
He slowly nodded again before turning quickly at the entrance. He got up to his feet and rushed over to it, exiting the shack. I blinked at his sudden departure as I was confused. I slowly shrugged before turning away from the entrance and down at the finished apple. There was a debate in my mind on whether to invite him to the group or not. Though the more I think about it, the more I think this man would be useless to the group. Possibly the same level as my brother.
But that's because I don't know his quantities yet. I slowly glanced back over at the entrance, thinking of something. I looked over at his stuff, staring at the bag that was at the edge of his bed. Perhaps ... I could find out more about him if I just borrow some things- and maybe for the group too.
... Yeah, tonight I will.
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The light of the sun began to fade away as darkness was upon us, signaling us that night was here. The man was asleep as I lay there with my back facing him, staring wide-eyed at the walls of the shack. The shack wasn't too big, maybe a bit too small, however, I don't know why a shack would be built in the middle of a vined forest. I would think that it was once owned by a humi rather than the folks. I sighed, shutting my eyes for a moment before opening them again. I sat up and turned my head over to the bag, lying near the foot of the man. It was lying in plain sight as I could easily snatch it with ease.
I grinned quietly before dropping the expression and getting to my feet quietly. I stood up and snuck over, grabbing the bag once I was near. I lifted it up carefully and walked back over to my spot, sitting down quietly. I set it down on the left side of the bed as I quietly opened it up. I widened my eyes at the things he had: A whole lot of medicine and other small tools, as well as that book that seems old when I look closer at it.
Now ... taking these things would be hard. I turned over to the book, grabbing and opening it up to the first page. I narrowed my eyes and was disgusted at the messy handwriting. Well, nice to see he's horrible at writing ... but somehow, I can understand some of it. The text read:
"January 20th, 2050 -
One of the scientists allowed me a journal to write in whenever I was bored of sitting alone in the room. She was so nice to me than the others. I wonder why she's so nice and the other scientists are not. They're always cruel and poking me with harmful sticks. Should I example-
No, this is my journal, no one will read it, right?"
Oh ... it was a journal... not a book. They're the same thing so why not say the proper one? The proper one? Well, "book" is the proper one, not "journal." Anyway, the rest of this page and the next ones are about his life in some white room. Saying that some "scientists" are mean to him and whatnot. I don't even know what a scientist is. He stated that there was his favourite scientist he loves whenever she comes into the white room. She is the only one who gives him food, water, and anything he needed.
Is this some sort of prison he was raised in? If so, no wonder why he can't properly communicate. But he can write ... well for an adult.
I flipped to the last page of his life in the white room:
"February 1st, 2050 -
They ... they made me kill her ... the other scientists. They didn't like how she and I were bonding as friends so ... so ... they took me into this black room ... filled with blood stains.
The next, I could see her tied up in the chair with tears streaming down her face. They rip the mouth thingy off of her mouth as she shouted at one of them. The mean scientists told me to kill her as they told me she was removing all of the "good" strength that was once in me before. I didn't want to so I backed away until everything went black.
The next thing I know, I was back in the white room. I stared down at my surroundings, wondering where the nice scientist go until I saw my hands. They were stained with red as another wall of blackness came through. I think I screamed so loudly that I just started to lose it.
I think I was tired of living in this prison that kept poking me with harming sticks, giving me cruel tests, and even killing other creatures in the black room.
So, when the mean scientists came out, I killed them, unconsciously. I didn't mean to kill them but I wasn't myself anymore. I think I killed a lot more scientists and possibly innocent ... people that didn't deserve death upon their doorstep ...
I didn't mean to kill them.
I didn't...
I ...
I didn't mean to!"
That was repeated over and over again for the rest of the page and the next two ones. Up until it continued back on track on the third page.
"I'm alone again in the wilderness.
Some weird-looking creature came to me and helped me up. They gave me the necessary things that I needed to survive. But when the night was upon, I think I had a nightmare and when the creature came over, I killed them. I thought they were the mean scientists that were here to take me away but they weren't. They said something but I just kept saying sorry over and over, hoping that they'll forgive me after death.
I don't want to be seen as a bad person. or ... a monster the mean scientists call me. I don't want anyone to see me like that.
I ..."
And it cuts off from there. I slowly put the book down and placed my hands in my lap, glancing up at the shack walls. I ... don't know ... if I should have read that. It felt like I was reading some horror story about some guy trapped- I widened my eyes, remembering my mother telling me that the folks- some of them are captured and used as experiments for the humis. I slowly looked over at the man, terror appeared on my face before I returned to the book.
