The Zaganot plowed into the station's living quarters, causing several hundred people to be sucked out into space. We were all knocked out of our seat, as the entire front part of the ship was dented inwards, since the shields were already down due to the power loss. I and Jinola struggled to our feet and ordered the remaining crew to start heading towards the escape pod, and soon went to join them. Seconds after we had left, the entire bridge was blown up. As we rushed towards the pods, we heard several explosions coming from the direction of the engine room. We soon entered the escape pods, small round ships with smaller engines, room for about 5 people, and a few windows dotting the room, and set off.
Along with me and Jinola, we had two flashtroopers and an engineer. We slowly headed back towards the docking bay of the Zargos, before hearing an explosion behind us. As we turned back, we saw the Zaganot with a large explosion coming from the engine room area. When it simmered down, the Zaganot slowly drifted through space. I watched the ship I had captained almost my entire career, I simply looked away from the others. Coming from behind my destroyed ship, 10 ships flew towards us, similar to the ones The hunter had arrived in and started firing at the other pods.
The area around us was lit up by explosions, as the other pods were destroyed. Our pod, along with 8 others were able to make it to the docking bay, and land. At that point, the emergency power had finally been activated, and we were let in. the ships continued firing as the bay door closed behind us. As we exited the pods, we saw the hunter's ships fly pass the bay window. We did a head count and found that 10 Flashtroopers, 12 engineers, 2 cooks, 11 fighter pilots, and 5 technicians had survived, with the rest being destroyed by the hunters.
The inside of the station was complete chaos. Most of the living quarters had been smashed up and bent inwards. Over 110 people had been sucked out into space before they were able to close the airlock. Along with the 10 Flashtroopers, there were also 15 who were still on the station. The station was eventually put on lockdown, and a distress call was quickly sent out soon after. The surviving Flashtroopers, Nikai, Me, Jinola, Zita and Darvos gathered in the war room soon after.
The war room was an area in the station unknown to most of its residents. It was created in case any space station was required for any operations the federation may formulate into the outer rim. From the room, we could see cameras throughout the station, the radar of the entire area, send out shield, scanning, and surveillance droids. From there, we saw on the radar as the ten ships continued circling the station. The scanning droids were sent out and scanned the entire area, sending us back a continuously updated map.
For the next few hours, we watched the ten ships continued to circle the entire station for the entire time. Suddenly, all of the probes were destroyed, and the entire station was rocked by explosions. The ships soon disappeared from our cameras. The Flashtroopers were immediately sent out to the areas of the explosion to investigate, and keep order. The rest of us remained in the war room while Darvos eventually left to join them. By that point, the distress signal had been answered, and the federation sent part of their outer rim fleet over to bring us aid, in the event of an upcoming attack.
Darvos’s POV:
I went with one of the squads to investigate the nearest explosion area, in the cafeteria. The cooks, and other patrons were already stumbling out, but a few of them told me that some were trapped in the kitchen, as the door was jammed by the explosion. While some of the Flashtroopers helped the injured to the medbay, we continued forward towards the kitchen, where we used smaller explosives to blast the door open into a grisly sight.
They were all dead, all of them. Several had missing limbs, heralds, and bits of flesh. As was customary in these attacks, the word “HUNTED” was written in blood over the pile of corpses. In total, there was about 20 of them on the ground. Knowing that there was another docking bay out back to bring in food supplies, we headed there soon after. Stepping over the corpse of Zahan as we went. Remembering her earlier promise, I wondered what she would have told me about the device. We called the other Flashtroopers to pick up the bodies, and went back towards the docking bay.