Zagan’s POV:
August 30th, 2315
I was called into the department of defense early in the morning for a surprise meeting. I was not told anything about the purpose of the meeting, only that I was not to tell anyone. This annoyed me, as I had just started my shore leave after over a year patrolling the galaxy. When I walked inside, I was directed towards a nearby meeting room. Inside, there were about 30 people. Some were generals, some were politicians, and there were a few with no major occupations I could see. They told me to sit on a chair at the head of the table and pressed a button. A map of the galaxy appeared in the center. It looked normal, except for the outer rim which had several red dots. Each growing in size, and slowly heading towards the edge of the outer rim.
“As you can see, we have a situation here.” One of the generals said. “All the spots represent one of the attacks.” I raised my eyebrow. “Attacks?” One of the senators turned toward me. “Wrecks, dead bodies, communication failures, that sort of thing.” She handed me a chip across the table. “So what do you need me for? Their likely just larger groups of pirates that are getting more confident.” The senators shared a glance. “These aren’t just pirates, Zagan. These are purposeful attacks with no seeming goal in mind. When we searched the wreck, we found that nothing was stolen.” The senator said.
“Attacks by who?” I responded. “We don’t know.” The senator replied. “All the info we have on these events are in the chip I just gave you.” I plugged it into my tablet in opened one of the files which was marked “Wreckage.” After clicking one of the pictures, I immediately regretted it. The picture showed about three corpses, each with several limbs missing, bleeding out on the floor with the word ”HUNTED” written in blood on the wall above them. “What the hell?!” I questioned. “We don’t know.” One of the other senators replied. “All the other wrecks have scenes like that one.”
I put my tablet down. “So what do you need me to do?” One of the others shut off The map in the center of the room, and switched it to a map of a space station. “This is the space station Zargos. It is in the area closest to the attacks, and we believe it might be the next target. I need to get your crew together, and help defend the area, from potential future attacks.” I nodded. “It will be done.” I said confidently. As I left, I began cancelling all my plans for my shore leave, as I arrived at the spaceport.
My crew was already waiting for me there, as they had apparently already been informed of this previously unscheduled trip before me. My ship, the Zaganot was already being loaded with supplies for the journey, and the space station as we boarded. At the bridge, I took my seat and prepared the course towards Zargos. The last supplies were set in place, and we slowly lifted off, and left the atmosphere. After finishing the final preparations, we sped off into light speed, and I shared some of the new info I had gotten with my crew.