Well, that changes everything. These ... humis are scientists and they hurt and torture the folks. Especially when he received most of the damage. I frowned, closing the book and placing it back into his bag. I stared down at the medicine, hesitating to take some. I feel bad for trying to take his stuff without his permission but ... at the same time, he should have known we aren't gonna act all smart like he is. At least I think he views himself as a smartass. Just because he has a horrible past of being tortured, doesn't mean he can act so ... stupid in certain situations- such as learning about The Folks.
I closed his bag and placed it back where it was as I went back to my spot and lay down. I covered myself with the sheets before staring up at the ceiling. My aunt always told me to ignore the weak and move on to the next, take everything I need, and leave them behind. The weak will just slow down the folks and fail everyone.
I should have done that to my brother. Never mind about asking the man to join the group. But ... I do want to have my ways of taking his things still. They would be a lot useful to us instead of whatever he needs them for. Maybe I could find some of my group and ask for their help. I slowly nodded and closed my eyes.
Yes ... that should do for now.
I heard birds chirping, as well as odd fluffy things near me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over to my right, spotting a rabbit that was up to my face, sniffing at it. I immediately jerk back and sat up, glaring down at it. The rabbit hop back, startled by my reaction. I narrowed my eyes and turned over to the other rabbits that were hopping over to me from the entrance. I widened my eyes, confused as to why there were rabbits in the shack now. I blinked and looked over at the man's bed, noticing he was gone. His bag was there so, that is good.
I glanced down at the rabbits, hearing them squeak to each other before glancing up at me. I looked a little weirded out, wondering if these were Rabolks, rather than normal rabbits. "A-Are you okay, shifter?" The one that was near my face spoke.
I widened my eyes, soon nodding my head slowly. They are Rabolks. "I am fine."
The other rabbits spoke, nodding their heads. "I knew something was wrong when you started to attack our kind all of a sudden." The first rabbit spoke, drooping its ears.
"... I did not," I said, looking confused. "I did not- I don't remember..." Wait ... The man told me I accidentally attack some rabbits ... Did I really attack rabbits and not humis?
"We didn't know to trust you in our forest or not, but some of us knew you were scared and in pain when humis attacked you from outside of the forest. So we asked, Sutato to treat you here." The light brown rabbit spoke, lifting up its ears. "And it looks like you're all right!" ... They ... they were the folks who were watching me run through the forest? So many in one place? What is going on?
"Did you have other members in a group?" A smaller black rabbit asked suddenly.
I turned over to the smaller black rabbit, slowly nodding my head, "I did ... and what is this ... "our forest?" thing you talk about?" I don't believe a bunch of Rabolks can take over an entire forest on their own. They have no powers, to begin with!
"We are Nature Elementals, shifter. The Vined Forest is one of our custom forests we rule over in the Oakine Forest." The light brown rabbit spoke, looking large enough to be the leader of the two. Wait ... Nature Elementals?! The two chirped and bounced with green dust appearing all around them as vines grown on their ears.
"Yes! We are Nature Elementals!" The two stopped when the large rabbit was giving them a stern look.
Oh ... oh ... so they do- but them- well ... it kind of makes sense. You see, Nature Elementals control nature with their mind, making them protectors of just any type of nature. Though most usually protect forests instead of other biomes. This ... starting to sound like a history lesson that I was told by Carla years ago. She believes that there used to be many elementals all around, shaping the planet we are living on to this day. I don't believe her beliefs, I only believe in the three Gods that brought us here. That is what my aunt told me a long time ago.
So, seeing Nature Elementals is a blessing. Got told by my aunt once again that you'll get good luck in finding someone willing to become a partner for you. "That's ... amazing," I said, widening my eyes slightly.
"I suppose you never saw us." The leader rabbit spoke, nodding its head.
"Never in my life once." I smiled.
"Does ... a giant lioness and a ... Icolk belong to you?" The small brown rabbit asked. I turned my head over at it, widening my eyes further.
"Yes! Those two are a part of my group! Where are they?!" I asked.
"We told them to lay still in our forest, they are near the outskirts of this forest." The leader rabbit answered.
"I got to meet them! I need to see if they're alright!" I said, quickly getting to my feet. I winced slightly, standing up as I sighed quietly.
"I ...- Alright, let's go. Let's show her to the two."
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I stepped into the tall grass, exiting the shack as I was following the three rabbits. I glanced around, looking at the environment as it was beautiful as ever. I spotted vines on the trees as they had flowers blossoming on their stern. I smiled softly before flinching from the sound of wings beating above my head. I quickly turned my head over to the humanoid landing on the ground to the left of me.
There is he. The man returned as his wings were huge I widened my eyes. I watched them shrink down, hiding behind his back as I looked shocked. I ... wow, I didn't know they can do that. The man stared at me with a hostile look, giving me a glare before turning and walking into the shack. I glared right back at him, What's his problem?!
