I stumbled to my feet, my ears already ringing. I saw most of the other around me lying unmoving. unconscious perhaps, maybe even dead. Grabbing one of the pistols I found on the ground and began searching for our attackers. In the corner of my eye, I spotted several figures approaching me to my left. I backed up behind some rubble and was joined by Zagan and Jinola. The hunters moved slowly and carefully throughout the I glanced at the others, horrified as the hunters closed in on our positions, guns at the ready. I raised my laser pistol, and the others did the same.
As the first hunter arrived and began to move around to where we were hiding, Zagan spun around, and fired once, hitting his leg and dropping him to the ground, near me. I spun around soon after and fired into his head. A few of the hunters spun around in our direction and started moving towards us. The others moved to flank them from the right and moved to the left. in all, there were four hunters moving in our direction, with ten more continuing to search the rest of the room. Glancing out from my hiding spot, I saw Nikai was still breathing, although heavily injured.
As I was briefly distracted by this, the pillar I was hiding behind was hit by a blast. One of the hunters had spotted me! Before they could continue their attack, the others started firing at them, and I did the same. The other hunters turned their attention towards us as well. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jinola preparing a grenade. I quickly ducked out of the blast zone, as it exploded, quickly taking out the remaining hunters in the room, except for one, who had also noticed the wounded Nikai, and shot her in the head.
Before I could do anything, Zangar fired at him and killing him. Still not knowing how many hunters are still on the station, we could only mourn Nikai for a brief moment before having to keep moving. There were screams coming from almost every direction. We started heading towards the chapel, in hopes to reunite with what remains of Darvos, the soldiers, and the survivors from the chapel, but since we had no way to find our way through the minefield, we were kind of stuck. Suddenly, we heard gunfire coming from another part of the station, and with nothing else to do, headed back to the war room
Zangar's POV:
I collapsed to the ground, a searing pain coming from the side of my head. Luckily, it had only grazed me, although, from Nake's screams, she clearly didn't recognize this. I lay there, completely blacked out for a few minutes, before I was able to regain my strength, but by then the battle was pretty much lost. I struggled to my feet and was hugged by an overjoyed Nake. Despite this, we were still surrounded and most of the soldiers were now dead. I picked up a weapon from the ground slowly, and the other survivors did the same.
We could still hear movement coming from around us, but the hunters were still not attacking us. I moved towards the nearest sound but was unable to find him. At that point, my head was beginning to feel woozy, and my head wound stung more and more as I kept going. Darvos finally called me back after noticing what was happening to me. After not being attacked for a few minutes, we had to move on, and people who were injured in the last two attacks were getting worse.
we moved towards the war room but was horrified to discover it to be destroyed, and Nikai dead, with a gunshot in her head. Several of the others who were still in the room were dead also, although we couldn't identify any of them. Suddenly, we heard some shouts from the other side. It was Zangar! Soon, we were joined by JInola, and Zita too! Now all in one room, we discovered that help was still at least an hour away at most, along with what had happeed on their end. SInce there was now no way to heal the wounded, we decided to head back to me and Nake's medbay, much to Darvos's chargin, as he found that the trek there would be more dangerous than it would be worth. However, after a long discussion, he finally conceded, and we began tk head out there