The medbay was only a few meters away, and we reached it mostly without incident. Since it was unable to be locked down, we shut the regular door and barricaded it with whatever we could find I patched myself, and others up with the new medical supplies from the room, and checked how long we still had until backup arrived. We still had just over an hour, and we still had no idea what the hunters were up too. Zakarune continued to check his cameras every other second. Darvos continued to keep order and organize his troops into a more efficient security force.
Zagan's POV:
I watched Darvos work his magic around the room in silence. While we waited, I contemplated the events of the past few days. 250 people, along with a couple of hundred Flashtroopers, and engineers brought down to just around 30 hiding in a medbay, hoping that rescue would arrive sooner rather than later, while still knowing that the threat of the hunters was still pushing across the galaxy, with no way of knowing how far they have gotten, or whether our message had been sent out at all, since the power had been cut, and we had no way of communicating with the outside world, as our emergency power slowly ticked down.
As the remaining emergency lights around us slowly began to flicker out, I watched the survivors grow increasingly panicked, just as I did. Thinking back, I don't even know why I was chosen for this Plan. Throughout my history, I had rarely done any ground missions, and the few that I did were quick and involved very little actual fighting, usually preferring to stay in the Zaganot, and bombing enemies, or sending other troops down to the ground. Why would they send me here I wonder? Perhaps they just underestimated the hunter's tech and naval power.
Jogging me out of my thoughts, several of the surrounding residents and troopers started crowding around a single computer terminal. I quickly got up and made my way over there to see what was going on. "what's going on?!" I questioned, trying to get my voice over the ongoing chatter. “We’re getting movement from just outside the station!” Jinola responded. I pushed all the way to the front of the crowd, and saw what everyone was talking about. A ship had just entered the system, and was moving towards the station. More panic came, and a shadow moved across the room, and we turned to the window to see that it had arrived.
3rd Person POV:
The ship pushed pass the station, and continued circling it, slowly bringing its weapons up, and ready. It pass by the area where the chapel was once, and fired once. Destroying an entire wall, and sending what remaining bodies, and injured survivors into the vacuum of space. Several hunter ships slowly moved out of the station, and entered the ship, as it continued firing its weapons at the station. When the final hunter transport entered the ship, it prepared its final weapons to fire at the station.
Before it could fire however, a Federation slowed from lightspeeed next to it, and started firing immediately. Within seconds, the ship, despite being heavily damaged started to fire back. The Federation ship sped forward, unleashing fighters to attack the hunter's ship while sending transports in the direction of the stations hangar bays, but the hunters were fast enough to destroy them before they could reach one of the landing bays and quickly launched several ships of their own, to return some of their troops to the station before continuing to battle.
Back in the medbay, the survivors have been watching these events with quiet horror, especially in the final moments when the hunters started to return. They quickly moved to secure the entrance, as there were sounds of movement still coming from outside. The door burst open, and gunfire erupted through the door frame, barely missing most of our troops, as they ducked for cover and returned fire, tossing a smoke grenade into the center of the room, seconds before the hunters began their charge inwards. They continued sniping them out from their hidden, and covered areas, until they were finally able to take out what appeared to be a small scouting team of 15 hunters, from which they, were able to get more weapons, and power chips from to re-arm themselves, before moving out of the room, still trying to establish contact with the Federation ship