I shook my head and turned it to the rabbits that were calling for me. I followed as we trek through the forest, spotting some rabbits that were watching us from brushes. You know what, I'd like to know how many there are. I slowly nodded to myself. Back to the way, the man glared at me. Did he know I looked through his stuff? Was ... Was he just testing me if I would just trust him right away?! That fool! You know what, how dare you to do such a thing against me?!
I shook my head slightly, I'm definitely getting you back for revenge. You don't do that shit to strangers.
We reached a shield of vines which confused me for a moment. I looked down at the larger rabbit that climbed onto the shield, using the vines to lift itself up. It turned towards me, "Don't mind the shield, the ... two didn't want us watching them. I can tell they don't talk nicely to strangers. You may enter, I'll leave the entrance open if you guys need anything."
I nodded my head as the vines created a doorway and I saw lioness paws from afar. I smiled widely and entered through, bolting over to the two who spotted me. "PURITY!" The lioness roared, rushing over to me as she pounced on me.
"Sorry." Carla smiled nervously, getting off of me as she nudged me up gently. I used her to get up to my feet as I turned over to Winter who shook her head.
"Nice to see you too, Winter," I said.
"Who treated you for the last couple of days?" Winter asked coldly, crossing her arms. I could tell the presence of the rabbits didn't relax her trust issues. I widened my eyes. A couple of days? It's ... been that long since ... then?
"A strange ... man," I answered, looking surprised. Wait ... if it's been that long then ... he ... oh god. Maybe doing this plan is the right thing to do.
"Strange? What he was like?" Carla asked, perking her ears. Winter narrowed her eyes, becoming more colder than the second.
"Someone who pretended to be a fool," I whispered, keeping my voice low as I looked hurt. The Nature Elementals know that man ... and they will tell him if I say something bad out loud, so ... I will keep this between us. "Someone who lied about his whole character. Thought to be a friendly man but he was a danger. A danger to me. He harmed me last night when I was asleep."
Winter widened her eyes as Carla gasped, "What?!" Only Winter said that as her gaze turned into a glare, "How-"
"The Rabolks rescued me from his hands," I whispered, cutting her off and giving her a sign to lower her voice.
"That- that man should be out of these forests! Was it a humi?!" Carla asked in a whisper, looking angry with her ears pinned against her head.
"No. He wasn't, wish he was so I can take revenge." I grumbled quietly. Or maybe I could.
"Doesn't matter if he was a humi or not," Winter whispered coldly, looking down at the ground. "We are supposed to wait for Tyler to come here ... maybe..." She glanced back at me, "Maybe paying this man a visit won't hurt the time for him to get here."
"What about Castit?" Carla asked, confusion mixing in her rage.
"Since Tyler isn't here, he's out of the group." Winter declared, glaring at the lioness. I widened my eyes a little before telling myself that, it was going to happen one way or the other. But ... if he's out of the group, then- if I find mother before him ... he won't be here when she sees him. Maybe ... just maybe, it's for the best. It's time for me to become a person who doesn't rely on the weak.
"But he was useful when he was scouting our previous camps!" Carla protested, looking shocked.
"Scouting? More like useless work he has done." Winter sneered, turning her gaze at me. "Do you agree with my decision?"
I nodded my head, "Yes. It's about time he learns this is the real world, not a lazy one."
"... You sure, Purity?" Carla asked, looking a little concerned.
"I am sure." I nodded to her. I'm sorry, Carla. I know how much you liked him, but right now ... he needs to learn the hard way. That's the only way he will change.
Carla drooped her ears before nodding her head slowly as her tail was low to the ground. "So ... when are we visiting this guy?"
"When it is nighttime. It'll be the perfect moment." Winter whispered. I nodded my head as I held back a grin. I watched her turn her head behind her and all around the place, making me confused. "What is it?" I asked.
"... Someone is watching us." She whispered.
"It may be the rabbits who are watching us," I said before turning over to Carla who looked unsure and hesitant at the same time. She shook her head and turned away, walking over to the wall of the vine shields, lying down beside it. I tilted my head and walked over to her, "What's wrong, Carla?"
"... I'll miss Castit for when we do this idea." She mumbled, looking up at me with her ears flatten. "I miss arguing with him ... and ... hearing him rant about things ... in the past."
"Rant? About what?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her. What has he been talking about behind my back?
Carla avoided my gaze, "He ... doesn't want anyone but me to tell."
"Then it must be useless then. Don't worry, the group will be better off without him anyway." I said, giving her a soft smile. She didn't respond after that as I turned and walked over to Winter.
I hope you will regret what you have done, fool.
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- End of Chapter 2
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